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  • 7mesh Women’s Northwoods Windshell Review
  • unklehomered
    Free Member

    Though after frequent blow offs I’ve just put a tubeless tyre on my back Flow Ex. Admittedly on my most aggressive bike. Will be interesting to see how I get on with 29er XC tyres in a month or so’s time.

    Front’s been fine with a single ply, bog standard HR though. So as people have said in other threads, its tyre:rim combos which can make or break the success.

    Free Member

    I banned a dyslexic the other day. You should’ve seen the emails I got…

    Is that a Jasper Carrott Gag?

    Free Member

    I once worked in an office where on dress down fridays and weekends, 3/4 shorts were permitted. This bit was clearly aimed at the women. My 3/4 humvees were reluctantly tolerated, as they were technically, tailored, not baggy.

    Free Member

    if we kill everyone there will be no crime

    OI, stop nicking my idea!!!*

    *patent pending.

    Free Member

    Ah. The Edinburgh Defence?

    I DON’T KNOW!!! I’ve been thinking about it too much know, i’m doubting everything. I am at this moment the very embodiment of indecision, it could the knowing double bluff, is she trolling the liberals or hardcores? At this moment only easygirl knows for sure. I doff my cap… At this point I can only hope to learn…

    Free Member

    Wow. That’s really dry… I’m gonna call… Not serious.*

    *but I’m really not sure, easygirl has played a very good game here, seemingly very serious to begin with, but that smiley makes me think, actually, having us on…

    Free Member

    Yeah I’ve seen today’s race now, and actually that was stoopid, not just enthusiastic but hard to see which way the riders were supposed to go at times. Safe to say, you don’t get that in DH… 😈

    Free Member

    if you take a convicted murderer, he will have committed numerous crimes during his life.He will continue to commit crimes when released from prison.
    If we killed him, he would not commit any more crimes,therefore crime has been reduced.

    Orrrrrrrr, we could go further. If we killed everyone there would be no more crime, ever! Perfect world!

    Free Member

    I too got on the 4th July list back at the end of June, my ring came on the 5th July (and is AAAWWWWESOME). #sorry 😳

    Free Member

    Most of the landowners round here would sooner eat their children than allow any further access to their land. Negotiating access for an annual fell race often seems harder than resolving the Arab Israeli conflict.

    Interestingly I just posted this on FB and a friend who is a sheep farmer came back very negatively, her experiences are from A – Walkers and B – just people stopped the car and having BBQs/picnics/cider and crisps in her fields etc. I suspect the major concern from the latter being the shit they leave behind. I know she doesn’t have a particular gripe against mtbers, but the access to land as it is causes her serious headaches and worries for her stock and on that basis she doesn’t want to see it extended, full stop. Much better education about not being a cock on other peoples land needed regardless. I don’t believe extension of R2R for England is the best idea, but relaxation of footpath restrictions based on pre-existing ROW seems a good compromise.

    Free Member

    punishment as a deterrent will always be ineffective. For a start you have to get caught first and no-one thinks they’ll get caught.

    Those two are a lost cause, but we need to change our society to try and get to the next two before they end up like that…

    Sorry I went all rational there for a moment, Yeah – String em up, ‘angings too good for em, feed em to the **** dogs, yeah sick scum like that should have sick nasty horrible things done to them, yeah, with coat hangers and rusty nails, pull their thumb nails, then glass em in the face, and set them on fire… that’s what you have to do to sickos who think violence is good…

    Free Member

    No doubt we shall show johnny foreigner how the tour should be supported next year.

    200+ miles of road with nothing but cock&balls drawn on them the entire length???

    I bet if you were on the cragg vale climb, and wiggins or froome was in front, you would not be able to just stand there, clap lightly, calling out “I say, well done!” at a moderate volume…

    Free Member

    I’ve got a massive heap of stuff in the garden needs burning, don’t want to do it in the heat, but it will be easier to do before it rains… 😕

    Free Member

    That’s part of the tour. Its nowhere near as bad as it used to be. The Veulta gets quite silly on account of the tiny roads they use.

    Smoke bombs and hand flares are bang out of order too.

    yeah that’s just **** daft. But then it can’t nice following umpteen cars and motorbikes up a climb when you’re gasping for breath either…

    Free Member

    Don’t knock it, protest poos get me out of so many boring meetings…

    Free Member

    If you call me a “pixie” I’m going to take a mattock to you.

    Pah, you’ll have to find the mattock first * 😳

    *not really, we have now found the mattock.

    Free Member

    Actual lol at CFH


    New monitor for table 12 please… 😳

    Free Member

    It transcribes to cycling very well for me, especially my relationship with food. I am currently on a self imposed Pizza ban. No Pizza until I hit 94kg. Then Pizza, and wine. Until then, more riding and the occasional bit of fasting, but mostly riding cos goddamnit its just more fun.

    I don’t run because I can’t very well. And I can’t run very because I don’t run.

    Free Member

    I rode a trail in Harrogate that usually had loads of sticks, but they were all gone this time. It was really boring. Nothing to practice hop/weighting etc skills on, just flat trail through the woods. Stick men are your friends, they worry you might be neglecting the basics! 😉

    Free Member

    It will hopefully provide yet more examples of “Oh look, and its all fine” and England will eventually, finally change their access laws. But not anytime soon I suspect.

    Free Member

    Its easy for the straightline down the hill types to spoil natural trails*, a trail near me, quite cheeky, has been alter recently so that the old line is almost lost, the new line is incredibly tech, I like it, but a few years ago it would have been too much for me. However the trail ‘building’, clearing really, has been done very sypathetically. With little actual digging work.

    I’ve done some work in some old leadmines near me, where water found an easier route and eroded a huge trench last summer, my aim with redirecting the water, filling in the trench and reinforcing it, and other bits i’ve done about the site is that if you didn’t go there every week, you’d never know anyone had done anything.

