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  • TuckerUK
    Free Member

    no shooting within 50feet of a road with a white line on it, unless that road is on private land and you’ve got the land owners permission… tis the law i believe?

    Only if doing so causes a nuisance. If it doesn’t cause a nuisance, it’s all good. IIRC

    And of course we’re talking shotguns here, FAC weapons are more strictly controlled (due to the multi-mile lethality range as opposed to the shotguns c. 70 yards with a trailing wind).

    Free Member

    PC World? Aren’t they the company that ‘just came across’ child porn on Gary Glitter’s PC hard drive (i.e. they’ve openly admitted to looking at stuff on your hard drive, could be personal stuff, could be bills/receipts, could be addresses, could be family photos etc).

    Free Member

    No salt until after it’s cooked. Salt draws the moisture out, you want to keep the moisture IN by quickly searing both sides and all edges first. IMHO of course. Worcestershire sauce if one so fancies, or a decent English mustard.

    Free Member

    trained in the ancient art of bukkake

    So now I’m confused, I thought we’d settled on no sauce!

    Free Member

    I think those model numbers were used during WWII

    M2 – Stuart light tank
    M3 – Lee (Grant in UK service)
    M4 – Sherman
    M5 – Stuart (again, uprated M2)
    M6 – heavy tank never really went into mass production
    M7 – Priest SPG
    M8 – howitzer on an M2/M5 chassis
    M9 – prototype only
    M10 – tank destroyer, Achilles in British service

    I was being facetious, the Abrams is an M1, there is no M11.

    Free Member

    The projectiles fired from the M11 Abrams tank leave the barrel moving at over 1500m/s.

    What happened to the M2-M10? :wink:

    Free Member

    Ah yes, 8-speed XT cassettes, bloody awful things, only really good for scrap, although now you don’t need it could I have it for the bike parts sculpture I’m making? Obviously I’ll pay the postage. :D

    Free Member

    That skid is A:awesomely cute, and B: summing up my life!

    Free Member

    Why were you riding down the steps and having your picture taken.
    Just a silly stunt hoping to offend people?

    Unlike your post naturally.

    Free Member

    Can’t you download for free from a MS sponsored site and just buy the license off Amazon as with some other MS software?

    Free Member

    Expenses??? 8O

    I count myself lucky to get a response.

    Free Member

    It is an absolute right of passage to own a brand new quality penknife and then to promptly cut yourself whilst testing its sharpness, due to the quality of blade it should not be that painful and in fact ideally you dont immediatly notice until THE RIVER OF BLOOD that follows and that you vainly try to mop up in an attempt to hide the fact that you cut yourself within 30 second of being alone with it…. not that i know anyone who has done this

    One of my sons stuck a scalpel (used for Airfix kit modeling) in his hand at a young age. Thought he’d better keep quiet and go to the bathroom to stem the bleeding. It’s only when I went fo a pee some time later and saw the blood everywhere that I knew something was wrong!

    I have a step-neice you managed to stab herself in the leg whilst whittling.

    Our youngest got this when he was 11.

    Free Member

    I once borrowed someone’s bike and within minutes, trying to impress the g/f with a smart skid on the grass, went straight over the bars. Gave witnesses a good laugh.

    It does seem ludicrously unsafe to have the front brake lever different to motorbikes. Some people chime in with, ‘Well I’ve driven LHD cars with no problem’..well yes, because they still have the pedals in exactly the same order.

    Free Member

    Not read the whole thread, so apologies if someone has done this already, but we have the opposite problem. I’m a medicating Bipolar sufferer, and one medication side-effect is it reduces libido, and of course when I was a raging Bipolar I was sex mad, so the poor missus knows what she’s missing.

    Sometimes I actually find the whole sex thing a bit ‘been there done it’. Ditto porn. I’d happily chop my tackle off and be done with it.

    Free Member

    Damn, only just noticed the button! How unobservant am I? 8O

    Free Member

    Mark, can we have a like/dislike button for each post?

    Being very good or correct rarely (if ever) coincides with being most popular.

