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  • Fizik Gravita Tensor Flat Shoes – Editors’ Choice Awards 2021
  • tracknicko
    Free Member

    fair play to you, i spent 3 years at a place where everyone beleived all too strongly that they could do it, yet were wildly bluffing their way through life.

    you'll pick it up.

    Free Member

    YES. do it. SO much faster over the big higgeldy piggledy rocks you find the in the peaks/lakes etc.

    more control, less flex, better 'feel' = faster!

    Free Member

    dalwhinnie too firey?

    you know its a ladies whisky right?

    Free Member

    yeh not really? is there? not trying to be awkward. Bolehills is on a MASSIVE hill.

    wincobank's on a grassy slope really? isnt it?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    could be worse. could be out injured :(

    Free Member

    from a 'holistic massage' site again:

    At the end of the session the therapist may give you advice about what you can do in between treatments to maintain or improve your body's equilibrium. This may be through gentle yoga or chi kung based exercises or dietary changes. For example, if you had the complaint of frequent headaches, it may be tension but one of the contributory factors may be too many caffeinated drinks (fizzy drinks, cups of tea, coffee, hot chocolate, for example) and a need to up their water intake. This is empowering as you are able to take responsibility for helping yourself 'get better' and this in turn really helps to boost self-esteem.

    so if you feel the old massage hasnt cured all your ills… why not cut out caffeine? that fixed it? yeh? good. probably cos you had a massage right?

    Free Member

    i shattered my knee in july. have been concentating on it consistantly since but its still giving me jip. any suggestions?

    Free Member

    A word from one of your potential competitors:

    "Massage benefits are both mind and body. It is rare that we take an hour to lie down, close our eyes and just 'be'. An hour's peace and quiet away from ringing phones and demanding children has a definite restorative effect."

    If you can get people to pay you for the oppurtunity to lie down for an hour i take my hat off to you…

    Free Member

    You could consider that the effect of a treatment is in the mind of the receiver and as long as no false claims are made by the giver then it is a valid trade, feeling relaxed and 'happy' is almost certainly an equally important part of good health as having the 'right' blood count and that is essentially the concept of 'Holistic Health'

    that sounds like a Crazy profession to be doing day in day out…

    how much would it cost for a person to be relaxed/made happy for an hour?

    Free Member

    if you already have a hardtail… and you dont have the money to make a new hardtail…

    why are you asking?

    Free Member

    @ riofer….

    they took you 'up' to wincobank?

    do you mean wincobank? there's not really a hill there mate… (which is effin rare for sheffield!)

    Free Member


    Dont buy off the peg?

    I reckon i could build two (possibly second hand but bloody good) trail bikes with 2k.

    You really pay a whopping premium to have brand new kit.

    Free Member

    of course you should.

    its not a road bike is it? the above ^ is epically valid for a road bike, but the second you go off road there are so many more factors to consider than the squish of your forks when you put in a pedal stroke.

    give me susspenners any day. faster, more controllable, easier to ride stuff.

    get it on!

    Free Member

    got some boobars here that im not sure if im going to use on my new build?

    Free Member

    oh no. i like most of them. probably own most too.


    Free Member

    ^ cheers mate.

    after 9 years in the peaks i cant really see what a big ring is for any more on an xc bike. it made much more sense in lincolnshire….

    Free Member

    T4 here. 150k on the clock. still pulling like a train.
    2.5tdi for ultimate grunt.
    5 Seats.
    Pretty much as many bikes as you like in it! I have never properly filled it on a biking trip.
    Sink, stove and a small bed.

    Cost me 4k 18 months ago (its a 2003)

    Free Member

    5 holes in the back of my leg says i should have switched sooner!

    the bash(s) on my dh and jump bike are HAGGERED though. rocks, flying rocks, and more rocks.

    just fitted double and bash to xc bike.

    come up to yorkshire and ill show you some trails where you grind out your rings if you like? (odd phrase) its never going to happen at a trail centre!

    Free Member

    greno woods baby. wharnecliffe is for visitors and tourists!

