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  • ulysse
    Free Member

    Surfmat. Fo’ shizzle

    Free Member

    Welshfarmer, Thats why im normally a Green, but i cant let my ideology get in the way of stopping the most destructive party in history from carrying on their demolition of the UK, enriching the rich at the expense of the poor, starving our most vulnerable, working people defendant on charity, and most importantly murdering so far 6000 to 8000 disabled and unemployed.

    Free Member

    Oooh, nearly a triple dip, saved by 0.3 increase in GDP, ill bet the treasury were clicking their heels as they all drank champagne that day eh?
    #Tory closed ideology echo chamber #Bought MsM

    Free Member

    We are a capitalist country and he would turn everything to sh-1-t, quite literally. Forget the nhs there would be no taxes to pay for it.

    Dad Blair cripple the country with his 14 years of economic growth up until the 2008 GLOBAL crash?
    Were Brown and Darling turning the tide from the global crash by using economic stimulus, government spending and tax cuts up until 2010?

    Followed by Osborn’s triple dip recession- it felt more like a depression up North…
    Did Osbornomics lose the UK it’s Moody’s AAA economic rating?

    Free Member

    So come on then, cards on the table, who ya gonna vote for?

    Me, I’m in the most corrupt Labour council in the North West, Cliff Morris has had off with around £5000000 that we know of, his deputies and 30 Co council members are complicit, the elected labour MP’s in bolton wards are noted by their silence – it’s been going on since before Morris was leader, around 25 years that I can recall. I remember Prescott coming to sort out “irregularities” in Tong Ward Labour club and washing his hands of the mess during Blair’s tenure.
    Im a member of cross party political groups baying for Morris and Co blood.

    I’m a paid up Green member.

    I will be voting David Crausby. Lab.

    Free Member

    A 2.2 rimfire aint much louder than a popgun…

    Free Member

    Ebay, quid start, realistic postage, let the market decide…

    Free Member

    Cocaine and crystal meth…

    Free Member

    Wow. This twunt will get oldtalents vote…

    Free Member

    Can someone point Martin Ashton to this thread :b

    Free Member

    As above, our windows 10 htpc does everything in this house, with windows Groove music app doing all standard playing duties, Serato DJ doing more specific duties through a Midi controller. Tried all formats of storage, for human ears on domestic hi fi, MP3 – 320kbps at 44.1to 48khz sample rate is indistinguishable from vinyl or CD, even played on a 10k club rig…

    Free Member

    Child finger, caliper / disc interface is the stuff of my night mares. Think guillotine

    Free Member


    Free Member

    the 12.5 1/2 is the drive of your wrench, 16 mil is the bit size, youll need an 1/2″ wrench, ratchet ot breaker bar to drive the tool- hth

    Free Member

    Workhouses were reopened around 2014, Binners, do keep up!

    Free Member

    Drac has it…

    Free Member

    Well, a quiet post bank holiday day here, not much work, i was gonna hit Gisburn… i might hold on till half 11…

    Free Member

    Hmm, that complicates matters, I’d then suggest going to your local hydraulic place, like Pirtek, Lancashire Tanks, or such and going the adapter route, say for instance 1/4″firtree hosetail to BSP or NPT swivel female- hose clip these on to your existing hose, and adapt up to the hoselocks which I’d guess at being 1/2″bsp female

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Free Member

    Donate the draws to a charity, give someone a bit worse off a start with furniture IMHO

    Free Member

    Are you sure the hose is 1/4″ bore, from those pics I’d guess 3/8″ bore, quarter would be massively restrictive, 3/8 is fairly common in low end garden hoses

    Free Member

    If the thread ain’t BSP, it will be NPT

    Free Member

    Again Ninfan, closed ideology echo chamber

    Free Member

    So was the “cap” guy, Wallop, in other treatments , but I think he was happy to take the NHS coin 3 times a year rather then offer the correct for me course of action.

    Free Member

    I think my point was, if at the time I’d been told a cap could fall out up to three times a year and other options would have been more suitable, even at xyz expense, I’d have opted for the more complex treatment earlier.

    Free Member

    He’s an intelligent guy, but this is the danger of existence in a bubble of a closed ideology echo chamber that is Murdoch’s NewsGroup.
    No serious challenge to his behaviour over the years, just back slapping and reinforcement from colleagues taking the Murdoch coin, reliant on these attitudes for income

    Free Member

    If you are short of money then use NHS, if you have spare money/care about your teeth more than buying a new bit for your bike then go private as the services offered are not the same.

    This. After having a tooth knocked out, the NHS fitted replacement (cap on the remnant made good) fell out as regular as clockwork. Went private in the end and the implant has been rock solid since around 2007

    Free Member

    John Graham’s had a lot of musical Alteregos, Chester, one of the best “versions” being part of the genius behind “Tilt”
    Great mix there btw

    Free Member

    Trying to remember the Redanka tune that used dark city samples throughout..
    Edit : right genre wrong producer, it’s Quivver…

    Free Member

    Binners, if i recall, the week (or thereabouts) before it was your lot at Hillsborough, and there was crowd surging in the United end that week too, but nowhere near the same scale, thank god…

    Free Member

    That statement reflects on you and your prejudice.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Can you check with your mixed race in law if you can make monkey noises at him, based on his heritage, and get back to us?

    Its probably possible to type without teeth?

    Free Member

    Id be up for a bit of that, no cheese tho, natch.

    Free Member

    I blame Gary Barlow

    Free Member

    That KTM is awesome, but id imagine a few problems learning that the rear brake isnt a clutch!

    Free Member

    Id have killed for one Tuesday when my quads gave in at the top of Simons Swamp at Gisburn on Tuesday, and by the stream crossing at the bottom of Hully Gully my knee went. what a dick i felt pushing up Bottoms and the last blue run…

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