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  • Fresh Goods Friday 727: The East 17 Edition
  • unklehomered
    Free Member

    yeah I was going to ask if there is a ‘right’ answer?

    Free Member

    For those looking for Harrogate Accomm and UCI what’s on.

    Free Member

    Update: All tuned out fine, he’s utterly uninterested. #allmyphew

    Free Member

    Cheers for the feedback. Have done extra tape over the whole, looks like I’llbe a doing an extra extra text-book super careful retape, and then try some silicon stuff. It started out as wanting to be sure the wheel was OK to sell, but now its become a challenge…

    Free Member


    Fit tube

    Indeed. Thing is seriously considering selling the wheels…

    Free Member

    I used to wonder this. Playing paranoid theorist for a moment. The only risk in ‘lucky deep’ could be if the organisers cluster numbers around a fraction of the available range, thus increasing the opportunity for roll-overs, and driving more sales.

    I’m sure that man on the telly from the official inspectorship of numbered ball checks for this sort of thing, and it is in fact all fine.

    But it could be part of the evil master plan to keep us docile, they put Chemtrails in the water you know…

    Free Member

    That’s nothing I had a golden retriever (intact) who **** his bed with such enthusiasm that he rode it out of the downstairs bathroom, through the hall and round and round the front room!

    Regardless of what company you may have!

    “Woo – hoooooo!!!! coming through!”

    Free Member

    Firm crowd/rider/Marshall favourite the red lion badly hit also… :(

    red lion pub

    Free Member

    Seeing the bike really got me.

    Fitting send off. Full to bursting, not even standing room…

    Free Member

    unklehomered – that’s a beast! Please say that wasn’t on a human.

    That was on my hound, he collects them.

    I’ve had to remove a tick from foreskin.

    I think at that point I would just kill myself.

    Free Member

    tick-twister removers are the best tool for the job


    Below, our best of the year 2017 – that’s a 10p

    Free Member


    I have scaffold (bar across the top) still wear it, but a few years ago I discovered that because it is bent I don’t need the front ball for it to stay in so its more low key, not entirely sure i’d still have it if not.

    Free Member

    There’s no mud on Penmachno.

    This is true, the many rivers wash it all away.
    However the entire thing is under several inches of water.

    Free Member

    Marin was pretty good.

    Stainburn gets good feedback for wet weather conditions, and it’s built with that always in mind.

    Free Member

    Phew! thought it was bad news.

    no, don’t worry, he’s fine…


    Free Member

    This was very much the story for well over half of Penmachno.

    But that said, on Friday, briefly this was Gwydir [?] Forest.

    Then it rained there too.

    Free Member

    Wow. That’s like a human one-man Rube Goldberg machine.

    Free Member

    Five of us travelling up from the tropical sarf to do the Sprint. Knitted underpants and snorkels packed ready.

    If you walk down to the village in the evening to go to the pub, just make sure you Keep off the Moors!!!

    Free Member

    Two things really upset me listening to that interview this morning.

    1 – The couple said several times that they didn’t mind people with gender issues, but it should be private, away from public, I forget the wording but they basically meant “Hide it away, shove where no-one can see, where we don’t have to face it, or think about it… just airbrush it away please.” Which I would imagine is about the most dangerous thing any young person, or older person for that matter, can hear while dealing with questions about their identity.

    2 – The second was that there is a young person somewhere who has been handling something complicated, pretty well it would seem, and everyone around them were dealing with in the way they should, no fuss, acceptance etc. Then this insular attention seeking couple kick up such a fuss and go and every media outlet that will take them. I doubt that 6 year will be fully hidden from this, it probably isn’t possible, and there’s a chance all the past efforts will be undone. Just cos he was being himself/herself.

    Free Member

    +1 for hydrogen.

    By going to batteries we’re swapping one mineral resource we’re greedily using up (and that would be quite useful to have for other stuff), for another.

    Free Member

    Yes, and in many ways stepped backwards, but i’m better for it. I can’t bring myself to tap it all into a keyboard right now, but went full career change, including several years earning nothing and studying.

