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  • unklehomered
    Free Member

    I’m a newly un-lapsed CTC member.

    SingletrAction are CTC aphiliated, to a cost of between 50 and 100 pounds I think. I can check. Depends if RC want to go down the membership, formal route, or stay informal, which could be more advantageous to their goal tbh.

    Pondering starting a Facebook Ride Nidderdale group. But have a poo track record with keeping up with such things, and it would pull out of my Stainburn/STA time. To be honest we have **** all bridleways here anyway.

    If ride Calderdale get in with RangerBill (why on earth wouldn’t they), he would most likely be providing tools and materials. If such a relationship is successful for both parties it could lead to other things down the line.

    Other groups would have to get in touch with local ROW officers etc and prove themselves individually. Some LAs will be more restructive and less receptive than others. Nature of the beast.

    But doing nothing, acheives nothing.

    Free Member

    Does my nut in though…..every single time they jump, spin, do a twirl as though I’m bearing down on em at warp factor 5 in a juganaught

    Yeah, I think they see bike and just react before actually taking in what the bike is doing. I find it all the more entertaining to slow right down. Call out greeting, watch them run to the side of the road/ climb the nearest tree/hold on to each other and kiss the children goodbye. And then have to wait while I continue to slowly tootle towards them. Finally many seconds later, missing them by 4 or 5 yards. All the while looking puzzled at their behaviour, while they begin to look embarrassed.

    Its the little things in life. 😆

    Free Member

    Think I used to go for the double double “dingding – dingding”.

    Free Member

    Proper guards vans on passenger trains


    Main problem tbh is trains are now run for a [subsidised] profit, not for the good of the population.

    Free Member

    Ok Mike just summed it up in one line. He wins.

    Free Member

    Awwww. I thought this thread would have some poor taste humour in it… #dissapointed#

    Thing is, humour in poor taste has to be good humour, it has to be funny, or its just a bit sick.. For example, the Jimmy Saville Radio phone-in which fell for “He fixed it for me to milk a cow blindfolded” – excellent. Funny, dark, and even better it played on the willingness of the media to exploit. Much can be said for Chris Morris IMO.

    But there has to be something else to it, the Billie Connelly Iraqi decapitated guy thing, was not so funny IMO.

    In short, you need to get it right, the cost of failure is high. But somethings/people should be mocked.

    If you don’t want to be offended don’t read anything, ever.

    Free Member

    I got one bit from the Consv. incumbent and that was it. He looks particularly well fed and appear to spend his time standing in front of things, alone, in inclement weather. Sometimes things he approves of, Libraries, Buses, sometimes things he does not, Windmills. His facial expression seem to correlate more with his feeling of having to stand outside in weather, than his apparent passionate approval or disapproval of whatever he’s stood in front of, Recycling Centre (or more accurately its signage), Local People, Babies etc. If I had the time or enthusiasm I could have had endless fun photoshopping in front of other things he could approve/disapprove of.

    Barrack Obama
    The North Korean Military
    A Giant Mutant Lizard trashing downtown Manhattan.

    Free Member

    Pretty sure blue has minimum width over a metre, more work needed I’m afraid.

    Free Member

    What if it shits everywhere?


    That would be an awful lot of shit.

    Free Member

    A while ago on the kilder anniversary I and some others engaged with them a bit. Not anti as such, but in no way pro, pretty anti shared use footpaths etc…

    RamblersUK follow singletraction’s twitter feed… Keep your friends close… 😉

    Free Member

    I was going to mention maybe leave out the MTBing, just visitors and path users, money to economy, distinctive characteristics etc… otherwise it could segway into something else, it would if it was my local paper, but my local paper is dire.

    Free Member

    Its certainly quicker, and simpler, its basically the brute force method.

    Councils kind of follow the path of least resistance, so resistance to this kind of thing needs to be increased. Local paper would be a good idea, cos it really does look awful.

    Free Member

    From what I’ve seen, RoW departments are more like a headless chicken in charge of a dumper truck full of gravel.

    + another 1
    The most recent one round me was done without consultation of the AONB or the National Park (lay on the border between the two).

