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  • Canyon MTB Performance Flat Pedal review
  • twinklydave
    Full Member

    assos cream
    more assos cream
    energy drink powder (i used sis go)
    recovery powder
    stuff to wash your shorts/tops with
    ear plugs if you’re using the communal camping
    camera (you’ll regret not getting pics if you don’t take one)
    bit of cash for spare bike bits etc
    not too much stuff though, as you have to fit it all in one standard issue bag

    all this is working on the assumption you’ve not got full support for the whole thing, obviously – if you have, take everything you own 😉

    Full Member


    course wise; 8-10 miles, combining the technicality of the strathpuffer course, the swoopyness of CLIC24’s course, the spectator points of mountain mayhem, the all-weatherproofness of SITS (JOKING),
    1-2x steady long climbs, with lots of room for overtaking
    lotsx short steep climbs to get you out of the saddle

    camping and main arena right by the course
    loads of bogs/showers
    the ‘big race’ feeling of mountain mayhem, combined with the camraderie of strathpuffer, mixed with the out-of-the-box thinking of Hit the North, with the laid back vibes of CLIC24
    and a beer tent to crawl into if it all goes wrong

    good luck!

    Full Member

    Hi Tim

    I rode for about 8hrs at MM, then decided to drop out as my stomach was killing me (bit of a shame as everything else was working well). Rest of the time I was chilling/nattering round the arena and wandering round the course. It was actually quite pleasant!

    Are you at SITS this year?

    Full Member

    show off 😛

    some lovely pics there (as you already know…)!

    Full Member

    I thought it was a bit steep too, considering the similar-style merida events are £20 less. Shame, as i kind of liked the idea of a nice big race, but cannee afford it 🙁

    Full Member

    got my confirmation from the nice people at SITS this morning, so i presume they’re still open!

    there’s also relentless24 up in scottishland – using some of the WC course i think, which should be fun 😀

    Full Member

    Don’t know how easy it is to get visas to work down there?, but god yes!

    Go, try it out, come back if it doesn’t work out!

    Full Member

    just add lemsip powder to your energy drink mix, you’ll be reet 😉

    i’l have some hayfever tablets with me at the weekend, so you can give them a go and see if they help

    oh, and

    Full Member

    yeah it was virgin to birmingham the gt western from there (or rather, it was supposed to be, it ended up being virgin to birmingham then black cab the rest of the way!)

    Full Member

    whatever you buy won’t be what you suddenly find yourself craving at 3am, but go for easily digestable, not too strongly flavoured things (your rice pudding, macaroni cheese etc were spot on).

    If you’ve got someone cooking for you, omlettes can be good…though the best food i’ve ever had at a 24hr race was a congealed cheeseburger at SITS in the middle of the night last year 🙂

    (obviously ‘proper’ energy bars/gels are bestest, should ASDA stock them…)

    Full Member

    If they’re still running the same stock as they were when I tried it (2007 i think) there’s enough room for 3 bikes…provided you believe the guard

    Full Member

    Extra Pie Order

    (i’m guessing you already use a recovery drink straight after the ride and do a gentle spin or two during the week to free your legs up a bit?)

    Full Member

    it went horribly wrong last time i tried it!

    admittedly some of the problems were weather based, so i’m not going to blame the train companies for that, but their attitude to bringing bikes on the train was awful (travelling down from preston)…so bad in fact, that i cadged a lift for the bikes of another rider rather than risk being turned away from the station with them.

    As if to prove my fears right, on the way home after the race two other riders – who had booked their bikes on the train and had the tickets to prove it – were turned away as the guard had already let too many other bikes on!

    “good luck” is all I can really say; it might all go smoothly, but it probably won’t!

