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  • Niner Bikes Updates Classic Steel SIR 9 Hardtail
  • toys19
    Free Member

    yup love a bmx.

    Free Member

    Nah I interpret this as an extra 30- you get 20 for your normal bags and 30 for your bike – max fifty. If your bag is 17 dont let the bike go over 32. Last time my bag was about 16 and my bike bag was 29. No problems that was easyslut brs-gva. I use a crc bike bag, but a box from lbs is just as good.

    Free Member

    mdb, like it, a funny person once described a chest that looked like "two bald men hiding from the police"

    Free Member

    Nedrapier – your explanation of local variations suits my world view exactly. :-)

    Free Member

    Didn't know that was called the Mpemba effect but the wikipedia link alludes to that fact that it is unproven…

    Was told by an A level physics teacher (called Streaky Bonehead) that hot water cooled faster than cold water due to increased potential.

    Now since then I've done lots of thermodynamics and what I do know is that the rate of heat transfer is proportional to the difference in temperature. So water at 100C in a freezer has a very large difference in temp, compared with tap water at say 20c, so the hot water will lose heat much faster than the tap water. The only problem with this is that as the 100c water cools then its rate of heat transfer reduces, so at 20C the rate of heat transfer is the same as the water that started at 20c. And the water that started at 20 c will be much colder than 20 c by now…

    There is another good article about it here.

    Free Member

    Simon Barnes.
    Scroll down on that link, the next graph has what you are looking for.

    Free Member

    I think symantec do a full remover thingy? Here

    Free Member

    nedrapier just seen your edit. Common or garden entropy is, I think, driven by local variations, at least this is what I remember…

    I think we are on dodgy ground anyway as this is difficult to prove because you cannot observe exactly what happens at the surface without changing what happens (uncertainty principle).

    Free Member

    nedrapier – I think I can explain this as there may be local convection currents so any flow across a surface will create very low pressure on that surface.

    At low pressures the concept of Solid/liquid/gas is a bit difficult to define as the state is dependant on having other molecules nearby to interact with. If you have a very low pressure (like near or total vacuum) and introduce a single molecule of water at the sublimation temperature then is it a solid or gas? It's a bit of semantics, in reality the words we use to define solid/liquid/gas are generalisations…

    Free Member

    I'll see if I can find the detail about the freezing point with pressure, I've got a text book around here somewhere with all this in..

    Don't worry a real physicist will be along in a minute, I'm just a lowly materials engineer with a cursory grasp of what is going on..

    Free Member

    Joe Satriani did a great song called Ice 9…

    Free Member

    Yes "partial pressures n stuff" is related. States 7.8.10 and 11 are explained in the link above. It all to do with the molecules of water finding favourable energy configurations in the way they pack as the temp reduces and/or pressure increases.

    Free Member

    Umm no implication, it does sublime. I'm not sure that there are ever atmopheric conditioons on earth where this would happen – for example the pressure on Everest is approx 30Kpa (sea level its 101kPa) which is above the sublimation pressure shown on the phase diagram.

    Edit – there are very low pressures at higher altitudes down to 1 Kpa so in theory it could happen in the earths atmosphere – but this is a bit outside my sphere of knowledge so i cant really comment – what happens at high altitude is influence by other stuff as well. I'm not a climatologist..

    Free Member

    Just throw it away, who cares if you've paid, its a horrid resource hog..

    Free Member

    The phase diagram below (from here) shows what this is all about. This shows the phases or physical states of Water at different temperatures (in kelvins 273 is zero centigrade) and pressures.

    I'm not going to repeat what it says on the website above, but the answers to all your questions are there. I used to know this, but my physics masters was about 13 years ago, but just recently I was called on to examine some freeze thaw failures and had to learn all this again, water is very strange stuff..

    Free Member

    norton = yeuggghhh. I use avast free, have done for a couple of years, no virus's very lightweight..

    Free Member

    With fags I went for 100% frontal assault, worked fine, 5 years later I have had maybe 6 ciggies when drunk and enjoyed it without feeling the need to go back full time.

