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  • Using an eSIM To Stay Connected In Remote Locations While Hiking Or Biking
  • tyke
    Free Member

    I thought that this was fixed. On Chrome I don’t have any issues.

    Free Member

    Tend to use: FeelGood Contacts[/url].

    UK based with free delivery and normally a voucher (Google them) with at least 5% off their advertised prices. If you can’t find a voucher give them a call and they should also give you the 5% off deal over the phone.

    Free Member

    Better quality ply, e.g. marine can be obtained in thinner sheet sizes.

    Poor quality ply tends to be a bit thicker as they are not using single layers to make up a sheet. So they need to make it thicker to get it to be structurally strong to overcome the problem with voids and gaps of using multiple pieces to make up the individual layers.

    Free Member

    As others have said – if I was sending something to Bulgaria (or other Eastern European country) I would want it tracked door to door. Cost is likely to be very large for the buyer. I don’t know what level of feedback the buyer has but the least he should have done is contact you first.

    You will find that Paypal offers restricted services for Bulgaria and may find seller protection is also limited.

    Just offer to second highest bidder.

    Free Member

    Try asking/searching on UK Workshop forum[/url] there have been a few threads in the past about this.

    A recent project build of a big veneer press (might be a bit more elaborate than you are looking to do!)- Veneer Press WIP

    Free Member

    Mark – thanks for the update. I’m glad that you switched off the dating ads as they seemed to be the only ones I was getting and it started to get a bit tedious looking at them (not interested in clicking on them!).

    Your comment about them being popular is interesting, it reminds me of you comment about the old flash ads – the busy annoying ones were the ones getting clicked on.

    Now’t so strange as folk I guess. It seems that people’s actual web behaviour doesn’t match up to their own view of what they think they have clicked on. A bit like a doctor asking how much someone drinks and the patient saying “not much – 10-15 units a week I guess”, but if they then keep a diary they get quite surprised by the real amount consumed.

    Free Member

    You could find that as it has a reserve on it the other bidders are just trying to work out what the reserve is. Once they know then they could retract their bids and either stay away or come back in at the end and snipe the item, knowing that they will be above the reserve price.

    Free Member

    My heart goes out to you and your family. This has to be one of the toughest things any parent has to cope with. I don’t know that words can help so I hope that you gain some comfort fro all the messages on here.

    Free Member

    Your hourly rate seems a bit low to me I would have thought £30 was more realistic. Also if he offers you more work will you still be able to use the college machinery going forward? I think you need to factor in a cost for this to protect yourself with future deals – say £80 per day (I don’t know what the actual effective rate should be if you had to take account the cost of the equipment/workshop you would need)

    Free Member

    Aldi and Lidl do foldable guest matresses. Only problem is you will have to wait for them to come in stock

    Guest matress

    Free Member

    I sympathise with the OP’s mate. Not wishing to trivialise his situation but as he’s experienced working with dogs can he not do something a bit out of the box. Round where I live (admittedly a fairly affluent area) there seems to be a new dog walking service springing up every month and there are even dog sitters collecting and looking after the dogs of people out at work all day. The hourly rate seems to be about £10. Might not be a normal 9-5 type job but could see him earn a bit of cash and he’d be his own boss.

    Free Member

    Good result – hopefully you feel a lot less stressed now that you’ve bought yourself some time. If you want to make a go of it (not sure that you do) then I would advise monthly review meetings rather than wait until the 3 months is up. That way you can put them under pressure re-recruitment, training etc.

    Free Member

    Like others have said it’s a tough call. If it’s a US company then you need to make sure what your UK boss is suggesting is also being done or trialled in the US. If not forget it – somebody in the US management will at some point turn around and question your role/ability if it isn’t working with obvious consequences.

    Switching over to a straight sales role is a bigger change than it appears – good sales people put themselves under pressure to perform. It can get very competitive between sales people.

    Ask if you can perform some form of account management to start with before having to go after new name business.

    Free Member

    Did you pay with a credit card. If so just do a chargeback.

