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  • Wacky Races: Red Bull ‘Stalen Ros’ Tandem Racing
  • tyger
    Free Member

    Mr Agreeable – sorry to hear of you friend but somehow I doubt that he’s had to go into hiding for fear of his life – yes, even in the UK. I would hope that his Dad wouldn’t actively make strides to persecute his son.

    Free Member

    Mr Agreeable – Yes, but of course fear plays a big factor here.

    Free Member

    Mr Agreeable – legally yes, but I know of many that have been persecuted with hostility, even from their own families in the UK.

    Free Member

    I’m just trying to understand why (it appears) that Islam seems so intolerant and hostile towards anyone who is considered an infidel or non-Muslim? I take your point that (as you put it) some followers are arseholes and others aren’t but the principles held in Sharia law are the same surely throughout the world?

    Free Member

    So, Mr Agreeable, just so as I’m genuinely clear on this, you’re saying that contrary to what I heard on Radio 4 yesterday, that anyone changing their faith from Islam under Sharia law won’t get persecuted and that the persecution is actually only the regime in Iran that’s responsible for this?

    Free Member

    Maybe if Muslims worldwide were more outspoken or vocal against about what’s happening in Iran (especially as Islam Sharia law is a convenient peg to hang it on – as you put it) I’d feel less uneasy.

    Free Member

    Mr Agreeable – maybe I type without thinking sometimes because I’m getting caught up (enjoying) the discussions – too enthusiastic, sorry!

    But here’s an example of why I flag some of these issues for discussion:

    I listened to a Radio 4 prog yesterday about how, under Sharia law in Iran, anyone who changes their Muslim faith can expect to be executed. In the west I don’t know of anywhere where you can be executed for becoming a Muslim. Now personally I don’t know if this is accurate or not but when I hear that Sharia law is becoming more widespread in the UK it worries me as someone who loves this country and hard fought for freedoms. I’m not a flag waving BMP bigot but I’m just concerned and want to know what others think. Instead I’m just getting accusations thrown at me 🙁

    Free Member

    Mr Agreeable – well, you’re entitled to your opinion but you’re just plain wrong! I’m not cowardly or a bigot. I may be worried by certain traits that Islam appears to show but I’m not anti Islam or anti Muslims.

    Free Member

    Very sorry to hear this mick. My Dad passed away in March this year and it’s very difficult so make sure you have support from your family and friends in place. If I can be of any assistance please contact me on tyger (at) talk21 (dot) com.

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch, brant

    Well hello and “thanks” for your comments! 🙂

    Erm… I’m not sure if I should justify myself on here or just disappear (!) but for I’ve obviously created a bad impression with you and never meant to, so I’m really very sorry.

    With regards to having any sort or agenda against anyone, once again I’m very sorry for having given that impression but absolutely not true.
    As a loving father of my two children and someone that always carries the value of family very highly I take issue with being labeled a Paedophile even in jest and feel maybe it’s you who owe me an apology for that.

    With regards the statement you made Gus, ernie, Che or whatever you want to call yourself 🙂

    “It appears to me that tyger is frantically anti-Islam. He is also extremely pro-Israeli and pro-Zionist. He very strongly supported the recent slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza.”

    I’m not anti anyone or pro anyone. The way I saw what was happening was that Israel was defending itself against Hamas lobbing bombs and rockets at them from the Palestinians in Gaza. Hamas took shelter in civilian populated areas and there were casualties – it was terrible as is any loss of life but I don’t agree with you that Israel just invaded Gaza to slaughter Palestinians. Okay I’ll say no more on the subject.

    As for me, I’m English born and bred, I love my country and feel very protective about it’s history and heritage and worry for the future of it (as typical of most parents) but I’m not a BMP supporter neither am I an extremist in anything (except building my guitar and biking!). I’ve been on this forum longer than most (if you include the old one) and on the whole think it’s great and also the people on here. If both of you have issues with me then I’ll be happy to chat with you and try to sort them my end but please don’t libel me or assume things about me which are incorrect.


    Free Member

    Sharia Law in UK and Europe – “thin end of the wedge” some might say

    Free Member

    anagallis_arvensis – glad you’re assured by this!

    Free Member

    trailmonkey – did you read any of it?

    Free Member

    Anyone remember a book and film called Capricorn One written by Ken Follett (under the name Peter Hyams)?

    Free Member

    GrahamS – I got excited for a minute about the link to the NASA pics but if anything it compounds his theory as your can’t see anything!!!

    Free Member

    During one of my (many) discussions with him he argues that the Americans would have been really keen to have shown off with pics taken after the event from the Earth showing the landing site on the Moon for all to see – so why haven’t they?

    Free Member

    I don’t care if it flutters all I want is a pic 🙂

    Free Member

    Next you’re be telling me that Evolution is true 🙂

    Free Member

    Nico – LOL!

    Free Member

    I’m convinced but his argument is appearing annoyingly still valid.

    Free Member

    RudeBoy – I know where you’re coming from.

    Free Member

    nickc – I thought that lasers became unreliable when fired through the Earth’s atmosphere?

