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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • trailertrash
    Full Member

    Just yesterday she was texting me telling me all about her new boyfriend going into a few too many details.

    That was quick. Probably overlapped eh? He’ll be the overweight Geordie I mentioned earlier….

    Didn’t really want to burden mates with my feelings, so came here instead.

    Aye thanks very much. Actually you were too embarrassed to discuss it with real mates so er….broached the subject for guaranteed ridicule on a public forum instead…o-k.

    She was plainly an insensitive scrubber with no appreciation of your finer points. She has done you a favour.

    Full Member

    you don’t sound very upset….

    Full Member

    Not even a troll, just a random collection of words.

    it made vague sense before the op deleted the op…ffs

    Full Member

    lovely photos! thanks everyone :D

    Full Member

    I love the fact that everyone always assumes my sex. What’s in a username???


    This thread is rubbish. I call troll.

    Full Member

    I went yesterday, I got the train and walked the rest of the way. I thought entry price was below average for a show and I was pleasantly surprised by the size and range of stuff going on. Every one was friendly and helpful, without exception.

    For myself I had difficulty keeping the stand staff away, I just wanted to mooch about but everyone wanted to tell me about their stuff!There was plenty of interactive stuff going on. THe BMX area was a bit loud….

    Overall I spent about two hours at the show. By that time the noise and lack of daylight was getting to me, but that is standard for me at a show.

    There was not a huge amount of innovation, granted, but cyclin is basically a mature technology – what to expect really?

    Full Member

    you clearly have no experience of this forum….but all that may be about to change….wait…it just did! disappointment indeed. good luck with your holiday with your same sex mate that you fancy and hope you work something out with your long term girlfriend, I’m sure she will be understanding.

    Full Member

    Bluff and counter bluff. Without photos I am bored now.

    Full Member

    I don’t believe our valiant hero had a girlfriend to split up from.

    Ya’all is Fantasy Island? We need photos then….

    Full Member

    it’s quiet….he’s obviously gone to check his equipment…..

    Full Member

    you think everything is a troll! :roll: :D

    Full Member

    Ooh are we going to analyse the youngster to elimante certain factors from his relationship failure?

    I do believe we are….

    Full Member

    Perhaps your excessive riding is leading to deficiencies in the ahem….riding department? Are you flacid Realman? Hm? Hm? Lacking in tumescence? Pinched a crucial nerve ending in our endless quest for cycling dominance have we? hm? well? you can tell us….

    Full Member

    Need a life coach

    So why is your bike “more than a bike” young student?

    Full Member


    Full Member

    I used to find that heroic doses of elessdee on a bi-weekly basis livened things up. Sex can get a bit weird though….seeing through buildings was cool mind you….

    Full Member

    therein lies your problem my friend. lack of imagination.

    Full Member

    thought sex offender’s register a bit harsh for that one. victimless crime. unless you count the cleaner. but who does?

    my cleaner is very good, that was a joke.

    Full Member

    i like being on my bike more than anything really

    it is very nice. good to identify something that you really like that can be a constant in these uncertain times…

    there is a part of all of us that is forever 12.

    Full Member

    No job. Usually one staying over at anothers, maybe cinema, dinner, etc. Proper together time.

    sounds routine, humdrum even – you blew it. get a job! :wink:

    Full Member

    Perhaps she fancies a bit of rough with an overweight Newky Brown swigging geordie she met in the union bar. It happens. Sigh. There wil be other women in your life. Trust me. At some point your priorities will change, your spooge filled gonads will do their evil work and you will become a dad. Then you will never be able to ride your bike. Enjoy it while you can.

    Full Member

    You are one busy dude. Questions: Do you have a job? How? What exactly did seeing your now ex girlfriend 3 or 4 times a week plus other times involve? Do you literally mean you saw her three times a week, a ‘drive-by relationship’ if you like.

    Full Member

    @junkyard yourlackofpunctuationmakesyourpostsaboutaseasytoreadasthisonesortitout :-)

    Full Member

    You saw her three or four times a week one on one + times in other social situations. That’s quite a lot. I am surprised you had any time for riding a bike at all.

    Full Member

    Fark off with your DVD and glass of wine on the sofa!

    This one is so ubiquitous that is makes me want to cry. I mean, really, if the most interesting thing you can think of to say about yourself is the same thing that ten million other people have already said, being that you like getting pissed, being lazy and watching films, then there is no hope.

    The full, classic, wrist-slitting version is ” I [like/love/enjoy + nothing better than] curling up on the sofa with a bottle of wine and a DVD”. Presumably after a hard day’s zorbing and sky diving, you dipsomaniac old trout. Shoot me now.

    I gave this shizzle up years ago. Mug’s game.

    Full Member

    Going waaaaay back up there somewhere – if someone wants to take their own life, why on earth do they hang themselves in their own homes for their own children to find them. At least piss off to some hotel somewhere where you don’t screw with your kids heads so directly.

    Because they are not in their right mind and are either incorrectly evaluating the consequences or intent on doing exactly what you first describe: either way an indication of mental problems of one sort or another.

    Full Member

    i7. they’re great. GD is very ugly.

    Full Member

    What do you mean by this? Are you saying that suicide is more acceptable/understandable if you’re terminally ill? If so, are there different degrees of social tolerance towards suicide for terminal illness, such as MS versus incurable cancer?

    Good point. Let’s say “unpleasant illness giving intolerable suffering to you with attendant distress to those who care about you”, then yes, suicide is more acceptable/understandable. That is why places such as the suicide clinic in Switzerland exist – a dignified way to leave via a moral, informed choice and a civilised procedure.

    Full Member

    .Insurance sorted out as well as it would look like an accident.

    Not any more it won’t.

    Seriously though – please don’t. You’re not terminally ill so if you do it’s going to be your own pain multiplied by the number of people who care about you. That would make the world a worse place.

    Full Member

    Just a crazy idea I know, but you could ask the shop you bought it from?

    Full Member

    If you buy 2nd hand though dont you end up getting a bike with some thing wrong with it? Afterall why would some one sell unless a major part is wearing and will cost alot to replace, or they know they have given it a very hard life.

    Not really. Sometimes you just want to move with the times, try something new, more or less rad, and don’t have the space for perfectly good older bikes etc.

    Full Member

    it’s a foreign country, don’t let appearances deceive you.

    Full Member

    Just wanted to canvass opinion on the matter to see how “pwned” I am

    possibly quite massively

    it’s her actually refusing to set up a joint account that disturbs me. pray tell us more of this conversation…..

    Full Member

    I don’t think these bike are very good looking. That down tube is howfin. Just my personal etc…

    Full Member

    27.2 here. No problemsso far, very nice. I’m 81kg in my socks.

    Full Member

    What On One though?

    I’m really loving the mmmbop at the moment, but the thought of a Ti DB Alpine……

    ssshhhh :wink:

    Full Member

    buy a pc laptop?

    Full Member

    I must admit there is something about the website that hides the message a little, whatever the message is supposed to be (fun perhaps?) and I also would say that it has not been hugely promoted, although I am no expert and would not know how to do it better.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    traces of bored irony in the middle there

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