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  • ulysse
    Free Member

    Maybe if secondary education wasn’t a rote learned test of memory providing mass produced molded sausages for the machine, id actually give a plop.

    Free Member

    Either way, im not arsed by it…

    Free Member

    Fraud was measured at 0.7% if i recall
    I suspect gaming the system would be harder to quantify

    Free Member

    Londons biggest private landlord of ex council owned properties is >> Taaadaaaa!
    The Son of Thatchers housing minister. Troo story, bro

    Free Member


    Free Member

    But again, what alternative for them is there?
    Take away thier benefits and Singletrack becomes one long “my sheds been robbed again” thread
    The benefits safety net works both ways

    Free Member

    Yep Thatcher would have been proud of such entrepreneurial spirit.

    But what would you do if faced with that predicament?
    Go under trying to use the system in an honest fashion, or swim by fiddling?
    Me, i’d personally be in your middle class privilege bike sheds following your strava routes and mugging you at cash machines

    Free Member

    In the cartoon creator’s own words:

    This is a great way to explain privilege to someone who’s having a hard time understanding — or someone who doesn’t want to recognize it.

    “Comics are very human and accessible — they’re non-threatening and quite inviting to a reader,” Morris said. “It’s a lot less daunting than picking up a giant book or trying to decipher a really long or really dense article.”

    True story.

    Make no mistake: Morris isn’t taking away from hard work in his comic.

    “I’m not trying to say I’m against that idea that if we work hard, we succeed,” he said. “I would like to think that is true, for the most part, but I just think people often forget or don’t realise that our starting points, or our paths to success, aren’t all even. Some people have to overcome more obstacles in the path to succeeding than others.”

    He was also quick to point out that this isn’t about anyone needing to feel bad or guilty for the privileges that they have, but rather it’s about honesty and understanding — because maybe that’s what could lead us to a better place.

    “Acknowledging the issue is one step towards addressing it hopefully,” he said.

    Ultimately, success — or lack thereof — can be about hard work and other factors, some of which are beyond our control.

    A lot of people have been able to relate to this comic — both sides of it — and have reached out to Morris to share.

    “Personally, I’ve grown up somewhere in the middle,” he said. Because his dad was in the army, Morris moved around a lot as a kid. “I experienced a lot of different neighbourhoods and schools and friendship groups — some well off, some not so much — and that experience lead me to this belief that ultimately people are all pretty similar wherever you go, we just don’t all have the same chances in life.”

    Free Member

    Pretty sure outofbreath is just trolling.

    Im absolutely convinced of that, but its interesting, never the less

    Free Member

    families that have deliberately engineered overcrowding to bump one of them up a social housing list.Proudly telling her that. Or making no efforts even with multiple agency involvement to address their childrens problems, as classing them as a disability affords better benefits payments.

    But isnt this the smart think to do in a situation where there a very little other opportunities for advancement, seeing as the other 50% are struggling to get by and are at real risk of going under?
    A survival mechanism, and vocally “owning” it?

    Free Member

    im see it as – despite the hills put in her developmental path, shes overcome, found a job and might still find her true potential given the opportunity. Shes certainly got the gumption.
    The other character is an ungrateful unthinking spoilt shit who has had life handed to him on a plate, combined with a little personal struggle in education, granted, and he aught to look up the meaning of “therefore the grace of god go i”

    Free Member

    39 for me. but it might have been all the coke speed ephedrine and mdma i was doing back then ;)

    id say im faster now although endurance seems to have gone off a cliff

    Free Member

    Do you really, in your own head, see that cartoon portraying the waitress as someone who’s failed in life?

    You see, right there, the gulf in thinking and empathy between someone like you, and someone like me

    Free Member

    Did you Google what i asked, or did you, as i kinda suspect, just make that up…
    Hmmmm see last 7 words of my quote.

    Free Member

    Nothing. It’s the attitude of the scum on the left panel of the cartoon i take issue with.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    He’s probably had your trousers down for £25, it’s not an earth shattering amount.

    Free Member

    What I’ve done in the past with buyers like you is to drive over and full refund, taking the bike back. Then I make it my life mission that they never get to own anything of mine again. Ever
    You don’t live on Chorley New Road, do you…. ;)

    Free Member

    Look above, there will always be those who sneer.

