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  • Transition Sentinel 2025: First Ride Review+
  • trifoster
    Free Member

    Choose the type of bearing from that page. Enter the bearing measurements and hey presto!

    Obviously you’ll need some digital Vernier gauges. If you don’t have them then I’d advise buying them because they’re invaluable on bikes. You don’t need an expensive pair. I’ve found the cheap ones to be surprisingly accurate. But before you use them. Check their accuracy on a known source such as a seatpost.

    Free Member

    You’re eating way, way too much. That’s a massive amount of sugar and it’s why you’re struggling. You’re also concentrating on the wrong things.

    You just need to look at it logically. The body is designed to use its resources and then be replenished. That’s why severe dehydration is bad. But hyponatremia kills you. Your body is concentrating on digesting all that food and by the time it’s processed it and it’s of any use to you. You’ve finished.

    You need to concentrate on salt levels and electrolytes. That’s a very personal thing. Especially salt. I could never get my head fully around that and it’s a very fine balance. It takes a lot of testing to get right. You need it to absorb the water. But too much and the body won’t absorb the water.

    Personally I wouldn’t eat anything for five hours. Just an electrolyte drink with as little fructose as possible. It’s more about what you eat the week before. Especially the day before. Nothing new. Good quality carbs and protein. The day of the big event just a light, easily digestible breakfast.

    It’s a phycological thing. I’m doing a big event. I must eat to fuel myself. But it’s only five hours. It’s nothing to the body. As I said before if you eat your body is just wasting energy processing it. High sugar food, the sugar is processed first. Your body uses it and then you get the sugar crash. From what you’ve said that’s why you’re having problems.

    It’s been a long time since I’ve done anything so my memory is a bit vague. But I’ve done sixteen hours on an electrolyte drink and a tiny amount of food. Even then the food was more for physiological reasons than fuel. I used to use I think it was called Torq because it’s not fructose based. As I’ve said it was the build up. Then a very light breakfast.

    This is obviously just my opinion and what worked for me. But if you look at professional athletes. They have to be doing a long, extreme event before they start consuming food. Little and often. Even with the drink.

    Free Member


    The sixth largest land owner on Dartmoor has presented and won a case about the right to roam on common land.

    It’s almost as if ‘one’ wanted to have a friend be seen as the bad guy to pass a law which helps ‘one’. I’m sure the hedge fund manager won’t handle any of mine,
    my families or stupidly rich pals funds in my life time. It’s not as if Dartmoor is the weakest area of attack to set a president to stop poor scum bags like me camping for ‘free’. Why would I want to camp for free? The Renter’s reform bill helps poor scum like me. Rising house prices help me. It’s not like I can’t buy a van and live in that without it now becoming a criminal offense. Which means every type of insurance and rental property will be freely available to me.

    I have no doubt that the only place I will not be able to live is in what will be the waste ground of the country. The ‘North’. I’m sure I won’t have to work in a factory which will kill me of cancer in 20 years because I have no other choice. But I’m sure I can protest without getting 10 years in jail for not stopping because a copper tells me so.

    Paranoid nut job. That’s me. The freak in the corner with the tinfoil hat on which everyone laughs at. Luckily nearly everyone who reads this will be dead before I’m proven right. But who cares? It’s the internet and I can’t spell and my grammar sucks. I also can’t Unfortunately keep my big gob shut 🤪 Do impress send? I guess I did

    Free Member

    I had an NHS assessment in my mid forties. I’m don’t know if it’s the same assessment format for all the trust’s. But mine was an initial assessment by a trained health care professional. The HCP then interviewed someone who knew me as a child. I was then meant to see somebody who was more qualified for a second assessment. A psychologist, I think. But by the time the assessment came around (18 months). Due to budget cuts and a lack of staff my second assessment was done by the first HCP.

    I was told that I couldn’t be assessed without the HCP meeting with someone who knew me from my early childhood. I think that makes it a bit pointless. I couldn’t get a medical diagnosis without the opinion and memory’s of a lay person. Which for me was someone who was in their sixties. Being asked to remember things from 35-40 years ago. That person in my case is also highly likely on the autistic spectrum as well and more severe than me.

    If I read anything about Asperger traits it matches me exactly. But I was diagnosed as ‘normal’. My traits were put down to my upbringing. Or lack of it. Who knows? It’s easily argued either way until they develop a proper medical test for adults.

