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  • Uncharted British Columbia: From Singletrack Issue 120
  • tpbiker
    Free Member

    I have the humvee lites…

    Nice summer short….

    Free Member

    Wooooaaah…I’m with Druid on this one….

    Sure it might be ok…but would you want to find out it isn’t. It has 2 bolts for a reason.

    Free Member

    +1 Jameso, I have well and truly learned my lesson.

    I had a look at superstar but the hoses are all 2.3 mm, which I believe is to big. I need 2.1.

    What I can’t understand is why my brakes appear to be the only ones on earth that I can’t just buy the cable, then attach the banjo afterwards. I can buy these locally

    which fits an XTR 985 brake. The one in CRC also fits a 985 brake but has a banjo attached. Am I missing something obvious or can’t I just use my existing banjo and reattach it?

    Whilst CRC will probably be able to get me it in time it’ll be tight, given their current delivery times, and even if I do get it wednesday I’ll have zero time to attach it and test it out.

    Currently the brake is attached via some bodged cabling and gaffertape. looks awful, but i fear it will have to do !

    Free Member

    thanks, that looks like it’ll do the job.

    not cheap are they….my rear brake only cost 60 quid from rose!…if i thought it would come in time I’d be tempted to buy the complete unit and try to flog mine as spares…

    Free Member

    I read his dictated message…his attitude is awesome…

    don’t sell the bike yet bud….hopefully you’ll need it sooner than you think :-)


    Free Member photos are shit…should have spent less on a frame I can’t even stick together and more on a decent camera :-)

    I reckon the mystery bit on the far right goes into the bottom of the headtube, then the bearing sits below that….seems to all fit together nicely, although there doesn’t appear to be a similar contraption at the the bearing sits flush against the frame.

    I reckon a trip to the local bike shop might be the order of the day!

    Free Member

    These are all the bits…lined up from left to right in the order I reckon they fit together..the big one on the right is a bit of a mystery

    here it is closer up…

    and here is the frame…

    Only thing to add is that I’ll be using a hope reducer race as my fork is 1 1/8th, which I assume will take the place of the object ‘second from the right’ when I bung it all together?

    Free Member

    Yep, new frame with curved surface inside

    The trouble is it appears to have to many bits, it comes with 2 bearings, 2 bearing races, the top bearing cover and another what looks like another bearing race…only much bigger!


    Free Member

    Awesome stuff…I reckon I need to find a lady who mountainbikes…(or infact any lady for that matter…) Was up at GT at the weekend as well, love it.

    Maybe in future you could pay for your scottish excursions by arranging a few skill courses whilst up here ;-)

    Free Member

    Marzochi 55s in an spesh enduro frame

    As long as its not more flexi than my old heckler/55 combo then it won’t be an issue, as I didn’t find that particularly flexy in the first place

    Free Member


    Are any of the bikes in your household a medium, and if so do you know how far the post can be inserted into the seattube. Only reason I ask is that I’ve got a dropper post which on my heckler is inserted 7 inches into the frame, and I’m assuming it’ll have to be something similar on the enduro. Obviosuly its a bent tube however, so want to check for any sizing issues. Once again my shorl legs are causing me bike sizing issues!


    Free Member

    Yep you are right, they did say they came with a triad shock, but I queried it and they confirmed it was an rp23. Five minutes later I looked at the ad and they’d changed it!

    Anyway, Since they’re keeping it until wednesday for me I have then to decide! Decisions decisions…I was out on the heckler tonight and it really is a nice bike…..

    Free Member

    Thanks for the responses folks. Whilst I’m a big fan of the heckler, one of the main reasons I’m looking to upgrade is its just to short for me, and to get comfy on the bike I’ve had to make a couple of compromises to the set up.

    It wouldn’t be my only bike, I have an anthem for XC duties and a 456. The point and shoot ability sounds good to me, given I’m shit, however my main reservation is whats its like to pedal uphill. I’m not expecting it to win any prizes for hill climbing, just so long as its better (or at lease no worse)than the heckler, which IMO is an absolute dog when it has to go upwards.

    Free Member

    My mate wanted to do this with his Nerve. He did get a reply from Works, informing him they couldn’t provide the appropriate part.

    Free Member

    Mine is 60mm…

    I’ve wondered about this as I use to run an 80mm and didn’t have as much of an issue. I’ve also recently knocked a degree off my head angle on the bike.

    So theres every chanced I’ve totally cocked up the handling of my bike…

    Free Member

    yep…but until someone orgainises a race down my favourite stretch of local downhill strava will have to do! :-)

    In all seriousness however, for someone relatively new to biking (did it in my teens years ago) I have been reluctant to enter any races as I have no idea of the standards. I think strava gives you a rough idea of your ability level and would certainly give me a bit more confidence to enter an event knowing that I won’t arrive at the finish to find the medals already awarded and the marshalls packing up the course.

    A mentioned previously, as long you’re not a dick about it, whats the harm..?

    Free Member

    sorry to resurect this one, but rather than start a new thread..

    following on from the good advice above, I’ve got a similar issue in that whilst I’m technically ok going in a straight line, my cornering really lets me down. I do most of what Mr barel suggest in his video already, but I’m still shit, i reckon because my weight is to much either towards the middle or back of the bike.

    Should I be concentrating on the feeling of almost losing the rear wheel when I go round a corner…ie unweighting the back end. Currently when I lose grip its always the front tyre that goes first. I’ve tried getting y weight forward, but it feels a bit odd, like I’m hanging over the front wheel a bit to much.

    Free Member

    I think spoon sums things up nicely for me. Nowt wrong with going flat out on a trail, and trying to get a PB/Kom or whatever. But ultimately the time is secondary to not being an arse to others on the trail. Likewise, I’ve come across just as many slower inconsiderate folks who don’t pull over to one side as those who think they are the next incarnation of Jon Tomac.

