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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • ulysse
    Free Member

    Stick a can of Sure down your trolleys and give your balls a blast every time she does her pits, i’m sure she’ll get the message…

    Free Member

    Paddy Pantsdown? He was awesomz, more Surfmat than Surfmat

    Free Member

    Name names, Mattyfez?

    Free Member

    TBF, that’s ostensibly me.

    Can you Google that for me as well?

    Free Member

    God, I really miss Charles Kennedy :(

    Free Member

    Blondie was *kin awesome at the Liverpool O2 arena in 2013, last time we got on a guest list freebie under our own names too, Mrs was tubbed with number 3 at the time.
    Anyhoo, I was playing union city blue ‘tother day, and number 3 perks up, “louder daddy, up, UP UP” I can only assume she could remember hearing it in utero! :D

    Free Member

    Works fine, SLX 11spd mech, sunrace 11-42 10spd cassette, SLX 10spd shifter

    Free Member

    But come on, would you, though?
    I know I would :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    And now Donald & Si’s mates are relying on food banks

    More and more officers are now approaching their force welfare fund, which is a charity set up to support police officers who are on rock bottom. They cannot afford to pay household bills or buy the basics such as food.

    Free Member

    The idea that the Westminster establishment would just give up their grip on power if enough of us refused to vote is hopelessly naive because not only does it fail to explain the actual mechanism by which the election results would be rendered void, it also ignores the very real precedent set by the farcical 2012 PCC elections, which had an average turnout of just 15%, and in several regions (Hampshire, Essex, Cambridgeshire, Surrey, Norfolk, Humberside, Cumbria & Lincolnshire) the winning candidate garnered less than 5% of the eligible vote! Did any of these new PCCs refuse to accept their £65,000 – £85,000 per year jobs because of a lack of political mandate? Of course they bloody didn’t!

    Free Member

    Scud, in that case you MUST spoil your ballot, it does get recorded wereas not voting is simply classed as voter apathy

    Free Member

    Agreed regarding tax needing a shakeup, possibly an element of land value taxation?

    Free Member

    Agreed, it was applied pressure not only from the opposition benches, but activists petitioners and public opinion.

    But put that alongside Millibands record in opposition, the Conservatives got away with murder.

    Free Member

    Just for Thegeneralist, ill post this again.
    And all this, with knives in his back.

    Free Member

    And even more deaths at the hand of the Tory party and those who elect them

    The Government’s controversial cap on benefits is failing to encourage more people into work and forcing pregnant women to consider terminating their pregnancy, according to evidence published by the Work and Pensions Committee.

    Tory benefit cap forcing women to consider terminating pregnancies

    Free Member

    Strong and stable opposition, dont believe the lies that Corbyn is weak an ineffectual
    All this, while the Progress movement in his own party had knives in his back.

    Does that smack ineffectual weakness?

    Free Member

    Tory lies fuelling a 113% rise in dasibility hate crime[/url]

    Free Member

    It’s no fun when they run away by dieseling on thier own oil.. I know of a Peugeot expert that was so bad it wouldn’t stall, Peugeot sent out engineers to examine the wreckage.
    Anyone on Crompton Way about 10 year ago smogged out in a blinding cloud of smoke…

    Free Member

    You’ve killed a Volvo D5?

    Free Member

    I’ll also just leave this here…

    Free Member

    Again, regarding proper taxation of multinationals I’ll point to the post earlier, regardless of name, we have had since 1979 an ideology of neoliberalism, casino economics.

    Free Member

    7 years of income stagnation?

    Free Member

    Companies are coming back saying max size would be around 10 folk.

    Ask yourself “are these people gonna be at the Stags funeral, come the day?”
    Huck off the ones who don’t pass that muster job jobbed!

    Free Member

    Is still up and live?

