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  • unklehomered
    Free Member

    think you’re talking about the different between cyclist and Cyclist.

    Free Member

    dont get the end though, who is the guy in the white & red audi?

    watch again, its not the guy…

    Free Member

    Lots I reckon. Most of the breaking of traffic laws I saw when I lived in leeds, or in fact here in the Dales, tends to just be a bloke on a bike, often they can hardly ride it, and its in awful condition. There’s one here who’s american so insists on riding on the wrong side of the road… 😐

    Free Member

    Peanut butter! (no really, its bloody lovely)

    Free Member

    baby robins have been eating them and choking to death, happy now?


    #flings arms to the sky# I DIDN’T KNOOOOOWWWWW!

    Free Member

    not sure I believe 2 years… #plans banana skin experiment in garden.

    in the meantime I will curtail my BS chucking habits… but given how often people do it, we would be seeing them bout all the time?

    Free Member

    You’ve not heard of Tornado?

    Its one of the most remarkable stories of volunteer action in the modern age! To wikipedia with you and don’t come back until you’ve read it all. There will be a test!

    Free Member

    matches at the ready…

    Free Member

    I have a pet so i don’t need the faff of kids. 😀

    Free Member

    To get a line on my card I need a “what tyre for the alps” and a thread about a fooball player…

    Free Member

    Evening, unless the thing I’m sell might be attractive to traders, in which case week day afternoon, second half of the week.

    Monday evening, everyone who’s been outbid over the weekend will have seen it once the frenzy ended, but upped the amount they’re willing to pay as a result of being outbid…

    Free Member

    I’ve no problem, just so long as the dog isn’t riding a bike better than me.

    ftfy 😉

    Free Member

    Well I reckon its judgement thing, stainburn middle of the week, fine. Dalby @ weekend, hell no. All of that also depends on the dog, breed, training and other stuff. I have a dog, but he doesn’t go riding, I didn’t think to train him in time, though his temptrament would prob be good, and my nearest trail has main road running through the middle of it – not ideal. He does go trail building though, and has a keen eye for a black option when on a trail walk.

    There’s definitely one more recent than a year ago.

    #won’t someone please think of the puppies?

    Free Member

    and here we go again. Good luck everyone.

    Free Member

    It has grown on me, really like it, will be reburning a new CD for the car w/out Get Lucky, I actually dislike the lyriks. Can’t help find them a bit nasty.

    Love Touch, Gorgio & Fragments of Time.

    Free Member

    Sram type 2 and no device here, OK so far, only one mid gnar chain loss in a couple of months, one when lifting over a gate, and one freewheeling over a rough wooden bridge. In short they hold the chain through tech, but there are other things with different types of motion that can drop the chain, I’m considering a simple top guide of some kind, a la the bionicon one.

    Free Member

    One near me gets regular llama traffic, its worn down to the bedrock now and has loads of steps and features, its ace!

    Free Member

    I often don’t get the chance give way. There should be a universal sign/call/signal that means the following:

    “Hello walker far off in the distance. I have seen you, however you are as yet, a long way away, but please be assured that when the distance between us is less, say about 7 -10 metres, I will give way, and tuck myself in to allow you to pass as is your right, and my obligaiton. So while we’re hundreds of yards apart there is no need for you to fling yourself into a bramble bush and then give me the evils for it for the 60 seconds it will still take me to reach you. Yours respectfully, approaching cyclist.”

    No its not often that extreme, but that is based on a true and not unusual story from one of my old riding haunts. But people will often give way before you reach them, and I feel bad about that sometimes, as I would give way, when i got closer to them.

    Free Member

    Kind of feels like you’re asking them to get out of your way though, which is not (always) the intention.

    Yeah I don’t like that, its easier when you’re riding with someone as you can just start a conversation as you approach. Could do that on my own I suppose…

    I’m always amazed how long it can take people walking towards me to see me, again, if I wasn’t just tootling, but pumping, hopping and having it, the motion would probably draw their attention quicker… 😆

    Free Member

    This happened to me a while ago, riding down a long track, it goes in an out with the hillside and I saw two people ahead of me by many hundred yards. Anyway I get closer and as I’m at the point where I need to start thinking about them [70 yrdish] the man looks in my direction, I’m not bombing as I knew they were there so no point mashing the pedals, the man whos looking at something in the hedge looks in my direction. They carry on walking away from me, and both move right over the RHS of the track. But I’m not really convinced they’ve seen me, call out a greeting but its windy. I shed some more speed. As I get about 20 yards away they both start to veer back into the middle of the track, they haven’t seen/heard me after all loose more speed, 10yrds out, about twice walking speed now, tuck in the LHS call out a cheery hello.