    Also through circumstance meant I was in the right place at the right time for bad family times. I’m a believer in life throwing you things. Roll with them…

    It’s worth pointing out there are two ways to describe my current life situation, one would make sound pathetic, one would make it sound life affirming.

    Free Member

    Crack on and love your dog, its what your dog would do. :D

    Free Member

    No Idea but i do really like the graph…

    (so much I posted this twice apparently)

    Free Member

    No Idea but i do really like the graph…

    Free Member

    Go to the bog and sh1t your pants

    I’m curious… why go to the bog to shit yourself?

    Free Member

    From what I read it sounds more like a protest than an attack.

    Any locals know how much info was given to local businesses about the closure? Advance notice? For farmers to suddenly find you can’t move stock can be a serious issue.

    Free Member

    residents don’t want to have their windows closed all the time that may need to be taken into account. Or maybe they can’t afford double glazing, or live in a conservation area…

    All three here, and an old house that would look chuffing stupid with double glazing in it.

    Have we had the “I drive a super awesome car that I keep keep in super awesome condition so I should be able to do what the hell I like” argument yet?

    I’ve very nearly got Speed Limit Bingo.

    Free Member

    I’ve seen this topic before, I’m getting popcorn and biscuits.

    Free Member

    Ahem, believe Britain has had the odd winner.

    Sorry, i might have understated my sarcasm there. That was very much my point.

    Free Member

    Annie Last Won a race? XC wear lycra, that’s always made them make sense to British Cycling. Although I’m sure if a Brit ever won anything in downhill we’d hear about that too.

    Free Member


    650b? Or the method of introduction of 650b by the bike industry?

    Free Member

    Reminds me of that ad on TV years ago, when the CEO was handed some coffee, sipped it, shrugged and said “Well I can;t tell the difference between the instant and real coffee, what’s next?”

    always had me shouting “WELL THEN YOU SHOULDN’T BE RUNNING AND F******G COFFEE COMPANY THEN SHOULD YOU!” – even though I knew it was all fictional.

    Free Member



    Free Member

    The Honda Jazz

    Bags of grated Cheese

    The Universe [in joke]

    Free Member

    And then I’d add 3 bridges, one for each century because a really big museum needs really big things.

    I’m sensing a wing of the museum may be a hybrid landscape, a very literal best of Britain, we could put Fremington edge onto the banks of the forth, say a mile back.

    Who’s nominating something for the other side.

    epicyclo, your exhibit present engineering conundrums, the water would have to be running to be accurate. Also wind for the full experience.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I thought they got rid of Hopkins for being too horrifically vile about the wrong particular thing?

    Free Member


    The Enigma Machine – symbolic of so much, responsible for so much and indirectly the inspiration for modern computing.

    The A1 Peppercorn Tornado – as part of detailed exhibit documenting how it was made, by a dedicated few.

    The Ard Rock Enduro – I’ll settle for Stages 1,2 and 6 – basically Fremmington Edge, and village, complete with the full festival atmosphere. Animatronic if you must, but the stages are rideable. (you said the museum was really big yeah?)

    Free Member

    Did nearly all of it this weekend. The Deadwater trails were pretty good (my expectations were low following the Lonesome Pine on on Sat). Don’t bother with the long fireroad climb for the black ‘Downhill’ trail. Do the black, then go back up and do the red – they are mutually exclusive.

    The lonesome pine trails are a bit of a plod, and bit dull, I might do them again one day when I have time and fitness to go over the border to Newcastleton and back. More to tick the box than the awesome riding of it. Don’t do the bushy blood or whatever its called if you aren’t going over unless you find descending miles on fireroad to be an uplifting and joyous experience.

    by the time I reached the bottom of that I had the most appalling tourettes that I was unleashing at any object that happened to catch my eye. I found that whole trail confusing actually by way of the choices made and the signage unnecessarily irritating.

    Free Member

    That sounds like it may have potential. I will consult the map. Thanks!

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