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  • Do I Need Bike Insurance? Your Bicycle Insurance Questions Answered
  • tron
    Free Member

    Charles Bronson was(is) in solitary confinement for much of his sentence and devised a regime of exercises using his own weight (think push ups, sit ups, squats etc) and even wrote a book on how to do the same workout.

    You can only do so much with press ups and the like. A press up is equivalent to benching 60-70% of your bodyweight. So to get beyond a certain strength, you need access to weights.

    Free Member

    Cages on SPD pedals are a pain.

    Time have a lot more float, and I'd try a set of those to see if you get on with them. That said, I like flats. I don't think there's much difference in power transfer, and I can jump off the bike far quicker if I have to.

    Edit: Thought you meant Shimano SPDs. I suspect Times and Egg Beaters aren't that different.

    Free Member

    David Beckham is hardly middle class.

    You're right. He's almost up there with the tax dodging super rich elite 😆

    Free Member

    Probably middle / upper in terms of education, background etc. Scum of the earth in terms of current income 😆

    Free Member

    You just said it was a belief…

    Free Member

    Fill them in with paint or nail varnish if it isn't too bad.

    Free Member

    Oh right. It's an article of faith.

    I suspect that the fact that PPP GDP per Capita in the Netherlands is rather higher than here, and that their society is flatter than ours would have a massive impact on the use of hard drugs.

    As for seeing drug use as health issue, we do. WTF do you think the government shovels cash into people like Turning Point?

    Free Member

    Well, like I said, middle class folk tend to be in the middle income bracket – the sociologists and demographers will argue where one class ends and the other begins.

    I reckon the average middle class person in the UK will tell you they're working class. It's only the upper middle class that'll think about admitting to it, and then only if they're not Guardian readers 😆

    Free Member

    Are we talking actual class (ie, middle class folk earn around £25k), or strange British perception of class (middle class folk earn £50k and send Jemima and Tarquin to private school)?

    Free Member

    There's nothing to suggest that her parents wouldn't have acted on the same poor information which was around at the time. I'd go as far as to say that even now, a lot of people don't know that you can kill yourself by drinking too much water.

    TJ, you're moving the goalposts rather a lot. You said that "prohibition does not reduce consumption.". Prove it.

    Free Member

    Pull the clip off youtube however you can, and embed it as a video in the powerpoint.

    I've never seen a link / embedded youtube video work smoothly in a presentation yet…

    Free Member

    If it were clear, there'd be proof. Let's see the "research and evidence".

    I note that you're now suggesting that people research your arguments, rather than providing the research to back up your claims…

    As far as I can remember, Leah Betts died from drinking a hell of a lot of water. Which would be down to poor education, rather than the fact that MDMA is illegal.

    Free Member

    TJ, you're talking tripe. Come back when you've got a test where the factors of treatment, education, social stature, employment etc. have all been controlled for and someone has a good confidence interval suggesting that prohibition increases consumption.

    Until then, wind your neck in with your stupid unfounded assertions.

    Free Member

    You know it isn't as simple as that, and there's no way to control for all the other factors involved.

    You might as well say that the Czechs drink more beer than us because we have cooler summers and milder winters.

    Free Member

    I think there must be a parallel universe where everyone has the odd dabble with drugs and it's seen as perfectly fine. At least that's the impression I get from some people's comments and the odd article in the more left wing press.

    In my social circles it's either very unusual, or so low key that I haven't noticed.

    Free Member

    prohibition does not reduce consumption.


    Free Member

    Free Member

    The figures are generally available for pages per cartridge – usually Laser works out much cheaper.

    Free Member

    How cheap are we talking?

    Free Member

    This is just too stupid for words. I can't believe there's 4 pages of it.

    If they wanted to have a controlled demolition, they could have just done that and claimed it was a car bomb. No need to bother crashing several planes as well.

    As for the Pentagon – plane crashes into a building full of secret files. Is it any wonder they didn't want any Tom Dick and Harry wading through the wreckage?

    Free Member

    Just did ours. Worth £7-800 I reckon as a private sale. Offered £50 😆

    There's more tax on it than that!