    “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it’s time to pause and reflect.” Samuel Langhorne Clemens.

    Free Member

    Oswald wasn’t going to go quietly. He said he was innocent and was just a patsy.

    He said he was innocent??? Well now you tell me! Well that’s him off the hook then. :roll:

    Lots of people in the street below who pointed up at him at the depository window shouting ‘there’s the shooter’ (or words to that effect) disagree. Sure, they could be mistaken, but coupled with all the other evidence.

    Free Member

    What a goody two shoes toe-the-line rhetoric.

    That’s not what I’ve been called by some posters on the religion threads where I’ve pointed the exact same thing out! :lol: You obviously haven’t chanced across my postings much, I don’t DO toeing the line. :wink:

    Free Member

    How can I go about checking providence?

    He has the WHOLE V5, and the car is at the registered address or no deal, as per the Police and DVLA advice. If he doesn’t have them, he’s most likely a dealer trading illegally.

    Free Member

    I had our local ‘friendly family’ business replace a part with a part which was itself faulty. The failure wasn’t found however until much more work was done, and I’d gone to the Main Dealer with the car still faulty. They replace the ‘new’ part and I delivered a letter by hand to the local garage telling them we expected a full refund for all works (and quoted the law), and that we didn’t blame him and expected he would recover his costs from his supplier. They paid promptly.

    Free Member

    Jack Ruby? That whole thing’s still pretty suspicious, hey?

    I’ve heard Ruby was a small time wannabe who hung around the cops trying to get himself some influence, he loved JFK with a passion, and thought he could become a hero by shooting Oswald. In my limited experience of people that doesn’t sound implausible.

    Free Member

    what about a car engine on a busy road?

    Continuous noise, you can track it.

    Free Member

    Not sure that is just the PC view you have said there tbh but I would like to politely withdraw from debating this with you on this thread and lets leave the thread be.

    To be clear I tend to agree with you on the issue in general but you state it in too extreme a manner

    Thumbs up smiley were one available.

    Free Member

    really tucker what is the politically correct view on genital mutilation out of interest?

    The PC is view is it’s only mutilation on girls, on boys it’s ‘circumcision’ which is fine, because to say otherwise would be ‘racist’ against believers of Abrahamic faiths.

    The HMG (Higher Moral Ground) is of course that genital mutilation of legally unable to consent children is abhorrent regardless of their sex. If they want to chop bits off their genitals when they are old enough to consent, good for them, the debate is not about the ‘benefits of circumcision’.

    Free Member

    The absolute best thing about that letter is that the majority of people who read it will naturally assume it’s the work of someone trying to stir up racial hatred (which of course is a criminal offense).

    And just to note, ‘race’ is being used here in its modern form, to denote a group of people who are ‘different’, even if that difference is one they chose, e.g. various religious groups, ‘travellers’, presumably pedophiles, etc.

    Free Member

    This is what happens when you combine thick people and political correctness.

    In my opinion, impossible not to have one without the other.

    Free Member

    Send your child along as demanded, but ensure that they wear a colander on their head all day as accords with your families strict pastafarian beliefs.


    Free Member

    Usually tracking is measured in minutes, 3.5mm is a lot for tracking to be out.

    Tracking can be measured angularly or by distance. 3.175mm (1/8th inch) per side toe in or out isn’t excessive (depending on vehicle). On MX-5s at the front, some people like 3.2mm toe out, others 3.2mm toe -in, per side!

    Free Member

    No bullets travelled in anything other than a straight line (until they hit something that deflected them), that’s another film myth. People most probably heard gunshots from the grassy knoll because of the way sound travels and is reflected off buildings. It’s very hard if not impossible for a human ear to find the direction of a gunshot in a built up area.

    And as for key witness statements being contradictory, well, doh, yeah. It’s a very well known and very very well documented failing of humans. Indeed, one famous experiment had a University/College class taken down the bar/pub for lunch were a murder was staged. When questioned afterwards the majority of students identified the wrong perpetrator.

    As with everything else in life, and as I’ve said before in this thread (and others), if there is no concrete peer reviewed court admissible evidence to support something, you can safely dismiss it.

