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  • Kade Edwards + Sound Of Speed = Your Attention
  • trailertrash
    Full Member

    2nd one down.

    Thanks! :-)

    Full Member

    For me the main upside of 10 speed is the plethora of cheap 9 speed stuff out there being dumped by the big on-line players at the moment :-) Time to stock up! I’m running 2×9 double and bash and it suits me well.

    Full Member

    Love Tubs – yes it was easton. The linkage is strong enough but its a shite bike

    Full Member

    Your partner leaves her clothes all over the living areas of your house? Not just down by her side of the bed/around the wardrobe/even the bedroom?

    Full Member

    That’s sort of why I went for a Sanderson. It’s just a nice bike. Rides properly. Goes up and down hills. Not too heavy. Not going to break. Nice colour. Doesn’t need tuning up after every ride. Not too flashy. Good fun.

    Full Member

    Funny, I start reading this with a view to expressing my opinions on RM, and no-one else does until this point.

    I had an ETSX-70. It was badly designed, badly finished and rode like a shopping trolley despite all my attempts to sort it out. I’ve looked at other RMs. The finish has always been poor and the designs a bit lacking. When I compare them to my Yeti there is simply no comparison. I now ride a Sanderson Life and it’s a lovely bike.

    Spesh FSR120 was a good bike, but nothing special.

    Full Member

    Yes, we were v3.01 ! latest

    Full Member

    Please can you tell me what was the WordPress upgrade? As I understand it I am using the latest version.

    Full Member

    Thanks for all the support and feedback. Really very much appreciated.

    The problem resulted from a security weakness in WordPress, not due to a security breach here or poor work on my web developers part. I have received instructions from my hoster on how to flush the code out of my site and how to upgrade my security so it should not happen again. I have done all of this and so far no more problems.

    We pay about £200 a year for hosting, a fairly minimal amount. In fairness our hosts have been very helpful.

    The grand we lost was due to the time I spent on non-fee earning work fixing the site and lost business from the site being hacked. I put it at about a grand, it’s probably more. I have not allowed anything for the time of friends and people who share the workplace helping out. It could be three times that overall.

    To answer a few of the questions
    – intrusion prevention – just the normal passwords and access keys for wordpress and ftp
    – backup – to my embarassment no. we were lucky the site was not just deleted, although we know our hosters do keep weekly backups.



    Full Member

    Subject to a more detailed examination I really wouldn’t worry too much at the moment.

    Full Member

    How come my link produced a trojan?

    Full Member


    Did someone call for a structural engineer?

    Sounds like you might have a bit of a problem. If you would like to take some photos and email them to me, or give me a call instead/as well as, then I will be happy to give you a quick professional opinion on what your options are.



    Full Member

    I can send you a foodstuffs guide and monitoring spreadsheet that worked for me if you like?

    mail me at work via

    Full Member

    Assuming you are actually overweight for your height and build….

    Losing more than 2lbs a week is pretty hard. That is a 7,500 calorie deficit you need to create each week. Given that your weekly calorie intake is about 14,000 to 17,500 that means halving the amount you eat. You need to do this while maintaining enough activity to ensure you don’t digest a high percentage of your muscle tissue instead. This sort of crash dieting is a bit of a phenomenon of our minimum time commitment quick fix culture and actually is very counterproductive.

    Investing the time in researching and developing a balanced diet plan and a life routine/style that enables you to provide it and stick to it would be a better way forward to a sustainable new lower weight. A crash diet will only lead to putting the weight back on again in the near future. Loosing 0.25-0.5 lb a week is more realistic and sustainable.

    I’d also say that if you are consistently overeating and geting overweight then perhaps you need to consider why. Weight gain is not a natural human thing – we don’t just get fatter as we get older. It is often a response to something – typically overeating, and indeed over drinking, are a psychological defence against work pressure or some other source of underlying unhappy compromise or unhappiness.

    You might just be a lazy git however :-)

    Full Member

    Van Nicholas have a size of everything calculator on their website

    Full Member

    I think dogs and their owners have the same rights, more if you live in England and Wales(?), as cyclists to be on paths and some trails so never really thought much about it, just accepted it. I was however pretty against dogs at trail centres. I thought they would get in the way, possibly dangerously, and poo in trafficked areas, leading to camelback mouthpiece poo syndrome. Yak. I should say at this point that I rather like nice dogs although I don’t have one myself.

    However, I was at Glentress with my mate and his dog last weekend and we had a really nice time. It was a real added dimension to the ride and a lot of fun. She was bright enough not to get run over or get in the way at all, she had a ball, was fun to have around, and although I think she might have taken a dump in the grass off the trail at one point which I didn’t like too much that was it problem-wise.

    So yeah, sort of on the fence-ish on this one.

    However, I rode in the Pentlands on Sunday and got a mouthfull of horsesh*t which was really effin unpleasant. Horses leave a mountain when they go for it.

