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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • trailhound101
    Full Member

    Putting the clocks backwards and forwards (nearly that time again) … especially in the car (for which I can’t find the manual and when I do, can’t find the page and by the time I’ve worked it out 6 months have almost passed so wonder why I bother).
    Just that really.

    Full Member

    People going to the Gym who park like twonks near the entrance (blocking paths etc) rather than at the other end of the car park, where there are spaces, and walk a few minutes. they are going out for exercise FFS!

    Full Member

    The few people I know who indulge in such things always get a bit grumpy when I refer to them as ‘vanity plates’…
    But the one I really don’t get is why someone would have a vanity plate based on their name but then have full-tint windows. Either you want people to know who you are or you don’t?

    Full Member

    Page 42: “…meat powered bikes…” Hilarious!

    Full Member

    Nevermind. Move on!

    Full Member

    This again … a firm favourite for a slow news day.

    Full Member

    Sorry to hear of your loss. Genuinely touched by all the love and support in the comments on here. Adding my own to that.

    Full Member

    Anyone else remember the guy with an “outdoor” girlfriend, as opposed to his “indoor” girlfriend?
    Talking maybe 6 or 7 years ago…

    Full Member

    … waiting until I’m 60! That’s 11 months and a day :)

    Full Member

    One of these blooming things did a really scary close pass on me the other night! I complained to the local council, albeit through gritted teeth.

    Full Member

    Mrs TH is from Yorkshire and finds it hilarious that over in here in the North-West we habitually use the double past tense for certain actions:
    “I was sat on my bike” instead of the correct “I was sitting on my bike” or “I sat on my bike”
    “I was stood in the shop” instead of “I was standing in the shop”… etc
    Is she right? Is this a Manc thing? Sounds fine to me but now she’s pointed it out…

    Full Member

    three things I REALLY HATE:
    1 – bigots who lump everyone together on the basis of race, sex, religion, mode of transport, or whatever
    2 – lists
    3 – irony
    4 – innumeracy

    Full Member

    Having a crap morning as I can’t concentrate on a damn thing* and have quite a bit to do.
    (* van all packed for road trip to the alps tomorrow… just gotta get through today).
    OP – hope the other half ok after shunt.

    Full Member

    Yep – my cat goes mental for ear wax but then she is weird in all kind of ways – has been known to fish discarded cotton buds out of the bathroom bin …. ~Yeukk!

    Full Member

    Yesterday I cycled the entire 157km of the Cheshire Ring. 12 hours in all and by far the biggest day out on my mountain bike. It was a mud fest.

    Full Member

    Station Eleven by Emily StJohn Mandel. Post bio-apocolpyse journey in search of new beginnings – quirky and edgy a bit violent in places but not as depressing, outright violent or macabre as The Road.

    Full Member

    What a cracking race – heart was in my mouth for the last 5 or 6 laps. Great podium – something for everyone (except the Cal haters)

    Full Member

    How come we don’t use “AIBU” here on STW? Is is possibly because we are all so sanctimonious that we never have to question our own reasonableness? I’m struggling for another explanation.

    Full Member

    In an attempt to try and give up the habit I crushed a few cheese and onion crisps onto a large plaster and stuck it to my upper arm like a nicotine patch.

    Needless to say it didn’t work and I got into trouble with Mrs H when it came off and the bed got full of crushed crisps.

    Full Member

    “It’s not waterproof, but it’s as good as!”

    Full Member

    Jekyll and hyde – 80k urban explore on the CAADX of the gravel trails and canal towpaths of manchester on Saturday and then Penmachno on the full suss, in the mizzle on Sunday. Next weekend… the Alps!!!

    Full Member

    Sometimes I brush the cat whilst plotting to take over the world. It helps.

    Full Member

    +1 for Donald and his link to the video – I watched this the other day and it was the most refreshing, fact-laden thing I have seen/read or heard from either side. Anyone needing ‘facts’ – do yourselves a favour and watch it, all of it!

    Full Member

    I received an email to say I had won the bidding on a Givi tool bag for my BMW. I vaguely remember looking at it one night after the pub (oh dear). Cost me £42 plus postage and a new one is only about £45. When it arrived, it didn’t fit (wrong model). I sold it on eBay for about £35.
    (Note to self – no more drunken ebaying!)

    Full Member

    This from New Scientist back in May this year SUMMARY: As a society devoted to car worship we accept 1.2million deaths globally per year as the price worth paying for freedom, flexibility, and a major driver of our economy. So, we are stuck with bad driving for as long as we continue to let people hold the wheel, but hopefully that won’t be for much longer! [end of summary].

