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  • Mental Mondays #9 The yes, we know it’s Tuesday, edition
  • TrailriderJim
    Free Member

    Inbred, a bargain and a shit load of fun.

    Free Member

    Isn’t the Evo just as slack? It also has stealth dropper routing, from 2014 (first release of Evo version) onwards.

    Free Member

    The Camber’s advertised with 2.3″ Purgatory tyres, so tyre clearance alone might swing it for me.

    Free Member

    Interesting, so a 2.3″ would be tight? Will have to check both over at the LBS.

    Free Member

    Cheers, really just interested in the frame as I’ll transfer current kit onto it. Mind you, if I can get more money from selling better spec kit, that would be a bonus.

    Free Member

    Had a V50 on a 57 plate for four years. It’s the 1.6D engine before they badged it drivE. Bought it on 70k miles and now coming up to 145k. Only issue has been the DPF filter needed replacing (£600) but otherwise, faultless. Did 50mpg when I bought it and still doing the same. I like the interior, especially the extra wide door panels. Feels more solid than most cars in its class.

    Free Member

    Not sure how related my experience is with this thread, so apologies if I’ve hijacked slightly… I recently started to feel very tired after gradually winding down my riding (from 60 road miles plus 20 MTB per week) to about 20-30 MTB plus 1.5 hours of running per week. To begin with, felt fine, but with the onset of winter, I seem to have started feeling very run down. Colds lasting for weeks, etc. I started to take a multi vitamin and it made me much worse. Does vitamin intake (or any of my actions described here) make a big difference?

    Free Member

    And for pudding, Creme Eggs.

    Free Member

    Nescliffe has some good trails with drops and steeps. Grinshill too.

    Free Member

    As last post, but firefighters instead of newspaper will make life for a beginner a lot easier. Bit of coal on top of the jenga will give you a bed of hot ash to get logs going.

    Free Member

    I have a 29er Inbred as my winter trail bike and it is first class. Heavy? Not really, depends how you build it. Outdated geometry? Not really, stick some 120mm forks on it and it tackles anything bar 6′ drops. With a decent pair of wheels and tyres at the right pressures, it rides beautifully. The frame costs little more than a high end pair of tyres. Buy it and you’ve got little to lose. Although, last time I looked, they were awaiting new stock.

    Free Member

    Sadly, 2.4″ is looking like the maximum. Still, might just try sticking one on the front, as long as that won’t steepen the head angle.

    Free Member

    650b+ should fit in a lot of 29er frames as the diameters 0.5″ less, so the stays are often widened a bit by that point

    Yes, that’s what I was thinking. Might just have to rely on the trusty vernier and guesstimate it.

    Free Member

    It’s always quiet on here at the weekend. Your best bet is to re-post in work time when everyone uses it when they should be working.

    Free Member

    Is it not the case that by putting up warning signs, you’re admitting the dog is dangerous? Therefore, since you know this, you should take additional steps to prevent it harming anyone who may stray onto your property?

    This is exactly the point of this thread! I’m asking if there any signs available that aren’t “warning”, merely informing.

    Free Member

    Pretty much, although our dog’s not that vicious.

    Free Member

    Inbred 29er? Has everything these frames have, but at less than half the price.

    Free Member

    Those two comments probably sum up a couple of the reasons for its demise.

    Free Member

    Interesting listen. The sources of most big data are not statistically representative, they have bias. Especially if you think of data from markets with much lower tech use or from consumer groups that are too exclusive. There are no shortcuts to gathering and generating statistically significant data. It is an expensive process, even if using a small enough sample size for it to statistically stand up.

    Free Member

    My original post was re-posted in this thread and I added a comment to this thread. Why are people peeved they got SGS’s after reading the advice earlier (shakes head)? Of course the guy at On One seemed to think each one was a one off error.

