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Viewing 40 posts - 881 through 920 (of 3,590 total)
  • Issue 150: Limestone Cowboys
  • trout
    Free Member

    Am I the only one to have noticed that it is not actually, technically speaking Friday today.

    Oh bugger that means will have to drink them again tomorrow 8O

    Free Member

    Super shed with nano brewery keep the aroma and steam away from the house

    Free Member

    Choice of two for me

    Free Member

    Yep itching to get a Fatty here its part of my fitness and losing weight plan for the spring

    Free Member

    Ha Ha finger boy says get Mark out the way as not fast enough and now dropping back from him Karma at work

    Free Member

    Mrs T has just poured me a Speckled Hen while I was syphoning my home brewed Old Peculiar clone in to a corny keg be 2 or 3 weeks before I can drink some .

    Free Member

    some great driving from Ham and Fonzo

    Free Member

    Jase you dont need the bottles right away 3 weeks-ish from when you get the brew started .
    Beg/steal/borrow/or buy a fermenting bucket and airlock
    find half a day to spare
    get the brew on and wait

    Free Member

    Dont get the pitchforks out just yet .

    Yes I have been having some health and home issues of late and as a result have been slack on the emails and internet front and apologies to folks who may have been trying to contact me .

    Most issues have been put to bed now and I am back in the real world again
    I will start and trawl through the email backlog and try to get an answer to as many as I find which could take a while

    Please anyone who still wants to contact me re mail me as this will bump your mail back to the top so I will see it sooner.

    Free Member

    when you have saved enough bottles pop along and brew some beer to fill em up again
    happy to share the brewhouse
    Clear bottles are fine as long as you keep them in that dark cellar of yours

    Free Member

    Yes can do John

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I was going to do brew in a bag but found this in a skip

    and the heater worked so had my hot water boiler for free

    so the pan I had bought off ebay £50 then became my wort boiler

    and an old bouclair burner from the camping days .

    old coolbox became the mashtun

    and £50 worth of 10 mm copper pipe made the chiller

    me and a mate are in it together and with the stuff to brew 3 lots of 40 pints and plumbing fittings are out £100 each so the first pints have cost about £1.75 taking in to account energy

    We have a local brew shop so grains and hops cost £13 for a brew the next beers will be about £0.35 a pint if we write off the equipment :D

    Free Member

    Good job I have a while to wait for a fermenter to be empty will give me time to go through those recipes 8O

    Free Member

    Anymore brewers :?:

    Free Member

    Thanks I had thoughts of a light but hoppy summer ale around the 5% abv

    Free Member

    Used to like Firkin pubs Dogbolter
    just collecting together the kit to brew beer and found the recipe on a forum
    gonna give it a try .

    Free Member

    Yep had some excelent horsey steak at Lake Garda last year
    dont know what all the fuss is about its high quality meat .

    only problem I see is the deciet in labeling

    Free Member

    do you have the stem plate with the mount for an oversize bars I have been trying to get one for a while now.

    Hope refused to sell me some cables for the visions to use for repairs for some reason .

    But I do have a few of the extension cables in stock now .
    Got plenty of bits for the upgrades in stock .

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Ha ha. didnt expect any sympathy dry dusty trails rule out here .
    back to mud and shite sunday

    No Diving This time Dom.

    Free Member

    Went to the top a couple of days ago the wife thought I had got lost that was another hellish day
    thought itmwas smart to set off into the wind but managed to get a headwind home too so a big circle ride all into the wind .

    Free Member

    It will be well past its use by date
    send it to me and I will safely dispose of it in an environmentally sound way :lol:

    Free Member

    Parked at Threshfield and went up around Mastiles lane in a figure of eight only 10 miles felt like forty .
    The stuff the surfaced the bridleways with has turned to porridge
    though Mastiles was in great condition

    was a tad windy

    Free Member

    you could have a look at he does a batteries inside light that isvery powerfull

    Free Member

    be cheaper to upgrade the leds andthe housing is the same any ways
    oops forgot yours is an earlier model so a different shape

    Free Member

    Ipad has Bluetooth so does camera cant they talk to each other

    Free Member

    Mark yes got a couple of 2.6 amp hour packs in stock but no large ones

    I sent you a mail with my address on to mail it to

    Geda will be done and in the mail this week sorry for the delay
    your package nearly got chucked out when the wife had a tidy up in my Lair :twisted:

    Off to ride some dusty trails in Lanzarote next week so wont have more large batteries in stock till after the 11 th feb
    though Smudge can do you one quicker .

    Got some new Liberator housings just in and waiting for the new XPG-2 leds to arrive for a super powered Liberator

    Free Member

    Would love to try the weightless bit though , she had a great spacial awareness when going in any direction

    Free Member

    He’ll be incommunicado ’cause he’s up to his eyes sorting my Liberator out

    True Graham do you want me to pop the new XPG-2s in it when they arrive for a 20% boost in power.

    Free Member

    I assume its the mail from Katie
    got dumped in the spam by Virginmedia filters.

    Free Member

    Wet bamboo getting a pounding from the storm tonight

    Free Member

    Is he Fat though

    Free Member

    yes would be straight in and thankful for the extra lard I am carrying at the moment

    Free Member

    I had what I thought was a sticky piston and lubed them with silicon spray

    this made the pistons so slippy the would not retract with the seal and just pumped out making the brakes stick on
    new seals the only good fix

    Free Member

    You want to be making a stink with the local papers and radio stations
    and the managers of the 4 shops concerned I am sure they would love the gestapo type tactics involved here

    Free Member

    I see On One have sneaked into 6 th

    Free Member

    Its looking like a tight race between on one and profile racing
    Brant and Shaggy have dragged back a 25 minute deficit to a couple of mins

    Free Member

    Go for it Grum. I am in silsden and just been for a walk on farnhill moor not melting
    up there
    meltinf fastmin the valley though

    Free Member

    Melting fast oop here in west yorks

Viewing 40 posts - 881 through 920 (of 3,590 total)