    Woman, few yards behind the chap looks over her shoulder, eyes go wide. “Fred! FRED!” with real alarm and panic, so much so she makes me jump. Fred looks over his shoulder, of course already alarmed from her voice, nearly jumps clean out of his skin when he sees me. I’m trying to smile cheerily, while hugging the opposite side of the track, Fred steadies himself (I thought he might fall down the hill at one point), I appologise to Fred for startling him, woman shouts accusingly at me “HE’S DEAF!” with the implied suffix “You heartless brute!” as i tootle gently past Fred, missing him by well over 2 metres. Don’t see what more I could have done, still think mostly the womans fault – she didn’t take me in at all, I was sat up, right in the side, going slow. But maybe they’d had a run in knobbish rider previously. But i did think if I’d just slid by them without saying anything I’d have caused Fred less stress.

    Free Member

    bash down not up

    think of the children!!! no but really, who T.F. would bash it up?

    Free Member

    what are you saying with the coke?

    I’d prefer you without teeth [for what I have in mind]?

    Free Member

    OK, I have now googled it.


    This is a thing people care about? That’s weird. Though I might buy a steak at the butcher if the Cow’s name was Homer I suppose… does that count? But Homer the loaf of bread, or Homer the milk… not so much.

    Weren’t there sweets when we were kids that had names on them or something???

    Free Member

    What? when did they start putting names on coke? Is this like at starbucks? #confused#

    Free Member

    Shout “SSTTRRRAAAAVVVVAAAAAA!!!!!” at the top of your voice?

    inappropriate LOL with people in the shop occurence just then… 😳

    Free Member

    Sounds like the rider missed the main rule of shared path usage to be honest.

    Free Member

    There’s two things that need considering and they are equally improtant IMO.

    One, your ability to stop, safely in a controlled way, and secondly your perceived ability to do so.

    This second one is the main issue for the walker, as they won’t know much about mtbing they see a wild uncontrolled unpredictable big fast thing. I have some sympathy for that, its not fair to go out and scare people. But some people really do go too far, as per other thread I’ve had people in gardens come running up saying there could be cars coming round the corners on their lane and I know that, I’m going slow, brakes covered for just that reason.

    Also the unpredictable can happen, a walker could take a step back and stumble on something.

    Obviously we need to see the vid as well…

    Free Member

    It was called a Kobra that’s all i remember. It was blue, and cost 130 pounds.

    Free Member

    I know I can stop, but they don’t

    I get people who live along lanes telling me to be careful when I’m riding at a really low speed because I can’t see round corners, there is a real perception we’re not in control.

    Interesting experience walking some woods near me last night, knew some lads were getting uplift for a few runs as we’d seen them earlier, dog off the lead trotting along the path [taking a break from raping ground nesting birds and smearing his feaces on everything], at pretty much the ‘worst’ possible moment the two guys popped over the hill behind us (only a about 7-10 metres visibility). Even I, a rider, got a little panic [from the surprise] on, they really did come up very quiet, anyway they were good lads, slowed to near stop the moment they saw us, I brought the dog to heel and they rode past. I gazed after them jealous of the uplift…

    I was wondering after why the panic. lads were in facer’s and part of me had felt as thrill seaky DHers, I couldn’t be sure they would stop/not be dicks. Also they just appeared suddenly like sith lords!

    I ride those cheeky trails myself on some evenings, and you only very rarely meet anyone on them, but it was interesting seeing it from the other side.

    Free Member

    Commies don’t drink water, only Vodka, right?

    Free Member

    However I do take umbridge at people not caring about the example they set as a rider; if everyone took this view we’d be screwed. In my eyes it doesn’t take a lot to set a decent example and show others respect while out riding. This doesn’t mean avoiding footpaths, but does mean not acting like an utter tool when riding or caught on one.

    By ‘not caring’ you’re essentially cutting off your nose to spite your face, because any anti-MTB action on both a local and national level will affect you in one way, shape or form.

    This, I have in the past tried to disassociate myself from people I’m riding with out of embarrassment. I’ve said this before on similar threads, just be incredibly nice to miserable ramblers, they hate it, they really do because your failing to live up to the stereotype of mtber they would otherwise be able to spend the rest of the day complaining about, and there’s no collateral damage by way of unpleasantness to the nicer people in the group. Its a true win win.

    I often stop if I see walkers gawping at a map and ask if they need any help. This is worth doing, it’s very funny as they never admit it, even if you have heard them say they don’t where they are as you approach. But a good conversation starter and allows you to break the mold of negative expectations.

    Free Member

    I keep it to a minimum, to avoid annoying others.

    yup, certain ones at certain times of day, typically evening, always considerate.

    Free Member

    Wine rack, beer fridge, PS4, a niiiiiiiiiice sound system…

    Free Member


    Sorry dude, not much more to say, I still remember the last time had a dogless house. Very sad.

    Free Member

    I was going to buy one of those once, mentioned it on here. Was scared off…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    A 26″ with a massive tyre on it? or a 650b with a small tyre on it…

    Free Member

    He looks taken aback not to be given the credibility he often gets on US tv.

    Free Member

    I’m liking it, if type2 mech, no need for chainguide in my experience.

    Free Member

    He’d like it if they did, it would prove him right, seems the kindest thing to do…

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