    Free Member

    At least I’m not alone. So bit more insight. Have a mandibular advancement device – worked for a while and then didn’t seem to be effective. Don’t smoke or drink, not overweight. Don’t have sleep apnoea. I do sleep on my back though, mainly due to a dodgy shoulder. Will need to look at trying to sleep on my one good side.

    May well try the snore ring.

    Free Member

    Edric – that’s spooky, have you’ve been listening in on our conversations.

    Free Member

    She’s tried the foam and wax ones and doesn’t find them very comfortable.

    The pleasures of sleeping in the same bed outweigh the dubious benefits of having my own room. However, if somebody could tell what Bongo films are that might swing it the other way.

    Free Member

    That bestiality is legal in some European countries – dirty Germans!

    Free Member

    To be frank you need to get rid of him quick. Give him a POGO (perform or go) plan. As said before as give him a minimum a quarterly revenue target and review his plan to hit the target as part of the weekly review. If he’s experienced he will know that the writing is on the wall and will jump before he’s pushed.You need to formally notify him of that his failure to hit his previous target is concerning and the company cannot afford for this to continue hence the need to have a more defined process for analysing his performance.

    You need to set targets for appointments, pipeline review (i.e. is he progressing his opportunities) and review weekly. You need to be quite blunt and say that you will be accompanying him on calls, not necessarily all of them but at least a 1/3rd of them, to coach him and identify why deals aren’t happening (also to make sure he’s going on them). Get him to copy you on correspondence with prospects, customers to make sure he’s doing what you expect him to do. He may object but as he’s so far short of target drastic action is called for to protect the company’s position.

    Free Member

    Really pleased for you that you have got a good tradesman on the job. Should help the stress levels now that you can see some real progress.

    Free Member

    Will you be selling driftwood as well? There’s quite a market for it, especially if you call it sculpture – check fleabay for prices.

    I think the scarves show off the driftwood really well!

    As other have said the lighting of the background would better being more uniform as it has a gradient from right to left which isn’t the norm (tends to be top to bottom) for product photos.

    Free Member

    I’d have to say that if it were me I would go and get a second opinion. Another engineer at least to give you piece of mind. However, my guess is you won’t because despite all the great advice you’ve been given (I’m ignoring the crap stuff) you haven’t modified the design and build to any extent.
    If I were spending the money you are I would want it insulated, damp-proofed and electrified as a minimum. What happens if you upset the missus at some point in the future and she turns round and says sleep in the shed! Then you’ll be wishing it was dry and warm :-)

    Free Member

    I’d have to say that if it were me I would go and get a second opinion. Another engineer at least to give you piece of mind. However, my guess is you won’t because despite all the great advice you’ve been given (I’m ignoring the crap stuff) you haven’t modified the design and build to any extent.
    If I were spending the money you are I would want it insulated, damp-proofed and electrified as a minimum. What happens if you upset the missus at some point in the future and she turns round and says sleep in the shed! Then you’ll be wishing it was dry and warm :-)

    Free Member

    An easier way is to cut off the ends and glue a smaller diameter disc that represents the grooved piece you want on to the cut end and then re-glue the ends back on to the main piece. You should find with a decent glue the overall joint will be a strong one.

    Free Member

    Take a can of paint and a paintbrush with you. Paint a wall and watch the paint dry. More interesting than doing anything in Peterborough itself.

    Free Member

    Same problem here on Chrome. If I look at the browser back button there are multiple entries for the same page. See screenshot:

    So when you press back it goes through the repeated entries until it manages to get back to a different page. The full history page only shows one entry against a page. So it would seem to be a problem with what’s being written to or stored in the logic that controls the browser navigation button.

    Free Member

    If the roles look similar just make sure it looks like your overall objectives have increased – Bigger target, moving from revenue to P&L responsibility, responsible for a team (doesn’t have to be direct man management could be reporting responsibility for the team, rather than working as an individual,….

