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  • Women Send Fear Packing at Red Bull Hardline Camp
  • tyger
    Free Member

    TheLittlestHobo – as said by Brant earlier, it’s just Chipp’s humour. He’s a great bloke and he’s not being condescending.

    Free Member

    GG (go easy on the accusations and assumptions btw) Is this the same US Intelligence that stated there were WMD in Iraq? I rest my case.

    I’m off to bed now – ‘night.

    Free Member

    Highly recommend The Book Thief – incredible, Time travellers wife, Papillon and Birdsong also great reads.

    Free Member

    RB Does this mean I get to say the last word? 😆

    RB and GG – if ever we get to meet, care for a pint and a friendly chat?

    Free Member

    Iran and Syria are training and arming the insurgents – not really peace-loving behaviour in my book.

    Israel is home to the Jewish people. All the Jews I know think of it as home and their country – which it is. Many Arab nations would like to see Israel (gone and it’s people) – it goes way back in history as to why (read about Abraham in the Old Testament – that’s in the Bible btw :-))

    Free Member

    GG – Six Day War

    RB – So the president of Iran is really a peace-loving chap in charge of a civilised peace-loving country that only wants nuclear weapons because certain other counties have them – mmmmmmmmm yeah right!

    Free Member

    Israel defended itself – look up the history.

    “I’ve never heard the President of Iran threatening to wipe Israel off the map, except in Israel’s fantasies”

    There’s none so deaf as those that cannot hear!

    Free Member

    I might be wrong here but Israel has had a nuclear DETERRANT for many years i.e. the fact that they have nuclear capability has probably protected it from outside agression many times.

    The president of Iran is making very clear threats to Israel – I don’t ever hear Israel threatening to wipe any country of the map.
    You may claim that it is politically popular in Iran to fantasize publicly about exterminating the Jews but history has shown many times that to many it’s a reality not a fantasy.

    Free Member

    Perhaps because Israel doesn’t threaten other countries with them!

    Free Member

    A very underated guitarist and songwriter

    Free Member

    Mr Agreeable, where it mentioned “a reliable source” was part of the email sent to me – not my comment or opinion.

    “You’ve also made comments in the past along the lines that Muslims are more favourably treated by society than Christians”

    Again, sorry, but just not true! I’ve taken a stand when I think some people are having a heartless pop at Christians but I’d do the same for Muslins if the shoe was on the other foot.

    I always try to be polite and fair with my comments as mostly everyone on here are a decent lot. Once again, apologies for any hurt caused.

    Free Member

    Mr Agreeable, for the record, I’m not anti-Muslim nor a BNP supporter. The email was sent to me NOT written by me. I was interested to see how many others had been sent the email and whether or not there was any grounds to it’s content. It then got hi-jacked and I was enemy no 1. Read it again if you don’t believe me. In heignsight I wouldn’t have posted it and I’m genuinely sorry for any offence caused but none was meant.
    There was a link to Snopes which was posted and very helpful – I don’t think there was any links to the BNP also.
    Cheers T

    Free Member

    Saw Divine Comedy who were fantastic support by some band called Duke Special – wow! Highly recommended.

    Free Member

    Yes, I watched it and thought it was excellent. I also was excited by the discovery and wonder if this is just the begining. Very balanced opinions given by some very clever and wise people.

    Free Member

    No Brant more like the snopes link you provided.

    Free Member

    May I just repeat that this email was SENT to me NOT WRITTEN by me.
    I’m not expressing an opinion but wondered if anyone had also ben sent it and their thoughts.

    Free Member

    The police officer bit was part of the email – not my opinion 🙂

    Free Member

    My point being is not what religions do to each other but why it’s always seems that you (and others) blatantly knock Christianty but (because of fear not respect) never Islam. It’s cowardly picking on an easy target much the same as the school bully – is that what you are?
    I enjoy a laugh as much as the next person but not at the expense of when I know it has the potential to be upsetting to others. Sorry Stoner, I just must be having a bad day or something but enough is enough!

    Free Member

    Is that the best you can do re. Islam?

    Free Member

    sp manner – doh!

    Free Member

    molegrips and robdob, you’ve restored my faith (in a manor of speaking LOL) 🙂

    Free Member

    Still very quiet on the knocking Islam front I notice.

    Free Member

    Just a little consideration for others values wouldn’t hurt is all I’m trying to say here.

    Free Member

    Funny how there’s never any piss-taking about Muhammad, Ramadan or Islam. You can say what you like because of the freedom that comes due to the Christian history of this country, however, if you keep undermining the respect for your past you may well lose it.
    Perhaps your jibing is because you have no respect or decency for yourselves.

    Free Member

    He was mocked then as He is today so it would seem?

    For you, just a holiday but for others perhaps something more precious – it wouldn’t do any harm to maybe show a little respect me thinks.

    Free Member

    Okay thanks.

    Free Member

    Junkyard YGM LOL!

    Free Member

    What annoys me is the huge expense of adverts shown in the cinema. What a waste of money and there is no one to complain to!!

    Free Member

    My Dad passed away last month and we found it very difficult.
    I think there should be a compulsary re-test over a certain age and I also feel that Doctors should have the authority to enforce the ceasation of driving.
    We were fortunate that Dad only scraped the car a couple of times.

    Free Member

    It might just be worth checking your date and time.
    Sometimes when the clocks change Windows can do strange things like resetting the date to years ago.

    Free Member

    Can you only have 1 ISA per person?

    Free Member

    Sorted – thanks

    Free Member

    My Notice period is 3 months. The company are offering me a package (compensation contract) which includes my 3 months Notice.
    It’ll make a big difference as to whether I accept this package if I’m to be taxed for my Notice period. The company want me to leave straight away and not work my Notice.
    They have also said that it will not be taxed – however, the person offering this is actually Dutch and not that well up on UK employment law.
    Hence my original question.
    Can you confirm?

    Free Member

    I think it only refers to my Contract of Employment “PILON is only taxable if your employment contract says it is”

    Not the Compensation Contract…?

    Free Member

    I’m being offered a compensation contract and being told that my PILON won’t be taxed.
    I just want reassurance.

    Free Member

    Can anyone send me a link stating so officially?

    Free Member

    Hi molegrips, can you email me which Agency this was with? Cheers Paul

    Free Member

    How come this isn’t hitting the headlines? It’s a scandal

    Free Member

    So let me get this straight – Labour have been in power for years knowing about this but were ‘too scared’ to do anything about it??

    Free Member

    LOL £30k – that would be nice!

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