    Will a diagnosis be of any use to you? Only you can answer that. Personally I think it’s only of any real use if you’re diagnosed as a child. That way if you have good parents you can learn that the way you see the world and come across in it is different than others. Then hopefully you have a better chance of fitting in and having a better quality of life.

    I initially thought a diagnosis would help. But the vast majority of people don’t care if there’s a reason behind your different behaviour. They just care about the behaviour itself.

    Free Member

    Very easy question to answer. Ignorance is bliss.

    Most conspiracy theories are rubbish. As has been said before just because 99% is rubbish it doesn’t mean 1% isn’t true.

    JFK – Not much doubt that was the American mafia. Common theory now due to ‘The Irishman’ Old man Kennedy used the mob to make his son the president. Then thought he’d use the power of the presidency to crush the American mafia. What’s not mentioned but is very clear. Is Hoover without doubt worked for the American Mafia. My assumption is the reason it’s not mentioned is it’s something America could never recover from if it was proven to be true. The ‘mob’ killing a president is.

    5g – All nonsense. The real threat of 5g is the speed and amount of data it can transfer compared to 4g.

    Roe Vs Wade – Really about a serious decline in American birth rates. Can’t fight a war without soliders. Even better if they’re angry and dysfunctional from being raised by a mother who didn’t want them.

    My favourite and this isn’t a theory it’s a fact. The western 1%. We’re all being slowly asset stripped and our rights as people are also slowly being taken away. The point is to take us back to previous times when the 1% were basically god’s. Then the other 99% couldn’t live any type of life without being obedient too them because they had total control of everything. Our 5th, 6th century, Egyptian times etc.

    The reason for it is the war we’ve been in for decades with China. It doesn’t matter how much money you have if China is in control. That’s been proven time and time again. Take what’s going on in Hong Kong for example. China has also very clearly set out its goal for the future of the world with the Uyghur people. Take control of an area and breed everybody else out. Genocide.

    Nobody with the power to do it is starting WW3 with nukes because it’s the end of us all. So you bring down America the way the American’s beat Russia. You bankrupt them. The only way we beat China is by stopping the West’s reliance on it. The only way you do that is by having a section of the West’s population so poor and desperate they’ll do anything. Dying of cancer from working in a chemical factory 20 years from now isn’t a problem if you and your family are starving today. Hence reverting the West back to previous times as mentioned. Why do you think they’re try to bring in a law where you can 10 years for protesting? It won’t happen now. But it will in 20, 30, 40 years time.

    99.99% of the people reading this will think I’m nuts. But if there’s not a world changing event or if America doesn’t create a new world changing weapon it’s the West’s future. Without doubt. People fail to understand what money truly is. It’s the same as the written word was. It’s the same as religion. It’s a tool used by the few to control the many, then divide and rule.

    I’ll now crawl back under my bridge with my vodka and coke 😉

    Free Member

    It’s an odd place for a bike to fail. Certainly not an obvious place for a crash or heavy landing to damage. I’m optimistic on this one

    I thought that at first. But if you think about it. It’s obviously something to do with the reaming of the seat tube to the seat post size. Blunt bit which has wandered. Or more likely the depth setting on the machine was wrong. It’s bored down, hit the bottle boss and kept on spinning because it hasn’t reached the depth setting it’s set too and returned. That would wear the inside of the tube down because unless it’s a brand new, near perfect machine there would be some bit wander. That’s then taken the tube thickness down from 1.0mm (?) To say 0.2mm-0.4mm. Easy to understand the failure then.

    Or the bikes had one of those child seat carriers fitted which attach to the seat tube just above the bottle bosses.

    Good luck with the warranty claim.

    Free Member

    TBF Bill Gates, from my limited knowledge, seems like a half decent bloke. Not a complete cock womble like others of his ilk.

    He started the Bill and Melindaa Gates Foundation and I’m sure I read he plans to reduce his fortune by giving it to charity.

    Bill Gates could give away 99.999% of his wealth and still be in the 1% of richest people in the world.


    It’s just plain wrong.

