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  • trifoster
    Free Member

    If you had reasonable access to the d-lock it would probably be quicker or at least take the same time to cut the Proteus lock than a good quality d-lock.

    The main protection comes from the ceramic balls inside. That doesn’t stop you going around the steel outer. The guy in the video is pressing very hard into the steel plate.

    Quick whip around the outside with a 1mm disc should cut 100% percent of the steel outer. If not a quick hit with a lump hammer will break that rest of that very thin outer.

    Edit – Also battery grinder’s which is what would be used. Do not like a lot of pressure on them otherwise the motor cuts out to protect it’s self. Pressure from the grinder seems to be the main protection it offers.

    Free Member

    I have just read on Forbes that he is worth 1.3 billion. He gave them access to his financial records so it’s a realistic figure.

    Not bad for someone who was supposedly broke a year or two ago.

    Free Member

    She will go to trial. Won’t take the stand and get a long sentence.

    She will take one for the ‘team’ because what she has to lose is more important to her than 10-15 years in jail.

    Free Member

    When paying by PayPal there is an option to change from PayPal’s exchange rate to your bank/card’s exchange rate.

    Edit – Too slow.

    Free Member

    Life imitating art.

    Free Member

    Re the high parts prices. I was told by somebody who works for one of the big players that they have an unwritten agreement not to encroach on each others territory. Therefore keeping prices artificially high.

    Take the Thetford fitted toilets. All they basically are is injection moulded pieces, a few wires, pump and circuit board. It can’t cost them £20-£40 to build. Yet they retail for £300-£400. If a similar product was sold in another industry. Say for example the housing market where competition is high. They would be a fraction of the price.

    Free Member

    As others have mentioned weight is a major issue. More or less every coach built or 3.5t ‘race’ van on the road. When fully loaded will be over weight. A bare xlwb sprinter has a payload of just under a ton. When you look at the payload figures of coach-built vans it’s often 200-300kgs. A driver and 3 passengers and you’re over weight.

    It’s also not just overall weight. Axle weight is just as important. For every 1 metre back from the axle the weight doubles. The fines can be huge.

    It’s a bit of an oxymoron but the smaller the 3.5t van. The more weight you can carry. The industry is mainly geared towards 3.5t because things get more complicated when you go over that weight.

    Every coach-built van I’ve driven from new to well over 100k rattled like a bag of old spanners. That alone would stop me buying one. If you have the skills I’d advise self build everytime.

    But I think the first question should always be is it cost effective to own one? For the majority of owners I’ve seen it’s not. You have to use a van a lot to justify the cost over air b&b for example. This obviously depends on the amount of people in the van, how the van will be used, post covid19 pricing, cost to build, extra fuel costs etc.

    I worked in the industry for a short time and I’ve built my own van. Unless I was using the van ever 2nd or 3rd weekend or specifically wanted to be by the trail. I’d b&b.

    Free Member

    I’m not doubting that but there seems to be the view that every member of every previous generation has been complicit in making it so. That’s the bit I don’t get.

    The largest group who vote by age are the over 55’s. The age group most likely to vote is the over 55’s.

    I tried but couldn’t find one very simple statistic on voting. What percentage of all votes cast in an election, regardless of party, are by what age group?

    If I was better at math I probably could have worked it out from the endless other statistics. But I’m guessing slightly over 50 percent.

    30 years ago I was taught in a second rate college that by 2020 there would be more people claiming a pension than those who could pay for it. In that 30 years very little has been done to address that fact. I wonder why? Put bluntly, turkeys don’t vote for Christmas.

    The fact that three generations were lied to isn’t their fault. What annoys me is that most of the two gilded generations that got to benefit from it can’t see how lucky they are. You are the only two generations in the history and probably future of human kind where the average working person got to retire. Yet the vast majority of you still think you’re hard done by. That includes my own family members.

    Free Member

    If you look closely at the blown up photo of the BB. You can see the threads up to the circled area are damaged. The profile of the thread pitch is different from the thread go the left.

