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  • Rider Resilience and Stoked On MS – The Ride It Out Show
  • unklehomered
    Free Member

    WTF who would vote for that bloke?

    people from Staffordshire apparantly.

    Free Member

    I also think there is a general dislike of foreigners or folk coming over here taking doing our jobs

    Often well, happily and with a smile…

    Just saying.

    But it seems to be the British mentality, we aren’t an ‘all of use together’ nation all said and done, much more me me me.

    Free Member

    Wiggins didn’t take the first split in the Olympics, but I may have been lulled by him starting diown the running order and so passing people who wouldn’t usually be near him. Still confident he’ll pull it out. Dowsett looking more and more comfortable though

    edit: meh…

    edit edit: oh!

    Free Member

    He’s storming it, I am, I’m at work, I really shouldn’t be, but since I work in tourism and we got the Tour next year, I’m calling it research!

    Go on LAD!

    Did he have to swap a wheel? heard them saying stuff but had to mute it, had customers in.

    Free Member

    Yup. I did throw some away earlier in the year, but then, for msome reason, I pulled a couple out of the heap and thought, well I’ll just keep these… 🙄

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Oh that’s another please don’t come in a wander round sniffing the tyres on the bikes, it really freaks the staff out

    OK that made me snort with laughter with a shop full of people…

    Free Member

    Often its not the lenders, but the agents, who get commission for every sale. Depends on what you were getting finance wise, but its not often the lender who sell it to you, especially for things like HP. When I worked for an autofinance company it was a constant head ache, we couldn’t enforce training for the wonks in the showrooms selling this shit, and they would lie through their teeth.

    Free Member

    These companies are evil praying vultures. Their business model is conning people who have already been conned.

    But if you really want to just put your mobile number on the internet. Then wait… or send me your number and next time one calls I’ll tell them to get in touch before I verbally abuse them.

    Free Member

    None, just get in touch with your bank. All they are doing is taking your money for nothing.

    Free Member

    Yes, but not usually in a good way…

    Free Member

    None, but i’m pretty intuitive.

    Free Member

    I’d leave it until 6 months before starting. Build up gradually. The dog will hurt itself to keep up with you if it comes to it.

    Free Member

    CFH has it. Its only short, but there’s a sequel so that’s ok.

    Free Member

    he’s already not leading for the tour.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t bother with the smorgas, but hans may be goer.

    My next cross mark will be a lust, hopefully that might be better, I know the guys at ProRideGuides get on with them for tubeless.

    Free Member

    No different to electronics/computer hardware.

    Free Member

    When I had my attempt I got the loose tyre seated with a tube, then removed the tube by only unseating one side, then got tyre to seat on the remaining side, removed valve core added gunk.

    However said tyre exploded [yes as in BOOM] off the rim when taking a 1ft drop at Stainburn. I am now scared of tubeless but going to try the front soon (diff tyre). Wouldn’t try a loose tyre again tbh…

    Free Member

    2.5 hours is minimal stops/gawping/faffing about, crack on with it type attitude. 3 allows some buggering about.

    Llanberis path starts on the road to the left of the railway station.

    Going down rangers maybe 45 + minutes with a few stops, all the way back to Llanberis, coming back down llandberis, 25 to 30

    Free Member

    Oh that’s really quite special…

    In fairness, it is pretty extreme.

    Free Member

    Something about the chorus of this makes me feel lonely…

    bit wierd, but it puts a visual in my mind a bit like a bike vid, but just one person cycling away into the distance.

    Free Member

    Don’t get cocky going down rangers on your own if there’s no one about, the last very techy bits…

    If the weather hates you and it looks like you’ll be coming down Llanberis no point pushing further past the second railway bridge IMO.

    Tyres, very light weight XC race german ones, about 25 PSI in each, no need for spare tubes you’ll be fine.

