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  • Fresh Goods Friday 722: The Autumn’s Done Come Edition
  • trout
    Free Member

    we have just come back from Vinschgau Latsch
    excelent trails
    they do uplifts by van or chair lifts

    we did not use the uplifts and managed to do 1000 feet short of Everest up and down .
    in six rides
    have a look on youtube for the trails

    also smashing hotel residence montani

    Free Member

    we use lots of latex adhesive and i use it for homemade tyre jizz
    lots of stuff will soften it and remove
    solvents like ctc , acetone white spirit , turps petrol

    the problem with the volatile solvent is keeping the stain wet with them .
    white spirit will do it but smells for a while .

    or even try after shave I have used that in an emergency spill on a carpt

    Free Member

    well interesting thread yet again from the one I started a while ago .

    my real world testing now the novelty has worn off

    overtaking when fully loaded is a joy and I spend less time on the wrong side of the road .

    my fuel consumption is an extra 28 – 34 miles from each tankfull driving like I am paying for the fuel ( which I am )
    and how I always drive .

    so I am burning less fuel for the same mileage so am i killing more baby robins now or before the remap

    Free Member

    our Paddy the bastard Parsons russle is a sweetie 10 years old in Jan
    yes to the selective hearing when on the scent of rabbits
    14 mile runs with the bike and ready for more after 20 mins asleep
    loves everybody
    and took on a huge alsation when it approached my daughters new baby in its pram the alsation lost and ran away that was the one and only time we have seen him look dangerous .

    hates fireworks
    very loyal and keeps cats out of out garden
    life span about 15 -17 years
    no real breeding issues and very tolerant to being left home alone for 3 or 4 hours .
    likes sleeping , playing , and cuddles

    Free Member

    @joemmo if the same format as last year you could only practice 3 sections

    if I get the same place again will have camera set up for the offs .

    Free Member

    I have done plenty of wetrooms with Altro Aquarious and the likes Non slip vynil
    and also done sheet rubber in bathrooms but not yet done sheet rubber in a wet room .
    it is possible I would imagine though one thing about sheet rubber is the subfloor needs to be perfect as the slightest things show through it
    even the 2 mm ridges from the adhesive spreader tis a bitch to fit for sure .

    Free Member

    Had a great time marshaling
    practice day on section 1 a grassy chute and ribs ached as well over 100 riders wiped out on my bit
    and no injuries only egos dented .

    hope to be there again this year

    Free Member

    Yes Dr P That was me with the sometimes strange tunes on top of 3 .
    I hope it added a little fun certainly kept me company for the day .

    Right marshal moan coming up .

    the start gate is the bit where you start . you know the bit with the electric bit on which talks to the thing on your wrist .
    NOT 100 mtrs before the start gate .

    I was near the start gate where I could if you needed give you bits of info of what is ahead .
    buggered if I am walking 100 mtrs to chat .

    I had good number of riders wipe out on the 90 degree entry to the start gate it was put there to stop you getting a run up if you go too fast through you may not trigger the electrickery thing .

    so next year come a bit nearer to the start marshal he is there for your benefit and a bit of banter also helps his day

    and to the 2 fools who thought it was a good idea to start from the top of the mound just because I was not on station
    good thing I did not see your numbers as you would have been disqaulified

    rant over

    see you all next year

    Free Member

    top of three marshal face is like a nuclear reacter from the wind and some sun did appear
    had a great day up there glad the rain stayed away and no major incidents on our section .
    lots of tired but happy riders

    Free Member

    Thanks CP

    Free Member

    Wrong place to ask about ( non artisan feather duster ground on a virgins thigh shaving method )

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I have a start time of 06.45 and finish time of about 19.00 Marshaling
    hope you all enjoy your weekend .

    dont forget some banter for the guys stood on the hills all day in hopefully sunshine .

    Last year tho only waiting on section 3 was while they stretchered a guy out of the gully .

    Free Member

    Ha Ha shoey for brundle maybe

    Free Member

    Well I got mrs T an Ebike. cube hardtail and just had a weeks holiday in the Jura France where we rode every day
    Together and some goodish climbs
    Fantastic that we could ride together. ( well with me at the back on the climbs ) but we had a great week on holiday
    And looking forward to lots of rides together in the future .

    Free Member

    Free Member

    funnily Steve asked at the guy who did my stuff and is also in Barnoldswick
    said he had done some and the aluminium was not of great quality to strip and redo
    but that was a few years ago now

    should be able to do it but might alter tolerances for seals

    Free Member

    Free Member

    my thoughts too but I need the van for work Flooring installer
    not seen many petrol vans on the market .

    62 years young and planning on keeping it till retirement

    what is the possibility that engine maps have improved since my van was built and good remappers have programmed better maps for the indevidual van .

    so when the novelty of the extra power has dulled and I revert to driving like a hypermiler as it is me paying for the fuel .
    and say I get a couple of miles e tra to the gallon surly my engine is running better than when new in 2005

    I certainly dont have the dosh to replace it and would be daft to on a whim so close to getting off the tools .

    Free Member

    yes I did think about the clutch and running gear
    and as I have had the van since new I figured the clutch will neen replacing soon any ways .
    how long do clutches last as this one is 148000 miles old .

    so no change in fuel consumption or a small reduction when I fall back to driving normally
    one vehicle in the last 12.5 years and averaging 12000 miles a year I reckon there are far more bad poluters than me on STW mr Edukator

    Free Member

    Rightio here is an update now I have done another tank of fuel .