    You have gone in slightly off. I’m assuming the thread has tightened until it jammed because of damage to the drive of the cup.

    That’s quite bad damage. As it’s a new frame leave it (which I know is easier said than done) and get the threads chased/cleaned. Otherwise your new frame will be useless.

    Free Member

    As above. Holesaw. Once the pilot drill has gone through the bottom. Drill from the bottom up into the wood approximately 5mm. Then start drilling again from the top. That way you won’t split the wood on the bottom when the holesaw pushes through.

    If you have slight splintering on the top surface just put a slight bevel on it with sandpaper.

    Free Member

    The fridge is because they no longer use the same cfc gas. Mine makes a hell of a noise.

    My ex landlords handyman secured some older pipes with expanding foam. That made some really loud cracking noises which quietened down over time but didn’t stop.

    I assume as all new foam type insulation is cfc free it has the same problems associated with the fridge.

    Free Member

    My monies on the men thinking they’re coming for some kinky sex games.

    They have contacted someone online who provides ‘select’ services. They are told where to go. Where to park so they don’t attract the neigbours and they are given a secret code to gain entry.

    Whether it’s a genuine mistake, somebody setting you up or satnav postcode error who knows?

    Free Member

    While 29 million is an incredible amount of money to be raised by one person. It won’t make a huge difference. NHS Charities Together gives away over one million pounds a day.

    What we do

    My hope is that the one good thing to come from this is serious reform and investment in the NHS. Things like the NHS paying full business rates but private hospital’s paying 20% and the PFI scheme are idiotic.

    Free Member

    You wouldn’t get the advance payment normally without asking.

    I’ve only claimed as a single person so I don’t know much about claiming as a couple. But I very much doubt that given what your wife earns you would normally get full rate. If anything.

    It’s also normal for 63 percent of any ‘earnings’ such as your final wage, tax rebate, SSP etc. Paid to you in the last 30 days to be deducted from your first payment.

    I can more or less guarantee that won’t happen either. Due to public opinion.

    I’m guessing that most of the normal rules have been scrapped. Universal Credit is just being used as the easiest system to give people money until something else is set up.

    Free Member

    Zinn cycles is the company I was thinking of. Start at $325.

    Or there is High Sierra Cycles

    Free Member

    I know it’s American but you’ll probably have more luck asking/searching on the Clydesdale/Tall forum on Mtbr.

    There used to be a company (I can’t remember the name) who could custom make them longer than that. But last time I looked was probably 10 years ago. So who knows if they are still trading.

    You could give SJS cycles in Bridgwater a call. I doubt they carry stock but they might be able to point you in the right direction.

    Free Member

    Buy a cheap new wheel and fit a grease nipple. Grease as needed. No need to worry about sealing or stripping down to grease.

    I’ve done it on a deore hub and it’s remained silky smooth. Much more than anything else.

    Free Member

    If it’s factory wiring it won’t run on 12v unless the engine is running. Even then it won’t get as cold as it would on 240v or gas.

    It’s possible to run a fridge from 12v. But if you want to run it for longer than a couple of day’s you need to have a very large battery bank or as you said have large solar panels and live in a hot country.

    If you’re not staying exclusively on campsites a 3 way fridge run on gas is the best way. But that all depends on how comfortable you are with that.

    Most of the deaths in caravans and motorhomes which were caused by carbon monoxide poisoning were caused by old fashioned type water heaters which were left on 24/7. But if a fridge is leaking it can explode. I only mention this because the op appears to have concerns about the risks of gas.

    Free Member

    In factory vans like yours 12v is normally only while the engine is running. To keep the fridge cold between campsites.

    Free Member

    Gaslow. Refillable lpg. Available everywhere in the UK and Europe. You will need different connector’s for different countries. It’s relatively cheap to buy and very cheap to run. You can also use it for everything. Heating, cooking and the fridge.

