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  • Canyon’s End Of Season Sale Starts… Now! Up To 30% Off
  • uggski
    Full Member

    *SOME of the dog owners.
    As a dog owner myself seeing dog turds on pavements, parks, footpaths and bridleways makes me legitimately angry.

    Me too. Lost count of the heated discussions with other dog owners to pick up their dogs shit. Shouldn’t be like that but some people are just turds

    Full Member

    There absolutely wasn’t any intent by the owner – she was in a right panic. However I suspect in the back of her mind she was thinking, shit if that idiot gets bitten then I might have to say goodnight to fido. I doubt she had any real concern for my well being.

    Thats not good enough.

    I completely agree but the law you were quoting mentions intent. There was no real intent to injure you, just a clueless owner who should know better.

    Report it to the police but as some people have said. Be prepared to to be disappointed. All they will do is make a note. You have no name, picture or pretty much anything else to identify the culprits. Yes it’s not good enough but with resources pretty much cut to the bone, I doubt they are going to give it much priority.

    Full Member

    @dogapologist (various)
    <h2>Common Assault – s.39 Criminal Justice Act 1988</h2>
    An assault is any act (and not mere omission to act) by which a person intentionally or recklessly causes another to suffer or apprehend immediate unlawful violence.

    The term assault is often used to include a battery, which is committed by the intentional or reckless application of unlawful force to another person. Where there is a battery, the defendant should be charged with ‘assault by beating’: DPP v Little [1992] QB 645. Provided there has been an intentional or reckless application of unlawful force the offence will have been committed, however slight the force.

    Assault, as distinct from battery, can be committed by an act indicating an intention to use unlawful violence against the person of another – for example, an aimed punch that fails to connect.

    Looked pretty reckless from where I was, a few cm from some unlawful force that was only by dint of my actions failing to connect with my body

    Pretty sure that there was no intent by the owner. As others have said. Report it. That’s as much as you can do now I’m afraid.

    Full Member

    What about Etse? A friend of mine does similar to you and gets quite a lot of work but also sells lots of one off stuff he designs and builds.

    Full Member

    When I lived in South Africa I went to a wedding In Pietermaritzburg. The groom is an English speaking Saffa and the bride is Afrikaans. As a group of young English speaking surfers from Durban we wee pretty despised by the Afrikaaners but we didn’t know this as she was great. Her family not so. It was bitterly cold and the wedding and also the reception was in a small barn with no heating what so ever. We had been on the Klippies to try stave off the cold. A really cheap brandy for those who don’t know. So were pretty pissed and a bit rowdy.

    The Afrikaans side didn’t like this. After multiply minor arguments and then a pretty full on fight. Her two huge farmer brothers painted a white line down the middle of the barn and both sides were warned in no uncertain terms to not cross into the others territory. Things went pretty well after that and we still talk about it years later.

    Only a Saffer can understand how bad the animosty can be between English and Afrikaaners.

    Full Member

    It’s been recommended to me to use an 11 speed chain to stop some of the rubbing

    Full Member

    or may just be a stiffer less flexy wheel

    Full Member

    Don’t forget a boost wheel can also(suppoed to be) stiffer than a non boost wheel so that may also contribute a bit to the feel of the fork.

    Full Member

    The advice about storing in Onedrive is good. We support OneNote and one of the problems we have is the default save location is to the C: drive.

    We keep changing it but it sometimes still defaults to C. So if anythng happens to the hard drive you may lose everything. Not nice telling someone years of work may be lost. :-(

    Full Member

    Failed last one. Got down a bit but then got injured and no riding and piled it on. Must try harder

    Full Member

    Seems robust enough but I have a habit of wrecking them on this bike but at £28 it doesn’t hurt so much as the £100 I paid for the XT one before it

    Full Member

    Anyone know if it’ll work with a 12 speed chainring?

    Don’t think so. 10 speed but with the large 48 tooth cassette it won’t be far off my 12 speed

    Full Member

    Just a hack I’ve seen. One of the criticism was it was a bit noisy. Slightly narrower chain which runs a bit quieter as better clearance.

    Full Member

    Surely if the buyer sends the QR code to the courier and they collect and scan then it’s as collected?
    The last thing I sold I dropped off to the buyers sister as she lived near where my office is. She had the QR code and we scanned it.

    Full Member

    On mine we do get about 42Mpg. But I’m very light on the throttle and I also use this

    I’m not sure the Dipetane helps but I have always added it to my vans and don’t seem to get the DPF issues some people get and most of my trips are fairly short

    Full Member

    What about it? Did you get an answer you didn’t like and then repeatedly push to get an answer that suited your narrative?What about it? Did you get an answer you didn’t like and then repeatedly push to get an answer that suited your narrative?

    No, we were having a conversation while I replaced a laptop at work. it was only reading this that I thought about it. But i started typing it when there were only replies on the first page and it moved on a lot by the time I hit reply :-)

    Her family was from Morocco and no, I didn’t have to ask repeatedly.

    Full Member

    What if some one has an unusual name and you ask where it comes from?