    *from my point of view.

    Free Member

    yes, and no.

    yes: cutting back a few of the more agressive brambles

    no: digging berms into every corner.

    yes: placing a few small sticks to guide people AROUND the corner

    no: chopping trees down to ‘improve the flow’

    yes: scuffing out a drainage channel to empty a puddle.

    no: building doubles

    this is good. I’d add

    Yes: rolling any loose rocks / felled branches / hazards off the trail

    NO: Pulling things which you can’t ride/slow you down out of the trail just because you don’t like them*

    But as said above, wherever there are formal, permitted man made trails, there are a group of pixies who maintain and improve them. Every extra pair of hands that shows up to help means the maintenance can be done quicker and more time for improvement/adding stuff. If you want to change stuff, show up too. There’s no hard fast rules, I’m sure all groups have a to do list anyone can add stuff to and then your idea will be done properly and kept. Its also a lot of fun, and you will still spend a lot of time talking about and riding bikes. 😀

    *I just needed to vent that, it might not be strava but it is the “fast is the only goal” mentality. 👿 👿 👿

    Free Member

    I think high speed has 12 clicks and low 16 (?), I have the high open or just a few clicks in, the low 5-9 depending on what I’m doing. *

    *note to self, count current clicks, bike was riding super sweet last night.

    Also, try riding without locking out on the climbs, if you find its basically fine, remove floodgate, its like a sexy awesome on/off switch. 😀

    Free Member

    Curious return route from the Nidderdale loop, choosing road over bridleway 😕 Missed the leadmines on the way out too.

    FAO STites. On your ‘the Knowledge’ bit you should add the TICs. with only space for a few B&Bs (often full if in a town centre) it would be good for those visiting. Also, the one in PB is staffed by a rather knowledgeable (dashed handsome, suave and sophisticated) MTBer who knows where all the good shit is for those wishing to extend their stay. 😉

    The Famous pork pies come from the butcher, not the bakehouse. Do your research. 🙄 😉 The cake from the bakehouse is good, very good and the tiffin is outstanding, but the pork pies are not the best in town, by far… Unklehomer recommends crossing the road for sweet chili, or black pudding and apple.

    Free Member

    eeeeeeek… 😯

    Free Member

    every time you change your bike, you drink a pint. Sorted.

    +1, was surprised they were allowed to do that tbh…

    Free Member

    OP, you are clearly trying to be nice. I commend you for that. You’re trying to be reasonable, but I think the above advice is bang on. Lawyer up. It may well cause her to just stop arsing about. I suspect she can’t pay for a new bikie, and doesn’t want to get insurance involved, but that’s what insurance is for, so she doesn’t really have much choice.

    Free Member

    Don’t drink beer RocketDog, wrong thing to do, specially in this heat and blazing sunshine.

    Oi! You! Out! Now!

    Never heard such nonsense! 8)

    Free Member

    Well I’ve been overcome by doubt, so waiting a little bit. Tempted buy a medium for increased ‘chuckableness’, since I love my Meta AM so much, and also replacing my old avalanche with some kind of 29er mile muncher, I’m leaning towards this BFe as mostly a ‘play’ thing. I need to get on a few I think, but the only people with BFes I know have smalls, on account of their diminutive stature… 😕 No stockist near me either. Oh but I want a new bike now!!!

    Free Member

    What’s the point of carrying a little bottle of squirt? It needs time to dry so is not really any use as a trail lube.

    5mins, getting bike out of car pre ride fettle, while you eat a sandwich, a particularly long piss…

    Free Member

    I do use Squirt but the little bottle you get as the sample is great for putting in the backpack for long rides

    they gave our trailbuilders loads a while ago, its how I got converted, have little bottles shoved in all bags, car, tool box etc…

    Free Member

    Roses are red
    Violets a blue
    You’re ugly as ****
    But I’ll be sober tomorrow*

    *Churchill gag.

    Free Member

    Much better programe,the double amputee ex soldier was a real eye opener and such a great bloke, big cyber hug for him.

    Great to see white van man overtaking both the camera car and 2 cyclists on a hill going round a bend on double white lines.

    It can only get better.


    I thought it held together much more, it was roady based, but they did say it was a Tour themed program, fair do IMO. I thought the Lieth Hill segment was a step up too, less awkward and more fluid in its narrative/structure. Showed the Cragg Vale segment up a bit though, which felt like waste of a hill to me.

    Free Member

    No idea, but that’s awesome!

    Free Member

    my 2007 VIP Super had AL SL on it.

    Free Member

    I’ve been going nuts for Millar this tour. He’s been an exceptional and selfless domestique. I know some haven’t forgiven him and fair enough. But he’s just doing now because he loves it and he can. Prob only has a few tours left in him, and is enjoying taking it to people for the sake of it.

    Have enjoyed Froome though, going with the break away for the hell of it, ruining everyone today on the climb – but he could only do that due to the team tactics, control and planning of Sky, the impressive bit there (as last year with Sky), was sticking to and trusting in the plan.

    Quintana, now there, wow, just wow.

    Free Member

    🙁 and 😕 for your mate, and the circumstances respectively.

    Free Member


    You mad fools, saying it out loud, typing it into the internet. Have you taken leave of your senses. The above posters have the right idea. Vocally complain about how its ‘too hot’, use phrases like ‘bloody ridiculous’, ‘but I mean, 14 days on the trot, it’s horrific.’.

    If it rains tomorrow I know who I’m blaming!

    Free Member

    Yay mine are flowering. However I’m beeing (boom!) asked what they are, did anyone keep the packet???

    Free Member

    As a happy meta AM owner, i don’t understand why anyone would buy anything else. 😀

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