    Free Member

    Thanks folks…I take it you can put your bike in /on any of the lifts including the cablecar, ie none are restricted to walkers only or anything daft like that

    Free Member

    Well I’m going to morzine on the 18th june and all the lifts should be open..

    Free Member

    11 laps…on your own…in that heat???? I genuinely struggle to comprehend that… given I did 3 and almost died!

    Big respect!

    Free Member

    oh dear..absolutely brutal. We road the lap on the friday evening when it was cool and it was a doddle, different story on race day!

    My second lap in the midday sun was easily the hardest thing I’ve ever put my body through, from about half way round I couldn’t even change gear as even my thubs were seizing up..

    It was a bit of a battle of attrition at the end, but was a fun day (when not on the bike) and given it was our first ever race we were reasonable happy with 22nd in the overall triples category (I think)

    Not sure how you could do that as a solo however…insane!

    Free Member

    I find it hard to believe that only last week I ordered a spare base layer and a second pair of waterproof shorts and seal skinz sock…especially for this event

    Now the prediction is burning heat, dehydration and sunburn

    WTF is going on with our weather!??

    Free Member

    Given that head cams always flatten out the track, are those drops as big as they seem? Because they still seem fairly big!

    Free Member

    My hope hub is 3 rides old and it sounds like theres a mouse in it…

    Free Member

    i’ve got a static caravan…think it was the last available one in the whole of forwilliam :-)

    How technical is the course? I’m assuming if its a bit bland its not going be be full of sidewall shredding rocks and steep technical descents?

    And as for small town late night discos…sounds ideal. I’m assuming the locals will welcome the introduction of outsiders contributing a bit of diversity into the gene pool :-)

    Free Member

    its an engine for lazy folks

    Free Member

    3000 US Dollar RRP…Thats a lot of uplift days

    Also, how does it work if you fall off, given you’r wearing the battrey on your back?

    Free Member

    Yeah, we’re bringing a gazebo as well to put up at the carpark. I asked the same question a while back and a few other lads on here had apparently done it previously.

    Forecast for the week aint looking so bad so hopefully it won’t be to muddy…and more importantly hopefully it won’t be lashing down all day.

    Anyone done any training for this? I’ve gone from ridiculously unfit to just rather slow…..are you all lycra clad race wippets? (Munro excempt)…

    I am looking forward to a well earned sesh afeterwards in fortwilliam however!

    Free Member

    Last forks on the heckler were rockshox sector solo air 150s…quite a bit better than them obviously (although they were ok), but when it comes to suspension I genuinely have no idea. I simply point the bike down hill and hope they’re set up ok…if not I’ll twiddle with the nobs and try again. They feel much like any other decent 160 fork I’ve tried, fox float, lyrik etc etc..

    I bought them cause they were cheep and didn’t need to be stripped every 2 rides if i’m honest, although I read a few favourable reviews.

    Free Member

    Last forks on the heckler were rockshox sector solo air 150s…quite a bit better than them obviously (although they were ok), but when it comes to suspension I genuinely have no idea. I simply point the bike down hill and hope they’re set up ok…if not I’ll twiddle with the nobs and try again. They feel much like any other decent 160 fork I’ve tried, fox float, lyrik etc etc..

    I bought them cause they were cheep and didn’t need to be stripped every 2 rides if i’m honest, although I read a few favourable reviews.

    Free Member

    all i’m dreaming of is not coming stone cold last, which I reckon might be a distinct possibility :-(

    Its definitely going to be interesting, I have no idea what to expect from either the course or the competition.

    Free Member

    I’ve got the Micro Ti’s. I really like it, but then again not got a mssive amount to compare it to, never used the RC3.

    so not much help really!

    Free Member


    someone must be going!!!

    Free Member

    I have a pair, and I can confirm they are amazing…if a little pricey. Buy em, you won’t be disappointed.

    Free Member

    As far as I’m concerned the LBS is entitled to charge what they want, likewise you are quite entitled to buy elsewhere.

    I don’t see it as arrogance. But it could be seen as bad business practice.

    Free Member

    I know a few of you have tried to fit the proper lenses to these, with mixed success. I think someone mentioned previously that a bit of filing sorts out the compatability issue, but before I sabotage my lenses, can someone confirm what the best way of approaching it is.

    I’m assuming a very fine file and lots of patience, but given the tollerance is so small would I be better attacking with sandpaper..

    Free Member

    If I think I’ll get something in return for loyalty then I’ll keep going back to my LBS. Only last week the mechanic at my lbs (ed bikes) lent me some tools so I could bleed my brakes at home. Given he didn’t know me from Adam I was pretty impressed. Since then I’ve already been in twice to buy stuff I could undoubtable have found cheaper on line, because I appreciated the level of service.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t personally…if I choose to buy online (and I often do) then I’ll take my chances with the sizing and realise I might have to send it back for a replacement. Its the penalty for being a tight arse.

    Having said that, if it came down to trying a bike out for size before spending a couple of grand I’d be tempted, if a significant saving was to be had online and no price match was to be had. Wouldn’t do it for clothes however, thats taking the piss a bit I reckon.

    Free Member

    well put it this way, I don’t think I’ve ever come out of a coaching session thinking my game has been transformed. Sure ive picked up a few pointers here and there but I’ve only ever seen the benefits through hard work putting them into practice.

    Contract that to Jedi’s coaching, some lad on here previously mentioned before going along he couldn’t even jump, but by the time he left he was clearing tabletops. Not saying I doubt it happened btw…but would be interested to know if people who had attended other mtb coaches had experienced similar improvements. Specifically in Scotland….cause I’m shit and drastically need to improve!

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