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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • ulysse
    Free Member

    labour. as much as i despise them oversaw sustained economic growth from ’97 till ’08 too, its convenient to forget. And by 2010 Darling was well on track to a recovery

    Free Member

    What was the annual deficit running at when Atlee created the NHS and Welfare provision, remind me again?

    Free Member

    Rubbish, pure unadulterated rubbish

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Can you google that for me?

    Free Member

    Drac called me a troll
    Solid burn.

    I think

    Free Member

    All im saying is i only know of one post of his so far to be erroneously copied from a false news source, and that was apolagised for and very publicly retracted within minutes


    The SKWAWKBOX is written to try to present information and analysis that will rarely make it into the mainstream media because it doesn’t fit their agenda and the narrative they want to present.

    Sometimes, the media do catch up later. This blog has broken some major stories over the years that the media has caught onto later.

    The debunking of the ‘Mid Staffs NHS scandal’, supposedly involving ‘400-1200 needless deaths’ was a statistical misrepresentation combined with a political agenda that involved ‘perhaps one’ avoidable death. At the time, all the media were singing from the same hymnsheet, but eventually the Guardian, Independent and Huffington Post all caught on. Sadly, many of the other newspapers and broadcasters still parrot a thoroughly-discredited line.

    Fake psych tests imposed on jobseekers, with threats if they didn’t comply; Labour party plots and attempted coups; and latterly UKIP – the huge fraud investigations and lies about Hillsborough. The media eventually caught up on those as well.

    Others are still waiting. New evidence of army dressed as police at Orgreave; Tony Blair’s and John Major’s involvement in passing off military personnel as police during their years in office; Tory lies on their NHS spending; investigations into UKIP’s distribution of child pornography – some of this was covered by the larger independent platforms such as the Canary, but the mainstream hasn’t seen fit to touch them, even though the evidence is cast-iron.

    Free Member

    Hes been mostly bang on the money for the last 5 years, have a trawl through his previous posts…

    Free Member

    Whos about to self destruct?
    Looks like the Tory sleaze is coming home to roost – again

    Theresa May ‘under investigation re Brexit profits’

    Free Member

    And as for no voice, while these victims may feel alone and voiceless in their desperation, Debbie Abrahams has done sterling work alongside Micheal Meacher (rip) Carolyne Lucas Mhairi Black and many other right minded MP’s

    Dpac and Black Triangle. Shelter, Manchester Angels

    The blogs of
    Vox Political
    Glynnis Milward
    Jane Linney and many other,s have been shouting from the rooftops since the implications of these policies became clear.

    No one is alone

    Free Member

    Shameful that people vote for the Tories whilst being fully aware of the damage these policies do.

    Are they aware though? Are me and thousands of others perceived as shouty ill informed fringe lunatics with an anti tory tub to thump?

    If so… Try opening your mind, take a look about. These are not just anecdotal, they’re real – The DWP have admitted 61 deaths were directly caused by benefit cuts. The other seven thousand and odd are a bit harder to prove, hypothermia, starvation related organ failures, stress induced suicides, but all can be pointed to a source and cited.

    However, if you ARE fully aware of these deaths, and still continue to cheerlead Tory policy and enable them by voting, donating or any other conservative party activism, then the blood is on your hands as much as any Minister, DWP Line manager or decision maker.

    Free Member

    Driving when tired is as bad as drink-driving in terms of danger levels according to a study I saw. I reckon pretty much everyone here is guilty of that

    God yes, when i used to drive trucks for a local bakery on the North Yorks run, yeah great idea that, a bolton bakery sending bread and pastries to Brays and Cruesty territories, and at 6 in the morning id see Brays trucks coming the other way on the M62 8O
    So up at 3 in the morning, loaded by 5, hitting Bradford and Leeds about 6,30, Thorner then up the A1 to Knaresborough, Morrisons in Harrogate and on to York. Occasionally hit the White Rose centre on the way back,
    RTB around 12 or one, or once the trafford centre was built add an hour to that. Steam out the back, fuel up and do vehicle faults report then home.
    I was a living zombie. Bent tacho discs, speed limiter kicked out from under the dash were the only way i could physically do that run in a day.
    Near the end before i quit i was on high amounts of pro plus. Then wizz, and id still have to pull off the MWay at Windy Hill on the way back to try and grab Z’s in the cab under the bridge.

    NEVER AGAIN will i endanger myself and others and blatantly break all kinds of laws just to put food on the table. IIR number 2 had just been born so the pressure on me to earn at the time was phenomenal.

    If any of you ever wondered why im a rabid socialist and IWW, read and blame the above experience

    Free Member

    Sorry your early years were so shitty

    Quite the opposite really, apart from the odd one or two, i like to recall i was reasonably popular school.

