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  • Apidura Backcountry Hydration Backpack review
  • trailofdestruction
    Free Member

    I have a set on my hartail which I got from a friend. They get used every day as it's my commuting bike, and I've had no problems with them. The BB must have done 3000 + miles now and it's still perfect, no squeeks, rattles or grinding noises despite a low maintainence schedule. The only place I can find a new BB is Merlin,

    I know £55 seems a lot for a BB, but it's worth it. Maybe tighten the crank arms up a couple of time a year, but thats it.

    The problem I do have though, is the middle ring is very worn and could do with replacing (other 2 are fine) but no-one has any replacements. I'm not sure what other rings would fit. Middleburn maybe ?

    If someone could bung me a link I'd be grateful. Cheers

    Free Member

    Big fan of Kerouac, esp The Dharma Bums

    You either love it or hate it, and I fully understand why people don't like him. Why ? Just do.

    Free Member

    Nice, like that. Light enough to ride uphill, and tough enough to hammer it back down them.

    Free Member

    Aye, forgot that. Heard lots of tall people have gone over to riding 29 ers as they seem to fit better. Might be worth considering, if you can find one to demo.

    Free Member

    Trek remedy ? Saw one in Wheelbase built up for a very tall, very big guy. Might be a bit over 2k though.

    Free Member

    X2 here. Not had them long enough to give a proper report, but so far so good. They stop me when I want to stop, which is all I ask for (I'm 185 lbs btw). Bought mainly for ease of repair and setup, and I wanted matchmakers for X0 shifters. Not had any problems with lack of power, and I've put them through their paces on some steep, technical trails. Much better than the juicy 7's they replaced.

    EDIT : Went for braided hose as well, which (apparently) gives you more stopping power.

    Free Member

    Don't know if it's what you're after, but when ever I hear the word "failure", I can't help but think of this.

    Been done so many times, but still makes me go, ouch !

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Grunty – top post sir, and much appreciated. All points have been duly noted. Funny you mentioned the hereditary thing, as both my mum and dad can have real problems sleeping. My dad definitely over stimulates with work/caffeine/alcohol/nicoteine which will almost certainly not help, but he won't give these things up. Trying very hard not to go down the same route, and I now have another good reason to try and knock the booze on the head.

    In a funny way, I'm glad you've been negative about pills. As I mentioned earlier, it wasn't something I was keen on having to do.

    Thanks all for input. Fingers crossed for some decent kip.

    EDIT : Yeah, I suppose films would be abad idea. Books it is then.

    Free Member

    Biggest (but not the only) factor is dehydration. The common thread between alcohol, coffee and exercise is they all dehydrate you.

    Very true. I try and drink lots, but could still hydrate a bit more. Woke up very thirsty last night.

    try to relax more & the good sleep will come & don't stress about not sleeping

    I think this is where I'm going wrong, stressing about not sleeping. Might put on a film tonight and see if I can switch my brain off and try and relax more. Same goes for getting up and reading or something if I wake up in the middle of the night. Might end up having pointless arguments on here at 3 am.

    Free Member

    I drink strong black coffe, so I only have 2 per day. One first thing to get me to work, and one at about 3.30 pm to get me back from work. Try and avoid it in the evenings as well. Don't do puddings very often, only as an occassional treat, so not OD'ing on sugar late at night. Try and avoid other snacks late at night as they don't seem to sit well on my stomach when I'm lying down.

    I'm trying Horlicks (rock'n'roll dude) to see if that works.

    Sheesh, 10 years ago it was drinking yourself into a coma and waking up in a SOHO gutter, now it's Horlicks and in bed by 9.30. How the smeg did that happen ?? 8O

    Free Member

    Get lots of excercise, 20 miles a day commuting on the bike, and walk the dogs morning and evening. I try and stay up as late as I can, but I'm up at 6 am so usually knackered by 9.30 pm.

    I might give Valerian root a go, and lay off the booze completely.

    Another good trick is only using your bedroom for sleeping

    What else do you do in the bedroom ? :D

    EDIT : damn you lot are quick

    Free Member

    Just lots of people going too fast, too close. Get it nearly every single day. I've given up shouting and swearing, and come to terms with the fact that lots of drivers are **** retards educationally disadvantaged.
    On the bad days I can do a long cut round the canal towpath, it means dodging dog eggs, but avoids the worst / busiest bits.

    Free Member

    The saying in the industry is "hurry up and wait". This means you'll turn up at a given location, probably somewhere remote at an inconveinent time, and asked to wait around for ages whilst the crew get everything set up. You'll get your five seconds of fame, milling around in the background, and when wrap is called, you'll get thanked and then booted off set asap. You probably won't get feed or watered either, and remember to take a book and a folding chair. You probably won't get in on anything big withouit going through an agency, unless it's an indie, in which case they'll take anyone, but you probably won't get paid. Mostly done by hard up actors or those trying to break in, or the terminally bored/unemployed/nuts/famestruck or retired. It can be interesting and useful if you're trying to break in, but a lot of time it's hanging around for all day to shoot 3 minutes of footage.

    Glamorous. No.

    Free Member

    Yup, it's the stem. As soon as you put the shorter stem on, I guarantee it will feel like a different bike. Oh, and you won't have a lower back that feels on fire after 20 miles.

    Free Member

    Shedfull, you're a star. Been looking at one for ages, but been put off by price. Just got in there before everyone else. Good PSA.

    Free Member

    6' riding an 18.5, with either an 80 mm or a 90 mm (can't remember what it is ) either will do though. The 100 mm used to knacker my back, far too long.

    Free Member

    Well, started out working in theatre doing all kinds of techie jobs, then moved to London to do Film and TV techie stuff, but ended up doing lighting. It was awesome when I was 21/22, and about the closest I've been to a career. I ended up working for one of the big players, but going up the career ladder was very difficult. There was a lot of 'who you know not what you know' and if your face didn't fit you weren't going to get on.