    Free Member

    Curry. awesome gnar. breasts.

    that pretty much covers it

    Free Member

    Seeing the top lift like that makes me a bit sad. Coming out of there was always the start of a new adventure…


    Free Member

    Road rage isn’t rational. He was angry when he got out of bed and you just happened to be in front of him.

    In all honesty this.

    I’d still report to the fuzz, this doesn’t sound like a guy we want on the roads.

    Free Member

    Very very very tiny penis.

    Free Member

    Inner tube and cable ties for me, through rails and round silver bit on reverb

    Free Member

    I own one bicycle.
    With 26″ wheels.
    And gears.
    That cost less than a grand.
    Still has the original saddle.
    I never change the tyres until they’re worn out.
    I don’t know how much my bike weighs.
    I don’t know the make of my wheels. Or gears. Or brakes.

    Steady on! You’ll making out like you actually goout riding it next 😉

    Free Member

    I have Spokey Dokeys on all my bikes, pretty sure that breaches an unwritten rule. 😀

    Free Member

    errr… Cyclocross, trials, 4x, DH…

    Free Member

    Cheers I_Ache, liking the sounds of this! think it could be the tweak I’m after… Small Bump Sensitivity sounds like the words I was looking for…

    Free Member

    Ah, I’m with you, was wondering how that made much difference unless the spring load for the remote did something…

    Hadn’t realised you could do that. presume once inside the comp cartridge its pretty obvious?

    I’ll have a poke and let you know Will.

    Free Member

    Cheers Northwind – no poploc on them, hate the things if I’m honest :-).

    What I’m trying to improve. This is something I struggle to express, but I sometimes get the feeling I’m a small adjustment away from something special. I think my lack of experience of other forks and suspension isn’t helping me here by way of no frame of reference. I’m going to set some time aside to session a few bits of trail, changing settings and trying to get to grips with what I want/might be lacking, its around the high speed end, but exactly what, I can’t put into words yet. But i get the feeling of slight disconnect.

    Free Member

    If only there was some way of combining all the individual bits into one single easily stored and moved bit… Maybe with wheels for ease of transport…

    Free Member

    Last nights Boneshaker’s social on the MVT in Leeds. just nice weather, riding and fun. More Please.

    Free Member

    I’m putting money on the lowers being full of soupy watery mud goop.

    Free Member

    Drop the lowers off and you’ll be horrified at how much crap is round below the dust seal/foam ring

    This, tbh thjough you’ve been unlucky, my old recons were horribly abused for 3+ years, when I did finally service them, OMG The Horror! But stantions were mostly OK.

    That was enough for me though, preventative maintanence all the way. I do share your pain, but if riding3/4 times a week, all year round, then a lowers service should have been done, maybe once every two months, less when conditions horrific. Manufacturer timings tend to be a bit over the top, but it is a job to do often, and once you’ve done it a few times, its a 30 minute job as above. Also a good way to ensure you examine your forks often, I know it seems like a ballache, but forks now are 600-1K, a little bit of TLC protects that investment.

    From your description they don’t sound beyond salvage, unless the wear is really bad, do the lowers and keep an eye out on classified fleabay, for borked fork with decent stantions, and swap out.

    Free Member

    Do you people Never Learn???

    Last year I put my summer tyres on in April, remind me how that turned out again? If you must buy summer tyres:

    Buy just one at a time.
    Do not look directly at them
    Keep them >4M apart at all times.
    NEVER put them on your bike.

    Free Member

    Yeah, its less than 8cm deep, or will fit in 16cm cube I think. Which is just ******* daft.

    I am in the process of looking for alternate courier methods as I’ve lots of stuff to sell right now. Live in a rural area so its either time all my sales to end just before I go into town for a drop off service, or find a decent pick-up service.

    It annoys me as I believe in a national delivery network, ie Royal Mail, but I can’t afford that much to send stuff, and I think it will come back to haunt them.

    Free Member

    FinishLine Teflon grease, it fits my grease gun.

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