    Given that most dog owerners do worm their dogs the actual health risk (toxicara canis if you wish to google) is pretty small, although it’s smelly and unpleasant of course. I wonder what you can catch from horse sh*t. Anything? Dicky tummy for sure….

    Full Member

    Print to pdf then save as a jpg using adobe acrobat standard

    Full Member

    Which ones have you got in the shop?

    Full Member

    cann68 – Member
    “The seller denies all knowledge, says he bought them from a reputable bike shop”.

    Strange how he states in his auction that they were taken off his bike?

    Damn rip-off merchants.

    To be fair he bought the bike from Leisure Lakes a couple of years ago and then took the brakes off it to sell recently, so no he didn’t just get the brakes from a shop – my ambiguity there, sorry

    Full Member

    I’d like to think he didn’t mean to rip me off, and that he was just careless about his (lack of) description and never really looked at his brakes when he had them on his bike or when he took them off. The bushings were shot away suggesting simple lack of attention. Perhaps I put his back up by insisting on him seeing me right. Dunno. Either way I hope it turns out ok as the £170 I gave him for the pair was quite high in relation to the prices you see in our classifieds on here for pairs of Martas.

    Full Member

    Dispute opened. Thanks for the advice.

    Full Member

    I engineered this for the BAR Formula 1 team in 1998/9

    BAR F1 mobile hospitaity suite

    Full Member

    The once was a thread on the forum
    on a friday night to relieve the boredom
    about ton's w*nking mate
    and his bird's indelicate
    approaches to strangers at random

    Full Member

    Well, I have ridden my '07 AS-R (and it's the Super Light model) pretty hard and it's still very much in one piece, and yes it's scratched. I am merely 79.7kgs though :-)

    Full Member

    I can't go 'cos I have a date. Get on :D

    Full Member

    Incidentally, 'failure' in engineering terms means anything from unacceptable cracking or bowing of the wall to a full collapse. So please don't think I am automatically suggesting your wall is going to explode if you take the stub off the back!

    You're very welcome, any time :-)

    Full Member

    Just so as you know, I spent something like 6-8 years as a technician testing building materials, including 3000m3 a day on Limehouse Link in Docklands, and also 2 years as a concrete plant foreman. If there's one thing I know about, it's concrete.
    What I don't know about, is construction. I've only made the stuff, not used it. What you say makes sense, but I'm not so sure it all applies here.
    Remember, that double beam just to the left of the wall in my first pic supports an upstairs wall. WHich may, or may not, be a good thing: Good in that it will stop flex of the wall, but bad in that it's close to the wall that needs to come out.

    We shall see. I shall report back.

    Cool. However, you are thinking about the lateral stability of the walls in terms of them blowing over like books stood one end, from ground floor to eaves level? That can be one failure mode but is very unlikely as the first floor and external walls running at right angles to this one form a braced structure. The mode of failure that I am referring to is bending within the ground floor storey height itself. I appreciate that this may seem crazy to a non-engineer (a concrete wall getting bent by the wind? surely not) but that is how it is. Not only do walls fail in this manner in the real world but this is the check in accordance with BS8110/EC2 that building control will insist upon in order for your house to meet the building regulations and get approval for the wall removal and so a completion certificate. Hope this helps? This is all starting to get quite technical/abstract. The fact is that such walls are not worth anything under lateral loads in the standards as concrete is not permitted to take significant tension, such as that which develops in the convex face under lateral load. There is good reason for this – they often can't. For example, as you know, concrete shrinks when it dries, this opens cracks in all sorts of directions, tension cannot be transmitted across a crack = no bending strength – wall turns into a pile of concrete lumps, effectively a dry stone wall.



    Full Member

    I have a question trailertrash. Do these walls or nibs need to run the whole height of the house or not. It looks as though in this case it is only at ground floor level. An interesting post though and has given me something else to consider in planning taking down one of our walls. That is structural and yes I will be getting a structural engineer to look at it.

    The ground floor walls resist more load from stability forces (wind and forces from structural misalignment) than the first floor walls, but In terms of wind load it's about the same. This difference is ignored in a building this size.

    There may also be other structural factors at first floor that make a similar stub at first floor redundant e.g. different window layout.



    Full Member

    I hate to say this, and I know I've mentioned it before, but I feel like everyone is ignoring it every time I type it….

    But have you taken into account it's not a brick wall? *cough** concrete **cough**
    (the outside wall that is)

    I understand your point of view but you need to be aware that just because something is generically concrete it doesn't automatically follow that it's stronger than brickwork or blockwork. No-fines concrete was used for housing because it has good insulating properties and is quick to build. It is generally unreinforced or minimally reinforced along its centre just for crack control and basically consists of 10-20mm gravel bound together with cement slurry. As such it has fairly good strength in compression and is hard to drill into – you are effectively trying to drill into the stones that constitute it – but if you apply a significant bending moment to it, it cracks due to the development of tension in the convex face. If the compression due to the weight above is insufficient it may then collapse. As such the strength of a no-fines concrete wall is broadly similar to a weak concrete block wall of similar proportions and this is no surprise since both are basically bad concrete stuck together with cement/mortar.