    Free Member

    Did the summer cider cycle this year. The light’s still broke in the Neuadd from crowd surfing to Dangerous Dave at last year’s wobble. Still have the phone recording of 40 blokes signing along to a Boyzone cover. Guess you had to be there

    Free Member

    Why give away your intellectual property with no upfront non-disclosure agreement or discussion of terms? Pop bands in the sixties signed royalty “agreements” and ended up with a pittance share of earnings. Has Brant suggested what royalty splits will range from yet?

    Free Member

    I’ve always ridden the Saturday, mainly just for the atmosphere and après shenanigans at the Neuadd in the evening. I Think it’s that sort of event where if you’re not part of the camaraderie, you might as well not do it. The route’s not spectacular and the time of year doesn’t lend itself to dust and sunshine!

    Free Member

    It was definitely a SGS they shipped to me. I ended up buying a Zee instead and it’s converted me to using a short cage mech for 1 x 10. Much neater.

    Free Member

    I’d be interested to see if I was the only one that received a SGS (i.e genuine, one-off packing mistake) or if they are basically labelling up to just about get away with legally shifting some stock they know they wouldn’t, if labelled clearly and correctly.

    Free Member

    I pressed my first batch of early wind fallers yesterday and added less than half the recommended dose of tablets to discourage the nasty yeasts and let the good natural yeasts dominate. Hope the theory works.

    Free Member

    If people find peace and hope in faith, then that’s a good thing. If Catholic priests abuse children, then that’s a bad thing. Organised religion can abuse its power and corrupt innocents, which is surely the epitome of evil. That crap must be eliminated from modern society.

    Free Member

    Just wondering…

    Free Member

    Find your nearest Gap outlet store. I picked up two pairs for £6 each and they’re the best fitting and looking jeans I’ve bought in years – regular with a nice dark indigo finish.

    Free Member

    Yes, wish I’d thought of that years ago! Kind of defeats the object of home brewing now – trying to buy as much beer as I need for bottles. I guess with Chrimbo coming, might start scrounging empties from friends and neighbours.

    Free Member

    No, a hardtail.

    Free Member

    Soapy water worked, thumbs are on fire now though!

    Free Member

    Sorry, can you give me more details please? Thanks.

    Free Member

    Nescliffe fits the bill, but unfortunately local walkers are on a mission to ban bikers at the moment.

    Free Member

    Grinshill if nr Shrewsbury, Kinver Edge if nr Bridgnorth. Sounds like you’ve done most of the local stuff though.

    Free Member

    Currently reading Steve Peters’ The Chimp Paradox. Brad, Chris Hoy, Pendleton and Ronnie ‘O Sullivan all use him, so there must be some useful stuff to take from his theory.

    Free Member

    I had almost exactly the same brief as yours, I just wanted one bike for all my riding. I chose an Inbred 29 geared frame, managed to get one of the few remaining larges in orange for £150. Absolute bargain. I’m 6″ and had been riding medium FS 6″ travel bikes beforehand.

    The bike is quite simply a revelation for me. Not sure how much of it is down to a bike that finally fits me or moving up to the bigger wheels, but after six months, I feel I’ve moved past new bike syndrome clouding my judgement and I still don’t miss six inches of rear travel. I’m consistently getting better strava times (up and down), it rides beautifully and looks the business.

    Built up with Hope Enduro wheels, XT throughout, 750mm carbon risers, X-Fusion Slides at 120mm and an X-Fusion dropper post.

    Free Member

    Pump it up to 60psi and it should pop on properly with a couple of loud bangs. Then deflate to the pressure you want.

    Free Member

    Photo on on-one site is a GS. That’s all they have in stock. Description mentions SGS but never trust on one descriptions and photos. Go on the model in the drop down list and check the specs yourself.

    Yes, photo is GS, drop-down option is GS only, but item delivered was an SGS, hence why I said earlier, buyer beware – unless of course, mine was a one-off delivery mistake.

    Free Member

    Thanks. The mech I ordered as a GS is definitely the same as the SGS in the photo. It might be a one-off mistake, but I’d say beware before ordering one at £34.95.

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