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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • trout
    Free Member

    silicone lube on the post

    Free Member

    I am surprised the scrap has stayed around so long

    wait for the next storm and destroy the caravan

    Free Member

    We still need piccys

    Surly the land registry will have the owners details

    Free Member

    Went there last year and hired a bike for the week off them for some exploring
    plenty of steep hills in fact its eithe up or down with hardly any flat riding

    some good stuff and they will know it all so should be good for a good day out .

    I nearly melted the front disk on a road decent and ended up nearly crashing
    yes do it for sure

    Also Hire a jeep for a day its well worth it to see all the island some lovely little spots to see

    Free Member

    Back there in September so everything crossed for a clear day

    Free Member

    Strange I never noticed him when we were on the top
    looks like batman

    Free Member

    Glad I have seen the pics above as it was nothing like that on Sat but still had a great day out

    Free Member

    PeterPoddy has it
    Buy it , cook it , eat it dont have eyes bigger than your belly

    Free Member

    Bottles or Cornie kegs for me .

    had a brew that was split between plastic barrel and a cornie. both carbed up with the same amount of sugar post ferment. and the corny tasted way better than the plastic

    They are on offer at one of the home brew shops on line for £35 each .
    ok you do need a co2 cylinder but well worth the investment and if you give up brewing. they will still have a good value
    for resale. un like a plastic barrel .

    Free Member

    Get a few more brooms Steve and have a go at this

    Free Member

    Like a fool I took off my ghost granny ring a week before I went to the lakes
    and its going back on for sure .

    22×40 is a tad faster than my mate walks
    If you are walking then its not a ride is it

    Free Member

    Snapped my frame in France 2 years ago and walked 11.5 miles back to base along a quite busy road carrying the bike and not one offer of a lift and I thought the French were very biker friendly .

    I have in England kept my Karma balance in the black with a few lifts and tubes for broken down cyclists in the past

    Free Member

    Great pics
    Hoping its not horizontal rain in 10 days time as its on our plans to do when we are there

    Free Member

    A mate is selling this very nice Puffin for £1400

    Free Member

    paint should be removed as it will be the weakest link in anything you want to bond to the concrete
    then screed it level / smooth

    if you are using vynil tiles then you must check the moisture content and whether there is a damp proof membrane in the floor

    Free Member

    Also have a look at one of these Auto toll [/url]

    Saves a lot of faff and a bit of time

    Free Member

    Split tube / Laminate flooring underlay works best for my OO Fatty wheels .

    Really liking the Panaracer Fat be Nimble tyres though they are a little under the advertised 4 inches wide they roll very well on all surfaces but not as much grip on wet rocks as the Floaters also wear well and I do a lot of road to get to the trails .

    Also got one wheel I experimented with a strip of cushion flooring under the split tube to combine rim strip and foam in one product as seen here and working very well too .

    Free Member


    Click = no glue

    Tongue and groove = glue

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Anyone got the bike stand wondering if its worth getting

    Free Member

    Amazing over 17000 mph

    Free Member

    Going over again in a few minutes and nice clear skys here in Yorkshire

    Free Member

    the website has not been updated since 2002 but also not much has changed cepting a few names . and yes lived in the area for 49 years