    Free Member

    Block of wood and a lump hammer for the fork and headset. A few really hard hits will free that up. Do you know anybody who has a Park Tools PW-4 pedal spanner? Night and day difference over the normal spanners. If it’s an aluminium crank arm you’ll probably strip the treads anyway if it’s that stuck. You won’t be able to drill it out without specialist (expensive) drill bits because it’s hardened steal.

    If it’s a steel frame and an aluminium seatpost. I’ve just used the caustic soda method on a seized seatpost. An idea I stole from the above Sheldon Brown website link. I can recommend it. It works very well. The only downside is it does spit, hiss and bubble when it’s doing its work. That makes it very hard to protect the paintwork. I couldn’t plug the seatpost with a bung due to it being deformed and split slightly. So I used Plumbers Gold to seal it. Which worked very well.

    Free Member

    How was the car parked the night before? If the wheel which came off was the one best hidden from view. You can guarantee someone was trying to steal it and got disturbed. Most likely to order given the circumstances.

    I’ve known people who’ve gotten punctures and just driven around until they find the same car. Then stolen one of the wheels. What’s a tyre on your car £200-250? If they’ve driven the car on a flat tyre that’s the rim gone as well. So you’re looking at a bill of somewhere around £500-600.

    Free Member

    I bought one of the cheap Wiggle meters. A while back I did have a Park one but sold it. The Wiggle meter read quite a bit under what I thought it should be. So much so I returned it.

    They said to keep the old one and sent a new one. It was exactly the same. I’ve built a few sets over the years. If I’d tensioned it up to the gauge it would have twisted the rim or snapped a spoke. As nickjb said I’d only use it as a guide for even spoke tension.

    It was well over a year before I used the Wiggle gauge to build a set of wheels, so I was out of practice. As it’s sounds like you’re doing I started doubting myself with what was the right tension. So I went to Halfords and checked the spoke tension on a load of their bikes by hand. I must of looked like a right weirdo. But it worked well in re calibrate me!

    I’d also second putting the tyre on and re checking the tension. I never used to do it. But I built a set with old used rims and it made a big difference. After a bit of googling I found out that it’s not that uncommon even on new rims.

    Free Member

    I seem to have unintentionally offended some older camper owners. That wasn’t my intention. I don’t think they’re all bad.

    The OP asked about 20 year old motorhomes. The biggest problem with them without doubt is rot. If you don’t know about motorhomes then you, as I would have before working on them is check the things you know. Does it run and drive okay, paint work okay, straight, doors open okay etc. Not looking at the things which you should be looking at.

    Nobody can tell if a van is leaking before it’s a major problem without using a good quality damp meter. They cost £250-300 and you also need to know how to use one correctly. Using one you can catch a leaky window for example which is a £200-300 repair bill. By the time you notice it with the naked eye you’re looking at a bill in the thousand’s. This is why I recommended an independent damp test. Otherwise you run the risk of losing a lot of money very quickly. The older the van the greater the risk.

    As I said earlier I agree a caravan is the way to go. With regard to the bathroom comment. I think it’s a fair comparison but all depends on the sealant. I’m a big fan of Plumbers Gold. It’s a semi setting, flexible sealant. Very similar to Sikaflex but half the price. Second only to CT1 as long as you don’t want to remove what you’ve used it on! But 20 years is still pushing it with Plumbers Gold.

    I’ll admit I have a very low opinion of the industry on the whole. Motorhomes are a blatant rip off. It’s well known the major parts manufacturers Thule, Fiamma etc have an unwritten agreement not to encroach on each others area of business. Thus keeping parts artificially high. £200-300 for toilets and windows, please! They cost nothing to make and if there was some competition then they’d be a third of the price. Mini rant over.

    Free Member

    The first wood free ones came out in 2010 I think.

    Thinking about it. It was 7 or so years ago since I had the job. Time does fly!

    I wasn’t in the industry long enough to become that knowledgeable. I only ever serviced a couple of wood free caravans. Never a motorhome. So I don’t know a lot about them.

    But whether it’s the more modern interlocking plastic or the older wooden construction. It’s all held together by sealant. That will eventually fail no matter how well you look after the van or caravan and lead to leaks. Water leaks are very labour intensive to repair and therefore expensive if you don’t do the work yourself.

    For me this is the thing the majority of people don’t understand. Would you expect the sealant in your bathroom to last 20 years? Then imagine it moving and twisting for a large part of that time while constantly being exposed to the sun.