    Free Member

    Listen to what the judge says. He/she may be sympathetic and cut you some slack as you are pleading your own case. But if it gets tricky the judge will say that you should get proper legal advice. Be prepared to have to put the unpaid fees into an escrow account as the other side will argue that your lack of experience is causing them to expend unnecessary effort and cost.

    Free Member

    Get the estate agent to put that advice in writing!

    Free Member

    There are 2 types of Honda motor – not sure what the difference is between the models – IZY is the cheaper version.

    I bought one from MowDirect about 4 years ago still going strong.

    Honda self propelled mowers– give them a call to see what they say.

    Free Member

    Funny but the London office is on the same site as a Jet petrol station.

    The website domain information lists 2 chaps from Lithuania as contacts

    Free Member

    I’ve used Relate for marriage guidance. Both of us were committed to giving it a try. Took a long time – 2.5 years and was a very emotional process. But it worked and we are still together 15 years on. I think for family counselling you need to make sure all family members understand what’s involved and will support the process.

    Free Member

    Positions from the Karma Sutra – not the obvious ones – e.g. Standing Tiger/Crouching Dragon, The Amazing Butterfly, Supernova,….

    Should cause a few laughs and blushes

    Free Member

    The affair with the married man is not a normal relationship that a couple would enjoy. Doing things together when the mood takes you, planning holidays together,spontaneous sex, not having to worry about others, being open with friends & family ….

    Does she want this, has she had this with other boyfriends? 6 months on he’s not left his wife, what’s stopping him. He will undoubtably have excuses but she should call his bluff and just end it.

    I think you should take your mates advice and have a physical relationship with her. Whilst she’s in the bathroom pinch her phone and text the married man and end it for her. Then using another phone (or if you want to live dangerously her phone again, send him some photos of the 2 of you (you and her obviously, ideally in a compromising position) and threaten to tell his wife.

    Free Member

    I think either your MS-SQL database or the WordPress core files may have become corrupted. A quick way of checking is to add a new user and check whether that user can post etc. If the user can post then it’s more likely a database issue.

    Easiest option for the Core files is to re-install WordPress over top of your current version. Go to the Plugins on the Dashboard and the option may be at the top. If you are on the current version then it won’t show and you need to go to the Update plugin page (again only shown if have plugins that have updates).

    If re-installing the core doesn’t work then the database is likely to be the culprit. No easy way to solve this other than using a plugin to export your posts, pages, images etc. Then you can use PHPMyadmin to empty the database out and re-import the exported files.

    Free Member

    Phone the company up and ask them.

    Free Member

    I like the slideshow on the home page. But I would change the order they load in – you want the first 2 or 3 images to have real wow impact – your first image of 2 girls hugging each other doesn’t do that.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure if O2 throttle the speed of their broadband customers – quite a few suppliers do. The optimal speed you get is likely to be similar with most other suppliers as the main influencing factor is how far you are from your local BT exchange.

    I’m with PlusNet, although owned by BT they have their own UK call centres. Have been good for support on the 2 occasions I needed to call them..

    Free Member

    I think that you need to accept that interviewing candidates for a job is about more than just qualifications. Whilst you and even your employer may want it to be an objective process it rarely is. Emotions and subjectivity do come into it.

    With regards your current manager you need to start building a case and collect evidence about his behaviour. Record his conversations with you to provide proof if required of the things he has said.

    As you are in a large company I’m sure that you go through some form of appraisal system. Make sure that when you have yours you use the opportunity to spell out where you would like your career to be in 2 -3 years time. Assuming that your line manager/HR think your ambitions are reasonable you can ask them for support in progressing. Then it’s out in the open that you want to be promoted/change roles. If your line manager thinks your indispensable then you can raise this diplomatically to show that your future in your current role is not set in stone and what are they going to do about replacing you.

    Free Member

    You will need to push it really hard. Don’t forget the following week is the extra jubilee bank holiday and people will start winding down for it a couple of days before.

    You may be able to negotiate a shorter exchange period than the standard 1 month if the other parties and your mortgage provider agree.

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