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  • Issue 145 – Singletrack Kitchen: Gloriumptious Dahl
  • unklehomered
    Free Member

    Yeah, it was before hand it did the most use for me, didn’t want to let my mum see how upset I was, went out onto a hill, sat down had a cry – I was a little bit on my own and it made the world of difference to just being able to cope the rest of time.

    Immediatley after I found rainy rides were very good hiding the mid ride weeps.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I don’t know the seat post but is the air pressure right?

    Free Member

    My old man votes UKIP, which is not why I don’t, but I see it as a measure how right I am not to.

    Also, if we leave the EU after the referendum, who will they blame for our misfortunes then? the worst thing that could ever happen for UKIP, would be be leaving the EU.

    Free Member

    I think he had cancer of the fear and had it removed.

    But in all seriousness nice one fella, that’s gotta feel pretty good. You have earned a beer right there!

    Free Member

    I had this when the two sides got stuck at differnt angles, it is just a loose bit sat in a tapered cup so a soft bit of levering with a screw driver popped it out for me.

    Free Member

    The police man who had spoken to him also said that he tried to intimidate him on the phone too, not the best plan of action….

    Bless. 😀 😀 😀 😀

    Free Member

    use it as if it was an onion .

    this, at the beginning of soups, bolognese, chilli etc…

    Also use to eat humous or peanut butter. Or pin it to your lapel for extra style.

    Free Member

    I had a land rover sit behind me, patiently at a safe distance for half a mile rather than force his way past on windy lanes, even when the road straightened out they still waited as they were going to turn off in a couple of hundred yards.

    Free Member

    I’m confused. A bunch of pictures from one angle with one group of people all wearing pretty unique clothing, proves something when compared to a picture from a different angle of a different scene with different people in it?

    Free Member

    Awww… needs a hug.

    Free Member

    Yeah, not being offhand, but probably not possible to get over what I want to – Its just my overwhelming instinct to be honest. Final sentence rewritten as the “look forward to meeting you etc”. What’s in the back of my mind is if say, I got offered it, and turned it down, something I REALLY wanted may comes up in the future, and I’ve already made out I really want something then changed my mind.

    Free Member

    ‘Virtues’? Good Lord … 🙄

    I used to have the ‘values’ “Imagine, Solve, Lead, Build” – I got marked down for Values in my end year appraisal for pointing out these were verbs and it made no sense and if all they mean is do your job properly they should say that and spend less money having struggling drama students come round to explain the ‘values’ to me through the medium of mime (sadly NOT a joke, it really happened).

    Free Member

    . I might put one on my shed.

    I was thinking huge posters on every wall in the shed. 😈

    Free Member

    Laterally stiff, vertically compliant.

    much like myself. 🙂

    Free Member

    tbh, pretty much all of it.

    Free Member

    Done and shared. Will twit it later too.

    Free Member

    My husband’s best bike lives in the house. it is an expensive machine and lovingly cared for. In the winter he does bike repairs in the house (floor covered with old curtains etc so no mess). Most of the bikes live in the shed but sheds and garages are damper than houses. if the bikes have been out in the rain they come in the house to dry off first.
    You have to look after nice bikes if you want them to last.

    OK, who is pretending to be a reasonable woman on Mumsnet as a troll?

    Free Member

    Oh, does DW have another meaning on MN?

    Darling Wingebag? The reciprocal of DH ?

    Free Member

    We have just bought a bike shed, Asgard is the maker and made of metal, is the only shed guaranteed not breakable in to and will cover DH for insurance for his 1k baby bike.

    1k… someone’s been telling porky pies…

    Free Member

    Sounds like. Have you been able to tighten and fix the movement?

    Free Member

    No, it shouldn’t move, its deff the fork and not shot bearings in the wheel? As above check the tension, does the lever require a reassuringly firm pressure to lock? Sounds like its not tight enough.

    I weight 96kg and I use a normal spring on mine tbh. Best thing is to ride a bit and see how much travel you use.

    Free Member

    I don’t often wave a driver past, but will if its a narrow road and can see its clear/a good spot stop pedalling, stand, and tuck in a bit. For me this has often worked as a clear sign that I think now is a good time for you to pass if you want to.

    Also give the the thank you wave with the right hand, and a nod of the head by way of expressing appreciation for their consideration.