    Free Member

    Copied and pasted but just about sums the place up

    The Worst Things in Skipton, North Yorkshire*

    The entirely missable and worth mentioning because of it

    You can tell us more about Skipton.
    ShareThe Worst Things
    the locals are rude…
    Tourist coach loads of old folk
    The closed down petrol stations .There are three of them I think. The dog poo is on the pavements-watch out for it on the High Street.The lads who sit in cars in droves in the car park near Busy lizzies at night.
    The closed down petrol stations .There are three of them I think. The dog poo is on the pavements-watch out for it on the High Street.The lads who sit in cars in droves in the car park near Busy lizzies at night.
    Jim Caygill
    The endless stream of smackheads, a hard rain is coming.
    The small town simpletons and the big city mentals. (01/05/2003)
    lots of redknecks
    The After Dark and the fleece pub
    The worst thing about Skipton has to be the high street on a saturday.You get tons of old duffers that cant walk at all (they kind of do a wobbly thing pretending that they’re going fall over). This really pisses me off because it takes about half an hour to get up the street, when at night you can walk it in about 2 minutes. Please don’t go on saturday if you dont like smokers, because, of the afore mentioned duffers all the smokers get in a stress and start blowing second hand smoke in yer face. Also lots of kappa slappers and goths start shouting at you for no reason at all. Once all i had to do was look at this guy and we got in a fight.
    I forgot to mention how sick i am of mobile phone shops only about 8,000 people live in Skipton and we have at least 8 shops that sell only mobile phones and about 20 others that sell them + other stuff. We all have one, I have three all together because of the stupid deals where they give you another one for free. I have to complain about the lack of clothes shops for boys, girls have about 20 different shops to choose from. And if we dont want to look like idiots, we have to go as far as Leeds to get some decent clothes that look good. About three years ago the last decent clothes shop for boys closed to make way for a female clothes shop. It’s not that i have i problem with girls its just they dress better than us and then insult us if we aren’t wearing the latest fashion.
    lots and lots of cops watch out
    During the summer and especially on bank holiday weekends, Skipton is besieged by tourists, the majority of them coming across from Lancashire and down from the North east. In adition to these casual day trippers are coach loads of pensioners,drawn in by the tea-shops and market stalls. You can normally tell who the local people are among the crowd because they’re the ones trying to walk quicker than everyone else, often having to resort to walking along the road with the traffic.
    Shopping…. Skipton is a nightmare for shopping, especially for clothes unless you like to buy at one of the many charity shops available. However if your want either a mobile phone or a pair of glasses you will be in heaven, ‘cos there are oodles of retailers to choose from!. Otherwise go to Keeflah!.
    Bloody mobile phone shops. Skipton is a fairly small Dales town, so why… WHY, does Skipton have at least 9 mobile phone shops. I’m not talking about shops that sell mobiles as well as other things (althought there are plenty of those as well), but what the hell does Skipton need 9 shops that sell NOTHING but mobile phones for??? We don’t even have a mainstream electrical retail place now – Dixons closed down and reopened as… yes, you’ve guessed it A MOBILE PHONE SHOP!!!!! I think I’ll just go and have a quiet lie down in a darkened room!
    its all crap
    The devonshire hotel for gods sake let wetherspoons duy it and renovate it as at the moment it is a dump
    BLOODY MOBILE PHONE SHOPS – Skipton is not that big a place and yet we have at least 6 (six!) shops in the middle of town that sell NOTHING but mobile phones and at least another dozen places that sell mobiles as well as other stuff (WHSmith, Wollies etc.) Skipton is rapidly turning into a town of 2 shops – mobile phones and charity shops. If you don’t want the latest mobile, a kaftan or a nylon jumper then the only thing to do is go to Keighley (shudder!) – on second thoughts, I’d rather have the kaftan!
    Old crinklies on coach trips That woman who runs you down in her purple motorised buggy on Shortbank road!!! Its proximity to the cess-pit aka Keighley
    Small Town White Trash as my brother puts it. Greatwood Estate, thugs roaming the streets just “looking for a fight” cos they are such losers they cant do anything else. The Aireville “v” Grammar school thing when Aireville tossers start having a go at u cos u passed a test at 11 and they didnt. I think this breeds the whole small town violence thing. Skiptonians are really paranoid so they go around looking for other people to put down to make them look better. And the Blue Rinse Brigade “eee Elsie shall we go in here” zimmering down the high street while you are trying to get something to eat on your dinner break.
    The millennium walk brings you back to the High st
    tourists looking for the next tea & scone shop……(dilly-dally-ers)
    BABYLON – Escort Cosworth and Fireblades. Mondeo V6 also red BMW unmarked.
    Not enough decent nightclubs. Nothing to do for teenagers.
    The Skipton Building Society buildings, as condemned as an eyesore by Prince Charles himself.
    After Death; you were right about it being crap. It’s bloody awful! But where else is there to go now that the other crap place, The Waterfront, closed down?
    Measures in the Woolly Sheep; whilst last at home I read in the Craven Herald about the landlord giving short measures and being caught. Well, he is a bit miserable anyway!
    Tourists on Market Day; can’t really moan as long as they spend their brass! But it is impossible to move uptown!
    The worst thing about Skipton is that it is a complete old persons’ tourist town, so a trip to the shop usually involves wading through a mass of grey hair and false teeth, all commenting on how beautiful the church and castle is.
    Small town violence, being on the wrong end of it.
    The After Dark
    Search Knowhere for something else:

    Free Member

    Yes Imho
    and Yes

    Free Member

    Here is one my mates son runs
    Vintage bikes n stuff [/url]

    Free Member

    Only one tool for the job

    Free Member

    This is a cracking bike friendly camp site

    you can ride traffic free to a pub or two

    Free Member

    I can sell you a OO fatty fork gathering dust in my garage

    Free Member

    Where will this little ride kick off from

    Free Member

    Loop pile
    sounds like the fitter has nicked it with his knife
    bodgeable if it was an old carpet you need it replacing for sure

    and dont get a cat

    Free Member

    Maybe all teams should have one male and one female driver on the grid

    Free Member

    Spacial awareness and observation skills missing from the cyclist
    lorry is coming through what ever

    cyclist needs to go to Specsavers

    Free Member

    I have just such a puncture last week a shard of glass left a 6 mm cut would have been perfect for a plug system like that

    It did seal after about 10 mins of walking with the bike and is still sealed but a plug would have sorted it straight away

    Free Member

    Hows about the Pont Scethin route here

    Pont Scethin[/url]

    Free Member

    Old Lino was made from cork / chalk / linseed oil / and hessian and the glue was Lignum paste and water soluble
    folks liked it cos it was natural
    and that certainly looks like old Lino to me

    nowt to worry about

    And yes I am old enough to have fitted lino early 70s

    Free Member

    I stuck my Glass oven door on three weeks ago with the above stuff use plenty
    and let it cure for a couple of days before using .

    still 3/4 full you can have it for the postage cost or pop round to screwfix and get a tube .

    Free Member

    I have a 29er raceguard fitted to my other bike and it is no way as good as the Mudhugger

    Two bikes on the same days ride

    Free Member

    Cheers Rocketdog I have chopped mine off just above the MH logo for starters

    Free Member

    Good point RD any pics to show how much you have trimmed off

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