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  • Lone Bicycles Beretta Sticks A Middle Finger Up At Standards
  • tpbiker
    Free Member

    Someone who can hold flow down a trail whilst riding within their skill level, who brakes at appropriate times, who can corner and keep speed whilst doing so, who looks ahead and not at their front wheel, who picks the best lines and who, despite not necessarily spending their time airbourne, can get down trails smoothly and quickly.

    Fair enough, I can’t do any of that!…But I can do a 3 foot drop! :-) The point I was making was that how can someone come on and ridicule other riders based on inability to do a drop off, when their own skills at that very same skill (drop offs) appears to be fairly basic.

    Either way, the points above kind of proves what a daft point the original post made. Yeti boy might be brilliantly fast on his 5k carbon wunder bike, just doesn’t like heights.

    Free Member

    utter tosh…is it?? Maybe our definitions of good skills vary then….

    Its nothing to do with ego…

    I’ve been riding 6 months, I would consider myself a newbie but a 3 foot drop wouldn’t cause me an issue, nor any of my buddies whove been riding for the same amount of time. And in the grand scheme of things, and certainly from what i’ve seen of other riders around me, our skill level is fairly be first to admit that.

    interestingly, what would you consider the definition of a rider with good skills? Genuine question…maybe I’m much better than I thought;-)

    Free Member

    Not a massive fan of the canyons, but this one does look good…

    And if you’re on a budget…..this looks pretty good as well! For the price of a specialized camber :-0

    Free Member

    No disrespect, but if you bottled it twice going off a 3 foot drop then I’d say you were at a fairly basic level skills wise. Nowt wrong with that at all, but don’t you think its slightly ironic judging someone from high up on your full suss 2k+ trek, when the same accusation you make at the yeti riders could be made so easily at yourself…

    And if you are just trolling, then well done, you’ve well and truely got me….

    Free Member

    And how do you know that the guys on the yeti haven’t just nailed their first 18 inch drop and will try the 3 footer you hit next week?

    The fact that you have a bike costing thousands of pounds, but, with respect, are clearly at a fairly basic riding level yourself, makes your attitude even harder to fathom

    Free Member

    Interesting viewpoint from the OP, and one I totally disagree with. I have 2 nice bikes, which far outweigh my skill level (although I could do that drop nae bother ;-))but I don’t care, I can afford it and it makes me happy. I see kids with bikes half the value of mine and twice the skill, that the way it is.

    I don’t know what bike the OP rides, but unless its a 300 quid apollo I can guarantee there are kids out there on far cheaper bikes hitting obstacles I suspect he wouldn’t even dream about….

    Free Member

    ooops…just spotted the other, identically named thread!

    Free Member

    Hope you find him bud, much rather lose my bike than my dog :-(

    Free Member

    I only put 20ml in my fork legs!!!!!

    My manual didn’t mention oil, may have a look to see if I can put some in there, can’t make it any worse! I’ve got 2 of them, both an absolute baw ache 60% of the time but when they work, best thing on my bike.

    Free Member


    What part have you taken apart? I usually just unscrew the red collar and the bottom nut, pull it apart, regrease and then reassemble. Never used any oil.

    Never tried servicing the spring bit…nor do I plan to.

    Free Member

    Yeah I’d be of the mind to run the lot into the ground, but just got a new wheelset and cassette, so don’t want to put a ropey chain on it.

    That said, I reckon this chain checker is crock of nonsense..didn’t even come with instructions ..

    Free Member


    Ruscle you are bang on…2 minutes of squeezing and the are perfect again.

    Cheers !

    Free Member

    Sorry for the hijack, but since we’re talking about fox servicing my forks are currently in pieces on my kitchen table. I’ve removed the lowers but for the life of me can’t get the seals out :-(

    I’ve looked at the how to guides, but mine seem stuck fast. Any suggestions/tips. I reckon brute force would get em out, but don’t want to mangle the inside of the leg.


    Free Member

    If your offer has been accepted (for example, you pay a deposit, or receive a confirmation email), generally you can insist that the retailer sells you the goods for the price they were advertised at

    I’m no legal expert but the line above surely says that if they confirm the order they are generally obliged to pay, unless (if you continue reading) it was obviously a mistake…

    To the man off the street £10 for a bike light is not unimaginable, my dad got one from lidl for a five spot…

    Free Member

    Whats the difference between the RC3s that everyone raves about, and the Micro Ti Air 55s, which I just bought and noone raves about atall!

    Free Member

    Cheapest Anthem is way to go for 900 quid. If you want more travel, For a smidgen more go with the Trance 4, MBR bike of the year for 1100

    Free Member

    Lifer, read my post. I’ve not been a ‘recruitment agent’ for 8 years, I work for a bank in HR (even worse in many peoples eyes probably!) as a resource manager.

    I deal with agents on a daily basis, some good, some shit. But either way I’m probably in a decent position to offer a fairly balanced opinion on them

    Free Member

    ok thanks. I mailed Shimano to see if they could recommend anything, but I wont hold my breath

    Free Member

    Wow, theres alot of hatred of recruitment agencies on here! I’ve been in the industry 10 years, although for the last 7 I’ve been on the client side or ‘inhouse recruitment manager’ type. Before that I worked for 3 years as an agent for a recruitment company, and I’ve also experienced it from a candidate side whilst looking for jobs myself.

    Whilst I can’t disagree that there are lots of wide boys and bullshitters in the industry I know from experience that there are also some that genuinely add value to my business and know their industries inside out.