    To address some of your fears. Ignoring the fridge for a minute. Just turn the gas off when not in use. Smoke alarm and a carbon monoxide alarm are essential items in a motor home. Get the gaslow fitted by a registered fitter who’s been in business for a long time with a good reputation. Plus get it pressure tested every year. Personally I don’t like blown air heating. It’s noisey and draws unnecessary electrical power. Truma S series heaters I think are the best. I’m a bit out of touch with the newer stuff. But the older heaters can be used without the fan. So they have no power draw. Basically they are similar to an oil filled radiator but run on gas. The only downside is they are expensive. But if you’re a light sleeper it’s money well spent over blown heating.

    Fridges can be run off electric. But they require a lot of reserved power. They always seems to me to have too many draw backs. You can get a 3 way fridge and run it off the lpg. Personally I’m a bit of an old woman and I’m uncomfortable sleeping in a van with a fridge run off gas. I think people think they need a fridge when they actually don’t. Drink red wine instead of cold beer and clog your arteries with full fat butter! In the UK you’re never that far from a supermarket.

    I installed one of these
    You can then check at anytime if you have a leak and sleep worry free!

    Free Member

    I did it for 18 months. You save nothing financially over a room in a shared house.

    If you are working at a fixed location. Then you have to decide whether the freedom a motorhome offer’s is worth the lose of the create comfort’s of 4 walls.

    Personally, I would choose the room in a shared house every time and I’m an antisocial git.

    Free Member

    You have given 3 examples. In one of those examples my advise is correct. The other 2 it makes no difference either way.

    Ignoring making this more complex by bringing up, Mr/Mrs X never worked here to sign for it etc. If you are sending ‘legal’ documents it’s the more secure way. Returning items to eBay etc it’s obviously not.

    Take a wild guess how I came to know this? Yes, you guessed it. Your option number 3. First signed for letter delivered. The rest returned unsigned. Which was clearly on the advice of their underhand shark lawyers.

    So, ‘Yes way man 🤟’

    Free Member

    I was speaking generally. Not specifically.

    As in. You are better off posting something via normal post not recorded delivery. For the reason I mentioned.

    Free Member

    Send it recorded delivery.

    Sorry. But that’s bad advice.

    If they know what they are doing they will refuse to sign for it. Then they have proof that they never received it.

    Send it normal post. But, make sure you get proof of postage. English ( can’t speak for any other) law is such that. If it has been posted, it has been received. Plus you have saved yourself a whole 90? something pence.

    Free Member

    Essential mix
    The beginning of progressive trance
    We forgive you for your truly terrible mixing.
    Mitsubishi 😉

    Free Member

    I’m an alcoholic and drug addict. Basically I’ve accepted the fact. Why? Because even on it’s worse day it makes more sense than the world I live in. Aweeshoe 😉

    Couple of points,

    Just because you like the taste it doesn’t mean you have to worry. Most of the big drinkers I know. Myself included don’t like the taste.

    Sbob – I like a challenge 😉

    Countzero – This is a bit blunt. Walk away. I’ve lived that life. You can’t help someone who won’t help themselves. Best case scenario. She gives up. If she means it she will have to end it with you because you are an enabler. I hope I’m wrong and just another ***hole on the Internet with an opinion.

    Op – It was an easy decision for me. Especially because I don’t have children. If I did I like to think I would have done the right thing. Some of the comments on this thread reenforce that. But talk is cheap.

    This is to my ‘fan club’ who know who I am and will no doubt start pm’ing people. I have nothing to hide. When I meet my maker it will be with a clear conscience. I have never and never would turn a blind eye to the raping of children because it’s bad for ‘business’.

    Free Member

    Technically the answer is 1/4 because the wife is bathing the dogs not the puppies. Real world answer is 1/2 because m/f is the same as f/m.

    The question was written by somebody who is one dimensionally very clever. Sorry but in the real world m/f, f/m is the same thing.

    Hi, bye the way. Long time lurker who couldn’t resist.

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