    It’s the last thing most people think of but it should be the first. There’s plenty of dealers who buy vans with known leaks from other dealers. They then don’t fix them properly. Just make them look pretty and sell them on.

    I’ve seen a van just out of warranty with a 6k damp repair bill. Another poor couple got totally ripped off and left with a 16k damp repair bill. The company I worked for were half the price of other companies because most just don’t want the work. There’s no money in it compared to other areas of the business. That’s why I recommend getting an independent damp inspection by someone with a good reputation.

    Free Member

    Apart from the newer vans. They’re all wooden framed and stuck together with Sikaflex or an equivalent sealant and a few screws. The sealants are very good products. But they’re not made of fairy dust. Even if it was a static object and inside. 20 years would be asking a lot from a sealant.

    Coach built vans also flex a surprising amount. Further shortening the life of the sealant and making it more prone to leaks. So unless the vans been completely re sealed it will be leaking somewhere and will only get worse. This is all before we start talking about UV exposure.

    If it’s something your going to keep then a self built panel Van is the way to go. But as you only want it for a few months then I echo what’s been said above. Caravan and new car or towbar on yours if you can.

    You also have to factor in you’ll be buying for summer and presumably selling after. The worst time to buy and sell for obvious reasons. So the more expensive camper over a caravan gives the potential for a greater loss of money.

    FWIW I used to service and repair them. Admittedly not for very long. I also agree with the above statement that the build quality on the newer vans isn’t as good as the older ones. But as I said it comes down to the life span of the sealant. It’s very labour intensive replacing sealant. To overhaul the interior and exterior on one of the older Hymer’s they recommend around a thousand hours work on the forums. Admittedly that’s stripping the interior as well. But it gives you some idea of the work involved.

    I’ve serviced, repaired and driven vans which were 100k plus when new. Money aside I wouldn’t give you tuppence for them. But everybody’s circumstances are different and for some they’re the best option.

    If you buy one make sure you have a proper damp test done by someone who knows what they’re doing. If you’re buying from a dealer and they say they’ve had one done. Do not take their word for it. Get an independent test done.

    Free Member

    I’m sorry to hear about your van. I know it’s a bit late now but for the future. Disklok’s although good do have some major flaws. You can improve it by doing some moderations to them as per this thread. Bit ugly and they weigh a ton afterwards but greatly improved.

    Free Member

    Most of that time was spent working out how to draw straight lines on a cylinder.

    On a flat surface. Get a straight edge. Tilt it on an angle. Roll the tube up to the straight edge. So they are both parallel and touching. Then mark your line.

    You then have a straight line along the edge of the tube. Any further straight lines are marked from that data line. For example you have a tube with a circumference of 360mm. Mark 180mm around the tube at both ends. Draw a line down the tube where you have marked. You now have 2 lines directly down the middle of the tube.

    Free Member

    I’m taller and heavier. Your problem without doubt is flex. Unfortunately you’ve got numerous issues which are just causing a problem in the weakest component.

    The hubs not ground up built for its use. The frames titanium and you’re not only heavy but tall.

    The leverage point of the frame stays the same at axle height. More weight is more leverage on the frame. The higher the weight goes up. Even if its the same weight. The more stress on the leverage point. Being a heavy and tall is a perfect storm.

    So basically your flexing at the bottom bracket and stays on a hub that’s not strong enough in the first place.

    You also have to remember your wheels being wider and stronger also compound the problem because they’re stiffer. I’ve had rear wheels unlace themselves with a strong rim and flexible frame.

    Seeing how quickly you’re having problems. My guess would be a different hub wouldn’t solve your problem. You need a stronger hub and frame. Most likely custom.

    It’s not just about power to the back wheel because I’m not a powerful rider. You’re putting more stress on the components via leverage because we all rock a little. IMO this is proven in part by snapping going up hill.

    Things need to designed differently when you’re bigger. But obviously bike stuff is designed for your average rider and a fat bike is already pushing the design limits.

    Free Member

    I used to work for a private medical insurance company assessing claims. Although it was 30 years ago.

    At the time and I doubt it’s different now. Having private medical cover as an individual and through work was very different. If it was through your company which was large and had many hundreds or thousands of people. The insurance company would cover things which they wouldn’t cover if you were an individual. Or a smaller company. Basically the more the premium was worth to the company the better cover you got. Especially with things which could be argued as pre existing.

