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  • Mental Mondays #6
  • unklehomered
    Free Member

    not up your own? curious, that could be interpreted as superior customer service, chain reaction and wiggle just refund…

    Free Member

    Eeeeeeek. Forum salute! healing vibes to you Sir!

    Free Member

    Well I had a bit more time than I expected, its the cranks, even my powers of self delusion and denial can’t hide that fact… I knew it in my heart.

    Free Member

    If you want good gear at a good price have a look at this stuff… Encove

    Ooooooh, that looks quite tempting. Shall give them a whirl. Cheers OP, wouldn’t have seen this otherwise!

    Free Member

    They wouldn’t have let you have it anyway, only once they’ve ‘tried to deliver’ can you collect it…

    Free Member

    Last year was hard for some of our local retailers, but there is a trend. You can tell the shops on our high street who spent the year moaning and bitching to customers about the people who’s fault it was, supermarkets, life the universe and everything.

    They’re the ones which aren’t there any more. There’s a lesson in there somewhere…

    Free Member

    Its external GXP BB cups, but the spline issue you describe is my fear. Here’s hoping its something else or one of the things suggested above.

    Free Member

    Thank guys, will check all this tonight, and give BB swap a go when I get the chance! fingers crossed.

    Free Member

    Pedals are firm, and pretty new. Will double check but pretty confident on that.

    That’s what it feels a bit like, I knew I’d felt it before, it feels like a slightly loose square taper…

    Free Member

    This issue – We try and make Unklehomer’s local loop which bores the crap out of him, seem interesting and exciting…

    I will read that one with interest. In fairness it probably pretty good unless its all you have from your door.

    Free Member

    And so the previous ones advertising hand carved wooden handled taste the difference track pumps and all other kinds of poncy shit I will never buy don’t allow them to throw some affordable stuff in there too?

    There’s clearly a market for it as shown by all the PSAs that go up with Aldi get their stuff. You sir are a troll, and I am bloody well crossing this bridge whether you like it or not!

    Free Member

    some folk are allergic.

    I don’t think he was forcibly rubbing people with the dog… I’m allergic to feathers, I didn’t demand the school and all places we visited by stripped of any decorative feathers as a child…

    Free Member

    Errr. What was son’s response to the dog being on the trip?

    Another question, is there a reason a dog should not be on a school trip?

    An outdoor holiday sounds the perfect place to take the dog. I’m assuming he doesn’t actually take the dog to work. School trips are more than work for teachers, they require full 24/7 sacrifice for the duration. Maybe the kids learned a bit about dog ownership on the holiday?

    Free Member

    ^^^ That guy wins.

    EDIT: bugger it!

    <<< that guys wins!


    Free Member

    Get away? yeah, kind of. I’m still on a ocnventional chainringm, and I have good days and bad days, there doesn’t seem to be much consistency between when it drops and doesn’t only that its not that prone on tech, as opposed to soft roughness, uneven wood bridges, fields, etc. Think some form of resonance may get going and flip the chain wildy.

    Fancy chainring on the way here too.

    Free Member

    The hire place has sold us these bags that are supposed to stop the dust getting out…


    Free Member

    You can try to seal off the rest of the house, but you can’t. You can only minimise the mess, but its still worth it, double layers of plastic betweene the rooms minimum, Close ALL DOORS IN THE HOUSE.

    You will need to clean several days in a row as it settles

    Free Member

    Is it sarcasm or some kind of political Stan’s fluid that seals around the cracks?

    Free Member

    I read as having left the committee but still a club member. Some people I know, who I actually thought for a while could be the OP, are involved in a similar local club. There’s seems to be dying a bit of a death, the cycling bit anyway, as it seems to work on very much a KeepUpOr****Off mantra, as such I’ve never been tempted to join, or ride with them tbh. In seversal ways their club doesn’t seem as much for them any more. Got me thinking.

    I think any one setting a club up should set it up for 7 years. Then Disband. If a group of the people from the first club then want to set up a new club, do so. If I ever set up a club I’d be tempted to do it like this. Social dynamics, allegiances, tolerations, afections are all subject to change… trying to force them can often result in bitterness and frinction.*

    *doesn’t always take anywhere near as long as 7 years though.

    Free Member

    Rider doesn’t look to me like he’s going to make that corner photographer or no.

    Free Member

    Oh god, the Illuminatus. The most effective book in the world for making all your freinds really boring for months and months… I do not miss those days at all.

    Free Member

    Actually the base 13 thing is just coincidence, the root cause is the intimely introduction of Telephone Sanitisers into the Gene Pool.

    Free Member

    Ooooh I think I might be experiencing the next page bug thing… ???

    EDIT: not sure, does the forum server work in Base 10 or 12?

    Free Member

    Yes, your gripe is with the school library.

    Free Member

    6 x 9 = 42

    Anyone who doesn’t understand this should go back to their school and ask for their money back.

    Free Member

    You think that’s interesting consider the sqrt of 2, fantastic number, its what makes our system of paper sizing work.

    Or Pi, how did anyone actually work out the value of that number anyway?
    No seriously, you can measure it, but not accurately, someone had to work it out.