    Free Member

    £20 here. Free if you buy your headset from us though above £40.

    gives a realistic impression of how much it actually costs right there…

    if the profit if a £40 headset (lets say £4 clear) can cover the cost of the fitment…

    Free Member

    takes about 5 minutes to actually do it – yes probably

    but i bet it takes half an hour to get the bike all set up in the stand, sort the tools out, check the work needing done, take the headset out the old frame, get the old frame out the way, stick the new frame in, prep the new frame, put the headset it, clean it all up a bit, find somewhere to stick both the frames, check you have done all the work, sign it off, have a cup of tea.

    jesus! you havent sprung this job on your nan! you've taken it to a proper bike shop. if they have to spend time 'sorting out tools' and finding somewhere to put the frames then they need to sort their sh1t out…

    ha ha
    just seen the cup of tea bit… might be right there. maybe its a 45 min job.

    Free Member


    i appreciate the correct tools will set you back £150 + but come on!

    a windy gun and compressor cost 100 + but if i go to a car tyre shop i dont expect to be charged extra cos they use one!

    £10 MAX.

    Free Member

    oh and how much is an XTR cage?

    Free Member

    might have a cage. you want short med or long?

    carbon or alu?

    or do you want a whole mech?

    Free Member

    as a brief disclamer – i quit the world of HVAC in april. so anything that i say may have 6 months of inaccuracy built in ;)

    Free Member

    eff that! do it yourself!

    Free Member

    key things (IMO) as picked up above are mean surface temp, dry bulb, and wet bulb.

    generally the moisture content in the air in the summer is higher, leading to a warmer 'feel' / and conversly lower in winter, leaving a colder/drier feel. this is the basics of wet bulb/Relative humidity i guess.

    surface temp is about the radiant effect of your walls etc. think of the whole building as a radiator. in the summer its on warm and radiates warmth at you, on the summer its on cold and consequently radiates 'coolth' (if there is such a thing – i HATE the word coolth)

    easy? maybe?

    Free Member

    general comments grumm. don't be so keen to take it personally.

    plenty of talk about value on this thread + plenty of interest in expensive headtube badges.

    also the last pic is of a tiny frame, but with clips and trip ring. odd setup if you ask me.

    Free Member

    ahhhh the quietly disgruntled life of an HVAC design engineer.

    Free Member


    trying to emulate the tash for november/charity.

    Free Member

    i suppose. though the optomistic side of me would have thought 'ahhh within 10 days' im sure it will arrive in that time.

    cant please everyone mate.

    and yes i'd batter his knees for abusing your wife.

    Free Member

    hmmmm. yeh i guess. but thats a bit out of the ordinary… maybe you should have it in the main text too? nice and bold? that would have appeased me in this situation i guess…

    Free Member

    just interested, coulda sworn it was a forum for discussion. or can i not question your impecabble judgement?

    my bad on the jumps thing, thought that other bike (with the long stem) was yours… evidently not.

    Free Member

    **** me i never check dispatch times…

    if i bought something and then found it had (essentially in the small print) a dispatch time of 10 days i'd be mighty unimpressed.

    might not ring your wife… but you'd be getting an email or two…

    Free Member

    few things.

    bought it to do jumps. then triple ring and clips. hmmmm

    'cant beat on-one for value' – then everyone buys a headtube badge for £14. fourteen pounds! value? thats 10% of the frame cost!

    Free Member

    plug it into pc. use software to switch to 'phone' mode. thus it will be on. then never turn it off again.

    Free Member

    you're all talking dry bulb temperatures.

    20 in summer isnt really 20 in winter in terms of feel.

    need to do a load of mean predictive vote BS, and you will end up concluding that there is always someone who isnt happy with the temperature in your office. maybe a sustainable office policy would be to silence the whiners and glue the dial to 19?

    In our office we bagged up rubbish/recycling and counted the bags out. gives you a good measure of how much waste you are making, thus you have a figure to reduce and can feel good about yourselves, rather than just 'lets reduce waste'

    also why not get a pulse meter to measure electrical consumption and have it on display in reception. tis all about getiing people involved IMO so put it on display and make some charts!

    Free Member

    stop using concrete as a building resource.
    refuse to use construction materials sourced over a certain distance from building project.
    use passive and active thermal/solar design to reduce HVAC loads.
    increase use of natural ventialtion on projects.
    never build a data centre.

    any 'monitor turns itself off BS' will pale into insignificance compared to almost any construction project you work on…

    Free Member

    nope. id say the other way. 5 – 10 years ago it was ALL about DH in the mags…

    these day Dirt etc. are half filled with all mountain bikes and people riding all directions….

    even as a DH racer, i promise you pushing up hills is CRRRRAP. (probably why im a rubbish DH racer)

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