    I simply came to realise that apart from the ones i grew up with before and during school years, and still remain mates and in reasonable contact with still, the only thing i have in common with the rest is being forced to share a building with a couple of thousand people i’ll never give two hoots about, the only difference being, i’ve never pretended otherwise

    Free Member

    Effective would be him not speeding again, not the blanket cessation of partaking the area’s tourism or sportives…

    Free Member

    And for the record, i was just a vocal (and typey) when New Labour with Frank Field and David Freud engineered the beginnings of what we see today with Sanctions and the WCA (dont get me started on LHA, that’s initially what sent me down the activist route )

    Free Member
    Free Member

    And I’ll keep going on about this issue until Tory voters realise, either through design or crass ignorance, have enabled these deaths.

    Free Member

    Taxi, IDS was confronted many many times by disability rights pressure groups about the unintended consequences of his policies. On one particular occasion I remember him turning up for a parliamentary consultation meeting with a group of disabled activists under armed Police guard.
    Priti Patel once referred to a group of wheelchair users protesting outside a Job centre as “Terrorists”
    Ministers know full well and choose to ignore the consequences of thier edicts to branch management at DWP departments.
    Does this not make them culpable?

    Free Member

    My point is, from the 2012 welfare reform act that has been the direct and sometimes indirect causes of up to 8000 similar deaths, up until very recently to find reports of these deaths, you had to be a member of Black Triangle, DPAC or follow independent blogs.
    Now the red tops deem it fit for reporting.

    As for why have I posted this report in this thread, this is the reason for me turning my back on my party membership in this general election and ill be voting for an MP that could possibly put Jeremy Corbyn in to number 10 despite my misgivings about some more right wing elements of the Labour Party.

    Free Member

    Therefore I’d say it was a good thing, and the experience was meant to be, to shape your life as to the now

    Free Member

    A tear in your eye, or your own sad ditty?

    Free Member

    tjagain – Member
    If it hadn’t been for spending all my capital when I was 30 by going travelling I could have retired at 50

    D’ya think you’d be the same person now, if you hadn’t taken the time to travel back then?

    Op, get it done fella!

    Free Member

    There’s always a tear in my eye when I think of that sad little ditty he hummed on the day he quit

    Free Member

    And in Today’s mainstream press, more reports of corporate manslaughter via WCA and disability benefits sanctions.

    How much longer can Freud, Duncan Smith, McVey, Patel, Crabb and Green avoid prosecution.

    Free Member

    Cougar – Moderator
    The moon, obvs

    *Engage pedant mode*
    Technically, no… Only the CSM lunar module…. Yadda yadda, gripe gripe :D

    Free Member

    Sounds cheap for that level of craftsmanship?
    Not for me but I suppose if I had the dollar going spare I could see the appeal

    Free Member

    Absolutely eff all :lol:

    Free Member

    When you are slinging mud from almost 30 years ago, and trying to implicate a civilian safety camera operator in such a tragedy, small details don’t seem to matter for buffoons like the OP.

    D’ya want some more recent mud Si?
    How about your mates actions at Barton Moss protection camp? Beating up pensioners, making up stories of flares fired at helicopters, Teagate, oh… Teagate, let’s remember that bloke there eh, Kehoe. Drugs going missing from evidence when he was in charge of the drugs squad.
    How about Gaz Knox having one of your colleagues on his drugs dealing payroll, with a bought for with drugs proceeds BMW on the drive, and the bloke used to go round and mow Knoxies lawn every week.
    Institutionally, your organisation aint changed much

    Free Member

    Id rather tear out my own balls with acid dipped crocodile clips, the past is best left exactly there.

    Free Member

    They also kick the shite out of striking miners and their families

    Free Member

    I only wish the one i used on the Mrs didnt work, i can tell you.

    Free Member

    Yeah, i wouldnt vote for Dirty Danczuk either, to be fair, at least here David Crausby is kind of reasonable

    Free Member

    Green member here, dont trust the Labour Party as far as i could throw them while Blairite Progress members still hold the whip hand.
    I will be holding my nose and voting Labour though. This country cant take another 5 years of social vandalism and corporate manslaughter under Tory stewardship

    Free Member

    Free Member


    Free Member

    In my opinion, if caffeine was taken I’m similar doses to other illegal stimulants, it would be farmore dangerous…

    Free Member

    Nope, concentration, you get fixated on one element of whatever task whilst on phet, I once had a very amusing afternoon watching two whizzing mechanics trying to fit a rear screen in the days when they were held in by filleted rubber seals, straight, a 10 to 20 minutes job, I was in f****G tears watching them fixate for hours on trying to get the seal “just so”

    Free Member

    And ww2 pilots flew successfully on dexadrine, but agreed, too much amphetamines seriously compromise concentration

    Free Member

    They don’t jump the car in a traditional High current fashion, they trickle equalise the cars battery to a point where there is enough juice in the cars lead acid to turn over a cold engine whilst running the necessary ECU’s

    Free Member

    Crystal meth was one of the cleanest highs I’ve ever experienced IMHO.
    But that’s probably because it wasn’t bashed with anything to make it three instead of one to be fair..
    I’ve been more off my tits on paste whizz.

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