    Free Member


    Bill Brady, PBW ranger is desperate for help to repair sections of the Mary Townley loop before Calderdale feel the need to step in.

    This bit is the potential saviour, but needs man hours of those who care. I may well pitch in when one morning when staying with a friend but at the end of the day I don’t live locally. If (not saying they have to but IF) local business want to help they could, may pitch in a pay for a little bit of labour to help Bill. Or put posters up if Ride Calderdale organise volunteer days. This is a way right into the centre of PROW maintenance and the local authority.

    Pook’s letter is an issue letter, of course it’s going to be a little dramatic. 🙄

    When Calderdale gets a reputation for this sort of trail sanitisation it could mean that when weighing up where to travel to from a distance away our group may, when considering all the variables, more often consider going to a different place where we’re more sure we can find oh god kill me now what the **** are you getting at

    Councils get hundreds of complaints a day and to get your taken seriously it needs to be upfront and clear, I thought the letter a good one.

    No, one trail won’t stop you coming to calderdale, but if one incident becomes a trend you will start to think it might not be worth the risk, as the original article says Blue Pig is a two part trail, and part of a pretty standard informal loop if doing a 2/3 hour ride in the area. BY the time it becomes a trend its too late, and those of us who ride there often have lost another great trail.

    There is a willing, keen, desperate by the sounds of it advocate, just waiting to help you in Ranger Bill, and that’s more than most of us have. Calderdale could actually set up the go-to model for other councils here.

    Free Member

    Yeah, a lot of trust in the motorist required here… If ever “Will I Die” was an appropriate tag line.

    Free Member

    you don’t know Hora, you weren’t there man, you weren’t there…

    Free Member

    Cracking news all round there!

    Hope to be back soon.

    Free Member

    Did seem strange they had to “trial” something that already “just works” in holland. But then maybe it’s a mentality thing.

    It is, car gives way to everything there. Its very confusing, as a British person you are used to stopping and waiting for cars on foot, there they wait for you, which can mean you end up waiting for each other until you realise what’s going on. Similar with bikes, it would ‘just work’ there. Also the Dutch are quite possibly the nicest people in the world.

    Free Member

    I was going to look at the original site but its blocked from work for being offensive – I had no idea the work firewall was so advanced.

    Free Member

    In all fairness the Ramblers (I assume that’s who you’re referring to) would never ever advocate such behaviour. People who do this are ramblers with a small r, often the bitter miserable looking sort who never say hello even when you’re on foot.

    But we’re drifting OT. the badgerbaiting point is a good one IMO.

    Free Member

    I’m forgetful on small items, but for a big item like a bike I tend to be paying attention. Even if I needed to move money between accounts before I could pay, a message to say so makes everybody happier.

    I often hold back sending an invoice for 24 hours, as it can be used as a gentle reminder.

    Free Member

    Me – misjudged the last LAST techy bit coming down Rangers. The 10 days ago, my bruise is at the yellow arm phase.

    Free Member

    I left out some of the -ve stuff from my visit as part of it was me being a bit out of my deapth riding wise (not similar to the OPs situation as me and my mate were the only ones there), and part was very bad weather (and reactions to it) and part was I suspect teething as it was their 2nd or 3rd year. I want to go back, and I fully intend to, but it is at the expensive end of the bike holiday scale, and to me the fixes seem quite easy. Put it another way I would be going back despite some things, that I could be going back because of.

    I also wish Jo a speedy recovery, a great person who I really enjoyed riding with, and would often check to see how we were enjoying the week.

    EDIT – I’m pretty sure the riding there is why I know seek out steep rocky tech whenever I can, I love it, If I’m not on my brakes most of the way down with my bum an inch from the back wheel, then its not really interesting to me. There is no doubt riding there changed me and how I ride a bike. <starts looking at the website and at the calendar>

    Free Member

    Are they still riding one called Max Power (think its power, might be something else, long fast woody bit, then over the road and down endless rocky tech?) – I liked that one. I know the Max.

    I would also advise calf work, I was pretty new to mtbing when I went, had to rest often as my calves were screaming.