    Eventually, the low pay, long hours and sheer bloody hard work got the better of me, and I left for the country to get married and get on with doing something else. Still haven't figured out what that may be, so settled for IT in the meantime, which pays but is VERY dull.

    Err niallmb… got any jobs going :wink:

    Free Member

    +1 for not going to Blackpool. To describe it as a dive would be generous. Much better off in Lytham. Alternatively, this place is just down the the road from me, bit pricey, but very nice.

    Not Lytham, but Fylde coast. Lots of good road riding on the doorstep.

    Free Member

    or is it a common problem for left handed players….?

    This guy seemed to manage. :wink:

    Free Member

    I took mine to the local record shop. Went in with the intention of making money, but came out owing them money. Doh ! At least I got some new stuff.

    EDIT : loads of other sites out there doing similar stuff btw

    Free Member

    I had what I thought was lamb shanks in Cyprus, but was later told it was probably goat. Really tasty, if you can get hold of goat give a try instead of lamb. +1 for cooking it very slowly though, so much tastier.

    Free Member

    Tough, punture proof, fast rolling, all weather, fit and forget. Slightly heavy, bit more expensive but worth it. I put one on the back as this is where I used to get the most punctures, but F and R would be fine. Do half tarmac, half canal towpath and roll through potholes, mud, gravel, you name it with no problems. Last ages as well.

    Free Member

    The wife is a teacher with 10 years experience and I've worked in HE (non-teaching) for the past 4 years.

    There are good bits and bad bits, like all jobs. The single biggest thing I would say is do you really want to be a teacher. Good teachers are those that really want to be there regardless of the school, situation, type, age, of kids that they teach. It's a vocation rather than a job. If the answer is yes, go for it. Expect LOTS of paperwork and endless hoops to jump through. Bit like being a lawyer, in fact that may come in handy at times.

    I thought about it, but was never really serious, and the cr@p I've seen the wife put up with has really opened my eyes. She has worked in very posh schools and very rough schools. They're all bloody hard work.

    I could go on, but my take on modern education is this.

    It's not about educating people anymore, it's about making money. School, colleges and universtiies are now a business. I don't like that.

    As I said, the good teachers really stand out, but most people have no idea how hard they have to work for a living, and how much cr@p they have to wade through on a daily basis. If you're doing it for a paycheck, don't bother.

    Cynical ? Hell yes, but I'm afraid that's the way it is at the moment. As far as education goes, this recession is realy starting to bite.

    Free Member

    I'm going to slightly hijack this thread.

    I may be selling my entry ( I won't bore you with why ), is anyone interested ?

    Mail in profile.


    Free Member

    Can't comment on music videos, but Casino Royal, yes I agree it should have been a 15 not 12A. When I went to see it at the cinema, there was a guy 2 rows in front who had taken his young (10/11 ish) son to see it. I could see him almost literally squirming in his seat at the very violent bits, because he knew it was too much for a child of that age. I think other people at the time said similar things.

    Free Member

    Nick Veasey[/url] does lots of X-Ray stuff. Worth a click.

    Free Member

    This octupus BD ? You mean there's another, bigger octopus which has control over "the system". Where's David Icke when you need him.

    Free Member

    Lots of interesting opions here, makes for some good reading.

    Big Dummy, are you MI6 or something, you seem to know an awful lot. Is BD you codename ? :wink:

    Some more articles here for those with time on their hands.

    Free Member

    Can't beleive no one has posted this.

    Free Member

    geetee1972 – Yup, that about spot on, that's been May to July. I'm hoping August will be a change for the better/richer.

    Free Member

    Used it last night to order some spare pads and paid using paypal. No problem. Well laid out I thought.

    Free Member

    Could be worse. My colleague is getting married on Saturday, the bill so far is 12K. 8O

    He'd rather be spending it on bikes.

    But yeah, spending lots on the house at the moment, which I'd rather not.

    Hey ho, gotta be done.

    Free Member

    Doh ! I did look, honest guv.

    Anyway, fractured skull doesn't sound good. Glad he's still alive. That is all.

    Free Member

    Yeah, it's for my extensive fleet of 2 bikes, so not really a problem. Thanks Joe, right off to CRC then.

    Free Member

    Slight hijack. Been looking at the Park PCS 10. Yes or No Joe ?

    Free Member

    Some inspiration for you.

    The best blog I have ever read. Lots of others I've flicked through and found very boring tbh. Good blogging is definitely an artform these days. My 2p.

    Free Member

    Seriously good value, and they now have a show room in Sheffield so you can try before you buy. Looks quite posh n'all. I'm very tempted to push the buy now button.

    Free Member

    Eeek..getting closer isn't it. 8O

    Training : Not been too bad, lots of road commuting and a few long 30 mile'ish off road rides. Was doing really good, but then got struck down with a bug just before CRC Grassington 100km (which was going to be a fitness test to see how I was doing training wise, but missed it). Trying to pick myself up again and step away from the beer and crisps. Gonna be a busy summer, lots to do, but hopefully, keep on putting in some long road miles and it'll pay off. I'm going to turn up and see how I do. If I don't finish this year, I'll be back next year.

    Camping : Booked a place at the camp site ages ago. I suggest if you haven't booked a spot, you best do so quickly. I've a feeling it's going to fill up fast.

    Free Member

    Still recovering from a pretty nasty stomach bug, which has put me in bed for the past 3 days. Still don't want to venture too far from the bathroom. I was supposed to be doing the 100km marathon in Grassington, but had to sell my entry. Never mind, there's always next year.

    On the positive, pay day means I can buy some new brakes, and I'm on holiday in a week. Could be worse.

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