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  • Video: Nick Craig At Three Peaks Cyclo-Cross 2018
  • Trimix
    Free Member

    So tax avoidance is a crime right ? Can none of these dodgers get done for it ?

    Free Member

    So from now on if i steal money its ok so long as i pay it back if i get caught – great role models these MP.

    I see some really minor party getting all the protest votes at the upcomming euro elections. Green would be good, but i bet the BNP get votes.

    Free Member

    Id try to test ride before I bought, you cant do that with CRC.

    Free Member

    Stop moaning about other peoples pay. If you want why dont you apply for the job – afterall, some reckon they could sit down and read an autocue.

    The fact that there is good money to be made is a good thing – dont knock other peoples luck at getting a well paid job. At least here in the UK you stand a pretty good chance of getting most jobs in a fair manner. Unlike some contries where you need to bribe you way in, or where there are no jobs or they are controlled by a union etc.

    Free Member

    Where is Charles Bronson, that vigilante bloke, when you need him ?

    Free Member

    I have played some networked sessions – got well fragged every few seconds. Gave up before I went mad.

    Free Member

    Its really amazing the lengths you poor old tubeless chaps have to go to. I was going to add some sarcastic comments, but Im lauging at the thread anyway so I will leave you all to your techniques and compressors and claims of 3 punctures a week.

    Perhaps we will get a thread with tubeless singlespeeders, that would be even more amazing.

    Free Member

    Use an inner tube, as swisstony says, but leave it in there.

    Free Member

    He seems as removed from reality as the rest of them.

    *puts on bandana and awaits revolution*

    Free Member

    I noticed that when she did the marathon her boobs were no where to be seen (well, except the one who did the run with her)

    Free Member

    Caterham 7 that I built and raced, sold it to a Japanese bloke who took it there to race. I really miss it now :(

    Free Member

    Five of us rode from Nettlebed to the Ice Cream van on the Thames in Henley and back Sunday pm. We found only happy walkers about – even the one who had to hide in the bushes as we sped past on a very narrow bit of singletrack didnt say a word.

    The sunshime makes people happy.

    Free Member

    Are you twisting your chain ? By that I mean being in say big ring and the big cog at the back, for example. That stresses it in a sideway manner which weakens it a lot.

    Are you fitting new and old stuff together – worn chainrings + new chain wont work. Does the chain slip ?

    File the offending bit off the chainring and check for wear. Measure the chain properly for length to see how much its worn out.

    Free Member

    Its red cos’ its full of blood, Swine flu is green cos’ its full of snot.

    Free Member

    Well put Big Dummy, its sad how peoples lives are dependent not on the right thing being done, but the right combination of celeb, opposition gov opportunity, simple issues etc.

    Free Member

    If he dosent like it keep taking him till he does.

    Free Member

    Good point, its plumbed into hot and cold water, but I suppose it will still heat to whatever you set it to. The plumbed in water my not be hot / on all the time.

    Free Member

    Parking is free – except in London. The reason its free is because people nick your ticket otherwise. But now they are introducing pay by mobile phone parking I expect more like London.

    Free Member

    I cant recommend one, I would personally camp wild somewhere. Try up near Winchcombe around Belas Knap. In the woods, wild but close to services in Winchcombe.

    Free Member

    Im free, count me in.

    Free Member

    We should not have to prove anything to the gov. They need to prove they are here for our benefit.

    Free Member

    Imagine a crime is committed at your place of work – imagine that everyones DNA is on a database. That wont solve the crime, it will just mean there are now hundreds of suspects than need scientific forensic tests to prove they are innocent. DNA testing is not foolproof or perfect and is open to abuse and mistake. Its not like it looks on the telly.

    None of these initatives solve crimes, good policing does. Spend money on coppers who dont have to fill in forms. Id vote for that.

    Free Member

    Why dont you take her mountain biking. Get fit, have fun and feel good for it. That will sort depresion and weight in one go.

    Free Member

    Spot on Samuri.

    Why are people surprised that when they stop the diet they put the weight back on. Its almost funny how stupid people are when it comes to diets. They wont face up to the responsibility they have and blame anything and anyone other than themselves. Then look for help / support / quick fix anywhere but themselves.

    Fix them mentally then they will be OK. Bit like druggies and drinkers.

    Free Member

    Next time I fancy committing a crime I will do it with a stolen ID card.

    Free Member

    They have an ID card in france, but people dont carry them around with them. They use them as passports in the EU and find it odd to have to use a passport to come here.

    ID cards are just a step towards a database with everything on so they can use technology to follow your every transaction and move. Your tracked on the net, tracked as you pay for stuff and tracked as you use public transport and walk the streets. Wont stop crime, but they will have a massive trail of electronic evidence to follow you with.

    How long before the database its stored on gets left on the train or lost in the post or hacked ?

    Free Member

    Ah ha. Do you think if we watch it enough it will improve our skills ?

    Free Member

    Link ?

    Free Member

    You cant be, or it wouldnt have got through my letter box.

    Free Member

    Ooh, that must also be the noise I just heard then *sprints off downstairs in childlike christmas anticipation* ………….

    Free Member

    Start a conversation and post the replys here so we can all see how its going.

    Free Member

    Flipping heck – I live near by ! Oh, and I spent a night in the nick for fighting in town. In Parsons St.

    The Hook Norton beer is still delivered by horses. If you need to do some local riding email me. Me and a bunch of idiots go every Tue night and almost every Sat / Sun.

    Free Member

    Im hoping the pandemic gets going – the planet is really too full at the moment. Plus Im selling face masks on ebay.

    Free Member

    Take all your holidays NOW. Then go and see the doctor tomorrow, get signed off for stress (which you fake by googling the symptoms) and while the administrators sort out the company you spend the time riding your bike and looking for a new job.

    See, the future is bright afterall.

    Turn every situation to your advantage. Thats the difference between the successful and the rest.

    Free Member

    I buy cheap SRAM ones – they last as long as my cheap chainrings. Now I just change the whole lot after a winter of abuse. I found this much easier than measuring the chain to eek out a bit more life from expensive ones and then found the new one slipped on the old chainrings. Loads of winter miles one chain, one cassette and one middle. Like bic pens, cheap and disposable and do the job.

    Free Member

    Lets just go and eat some chocolate bunnies and hot cross buns then to cheer us up :)

    I always bite their ears off first.

    Free Member

    A mate of mine who went out there told me it was like the UK in the 70’s. His wife hated the sexist attitued of the blokes out there. If you go, dont make it permanent.

    Free Member

    Lewis has the abs of a male body builder – that puts me off !

    Free Member

    We have not really move on then in the last 40 years.

    Free Member

    Actually most religious beliefs do not warrent any respect. They fail to respect many aspects of life – like homosexuality, sex outside marriage, HIV, abortion, the pill, condoms, womens freedom, free thinking, scientific method etc etc. I could go on, but we all know the views that are leftovers from the middle ages being pushed by religion.

    Its time people woke up and educated others out of these irrational beliefs and stopped being PC and / or quiet when it comes to blatant abuses of human rights.

    We should not give time and space for any irrationaly held ideas any more than we give to people who believe there are fairys at the bottom of their garden. But then again, at least fairys wont tell you its a sin to use a condom or work on a sunday FFS.

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