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  • TuckerUK
    Free Member

    I’ve had rears loosen in the distant past. Now, my routine even with brand new hobs is to Loctite the very snugly done up drive side cone & locknut at the correct position on the axle. I do this with both and rear hubs, so adjustment is then always made on the non-drive side/disc side of the hub only. I never have problems getting correct pre-load (minor free play with QR loose, which goes away when QR locked).

    Hope that helps.

    Free Member

    As a rule I tend to avoid debating with people that continue to support a notion but cannot provide a single verifiable fact to back it up, but this quote I saw is too good not to share:

    “What is often described as a debate between creationism and evolutionary theory is in fact a debate between creationism and the whole of science as we know it. If the universe is less than 10,000 years old, then: all of geology and biology are wrong; the speed of light has been wrongly calculated, so Einsteinian physics is wrong; the distance and speed of other galaxies has been wrongly calculated, meaning that all of astronomy and therefore Newtonian physics are also wrong. For informed people to challenge accepted scientific orthodoxy on the basis of proper evidence is always healthy, but to debunk the whole of science on the back of a story passed down by some Iron Age goat-herders is just self-delusion.” Neil Butcher

    Free Member

    Back in the days when parents parented and stair gates weren’t invented we’d be more concerned about being hospitable.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t…

    Give up my anonymity by becoming famous or infamous.
    Sell my principles.
    Sell a treasured family heirloom (‘It’s not for sale’, means it’s not for sale, NOT ‘Offer more!’)

    And the end of the day it’s only money, and money does not make you happy.

    Having said that, there is only one thing in life that you cannot buy (you so can buy love, and to a degree health)…


    Use it wisely.

    Free Member

    Well kinda did the guys a favour really, better to find out now that it doesn’t float the right way up than later!

    Free Member

    I’m mainly a car driver, and I ride my bike occasionally. So I’m certainly not anti-drivers.

    Surely if you hit someone with your vehicle, unless you can prove immediately that you are 100% innocent (e.g. witnesses all agree hit person jumped out in front of you whilst you were driving 100% within in law, and you stopped and gave first aid), you should have your driving licence revoked immediately pending a court appearance. Do we really want someone who runs people over and then leaves the scene still driving around?

    Free Member

    The majority tbh. Only a few I really appreciate.

    Pretty much sums up my view.

    Free Member

    Tomshardware has a CPU hierarchy chart, not cast in stone, gaming specific, but a useful guide none the less:

    Tom’s Gaming CPU Hierarchy Chart

    Free Member

    Also, do you need high spin speeds? My reasonably quick Synology NAS uses a more reliable cooler running quiter 5400rpm drive with no performance hit (the NAS hardware being the bottleneck).

    Free Member

    There’s an intersting article from a German HDD recovery firm on Tomshardware, seems like Hitachi gave the best showing for having the least inherant design problems.

    Free Member

    I wonder how people view archery, fencing or javelin throwing, not to mention martial arts?

    Well all those things were designed for killing, so anyone that takes part in any of those activities is obviously an anally retentive sociopath.


    I like both sporting weapons and military weapons. Military weapons are the epitome of form follows function: built to be used in unfavourable conditions by stressed soldiers with just basic training. From an engineering standpoint that’s quite interesting.

    Free Member

    .303 rimfire a few times

    it’s centerfire not rimfire

    I have fired a host of 9mm, 5.56 and 7.62 weapons including M249 and GPMG as well as Glock and Sig pistols and MP5s of various designations.

    i find the quasi-military willy waving a bit disturbing.

    Have you thought about talking with someone about that?

    Free Member

    Back before the bans used to shoot Practical Pistol, and Police Pistol I and II. Had a Colt M1911a1 .45 ACP, a S&W Model 19 4″ .357 magnum, and a Taurus PT99 9mm (Stainless Beretta 92 Copy), and an AR-10 7.62mm.

    Had no interest since the UK bans on SLR and then Pistol shooting, so shooting reserved for holidays abroad. I have a friend abroad with a nice collection of fully auto weapons, so that’s some consolation.

    Still into air rifles and I have been since a child and all through Cubs the ATC, and at school. Imagine that, children being encourage to shoot!

    Free Member

    For a NAS, might I suggest one of the Synology models.

    Free Member

    Don’t know about your school TuckerUK, but in my school (comprehensive Peckham) the short kids were the only ones certain not to get bullied – there was absolutely no kudos in picking on a short guy. If anyone did try to bully a smaller/shorter kid, others would sort him out. Even if someone had a legitimate go at a shorter kid, there was a high probability that someone would deal with them.

    The taller you were the more likely you were to get bullied – until you proved yourself of course. But even then there was a pecking order and taller kids like myself with a proven record would get challenged, ironically, often by your mates. Pathetic I know, but that’s how you impressed your peers and got yourself a reputation.

    Tall, yes, absolutely! But this guy had the mass to go with it, he could have squashed his opponent! All the schools I went to guys of his stature commanded respect, though obviously if the guy was giving off those ‘victim’ vibes that dogs can smell then I guess size and shape count for nowt.

    Free Member

    iDave – Member

    Something smells fishy…

    I think the little punk was set up

    Still, deserved everything he got


    OK, so this is a guessing game right? We have to guess which bit you take issue with? Or are you actually backing the bully?

    Tip: Cavemen communicated using simple symbols, doesn’t really cut the mustard these days though.