    Free Member

    I thought HMRC was sold off to some American corporation…

    Free Member

    A simple YES / NO question to the Right wingers, are the 61 DWP investigated deaths a price worth paying?
    Are 500000 homeless children a price worth paying?[/url]

    Free Member

    My point being in that flippant post, if such tax avoidence chicanery as outlined in your links were to be brought under a semblance of control, the taxation from all multinationals operating in and profiting from the UK would be rather significant, reducing reliance on the magic money tree

    Free Member

    BigButSlimmerBloke – Member
    if money isn’t acceptable, would a gift of similar value be? leave it on the TA’s desk as a “thank you”

    THIS!!! Maybe a food hamper and other household consumables.
    I dunno the reality here, but in my head im seeing someone deeply embarrassed trying to make amends for their perceived slight, at the cost of maybe a couple of kids going without at home..

    Free Member

    How about, Jamba, we actually look at the record of the Tory and coalition governments, and judge accordingly?
    Casino capitalism, Privatising profit and socialising risk, selling off national assets to friends family and doners,vast transferance of public monies in to private pockets, welfare reforms that kill while costing extra billions to implement, failed IT for the last point costing millions, housing policy thats failing miserably, mass homelessness, food banks, food poverty, criminalising squatting further causing deaths

    I could go on all night, but i dont need to, you make it abundantly clear that this a cost worth paying and you support it wholeheartedly.

    I used to regularly rip new Labour a new arsehole, But this? it isnt even velvet fascism, its downright evil personified, its brought out the worst among us.

    But its also brought out the best among us, to try and oppose you

    Free Member

    But Blair / Brown Nu Labour were Neoliberals, they supported the casino economics… Why would they clamp down on what they support?
    And yeah, ill use some of the less odious of the tax dodgers listed , but not for any financial reasons, ill boycott mainly over worker rights.
    So yeah, while there ill take advantage of some, but its no biggie if a tax hike is seen at the price for the end user

    Free Member

    Didnt Vodaphone avoid corporate tax to the tune of the entire welfare bill?

    Free Member

    V8ninety, how do we know youre a landrover enthusiast, eh, eh EH?

    Free Member

    and who of my class has good experience of Police Probation lawyers and Prisons?

    Ha ha, case in point, I found activist allies all through the spectrum, but refused to stand on the courthouse steps when probation held thier strikes, I told the PCS union to hump itself when jobcentre plus workers started whinging…

    Free Member

    Well, not protected from the government, is the issue.
    The insidiously shitty part is that it’s a system that’s basically designed to fail disabled people.

    Unum, who designed the system were successfully prosecuted in the USA for the same tick box model of sickness medical insurance denial.
    Yet Duncan Smith thought it prudent to pay ATOS then Maximus to administer this test as a work capability assessment. That man’s megalomania has cost this country Billions that Jamba & nin masturbate over and cost the lives and potential of thousands

    Free Member

    I would substitute “deliberately targeted ” with “not protected “. I agree, however, that they should have been, especially given the relatively small sums involved.

    No. Deliberately targeted. In around 2013 as each of the welfare policies started hitting home, people in pressure groups often repeated” surely this time people will be on the streets and finally take notice” bedroom tax, LHA, under 25′ not eligible for benefits, tax credits, WCA, Esa, Pip, firemen being shafted, probation being shafted, junior doctors being shafted, creeping privatisation in the NHS, Selling royal mail at a nock down price to the then Chancellor weddings best man, shafting the police, shafting Essels mates, legal aid and so forth… Each time, “surely people must take notice”
    No, because each group effected were marginalized , apart from NHS and fire, and who of my class has good experience of Police Probation lawyers and Prisons?

    Free Member

    This magic money pot, where does that come from ?

    It’s called a FIAT economy such as the one the Bank of England has run, and as pointed out above, the mechanism is quantitative easing.
    We’ve always “spent more than we take” and since world war 2 the defecit was far far higher than under the Blair Brown era,where we finally paid off our war debt to America – which Ninfan AGAIN forgets ended under a GLOBAL crash, but I do agree with him and was very vocal at the time it was foolish to massage that economic growth on an artificial bubble fueled by property speculation

    Free Member

    Can any on the Right on here defend this?

    Free Member

    Does “Strong and stable” actually cut any mustard, DD?

    Free Member

    Ken Bigley

    Free Member

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