    As a driver there are often times I’m a bit over-cautious overtaking a cyclist, and sod’s law dictates its often on a blind turn, or a blind hill, or a combination of the two, when I come up behind them. Its awkward for both of us, they probably feel a bit of impotus to crack on but are knackered, I’m trying to go up a hill in 1st at 5mph in a large estate without accidentally revving alot.

    The friendly wave, thank you, hi etc can just relieve that and mean we both go about our day happily. Yes, Unklehomer tends to overthink things…

    Free Member

    year off isn’t it?

    Free Member

    This one, to me, looks just filthy. That may say more about me than it does the jumper…

    Free Member

    I thought that. seemed a bit critical.

    but I think its all wrong and bollox as mine wasn’t in the top three. 😆

    Free Member


    I miss those, you can’t get them in small yorkshire dales towns, one of the few downsides. 🙁

    Free Member

    Am I alone in really not giving a hoot about St George’s day? don’t have anything against it, just haven’t ever been able to get myself particularly excited for it.

    Free Member

    Just on my own on a ride – A bowl of branflakes with a banana and lots of milk, full fat as above.

    With mates/away on a trip – Beer and a burger.

    Free Member

    Well if nothing else we have a front runner for the Shittest Cycle Lane of the Year award…

    If your front door was by the manhole cover, as a cyclist I would assume you were not turning left at the junction but somepoint further on, especially if the front wheels were straight. I would have the brakes covered, but just due to stationary traffic and junction and always expecting someone to try and kill me…

    Free Member

    Now if sir would just like to stand with hand back to the stake while we band his hands and feet, I’ll have the porters fetch oil and kindling…

    Mirror before you do anything as above, that said I’ve been in slow moving traffic and been surprised when cyclists have suddenly filtered past me, and then sat thinking if turning left would I have looked again? probably, hope so, but if I’m honest, maybe not always. Both at fault IMO, learn from it, hope she does to.

    Had I been the cyclist I might have gone for a cheeky filter if the traffic was stationary and the car wheels weren’t turned to the left, but I would have slowed and been ready for something alarming.

    EDIT: sorry I missed that there was a cycle lane, typing and eating… – yes pretty much all on… your wife, as the driver of the car. Cyclist would be well advised to treat any car indicating left as a hazard liable to strike at any moment, but not obliged in any way to give way.

    Free Member

    see how your legs feel when you have the option half way round loop 1.

    This, the very very best bits are in loop 1, loop two can be hell on a very windy day, but it is nonetheless a great extension and should be done if possible. Machno remains one of my alltime favourite trails, and will be ruined if they ever put a cafe there. Stop in the village if you happen to catch anything open, a lovely little place that just seems dead. Very sad.

    Marin – has to be done, it was one of the very first trail centres, and should be ridden as much as a historic footnote to the rest of your riding as anything else. It complies with the fire road up, ST down mantra, with a disproportionate ratio of the first compared to the latter. But in amongst it all are some of the best sections in the UK. Just try to savour those, and not hold the rest of the trail against it.

    Free Member

    I recently built up my new Meta AM 1 by 9, to see how it was, before I bought the 10sp chainset, and I have now gone for the Zee 1 by 10, it will give me one lower gear, which will be nice, I also run a 36, and find that fine for climbs around nidderdale, middlesmoor – nought bank – knott etc. Lofthouse and peat lane are pretty horrific, but they’re horrific climbs…

    If I go biking in Molina or somewhere I will likely get a 32t chain ring as the long road climbs will need kill me on a 36

    Free Member

    yup, this is me.

    Free Member

    Snowdon Ranger’s Pass, my word that’s a ride and a half, on saturday – saw mintimperial on the way down as we were pushing up that same bit!

    Coed Y Brenin on the Sunday, in the rain.

    Free Member

    Giant Reign 2

    I can’t have had enough coffee, I thought that was the name of a computer game for about 5 seconds… 😳

    Free Member

    How big are bullfinches? I must only be seeing the drones around the garden, the Queen is enormous!

    Free Member

    Feeling bad about being a mocky, encourage the woodpecker in a month he’ll likely bring the young to the nuts, park him in a near by tree and then get bits of nut and take them to him. Later you get to watch the young one try to land of the feeder, greaty comedy value.

    Free Member

    Is this a genius troll? Can we get a picture of the chaffinch this looks like?

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