    Free Member

    Something smells fishy…

    I’ve witnessed plenty of bullying over the years, but never someone that weedy taking on someone that big. The big guy doesn’t need to fight back, just sit on the kid. I think the little punk was set up. Still, deserved everything he got.

    Free Member

    If you have to wear clothing in the sauna doesn’t that kind of defeat the whole object? Change gyms?

    I used to use a gym that was men only, but then became mixed. The women had to go through the men’s changing area to get to the weights room. The sauna stayed nude. Some women used to hang out in the men’s changing area to see how many men they could phase!

    Having to wear clothing in the sauna is as bad as those Holmes Place type jokes that have a ‘no sweating’ or ‘no panting’ rule…good grief.

    Free Member

    If you are a trusted eBayer (100% feedback, leave feedback on payment, etc.), then go for it. Massive pics (hosted off eBay for free of course), start bidding at 99p (which I do on all my auctions inc. 2 cars).

    Free Member

    Brake cables are also a different diameter to gear cables usually, so the outers aren’t compatible.

    Free Member

    Use This Chart

    You can either print it out and hold it at the correct angle for your bike, or just rotate it in your favourite graphics program.

    Free Member

    I think the problem might be the brakes themselves: with the exception of Avid BB7s, cable discs are universally slated as being pretty pants.

    But if you do suspect cables you can’t go wrong with Shimano XTRs, very smooth indeed.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure what counts as vintage, but I inherited my late father’s bought from new 1954 Carl Zeiss Contax IIIa 35mm Rangefinder with 5cm f/1.5 Sonnar and 13.5cm f/4 Sonnar lenses.

    Free Member

    Lol, I heard that too!

    I expected the guy to reply, “Yes, unlike your everyday workplace where explosions are actively encouraged, nuclear power stations do tend to frown upon them!.

    What a useless thick bint’

    Free Member

    You don’t really want any nuts on the inside of the cage, so why not buy an extra long bolt of the correct thread, saw off the head (so you’re left with just a threaded stud), two-part epoxy that into the inner plate, and have a nut securing the outer plate onto your threaded stud?

    Free Member

    I used to be (and out of the very many First Aid courses I’ve done since being a Cub Scouts, wow, what an excellent modern no bollox course) in two separate companies, and wasn’t paid extra in either.

    I’m not sure why anyone should be paid MORE, if you’re attending to victims and not ‘working’ you should be paid less!

    Free Member

    Blanks surely? Though would still kill you at that range you’d think? ’tis blanks what did Brandon Lee on the set of The Crow wasn’t it?

    No. As I recall no armourer was around, and they shot one scene with ‘dummy’ rounds in the gun. The dummy rounds were made by pulling the bullet out of a live cartridge, dumping the powder, and then re-inserting the bullet leaving the primer in the cartridge case unstruck and live.

    At some unknown time some unknown person played with the gun and fired it, which ignited the primer in the case causing the bullet to leave the case with enough force to jam half way down the gun’s barrel.

    And now someone loads the gun with blanks for the next scene. Blank in chamber + bullet in barrel = as good as a live round.

    Basically just piss poor sloppy firearms handling all round.

    Free Member

    I’m Bipolar, and like many sufferers have a very sensitive sense of smell, I often smell familiar scents that no one else does, but can’t always place them, and obviously can’t get any help from my sense deprived companions. Drives me mad (ohh, that’s a pun eh?)

    Free Member

    What an excellent intelligently though out thread. We could start another one asking how many people have driven over the limit without any negative effects, conclusively proving no link between drink driving and accidents.

    Free Member

    Strela-10M3 (NATO codename: SA-13 GOPHER), short-range, low altitude SAM (Surface to Air Missile) system utilising converted MT-LB chassis.

    Free Member

    1971 Soviet T55 Medium Tank

    Free Member

    1986 British FV4030 Challenger Main Battle Tank, holds the record for the longest confirmed tank-on-tank kill in military history, destroying an Iraqi T55 tank at a distance of 3.2 miles (5.1 km) with a 120mm APFSDS ‘Charm 1’ depleted uranium round.

    Free Member

    Ellie Goulding covering Elton John.

    End of thread.

    Exactly. I actually liked her stuff before she did that.

    Free Member

    Surely at age 11 she isn’t supposed to get help from parents with homework, she should be asking the teacher? The whole point of this is so that her teacher can gauge effectively where her strong and weak points are. Plus, how do you know our explanation/methodology will match that used in the curriculum?

    Free Member

    Ballsy girl (I’m shit scared of heights).

    Free Member

    just bought mysalf a 3ft blowpipe and 4 inch steel darts from amazon.


    Blowpipes are illegal in the UK.

    Free Member

    Castrol LM, or Castrol CL if you like it stickier and more water resistant.

    Free Member

    I always think these threads that compare useful bike accessories (mudguards, spoke guards, etc.) against current trends are often frequented in the main by people who would be better off giving up the bike and perhaps taking up fashion design or something.

    Please shoot me if I ever make a choice based on current fashion instead of tangible facts! Mind you, that’s one of the lovely benefits of being 46, I don’t have to conform to fashion or give a toss what anyone else thinks about my choices in life.

    Free Member

    Very nice. You’re on you way to building a scale Honda NR engine!

    Always promised myself a lathe with milling head in the garage, but time/finances/space/other hobbies/etc have all so far conspired against me.

    Free Member

    8 speed came with my Spesh, never felt the need for an extra cog.

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