    Tank before remap 33.89 mpg
    tank after remap 33.56 mpg

    I have tried to drive as normal for most of this tank but have had a few mad moments to enjoy the power .
    and also had the air con on a bit these last 3 days so happy with the fuel usage and very happy with the drive-ability .

    Am gobsmacked how it pulls in the higher gears should have had it done years ago

    Free Member

    well that thread went in a few directions , informative and entertaining .

    and also reading the Ebike thread
    looks like I will be burning in hell

    diesel van , Remapped = petrolhead – and other crimes

    Ebike but not yet a pensioner or disabled

    very baaaaad man Oops sorry person

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Not sure on the steroids but was not allowed in the dyno room and was told to have a walk round and come back in a couple of hours .

    there is not a lot to see in barlick on a sat afternoon .

    not sure I wanted to see as I could hear it revving hard on the dyno as I walked back

    Possibly Plumslikesrocks but the Torque gain is very noticeable

    Free Member

    just made a bluetooth boom box from old speakers and stuff
    and one of those cheap bluetooth amplifier boards

    Free Member

    Mrs Trout took our car to kwik fit with a puncture and they told hernit was unsafe to repair and sold her our new spare tyre and put and old one on the spare .

    we didnt find out until we had a flat about a year later .

    Free Member

    Phew lorry`s insurance have agreed the full repair costs :D
    van goes in monday for mending

    Free Member

    it seems the non lovers need to have a day out on an Ebike then they can hate in the full knoeledge what they do .

    I am a user and lover , mine has meant my van stayed at home this holiday and i rode in the dales each time
    thus saving maybe 2 gallons of diesel .

    yesterday i rode 40 miles taking in Mastiles lane up the steep side which was done in turbo mode
    surprise no roosters or wheel spin
    a few cheers from walkers
    i did get up it at twice the speed a whopping 9 mph instead of my normal speed of 4 mph and was blowing just as hard at the top

    the whole ride averaged at 12 mph a speed i am sure the racers and fit bikers would have no issues matching .
    I used to average about 7 mph on similar rides but only over half the distance .

    so Ebike for me means longer rides in the same timescale with just as good a workout as before
    and means I get to ride with my much faster and younger friends

    i would love to see the unfit folks doing loops on Kepple and sticks pass it aint happening not on a normal , legal , ebike ,

    Just like any pastime its the Dick and fools that do the spoiling

    Free Member

    Also battery range is not enough either for decent long rides with a lot of offroad climbing

    my range test a few weeks ago got me 31 miles and 3600 feet of climbing before the battery was empty and that was in lowish temps
    last weekend I got the 30 miles and 3000 feet up with 2 bars left on the battery which was then used in turbo mode for the sprint home from the pub

    Free Member

    all haters get over it

    legal e bikes are legal on all trails that mtbs are so love em or hate em they are here to stay

    Free Member

    hopefully Nobeerinthefridge
    but only sunday as have to go to a wedding on sat
    hoping to be start of section 3 again

    Free Member

    yes I am over weight and lacked the motivation to ride my normal bike on my own and at 62
    went on a group holiday last year and was tailend charlie every day as could not ride at the pace of the much younger members .
    we still had fun and every one said they did not mind the long waits at the top of the hills

    but I did mind as felt bad dampening their fun and adding possibly 2 or more hours to their rides .

    so my Ebike means I can ride with my mate at his pace so we both get a fun day out .
    and I get to sometimes open the gates for him and share the banter as can speak while climbing at his pace .

    I fully intend to ride bikes until i am unable to through health or death .

    so all you haters just think what you will do when you reach 60 / 70/ and above

    I still ride non ebikes to keep fitish but not when out with much younger mates

    Free Member

    yes Snaps the same van
    it is driveable and i have managed to get the door to close and lock .
    thanks for the advise

    any idea on buy back costs as I do have a mate in the body repair business so that looks like the likley scenaroe

    Free Member

    just had a new turbo and alternator fitted plus 4 new tyres .

    so for no fault of mine I now need a van for earning a wage .
    had this van from new so know I wont find one in as good nick for what ever sum they pay me out .

    might be worth 6 grand on the market but worth lots more to me

    am prepared now for lots of hassle

    Free Member

    Thanks for your advice guys will have to wait til tomorrow now and see what is the verdict and go from there

    looking it up on the web is doing my head in
    and need the van for earning a living

    Free Member

    Do i contact my insurance co yet or wait til the lorry insurance co come back to me with their stuff

    Free Member

    An excellent ride we did a couple of weeks ago .

    includes the Breasty haw decent , Parkamoor to Nibthwaite

    can send GPX if needed but it includes the little detour when we took a wrong track

    Free Member

    for my last drive to the afterlife

    Free Member

    can report my first big shitty ride with the chain wax was a resounding success
    31 miles in terrible lakes weather saw my chain out of the three riders the only one not sounding graunchy and squeaky .
    I did refry the chain on sunday but I dont think it was needed .
    well impressed cannot see me going back to oily stuff

    Free Member

    was a bit un nerving on the hills waiting for a slap round the head if the tube snapped

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