    Free Member

    I’ll bet my arse that the ones you described while daft enough to get caught ain’t thick as pigshit by any other measure, they saw the writing on the wall for their life prospects a long time ago

    Free Member

    They’ve been systematically excluded from society by a clear lack of opportunity to advance, since before leaving school, so is it any wonder they turn their back on society and “own” being a grafter?

    Free Member

    Workshy, or unable to find work in the communities where industry has been decimated by ideologically neoliberal parties since 1979, so turning to crime where the only other choice is benefits.
    I’ll refer again to the JRF study in to unemployment and economic inactivity brings the actual unemployment figure nearer 6 million, with an available vacancies of 500000 at any one time.
    I’ve told the tale of ten dogs and one bone on here before, the outcome never changes and nor can it

    Free Member

    Goodnight, but dream about how those 7 kids will be paying taxes that will provide the care for us when we’re retired and infirm…

    Free Member

    Do you really want to get in to a discussion about how land ownership and the mismanagement thereof, combined with bad farming practices to satisfy grants eligibility are creating flooding…

    Free Member

    Technicalinept, Google urban area over unpopulated area of UK landmass. We ain’t overcrowded by a long Chalk. Another myth to feed the weak minded

    Free Member

    I’m not Labour, Ton but I’m clearly a socialist, There’s a lot more to it than simply fair pay for fair work. The Labour movement was founded on socialist and Union principles, the stronger come together to protect the weaker, everyone in society provides value weather it’s obvious or not immediately evident. Child rearing is vital to the community and the country. The days of the man being a breadwinner for the little wife have gone, but it’s vital we support mothers that are working just as hard rearing our future, as a manual grafting builder.. Its work, just a different kind

    Free Member

    The 7 children of the 35 year old, fit and healthy, work-shy, baby-making machine, not gonna learn a work ethic from their mother are they?

    Proof, citations and statistics for that assertion, please.

    Free Member

    So Ton, explain to me what being a died in the wool red actually means.

    Free Member

    Ton, you need to examine your emotional overreaction to this issue, fella.
    I’d maintain that bringing up kids that have a potential to earn and pay tax when they reach maturity is worth the current costs to taxpayer.
    You say you’re a socialist but you sound like a Tory

    Free Member

    TV shows find and exploit a tiny tiny tiny minority of the worst excesses of some particular demographic to spell out the narrative, shock…

    Free Member

    The 3 generations was Blair, and IDS ran with the lie when bringing about the benefit “reforms” that cost more than they save

    Free Member

    All the pies, the 3 generations of worklessness myth was debunked during the coalition government era.
    No such families were found to exist, but dont let facts get in the way of your ignorance

    Pointless i know as it wont fit the narrative of your world view but heres a link, one of many
    The power of stupid ideas: ‘three generations that have never worked’

    Free Member

    All those kids are future potential tax payers paying to your pension and social care pot when your too old and fat to wipe your own arse.

    Free Member

    Rules are for the guidance of wise men and obediance of fools

    Free Member

    Yes, it was for proven hard core users, and yes it reduced the occurence of new users by stopping existing users dealing to feed their habits

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Have you a link for that 90’s experiment by Liverpool Health services NickC ? It makes interesting reading

    Free Member

    If you still charge for it, you still have the problem that addicts, who can’t hold down a job because they are addicts, can’t afford to pay for it. So let’s put that issue to one side and agree that we’re going to give it away for free, like methadone.

    Wrong. As the study in the 90’s Liverpool proved.
    A study group were prescribed heroin. most were functional and held down steady jobs. Addiction rates declined.
    Until the Tory party pulled the plug. And adiction rates climbed again>

    What is the correlation between addiction to drugs every time the modern Tory party gain power and decimate communities, Smack in the 90’s, spice today

    Free Member

    Well I sort of see the point your making, but heoin use is still really bad for you.

    I knew a successful small businessman and wife who used to partake a cheeky dig on the quiet when they thought no one was looking. Healthy, good looking, clear skin and eyes, fully functioning and H was taken only recreationaly.
    He could afford the best, wasnt grubbing around in the filth for a hit like most street users and had a good lifestyle and diet.
    Go figure

    Free Member

    Very disappointing thread title.

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