    “AUTONOMOUS cars are just around the corner. Cities across the world are rolling out pilots of driverless vehicles, and soon motorists in Germany will be able to relax on the autobahn as their cars drive them from Munich to Berlin.

    In other words, we are on the brink of a transport revolution as potentially radical as the one that began in 1908 with the Model T Ford. By 1931 the automobile’s transformative power was so clear that Aldous Huxley imagined the people of his Brave New World worshipping Henry Ford as the creator of their dystopian society.

    Huxley was on to something. The Ford revolution changed Western society. It fuelled urban sprawl and led to the remodelling of cities to prioritise the motorist; urban freeways and motorways carved up the suburbs.

    Car worship, as we know, has also led to rampant air pollution and gridlock. It almost single-handedly created the oil industry: before mass car ownership, petrol (gasoline) was a worthless by-product of kerosene lamp oil. Now it feeds vast amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Highways are a death trap: an estimated 1.25 million people die every year in vehicle accidents, the vast majority a result of human error.

    But this was and is considered a price worth paying. Cars equate to personal freedom and convenience, and keep the economy moving.

    Today we have a chance to rid ourselves of the bad while keeping the good. Autonomous cars could be everything that human-controlled cars are not: safe, smart, cheap and clean….”

    Full Member



    Full Member

    HI, I cracked my Edge 800 a few weeks back – I rang Garmin UK customer service and they took the details and emailed me a ref number. I posted the unit and they sent me a refurbished, replacement unit within the week. tip-top service although it cost £70. nice to have a new clear screen again. can’t complain.

    Full Member

    done – nice pic!

    Full Member

    Lucky you. There’s loads to do from there – low to medium in hight and as long as you want. Some suggestions:
    Go East to Low Wray and then then south through the woods of Claiffe Heights with views over windermere, back along the side of the water.
    Go South, park in Hawkshead and then walk into Grizedale – lots of signed walking trails
    Go North and there’s lots of walks from skelwith bridge up through elterwater, over to little langdale, and back through stang end or hodge close….
    Get a map – you’re spoilt for choice!

    Full Member

    They closed the Spoons in Wilmslow a couple of weeks ago. Apparently its going to be a beer cafe/microbrewery/hipstery type thing –

    Full Member

    Rubber-strap cage mounts from decathlon – £2.99! I bought one last week so I can put a cage on the fork leg and look all adventurey – works a treat! ~Link here:

    Full Member


    Full Member

    That’s lovely Jekkyl, many congratulations!

    Full Member

    Decades ago (before painted on cycle lanes) we had a Chinese post-doc visit our lab and he cycled back and forth between Didsbury and the university in Manchester. It turns out he thought the double yellow lines were cycle lanes – what a great idea – a bit wider and they’d double as cycle lanes and no parking! Except that no-one seems to police crappy parking anymore, or is that another thread?

    Full Member

    They are known to be vectors for Cat AIDS

    Full Member

    I have a 1997 kawasaki ZX6R – it does 20 miles each year to the MOT shop.
    I also have a 2012 Triumph Bonnevile SE – it does 100 miles a year.

    They are taking up so much room in my garage and I don’t have time/inclination to ride them anymore. I’ve had a few half-assed attempts at selling them but residuals are crazy low…
    I guess I’m keeping them reluctanctly.

    Full Member

    OP- I did the exact route you described back in April. Depends what you want. The bit from gatescarth to mosedale is boggy but rideable for 75% depending on the recent weather. From the cottage to the top of swinedale is good single track and the drop into Swinedale itself was a hoot. It’s hike a bike up the old corpse road, ride across the top and the descent is pretty awesome. Like I say, it depends what you want. It’s a very isolated place, you won’t see many other folks and the views are stunning which I enjoyed but it’s a slog to the top of the old corpse road. A word of warning – storm Desmond caused some major land slips between small water and the top of nan Bield – for large sections, the path has just plain disappeared – was ok to hike up, dunno what it would be like to ride down … It may have improved since Easter but I doubt it. Sure you’ll have fun whichever route you take.
    link is to the view from the top of the old corpse road

    Full Member

    Teenage girl in a card shop points at picture of a pouting Marilyn Monroe and says to friend “Who does she think she is, Madonna?”

    Full Member

    you got mail.

    Full Member

    I smashed mine at the weekend … Google found this – anyone have any experience of these fellas or, as above, is Garmin The Way to go??

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