    Free Member

    You can paint over chrome I believe – might take an etch primer or special paint. Some old road bikes had a chromed frame with paint over the top – there was a Raleigh on here that was chromed with red paint faded in around the lugs IIRC. Someone stripped it all back and the bike was fully chromed.

    Free Member

    TBH it sounds like he couldn't operate the bike shop without you. Get a loan, rent a shop and the clients will follow?

    Free Member

    I'm assuming it's some kind of shed / cabinet in which you can store and maintain a bicycle.

    I'd be happy to answer the questions, but as TJ says, unless it's clear what we're talking about, it's difficult to answer a lot of them – we could be talking about a large shed that you can walk around, or a steel cabinet with a built in workstand. I'd be willing to pay different prices for those two things.

    I'd seek to find out what people want first, then work out what can be made, and then present that to try and find out what people would expect to pay / what items you need to benchmark against.

    It's early September, so you've got time coming out of your ears 😀

    Free Member

    Simplify the tax system. If the Inland Revenue can't get it right, then it's clearly out of hand.

    Free Member

    However when I attach it and tighten there is still a bit of wobble

    There'll be something stopping it sitting flush then – sounds like it's on the outboard side of the mount where the bolt heads sit, not the inboard. Probably a blob of paint. Quick rub with a file, or even quicker, nip the bolts up so tight the paint gets crushed off.

    Free Member

    You're in good company. Former MI6 whistleblower and messiah, David Shayler, reckons the WTC attacks were a conspiracy too.

    You've got to call him Delores nowadays though.

    Free Member

    Actually, best to ring up the manufacturer and arrange a warranty return.

    Probably best to record the call and store it nice and safe on some webspace in case they try anything funny like reneging on an agreement to refund.

    Free Member

    Disc or Canti?

    IIRC Disc mounts generally go behind the IS mount, so you're effectively tightening against the threads in the caliper mount. The IS mount on the frame should have slightly oversized holes so that the bolts don't bind up.

    Free Member

    there couldn't be because Labour do not have the press in their pockets.


    Free Member

    At this rate, STW is going to be assigned its own Community Mental Health Team.

    Free Member

    the myth of the state of the economy and the moral panic over public sector pensions is a classic example of the big lie technique. When you have the papers on your side and the BBC cowed by threats of dismemberment your lies soon get accepted as the truth.

    It's impossible to give the idea that the economy isn't in a bad state any credence. Various economic bodies and ratings agencies have been making noises about us needing to sort out our deficit. It's something that can be objectively assessed by external bodies. You might argue about the extent to which cuts need to be made, but you can't claim it's an outright lie.

    I'd say a far better example of the big lie technique would be the WMD claims, the overblown threats of terrorism etc. and the associated threats to liberty in the UK, along with a couple of wars. Nobody could verify any of the claims as everything is kept secret on the grounds of national security, so it's a perfect lie.

    I suspect there's very little data on public sector pensions that can't be argued as being partisan – most seems to come from the CBI or TUC.

    Free Member

    The Tory Party and their supporters are very fond of creating myths

    That, of course, is something the Labour or the other parties would never indulge in 😆

    Free Member

    Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

    If you google the author, he had some pretty heavy mental health problems. Explains the contents of the book a bit!

    Free Member

    The yanks have it right. Get banged up three times and we do you. Boil them down for glue or burn them to make electric.

    Free Member

    (unless you know of a huge great concrete and barbed wire wall dividing the country tony and gordo had built)

    Come on. Everyone knows the division of the country was sorted out by the allies and the Soviets. The East Germans specialised in spying on their own citizens and generally being ****. Much like New Labour.

    Free Member

    but comparing the newlab government to the nazi party is absurd and offensive

    He's already said he's on about the East German Socialists. Who were a lovely bunch.

    "Own him with some bombers" or "Wee in his shoes" are common memes around here.

    Free Member

    had them for a couple of years with no issues until last weekend…

    What I mean is, they won't unwind of their own accord. You probably went over a heavy bump or something and the thread let go.

    Free Member

    Zulu's making sense from where I'm sat. This morning you were banging on about 40% cuts.

    Free Member

    He won't have done that. He'll be back with some reason why it's all Lady T's fault after he's had his dinner.

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