    Like I did this morning

    Full Member

    Are you sure the actuator is not sticking half open. I had this on a X-fusion and sort of flicking the lever stopped it. Eventually replaced with a Brand X dropper as it was cheaper than sending the X-fusion off for a service

    Full Member

    Kids getting obsessive about such things predates Covid.

    You are right but we know from talking to her that this was triggered by Covid. Not so sure about her younger brother but he idolises his sister so we think that he may just have been copying her.

    They both seem to be ok about it now but time will tell.

    Full Member

    Seen it with a couple of the grand kids. All a carry over from Covid and and the constant reminders from school and TV about washing their hands and not touching things. They have both grown out of it recently but still catch themselves doing it occasionally. One is 11 the other is 7

    Full Member

    All of them!

    Full Member

    Still struggling with the ‘can’t find a bath you both like’ bit. Aren’t they all variations of being white and errr bath shaped!?

    Yep, It’s a weird one. :-)

    Full Member

    Upgrade the shower? Our electric shower flow is fine. THey seem to range in power rating from 7.5-10.5Kw

    One having a flow around 50% higher than the other.

    To take this on a bit. Any recommendations? Although we have a combi boiler so may test that to see how much flow we get. Also, as said above, at the moment we have a shower curtain which rather ruins the experience when you touch it and it keeps sticking to you so it’s one of the reasons to upgrade the bathroom

    Full Member

    Obvious answer, ditch the bath and get a sex pond in the garden.

    Neighbours have one. We just use it when they are out

    Full Member

    Opinion split about 50/50. I must admit I enjoy a bath after a wet cold winter ride. At the moment there is a electric shower over the bath but we both hate it as the water barely trickles out.

    I have thought about the resale value but hopefully this will be the last house we own.

    Full Member

    The shock linkage on the Specialized Turbo Kenevo SL Comp makes my brain hurt just trying to figure out how it moves……

    I thought that as well. Lots of bearings to replace :-(

    Full Member

    @johndoh I would but something like that on Ebay or FB market place. Sure you may get a few idiots but I have sold a few like that for family.

    Full Member

    I believe a rough guide is about £750 more for private and £1500 for traders. Very rough guide. I would stick it on at about £2k more and if no bites slowly reduce it down.

    I suppose it depends on how much you want a quick sale?

    And as above. It would depend on the value of the car

    Full Member

    HAd good experience with them and my neighbour has used them a lot recently. He’s an ex pro rider and won’t use somewhere that don’t know their stuff.

    Full Member

    Yep, get it for some not on others. Strange.

    Full Member

    Dahmer. Deeply disturbing how often the Police missed catching him.

    Full Member

    using 1l of oil over ~5,000 miles is fairly common – which is why oil levels should be checked. There wouldn’t be any symptoms. To put this in perspective, VW’s official stance is that using up to 1l of fuel per 1000 miles is within design tolerances.

    I think I read somewhere that this is due to the longer service intervals. It was to ensure there was at least some fresh oil being put in.

    IANAE so this may be complete pish!

    Full Member

    Probably best to put some in though

    Full Member

    Van prices do seem to be starting to drop.

    Yes, I have been looking for awhile and the more outrageous ones are not selling at their original prices, they drop them eventually. They are falling slowly but still way above what they used to be.

    I’m not in a hurry now and can afford to wait till the right one comes up and I should be able to sell the Nissan for what I paid

    Full Member

    Thought I might resurrect this thread.

    Bought a 1998 Nissan Primera SLX with 74k miles for £450. Needed something to replace the van I wrote off recently. Van prices have got really mad since Covid and anything in my budget is really high mileage or just shit. Mostly both. Got a few nicks and bumps but bought as I can get a bike in the back easily

    Bought it off someone who was going to scrap it. He had owned it since 2005 and really looked after it but he is getting on and it was costing him £200 a year just to park it in his road plus insurance had got really expensive. MOT till August next year and there were a few adviseries that he had fixed.

    Drives really nicely with no knocks or bangs so should do for a year or so till prices normalise. So there are banganomic cars out there just need to be lucky when they come available.

    Full Member

    Another recommendation for Car Vertical.

    Full Member

    The quotes are slowly coming in now but only after a bit of chasing. A mixture of 50% up front and pay on completion. Problem is the Pay on completion guys are twice as much. Still I suppose it’s a negotiation point. No harm in asking? I do understand that trades can get ripped off as much as the client but it’s not huge amounts just an amount that I really can’t affrd to lose right now.

    Full Member

    Because they are dribbling drooling, banjo plucking, cousin **** idiots.

    Yeah, apart from that :-)

    Full Member

    leaked patriot front video shows the members training for war

    — Owen Morgan (Telltale) (@telltaleatheist) August 26, 2022

    Is there a reason some of those flages seem to be upside down?

    Full Member

    Not a personal recommendation. Getting a few more quotes but it’s like pulling teeth. Guy comes around then you don’t hear from them. If they don’t want the job I wish they would just say “Sorry mate, not what I do really” then I can cross them off the list.

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