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  • Christmas MTB Bingo
  • unklehomered
    Free Member


    What? how did they even come to look? Boot was closed i take it?

    Free Member

    I used to have one of those tail gate mounted jobbies with lots of bungy cord. That I was OK with, I’ve never liked the look to roof mounted bike transport. But I’m always happier with the bike in the car.

    Free Member

    End this thread! do you know what a thread like this can do??? It’s only May and there’s still everything to play for. Acceptable thread titles are What Mud Tyres? Best Waterproofs? Seen seal skinz cheap recently?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    What loco said. (not surprisingly)

    Free Member

    There’s woods outside my study, saw a Raven there last night.

    Free Member

    Bit out of your area but the Boneshaker’s rides from Harrogate are a good laugh/atmosphere, not very high pace, but fun.

    Free Member

    It is an oldy, but it is also a goodie.

    Free Member

    This is too much madness to explain in one text!


    Free Member

    Free Member

    In answer to OP. Yes, but not yet. Wait a few years, do a little research, buy a few burners. If you’re going to do it, do it right.

    Or, let the chips as they may and don’t let it weigh you down (with commitments that’s easier to say than do I’m sure), but if you can’t stop something find a positive in it. For example, not having to work for a boss/company that finds that an acceptable way to behave.

    Either strategy can come with its own rewards if embraced fully.

    Free Member

    I’m pretty sure people use me for that!

    Free Member

    “But the plans were on display . . .”
    “On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar-“
    “That’s the display department.”
    “With a torch.”
    “Ah, well the lights had probably gone.”
    “So had the stairs.”
    “But look, you found the notice, didn’t you?”
    “Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying Beware of the Leopard.”

    Free Member

    Cheers mate, I’ll post something at the Crosstrax guys.

    Free Member

    I’ve had both EDL and BNP likes pop up on my timeline from unexpected people today, this pic, and some BNP hateful thing about the death penalty, I wonder if I have been judging people too harshly… 😕

    Free Member

    And despite all the disappearances – I was just kidding.

    Free Member

    Serious answer: the Elvis Costello 2CD one from 12 yrs ago.

    Free Member

    That’s pretty much the plot of the Jodie Foster film Contact, only without the soul eating….

    Yeah that’s what they want you to think.

    Free Member

    It sounds like some chaps on this thread are rather more upstanding though, which is to be applauded

    Yeah that would be me… 😀

    Free Member

    I like this thread, It dawned on me a while ago (several years) I had become somehow a participant & big fan of a very straight, white sport. It made me a bit uncomfortable, being white, middle class, and so always a bit riddled with guilt about stuff. Recently it has seemed less so, that’s ace! As for the posters, that language, it is by its nature funny!

    Free Member

    Yeah this is probably the thread equivelent of a Gentlemens Club… 😳

    If you could wait in reception please…

    Free Member

    I sincerely pray no one ever moves That boulder…

    Free Member

    What you really want to know is who is actually providing it, it won’t be tesco.

    Free Member

    You know how you can find out what bits your stereo is made of by smashing it into the ground? Its like that but with electrons and stuff.

    Free Member

    See I have a friend who finds stupid women attractive cos they’re easier, where as I’m inclined to side a bit more with Tucker, I’m not willing to talk to someone vacuous and empty just for a shag. I get bored, then irritated, then I’m digging another hole on the moors by moonlight…

    Free Member

    “Oh that reminds me the drains are blocked up again…”

    Free Member

    Hells yeah I know where my towel is. That’s the kind of hoopy frood I am baby! Excitment and adventure and really wild things!

    Free Member

    ONly reheat rice if its curried i.e. turmuric in it, which is a preservative or somesuch. You’ll probably be fine, probably*

    *or you might spend all night projecting your meal and all others from the day from both ends.

    Free Member

    6… and a couple of shots.

    Free Member

    I wasn’t…

    Free Member

    Romantic films are known to ruin relationships as they give women unrealistic expectations about what to expect from men. Porn has the same effect on men.

    Joseph Gordon-Levitt has written and directed a film about just that. Not a joke, just an interesting fact.

    I have no jokes to share.

    Free Member

    logically not that distant, its still pretty relevant, those that would often and do, and so pass it on.

    Free Member

    I find sometimes I wave at cyclists, like I might if I was passing them while riding a bike, the difference being, I’m doing it from behind the wheel… It might be if I’ve had to sit behind them for a bit until I can see to overtake, or just driving the otherway.

    No idea how this comes off, only had a few responces. If done to me I’d probably assume someone I knew, or a cyclist. I think…

    I always acknowledge considerate drivers.

    Free Member

    Interesting, I’d change the shape of my oro levers if I could, annoyed I dallied and now the Straitline replacements ones are discontinued.

    On levers my Oro ones now have a massive amount of play in them.

    Free Member

    Watching the interview again… 1st I still laugh at “I looked in my rear and assessed the situation” – I’ll be giggling at that for days to come, its the accent as well makes it wonderful.

    2nd – when she says he didn’t wobble etc nearly loose control etc, she does an illustrative impression of a cyclist wobbling, Just before you look – do that impression yourself, we’ve all done it telling tales of gnar in the pub I’m sure.

    Now you’ve done that watch the interview, and look at her hands.

    Bollocks does she ride a bike regularly (imo).

    Free Member

    There was a pic of the road on one report I read, but nothin to say if it was that section where the incident occured.

    Free Member

    New SLX or old? levers are def. better on the new ones.

    Free Member

    I think this is often the case in cities, out of cities its a different thing, as it tends to be a whole different set of users – or the same users in a different mode. Lead by example is a rule of thumb I try to go with.

    I’ve noticed people following me over taking cycles, often go wide as I did, whereas those I am following did not. Not scientific, and doesn’t always happen but pretty sure there is a trend.

    Free Member

    Really? I have both, shimano have always needed less maintenence, don’t get me wrong I love my oros, but over the 6 years I’ve had them they have needed far more attention that all my shimano brakes combined (including one set that’s old than the formulas)

    Free Member

    really? Say your pride and joy, recently perloied from your garden/shed whatever, is seen being ridden by someone a bit scrotish, maybe seat down low, knees out, and the fuzz think “Eh up, that looks wrong – still nothing we can do about it”

    You wouldn’t be on here getting a little bit miffed??? I would.

    scrap that I fear I may have just fallen for a troll hook line and sinker… 😳

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