    Free Member

    er…aracer it would really need to be the one left on the moon…oh, I see, you’re joking, I get it 🙂

    Free Member

    What about a terrestrial telescope then?

    Free Member

    Mmmm you’re probably right but just thinking about it wouldn’t a telescope or the Hubble telescope be able to do it?

    Free Member

    I know, I know but his theory is that no pic has ever been taken because there’s nothing there…and it did get me thinking why this might be!

    Free Member

    SB You’re right it should be a three way switch (of which I have an original one also for a tenner LOL) but I play positions 2 and 4 a lot and if you’ve ever tried to get a three way switch to stay lodged then you’ll know it’s very unreliable, so I managed to snag a very early (dark bakerlight) five way version.

    Yes your 79er you should have kept – sorry LOL 🙂

    Free Member

    Snigger! LOL!!! 🙂

    Free Member

    This is what I’m aiming for…

    Free Member

    Gibson SG – fantastic but not in the same league my friend 🙂

    Free Member

    The Shins

    Free Member

    BTW it’s nice to find some other Strat fans.

    If you do decide to go for it I may be able to supply you with a few parts which I duplicated for whatever reason – give you a head-start so to speak.

    Free Member

    SB oh yes, I’m a gigging muso and it’ll be played lots I assure you 🙂

    The saddles had to have the correct springs and screws too (looks around in case this is getting way too anal LOL!!). When I got them I was absolutely amazed at how light weight and perfect they were – made by a chap called Fat Elvis in the US!

    I’m a great worshiper of tone and with a combination of engineering and music background I’m praying that it’ll sing, sing, sing! LOL!

    Free Member

    Hi SB, I’m taking pics as I go along.
    I’ve taken as much care as I can in getting the real deal as far as parts go – mostly from the US but because the parts are small I’ve never had to pay import tax so it’s been worth it – although I did just recently get a 1962 CRL selector switch for a tenner because it was advertised as C.R.L. and nobody had found it! (normally over £100) 🙂
    The neck and body I’m getting restored by a luthier who’s even more mad on Strats than me so I know it’ll be spot on. Here’s a parts list without the body and neck:

    1962 Fender Stratocaster Parts List

    1. Tuner Set Single in-line Kluson x 6
    2. Mounting screws aged x 7

    3. String-tree, screw and steel spacer

    4. Strap Buttons and screws x 2
    5. Vintage leather strap

    6. Neck Mounting Plate
    7. Mounting Screws – full thread – aged x 4

    8. Pickguard, ’62 Vintage Stratocaster, Mint Green 11 hole
    9. Shielding Plate Aluminium
    10. Mounting screws x 11

    11. Pickups Vintage 57/62 staggered pole Alnico Stratocaster, x 3
    12. Pickup covers Vintage Stratocaster, x 3
    13. Mounting Screws short aged x 6
    14. Tubing, Latex Cut x 6

    15. Vintage Control Pots, CKS 250k Ohm (or Stackpole) x 3
    16. Mounting Hex Nuts x 3
    17. Locking Washers x 3

    18. Vintage Knob, Tone, small font Aged White x 2
    19. Vintage Knob, Volume, small font Aged White x 1

    20. Output Jack Switchcraft
    21. Jack Ferrule
    22. Jack screws x 2

    23. Luxe Red Dime Capacitor, 0.1uf plus yellow sleeve

    24. Black and White Waxed Cloth wire

    25. CLR Selector Switch, 5 Way
    26. Knob, Aged White
    27. Mounting screws x 2

    28. Fender Pat Pend stamped vintage steel Saddles x 6

    29. Claw, Tremolo
    30. Mounting screws x 2

    31. Tremolo Ashtray Cover
    32. Steel Tremolo Block
    33. Mounting screws x 3
    34. Tremolo Bridge Plate
    35. Mounting screws x 6

    36. Springs, Tremolo, Vintage x 3

    37. Tremolo Arm, Vintage and Spring
    38. Tremolo Knob

    39. Back Plate, White Vintage Stratocaster
    40. Mounting screws x 6

    (All screws aged countersunk, raised cross head, aged nickel plated steel)

    One of the hardest parts is the case which is what I’m working on now.

    I had the saddles made correctly by a fan in the US, he aged them too and their perfect.

    If you want to do it yourself let me know and I’ll pass on my contacts list.

    Cheers T

    Free Member

    Thanks sharkbait

    Free Member

    mastiles_fanylion – I have exactly the same with my mum. If I don’t pop round and see her every day she starts falling apart. Because I was made redundant at the same time at least I can do this but when as and when she’s coping better I’ll make sure that there’s not been a dependency created.

    Free Member

    mastiles_fanylion – I also lost my Dad this year in March so please accept my condolences.

    I still maintain that his music contribution meant a lot to loads of people. Maybe it’s the separating of the man from the music that’s the real issue.

    Free Member

    nuke – I agree, to me it seems like MJ wasn’t the only one with issues judging by the comments on here!

    Free Member

    “average IMO” – that’s why the 50 shows were sold out because his music and performance was only average – DOH!!!

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