    The first thing I did when assessing a claim was to get the policy document issued at the time the policy was taken out. Then find a way not to pay it.

    Free Member

    You could try a BETD hanger? If they do one for your bike.

    Free Member

    I must admit I don’t know a lot about them and how busy they are. But a suitable vehicle and an Amdro kit with an awning? It would let you pick a good, low mileage, vehicle of your choice. Plus obviously the conversion would be new.

    Free Member

    Yes. I have too. One recent highlight, which was a top news story on the main feed. Was how HSBC were introducing Zoom free Friday afternoons for some UK staff.

    Free Member

    Sauces for cats and chips? Ketchup and mayonnaise. Spicy BBQ if I’m feline saucy.

    Free Member

    They’ve had his bike for four months and it’s his fault?


    I would be having a not so polite word.

    I agree. They’ve damaged something and are waiting for a replacement.

    Free Member

    I thought it was very good. Before it got a lot darker I found the filming style very reminiscent of ‘Queer as Folk’

    Growing up around that time I had forgotten the fear surrounding Aids. The tombstone adverts and leaflets. Times have changed so much since then.

    I did have a laugh at what I assumed was a dig at London property prices.

    Free Member

    If you already have a good lock this chain is bargain.

    Abus Chain

    Not hard to guess who’s been lock hunting because they’ve had their bike stolen!

    Free Member

    When you decide which way to go. I came across this website the other day and bought one myself. Some good discounts on already keen prices for Abus locks.

    Cheap Abus Locks

    Free Member

    As harsh as this sounds. Walk away for your wife’s and your own well being. You cannot help somebody who won’t help themselves.

    When your MIL is sober or as sober as possible. Explain to her that you love her and if she wants help to stop drinking then you will be there for her. But until that day you will be breaking all contact.

    From what you have written it does look like your MIL will never stop drinking. If that is the case and the inevitable happens. It is not your wife’s or your fault. There is basically nothing you can do to help. The drink turns you into a selfish *****. The person you are looking at just has the outer shell of the person you once knew.

    I appreciate it is a lot easier to say than do and I wish you the best.

    Free Member

    If you are 100% sure they are leaking and it’s not fluid from assembly.

    If you can’t get them to seal. As a last ditch attempt. Use 1000-1200 wet and dry. 400 is quite coarse. On glass with plenty of water. Up and down and side to side sand it. Rather than a circular motion. The reason for the glass is its completely flat.

    By the sounds of it you have scratched the surface slightly and it’s caused a leak. Or it could be under size o rings. Hydraulic fluid is like water. If there’s a hole or flaw no matter how small it will find it.

    Free Member

    Tjagain – I could not agree more. I was in a similar position as the OP. I was told only a signed tenancy agreement would do. My landlord wouldn’t supply one so I asked UC what I said earlier. That shut them up and they accepted what I had supplied.

    Reluctantjumper – I looked into getting my HGV2 a number of years ago. So my information may well be out of date. I spoke to a guy who had worked for 20 plus years in an agency which supplied HGV drivers. He said there was basically only one insurance company who supplied insurance for agency drivers. One of their conditions was you had to have X number of years experience for them to insure you. Basically all agency work was a no go without experience. Iirc it was 2 years.

    He also said their is a lot of pressure on drivers today to keep up with near impossible time scales. What was the clincher for me. Was him telling me if his son told him he wanted to be a driver he would give him a clip around the ear and tell him to find another profession 😁

    As I said this was a while back. Things might have changed and it obviously doesn’t include working for one company full time. Before you spend 2-3k on a licence. I would just double check with a few current job adverts what their insurance restrictions are.

    Free Member

    It’s not a legal requirement for a landlord to provide a written agreement.

    Just ask UC what they do in those circumstances. That should resolve the problem.

    Free Member

    JB weld. Or get a local fab shop to weld it up. I’m assuming it’s cast aluminium? I’ve had that welded before. It was a water cooled inlet manifold. It took 3-4 attempts to get it water tight. So if you go down the welding route I would suggest a small amount of JB weld over the top to seal any possible pin hole leaks.

    It’s low pressure and no real heat involved so I can’t see why it wouldn’t work and hold.

    Free Member

    As mentioned above the main reason is the language and friends or family members already here.