    Free Member

    I’d say they’re a bit young for the heaviness of it all, but only you know your kids. Trenches and ramparts etc, fine, but cemeteries no.

    Free Member

    The French call their paper clips “Les Trombones”…

    Theatrical mice use paperclips as fake trombones when staging Gilbert & Sullivan musicals. They can’t use real ones because it’s a little-known fact that mice can’t actually purse their lips, so they can only play percussion and string instruments.

    Forget wheels sizes, fork oil viscosity, geartrain parts compatibility, and ghetto tubeless tips, THIS is why I love STW! :lol:

    Free Member

    Don’t open the oven door, shave, over exert yourself, or move to somewhere warm from somewhere cold whilst wearing them. Very hard to see anything when they are completely steamed up. :wink:

    Free Member

    Lee Harvey Oswald was just a patsy and couldn’t have made that shot

    He was an ex. Marine, the US Marines have one of the highest marksmanship standards in the US, having to qualify at ranges way beyond those normally used in the military. He was also ranked very highly for his shooting ability. In addition, he was shooting one of histories fasting reloading bolt-action rifles over short range at a very slow moving target. I’m quiet confident all my kids could have pulled of those shots with that rifle.

    Do not take details from the film JFK as factual. When the film was released Oliver Stone was universally slated for its inaccuracy, to which he responded ‘Hey it’s only a bit of light entertainment’ (or something like that).

    Free Member

    Cycle on pavements. If roads are deemed that unsafe that any pedestrian walking on them should FACE oncoming traffic, there’s absolutely no way a cyclist who is less able to quickly jump out of harms can be safe cycling on them.

    Free Member

    Although it should perhaps be noted that impeding traffic can be an offense.

    Free Member

    I had a cuddly toy golliwog as a kid. It’s name was Gollie.

    Me too. My mum has a huge Golly collection including probably everything Golly related that Robertson sold and some Noddy first editions. In my limited experience the people that find Gollies offensive are the same ones that call people ‘coconuts’ because although they have black skin, they act like a white person. I don’t think you can get any more racist than that, I always thought people acted like people regardless of their skin colour.

    Free Member

    Rachel – short history of road tax and its historical demise in favour of vehicle excise duty.

    Bad idea, Rachel will then get someone informing her that actually it’s still road tax (colloquialism). It’s a tax we pay to use the roads, just like alcohol tax is a tax we pay to purchase alcohol, ditto tobacco tax , incidentally also both colloquialisms. And of course I don’t think anyone actually thinks alcohol tax is spent on alcohol, or tobacco tax on tobacco, just as road tax isn’t spent on roads.

    Now, cars that are never used on the road (race and closed course rally cars) don’t need road tax, forever ending the silly notion that road tax is an emissions tax, despite what the government try and have us believe.

    Free Member

    I’m still blown away whenever I watch the opening beach landing scene of Saving Private Ryan. Actually gives me a chill to imagine having to walk into that hail of machine gun fire.

    Especially those magic bullets that keep traveling at wounding speeds underwater! Bullets shot from air into water rapidly decelerate within just a few feet. In fact, when your being shot at in the water the military SOP is to dive, because just a small amount of water is enough to save you. At the angles involved in film, the bullets likely wouldn’t have even entered the water but would have ricocheted off the surface. Great opening scene, but ruined for me.

    Free Member

    Sanyo Eneloops are the best rechargeable batteries you can get. Not the cheapest though.

    I don’t know if that’s 100% true. What I DO know is that there are very few batteries manufacturers in the world, with most batteries being re-branded. Sanyo ARE a manufacturer. I’ve used Eneloops since they came out in both AA and AAA and, coupled with a decent charger (in our case a La Crosse BL-700) and couldn’t be any happier. OK, that’s a lie, I could be happier, but there are no Swedish triplets that live locally.

    Free Member

    Discounting suits (more than one item), probably my tailored Irvine Flying Jacket. With pockets (sorry, yes I know, sacrilege, I’m a peasant!). Can’t remember how much I paid.

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