    Full Member

    yep, those trailquests can be fun (and stragely addictive)

    Full Member

    if it rains now it’s your fault!

    it was going to be my fault for fitting semi slicks yesterday, but now it’ll be yours 😛

    Full Member

    dunno if anyone remembers them, but the old Tioga Red Phoenix 1.8s were truly rubbish

    super narrow, to the point where they didn’t seem like much more than a CX tyre, yet still managed to be really draggy…without offering anything in the way of grip

    to not puncture you had to run them at silly high pressure so you got a harsh ride from them too

    they were very light though, so if your bike spent more time hung from scales than it did out on rides they were probably OK

    Full Member

    GO has carbs and stuff in too, whereas nuun is just electrolytes, so you’d have to get your energy from somewhere else.

    i find nuun easier to drink than GO when working hard – not as sickly, but beware of the fizz when you drop the tablet in water, i got an eyeful when i took a slurp out of a bottle for the first time!

    Full Member

    up The Rake?

    almost tempted by that, though I’ve only got a cx bike at the mo’

    bugger, just read your other post

    Full Member




    still not as bad as

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    Full Member
    Full Member

    1) LOL @ miketually

    2) Oww

    3) 4-6 weeks officially, but often less 😉

    Full Member

    I see Terrahawk managed a fantastic 20 laps. That nearly didn’t happen as he came very close to riding head on into a moving car near the end of his 5th lap. Muppet

    He didn’t mention THAT bit when I spoke to him! I’m sure he said he nearly fell asleep on the bike while riding along that road last time…

    Full Member

    this weather should make for an ‘interesting’ drive down there 😥

    not even thinking about the actual riding yet

    Full Member

    they’re surprisingly fast rolling for a knobbly mtb tyre, not semi slick fast, obviously, but not too bad

    Full Member

    No bush turds!


    Full Member
    Full Member

    How many are you doing this because it is for charity and how many because it is a bike event?

    because its both. you get a warm fuzzy feeling from doing something good to match the sore achey feeling in your legs 🙂

    (saying that, if it was a rubbish course/atmosphere, i’d probably give it a miss…but it isn’t, so yay)

    Full Member

    Ti29er – Member

    Dave – why not solo?

    In previous years I’ve always done OK early season races – from strathpuffer through to CLIC, then run out of steam in the summer, when all the ‘big’ races are. I’m taking everything a bit slower this year and hoping to be fit enough to properly race a bit later in the season (SITS, Relentless etc).

    Didn’t want to miss out on a great event though, so when a mate offered a place on a team I leapt at it 🙂

    Full Member

    i remember utterly destroying a brand new middleburn hardcoat chainring during the 2007 event – to the point where you could literally spin the cranks freely in both directions with the chain on!

    it was nice watching the lightening on the friday evening last year with a pint from the bar (mainly because the weather didn’t move onto the course…)

    Full Member

    I’ll be there NOT soloing for the first time ever 🙂

    remind me, what do you do between laps again?!

    Full Member

    I’ve spent chuffing hours slogging my guts out (pun intended) over hill and dale to get fit enough to race my bike.

    If i were to kark it I’d actually be a little annoyed if all that work went to waste and just sat rotting in the ground/got barbequed!

    Saying that, I’d also be a bit annoyed if my uber-awesome heart went into some fat, lazy couch potato that didn’t appreciate it…is haunting people an option in this instance?!

    Full Member

    clif shot bloks are good if you’re going fast, esp when combined with some sort of energy drink (currently loving maximuscle viper)

    common or garden cereal bars and water are fine for most riding though, with a high5 gel in the jersey pocket “just in case”

    Full Member

    sarcasm overload today 🙂

    Full Member

    you certainly picked the right day for it!

    it’s amazing how pubs can eat time whenever you stop at them isn’t it 😉

    Full Member

    (saggy armwarmers are not compulsary)

    Full Member

    oh look, another UJ

    Full Member

    watching the telly and wondering who roland ratzenburger was

    Full Member

    if it’s the garstang one you’re doing there’s usually a right mixed bunch down at the start – from properly kitted up types taking it deadly seriously to blokes sat eating sausage rolls while waiting for their turn!

    Full Member

    don’t you only have to ride in a couple of times on it for everything to be ok?

    if so:

    is the way forward

    Full Member

    Seeing as i live in the middle of a town (sorry, city). Never.

    However, one of the most enjoyable things about most of my rides is the feeling of leaving all the fuss behind – after about an hour I’m well away from the crowds and noise on my own with just some hills and the occasional bit of wildlife 🙂

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