    For anyone who is considering the industry I’d say beware, speak to those working in it, and research which agencies are good and bad rather than take the standard ‘99% of recruitment consultants are sharks’ for granted from a bunch of folks on a forum. It is tough, but good money can be made, you can build a good reputation within your industry and with your suppliers, and it can open doors of other opprtunities.

    Free Member

    sorry…wasn’t disagreeing with couldashoulda btw…just he posted whilst I was responding!

    Free Member

    Na..its about being able to sell yourself on paper, remember your CV is basically an advert for you..

    you’ve got to think more about your transferable skills, you’ve already talked about the communication skills, think what else makes you succeed in your job then think what other roles (you’d want to do)require similar attributes.

    Job market is pretty shitty right now for anyone. As for your stepson, if I was him and I wanted to get into a large company then I’d consider doing pretty much anything to get a foot in the door, ie temping. Get foot in door, work your ass off and as a bright guy he should stand out. New legislation will mean hes also then got access to internal job vacancies. Won’t happen overnight like in that michael j fox movie, but its a route in. Not much else on the go for grads at the mo i’m afaid :-(

    If hes interested in that route (ie temping) then get him to PM me his CV, and I’ll see what I can do.

    Free Member

    I have 10 years in the recruitment industry, currently work as a recruitment manager for a big bank. Good advice above, also –

    Some tips:

    2-3 pages is fine, but remember if you’ve been in the same job for 10 years then don’t take up half a page with what you did in a previous role 15 years ago, doubt anyone cares
    – Summary at the top, then bullets – make the format as clear as possible. If the format is not easy to read then it’ll go in the bin if the hiring manager has spent the last 2 hrs ploughing through applications. Clear and concise is the key
    – And finally, and I reckon the most important point. Differentiate yourself. Your CV shouldn’t just be your job description. It should highlight what you’ve done well within your job, value you’ve added, costs you’ve saved etc etc….think what makes you better than the guy sitting opposite you whos role is exactly the same as yours (on paper)…

    anyhow, goodluck…I usually charge a fortune for such pearls of wisdom, so if someone can kindly answer my 15mm-QR conversion query I’ll consider us even ;-)

    Free Member

    Sorry to revive this, but wondering if someone could provide an answer to my fairly daft question above?

    Free Member

    Chest mount is ace. Still can’t quite work out how not to end up only getting the first 20 yards of trail in front of me however, even when setting it up pointing to my chin…:-(

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Moonglu were pretty good for hope stuff, you can mix and match the colours as well if thats your thing.

    If you are looking to save a few pennys then Merlin have a cracking deal on Stans 355s on XT hubs, although they only offer a 15mm front axel option…but they are only 150 quid for both!!!!

    Free Member

    Are all 2010 models reliable? I’d heard yesterday from the chap in the bike shop that it was more to do with them switching production away from Thailand, which occured in 2010?

    ie early 2010 forks from there (the ones I just aquired)might be a bit ropey.

    Anyone able to confirm?

    Free Member

    I’ve got an Anthem x3, its brilliant. Fine for 95 % of what I ride. Bung a better set of wheels on it and it would be fine for racing.

    I have a bigger bike as well, its fine for about 20% of what I ride….

    Free Member

    Every days a school day on STW! Thanks folks.

    Free Member

    ace thanks..I guess not enough oil in my other forks then


    Free Member

    Another factor to consider is that all the knockdown forks on sale appear to have QR, so depends how much you want to spend. Although if you’ve found otherwise then let me kow, cause I’m on the lookout as my wheel is a 15mm

    Free Member

    I posted a similar thread yesterday. Stupid question but how do those adapters work, I mean surely there still needs to be the 9mm axel running through the hub, rather than just the quick release spindle? Or am I missing something obvious?

    Free Member

    les gets is open at the weekends from end of May….you’d just have to find something to do for the rest of the week!

    Free Member

    Yeah, I’d considered the new front wheel option, which was cheaper. But Julian has come up with the ideal solution…if they’ll work with a shimano front hub?

    As for forks, whats this little fella like

    Reminds me of what I had on my first bike back in 1992…loved that old raleigh, proper mountainbiking:-)

    Free Member

    weight….I’ve been looking for a carbon fibre version ;-)

    Although one of those bling gold ones would be lovely, and I’m assuming considerably cheaper than a set of Gold hope hubs..

    I’m in…..

    Free Member

    I don’t have one but am considering getting one. Always took the approach of slowing down and politely saying ‘excuse me’…

    the other day I was on a cycle/canal path and I took this approach with an ederly gent who was ampling down the middle of the path. He asked me where my bell was and when I said I didn’t have one he swore at me, telling me it was illegal not to have one. Can anyone confirm…never heard this before???

    Free Member

    there you go…

    watch not to kill yourself when trying it for the first time mind…

    Free Member

    If my experience of a supertacky on the front is anything to go by, avoid like the plague on the back. Even on the front it felt like you were pedaling through gloop, and wear was noticable after about 10 rides.

    Obviously if you never intend to go uphill the gloop factor may not be such an issue. On a plus side they are ridiculously grippy on the decents

    Free Member

    Actually now you come to mention it, I may have a few old ones in the dungeon that I can recycle…


    Free Member

    Slight Hijack, but Jedi do you ever do any coaching in Scotland? Have slowly come to realise that a 3k bike and lots of suspension won’t make me any less shit when it comes to going down a hill. Coaching is defo the way forward, and from what I read on here your feedback is spot on.

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