    But in answer to your question, it’s mostly down to using sensible units of measurement, imagine what it would be if you were using imperial units…

    This will bend your mind, you think in numbers based around ten. But a better number to base it around would be 12. Only 12 wouldn’t be twelve, it would a be 10, but with two extra numbers between it and 9.

    Free Member

    And the fact remains it’s not it wasn’t SRAM’s idea first.

    May be a vital bit, it seems unlikely Sram look to the 1970s agriculture industry for inspiration. Yeah they may have seen it, may have had a similar idea mindependently, it does seem a bit like the Cat Flap, an obvious idea someone somewhere still had to think of.

    Tricky. Certainly not as simple as it at first seems. Since SRAM are holding back their tech from the mass market formats, I hope the Works is sufficiently different not to be effected. At least until I get a few in…

    Free Member

    That last section was a reshoot on studio orders which goes someway to explaining the disjointed feel. I’d like to know what the original ending was.

    I think everyone is being really harsh to one of the most stunning, edgy, uncomfortable and disturbing Zombie films of our generation. 28 Days Later was absolutely awesome, stunning, epic and extremely well made.

    This wasn’t, 0 characters, family was just redundant, and a chunky clumsy feel. That said I mostly enjoyed it, the tension right up to the plane crash was extremely good, the last bit was quite poor and flat. I wish they’d have the bravery to make something more closely based on the book. For those wondering why people were disappointed, The book is The Zombie Apocalypse book, like all great examples of the Zombie Genre, it’s about humanity, not the undead. Well, alright its a little bit about the undead, but all the great Zombie films/books, are about the fallibility of the human condition, and the undead.

    Free Member

    What do I win?

    Hope Pro 2’s on Flow rims with Nobby Nic tyres…


    Free Member

    Riding… Best to set up just before a ride. Lots of different motion that get the sealen everywhere.

    Free Member

    I grease the outside of the outerbit, but not the threads, I’ve not be othered with threadlock on the threads tbh, seems fine.

    Free Member

    Jivehoneyjive -I’ve just patented an odd chain, it should work well with your chain rings when you get them sorted

    I’ve just thought how that could work, the downside being much less adjustsability in chainlength, multiples of five… Not sure the potential would really pay off…

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Plusnet for me, wouldn’t even consider leaving unless I had to. Good honest customer service, upfront about issues, minimum waffle.

    Free Member

    something happening behind the scenes which is making him like this

    Almost certainly. Get him really drunk then start an argument, that should get it all spilling out.

    Hats off to you for sticking with it. Think I’d have sacked it off in preference of riding my bike a while ago.

    EDIT Re: your above post. Maybe, just maybe, a TnR option might a way to go, it sounds like he’s got himself painted into a corner, too proud to stand down and admit he’s made himself look silly. Maybe get another committee member to suggest “something’s gone horribly wrong, and its now juts arguing for arguing’s sake, There isn’t actually anyone who agrees with you and you probably know that, but we could just let it go, move on, Say no more about it and get one with riding bikes.” And if says no, bombers to death and a hole on the moors, he sounds like he knows too much. 😉

    Free Member

    Woah! That goes way and above any club politics and pettiness I’ve ever encountered!

    2 points of consideration – 1 ) How are other members of club reacting to it? If they’re fed up with it too then if there’s a committee member who isn’t ‘in on it/one of them’ etc. then ask they take lead for objectivity etc. Better if someone else suggests he be bombered to death and buried on the moors than you, make it looks less personal.

    2 ) How much do you care? If you’re not getting supported, back up, and if other members of club are letting it go on uncontested, stand down, go about your life. If the other members are half decent they’ll act at that point, but it doesn’t sound like it’s going to stop. He almost certainly has a mad little plan in his head, and sounds like he’s only at action point E.

    EDIT: ah, pipped to it, I think you need someone else on your committee to get involved then.

    Free Member

    Its worth pointing out they aren’t pushing for it. Well individually some are, but the suggested pay review has come from an independent body. Also worth pointing out much of present cabinet has huge pre existing wealth, so are not really dependent on their government wage, they’re already minted.

    Free Member

    X9, who turns their clutch on and off really? Instead Sram just have a cage lock, which you will not realise how useful it is until you have one (seriously why is that not on all mechs?). Currently running normal single chainring and no device, just bash, only very occasional drops the chain, which I hope to eliminate all together with Works ring soon.

    Free Member

    Gonefishin +1

    Its a high risk job, with poor security. MPs more likely to loose their jobs due to the actions of someone else than how good a local MP they are. I want dedicated skills people competing to MPs, leaving the private sector to work in parlaiment, and not to be toadying at lobbyists. That said pay is just one part of the complex mix of factors that mean all we get a high proportion of nasty sneaks in positions of power.

    They all knew how much the salary was when they put themselves forward to their respective parties to be Parliamentary candidates and, for those that were successful in the elections, to be an MP. So no sympathy from me.

    But the argument is, a higher wage reflective of the work and commitment and comparable wages in the real world, would attract better people. Also, yes, no other income allowed, You’re an MP, that’s it.

    Free Member

    Make funky soup in the bath…

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