    Free Member

    If you really do decide it’s a good idea then go via an independent gap insurer-Waaaay cheaper than the dealer.

    This, I used to work in auto finance. Dealer gets commision that’s why he’s pusing it. A few questions are how big a deposit are you putting down? How long is the term? If >30% and less than 4 years, then I would say don’t bother, put the 500 hundred in a savings account, with a bit more every month, then in 2yrs check your equity, and pay yourself a premium. 😀 If not look at a independant supplier. If they charge you loads, it possible you’re being screwed on the finance. 8)

    Obviously the + of the dlrs package is it gets rolled into the finance as a parallel personal loans (not part of the HP as there’s no assett).

    Free Member

    don’t think IMBA uk are really very active at the moment tbh. Lack of drive/active members/willing candidates for senior posts IIRC its all but mothballed.

    Free Member

    alpin – have you managed to establish WHY some/most European toilets have a viewing shelf?

    I was deeply worried this thread was going to have pictures…

    Free Member

    I’ve had one for a couple of months, its ok, I’d probably say it was great but I also have a reverb which is a very polished product, but that came with the bike, I’d have to feel flush to fork out reverb prices, for the 130 I paid the hilo is just the ticket. Bit sticky on returning to begin with but fine now (just use sorted that). Worth popping the bits that hold the saddle in out to begin with and greasing as they can seize. Remote is fiddly to install too. But once its up and running, its very good, especially for the money.

    Free Member

    raaaaayyyy is gone?

    Awwww, that makes me sad. He was ace.

    Free Member

    All Hail! 😀

    Free Member

    “Oh That was messier than a Lion raping a goat!”

    Yeah I need my afternoons infront of the puter with beer and Warner, hope they show the full thing this year, wasn’t wild for the top 30 only format of last year.

    Free Member

    ^ like what you did there…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Yeah matches our findings a little bit, but I would, and indeed desperately want, to go back. For the riding. Found the guiding a little annoying, seemed like they were on a ride and you had been allowed to tag along, as opposed to paying quite a lot for the service…

    Free Member

    Michel Thomas +1

    Free Member

    Aphex Twin – Drukqs
    Beatles – White Album
    The Cure – Head on the Door
    Pixies – Doolittle
    The Doors – The Doors
    VHS Head – Trademark Ribbons of Gold
    Blur – Blur
    Frank Black – Frank Black
    Joe Jackson – Look Sharp
    SFA – Geurilla (could be any other on tbhm, all amazing)

    EDIT: can I have eleven? I want Blood Sugar Sex Magik too…

    Free Member

    stilltortoise has it IMO.

    Free Member

    Internet ate my epic reply, so here’s a short one.

    Its a perception thing for some people they see an unprediactable bouncy thing and its frighteneing for them, and also you didn’t choose the best time. We (me, Markt and others) set off at 7 and met people who cheered us on and applauded our awesome gnar skillz!

    There were also people who up first sight of us ran from the trail as if an out of control petrol tanker had just come careering over the hill, and driver had jumped from the cab… I’d like think we were that gnar, but deep down I know we were not.

    I think Llanberis is ok, its certainly less tech than Rangers (which is just AWESOME!) – but its a lot of fun, if doing llanberis, I wouldn’t bother pushing up any further than the third station (second bridge) tbh. So its a good 2hr push, and ride for an evening jaunt.

    Free Member

    I was beginning to wonder if they were scared to open the comments for this. They did take their time…

    Also, he might now write for the Observer but his origins are much more in line with his inflammatory tripe.

    Free Member

    The rise of ukip is the best thing for Scottish independence, wouldn’t be surprised if more and more English counties wanted to join Scotland to escape the barmy army of ukip.

    This man disagrees with you. And when the comments open I think it will be one of the most epic CiF troll fests EVER!

    I however don’t, and am pushing the campaign to draw a new border between the Mersey and the Humber, pledge allegiance to His Eminence Lord Alec of Salmond, Emperor of Greater Scotlandshire. And leave the Home Counties to Dave and the Ukipettes.

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