    No fines concrete fell out of favour some decades ago due to problems with sound transmission by vibration along the terraces that were built with it, oh…and the fact that it's murder to alter your house.

    Any more questions? :roll: :wink:

    Full Member

    I have had 2 Dells for work and home and they have, eventually, both developed hard disk or keyboard problems. However, one of them, the Inspiron 8500 I bought from Dell Outlet (ie pre-owned) in 2004 for £850, then used for music studio use then for work for a year, earning me about £25,000, I sold for £70 last week to a second hand computer shop. Not bad. Only had to replace the hard drive once.

    Also had two Vaio's. One for music studio and gigging use and one for work. Both faultless. Both lovely to use. Both still in daily use, one by me at work and one by my ex's mother.

    I now use a Macbook Pro for personal and music gigging and it's lovely to use. No problems so far. Really enjoying it.

    The Lenovo's also have a great rep and if I had been able to find one at a reasonable price to lease here in Edinburgh for work, I would have done so. Went Vaio instead. It's been fine.

    Full Member

    nice website, your news page needs fixing though 8)

    Full Member

    This wall IS structural. This wall braces the external wall of the house against wind loads and (in a minor way) provides lateral stability to the building overall.

    As such you need to engage a structural engineer to carry out the necessary calculations to prove the external wall will be adequate with the internal wall removed (looks 50/50 to me with the two openings either side) and that the building has adequate lateral stability without this wall.

    You or your agent will then need to submit the calculations and drawings to the local authority with the correct forms and fees, for assessment, in order to get building control approval for the works. Once you have approval you can knock your wall down. Once you have done it they will give you a completion certificate.

    If you try to sell the house and the deed plans do not match the house layout the buyer's solicitor will ask you for your completion certificate for the alterations. See above. Easier to get at the time than in retrospect, as someone pointed out above.

    I am a structural engineer running my own practice and we do a lot of this work, so this is an expert opinion. Give me a call if you want to discuss your situation, no charge.



    Full Member

    Just so you know, it's Idwal not Idwel and Llyn Idwal not Lyn Idwel. "y" is pronounced "uh" and "f"'s are pronounced "v". "Ll" is like an "l" but with a little air allowed to pass round the sides and bottom of your tongue creating a sort of low wet sizzle. Nice huh? No, not really. The locals will be far more welcoming for a bit of correct pronunciation, trust me.

    try here

    150m north west of the boggy bit around Llyn Y Cwn (accent missing, pronounced "koon") at the top of Devil's Kitchen on the drier area before the slope up to Y Garn starts would be a lovely place to camp.

    Hope you have a nice time.

    Full Member

    You could earn 20K+ stacking shelves in Tesco for zero stress, even if it was just for 6 months, to give yourself time to recover. Seriously – your situation is a sick joke. Just walk. What is the worst thing that can happen? It doesn't sound like they are going to give you a great reference anyway, and job interviews are for explaining your side of what went right and wrong at your last job anyway, so don't worry about it.

    Your health is worth more than the job.

    Full Member

    Volvo V40.

    You can get a mint example with 100,000 on the clock for under £2000, they are bomb proof, petrols go to 150,000 and the diesels 250000+, you can get two bikes in the back each with one wheel still on and the insurance is as cheap as it gets at that level.


    Full Member

    '07 ASR-SL


    32" inside leg

    medium with 90mm stem, 595mm effective top tube.

    great fit.

    I'd say if you were 1" shorter with 3" shorter inside leg you would find the medium a good fit in the top tube within the normal range of today's stem lengths. A suspension bike is always going to be an issue for you though as your relatively short legs make them seem very tall due to higher BB height, no? I can JUST stay on the saddle and tip toe along on mine. You will have to dismount forwards off the saddle to get your feet down, like I would on a 140mm+ bike.

    Full Member

    Was there on Friday. there is about a mile of the black out of action due to snow, on the boundary trail. it's a walk, in to the field, back into the forest, on the bike, coast a bit, hike a bike, bit of a pain but also a nice adventure. a significant part of the black is out of action for forest operations too though so if you are going for the black then maybe plan innerleithen as well for a bit, to get the mileage in

    Full Member

    If you read them in a Jamaican patois style, as you might expect what with Bristol having a large Caribbean community, they makes a lot more sense. Actually I quite like it :-)

    Full Member

    They just look so bad :o(

    Full Member

    Most girls who are great looking tend to have seen more action than a Vietnam Vet.

    Of course all women should be chaste and virginal until deflowered by…who was this…hora? yeah nice. ffs. :roll: one rule for the guys and one rule for the chicks eh

    personally if I get a long term partner who has had a healthy varied active sexual history I take it as a compliment. I stand out among a statistically valid dataset!

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