    I’ve been living in North London for the last 3 years. It has opened my eyes in many ways. The majority of’immigrants’I have meet are hard working and they have had hard lives. There is a lot of help here for visas etc and translation services for all areas of the government. Like dentists etc. This obviously makes things easier.

    There is also easy access to a thriving black market. Or there was until covid. Imagine how hard their lives are in this pandemic. From my some what limited understanding access to government services and the black market is harder in other European countries. I think it is wrong for the country. But in their position I would do exactly the same.

    The welfare argument is just pathetic. According to ONS 2017 figures Universal Credit is 1 percent of welfare spending. It’s just a lazy stereotype.

    The UK anti immigration attitude is also very tame when it is compared to other contries historical cultural attitudes. When you speak to somebody from country X their absolute hatred of country Y is a bit of an eye opener.

    If you are born in the UK. More so if you are white. For more or less everybody you have won life’s lottery. A lot of people for whatever reason do not understand this.

    Free Member

    He was on Jeremy Vine this morning. I thought most of the negative comments above until he started explaining.

    The day the furlough scheme was announced. I think it was 75% of the office staff left that day. He didn’t have any problem with people who had genuine medical concerns. His problem was with the fit, healthy and often young. Who refused to come in because of the dangers to their health. The same people clearly had no concerns when they were posting on Facebook about their day on the beach etc.

    He was asking for the furlough scheme to be scrapped and a new one to take it’s place. With the only people being able to claim having genuine medical concerns.

    He also has a business in Marbella and claims to have worked throughout all the lockdown.

    Although i’m sure the business in Marbella has no tax advantages. Especially when it comes to his villa and going there on holiday. Sorry I meant to work.

    Free Member

    Haters gonna hate 😁

    Free Member

    ‘Cancel Culture’ is the over inflated ego of the internet.

    Free Member

    I was being a bit slow on the uptake there. I thought a phone would be compatible with both systems.

    If Starlink can get close to 5g on price and speed then I’m guessing it could take a large part of the market?

    Do you think at some point in the future it will be possible to make a phone which is compatible with both systems? It just automatically switches between ground system and satellite depending on which offers you the best service?

    I’m curious because if that became possible and Starlink is the system used globally the revenue would be enormous. I’ve noticed that some of the richest people in developing countries are in the telecommunications industry. If Starlink is taking a cut of that globally sending nearly 1600 satellite’s into orbit makes much more sense.

    Free Member

    Thank you for all your replies.

    Am I correct in thinking, when the Starlink system is up and running. It will be the end of slow internet speeds in remote areas with electricity. But I won’t be streaming HD video on top of Helvellyn because there isn’t a base station close by?

    O2, EE etc will have their own core ground network. But will use Starlink to provide a service in remote areas. In a similar way too Giffgaff and O2.

    Free Member

    Thank you.

    Free Member

    5G doesn’t use satellites it’s all ground based.

    So Starlink is a satellite system which can provide the internet rather than an integral part of 5g?

    It works by linking all the tin foil hats in the world together.

    Hence my question 😁

    Free Member

    Do they loop record, continuously record or is it switchable between the two?

    I couldn’t find the information anywhere. I tried emailing and didn’t get a response. The telephone number on their website didn’t ring either.

    Free Member

    She’s going to have to hand over a LOT of information to get away with a sentence that short!

    Jail time can be a lot different than the sentence!

    She isn’t dead and she didn’t run. The real deal has already been negotiated.

    This story is one which isn’t going away. Killing her won’t make it go away. As we have already seen. Therefore somebody has to pay for the story to die. While she is alive she is that person.

    From watching the documentary series all his properties had extensive CCTV coverage. There is no doubt there is footage of prominent people having sex with people who are most likely underage.

    How influential are those people and how easily can they control the sentence she will get? Trump’s President so we know the answer to those questions.

    The deal offered has to be the best option. Tell her 10 years in jail knowing it will be 15. But by the time she realises that she’s stuffed. Come out to millions. You still have a life. Maybe drop a few names which helps the architect’s of the situation. Or we kill you and destroy your family by exposing all your families secrets.

    She’s from ‘good stock’ i.e. rich and as crocked as the rest of them. So she can be trusted to do what has to be done.

    Anyway, that’s my two pence.

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