    I keep meaning to do the same thing with chips/toast/fryups/sugarpuffs&cream but its somehow much harder, although I might have another go today..

    Free Member

    used hep plastic pipe in 4 houses, copper for exposed as above, its excellent stuff, no leaks except for my badly installed joints…

    Free Member

    Not even sure the lifts are open in june..

    Free Member

    Make sure the one way is down, a nice gentle incline for about 20 mins…

    Free Member

    Hope you flushed and flushed again after the acid trip?

    Free Member

    In private accom rents here in Exeter are 75-90 Per week bills on top, but for an 11 mothn contract 1st sept-31st July so you are looking at min3575 per year rent. About 400 a year bills (elc/gas/water/internet). Then food and fun which is variable…

    Free Member

    GJP – With the greatest respect yours is a good psot but I would urge you to slow down with the cancer word there – Barrett's Oesophagus is a precursor to Oesophagial Cancer in some ridiculously low percentage – its a long way from acid reflux to cancer, don't scare the horses.

    Free Member

    Forged – the explanations above pretty much have it in laymans terms.

    Free Member

    Could be hiatus hernia leading to weak lower eosophagul sphincter. I've got one, go to doc ask for proton pump inhibitors (lanzoprazole or omezeprole(Spelling)) if this works then start losing weight and do self diet control tests to find out what brings it on . With me its bread, cereal, any pastry, biccies and the like, I can eat meat, cheese fruit and veg no problem.

    Things like coffee, chocolate, peppermint and most digestif alcohol all add to the problem. They all relax the stomach – and especially the lower eosophageal sphincter (LES), which gives intially the feeling that its easing your digestion, but when the LES relaxes it lets acid up into your eosophagus and burn city happens..

    For short term relief I use fruit smoothies made with organic soya or rice milk have one of these fro brekky and avoid toast and cereal , eat normally but have super early and only drink water after 7pm.

    Also do not sleep on your right, if your LES is weak due to Hiatus hernia then if you sleep on the right you are tipping your stomach contents into your neck.

    Free Member

    personally prefer oil/coil over an air shock any day of the week..

    Free Member

    Thankfully that one is a complete urban myth. There's been an official government statement up here in Scotland saying that story is not true. I presume it's the same in the rest of Britain.

    Umm experience tells us that the Scottish govmnt is a little more sensible than the **** we have ruling us down here, I can see why you exported Gordon Brown..

    Free Member

    trapping is fun, buy a live trap, great for pigeons too, them's noisy barstewards at dawn in the summer when you've got your windows open cos its boiling and the last thing you need at 4am is some flying rat cooing in your ear :evil:

    Free Member

    I have to agree, it seems like a great idea, but unless a great simple effective control system comes along tomorrow its going to take a while to make it compete with the mature technology we have already. Will defo be good tho sooner or later..

    Free Member

    If you used this regularly I think the loose vs cartridge bearing argument will be over..

    Free Member

    Love my Santa cruz bullit, weighs a ton but its like a magic carpet the way it soaks up everything, climbs like a good un and generally all round burly mentalist machine..

    Free Member

    Misty Dawn?
    There was a female bmxer in the eighties called Misty Dong..

    Free Member

    yoghurt, works a treat

    Free Member

    Update on Exeter Supermarkets – Tesco Sowton packed with everything which was nice seeing as wife hadn't left the house for 9 days and thought the world was coming to an end..

    Free Member

    You cant just tap it, has to be drilled.

    Just had a chat with my brother who is an aircraft engineer for flybe, before that he used to work on piston engined prop planes, he has done this job all the time.

    They do it with the head on, but the exhaust removed so you can suck the swarf out as its produced, and then flush it out after, any tiny bit of dust on (if its alloy) apparently get burned up. He reckons most car places do it without removing anything and just suck the swarf out..

    He was keen on doing it for you in return for some jedi training credit but he's in Cov and hasn't got time to go to MK…

    Free Member

    that is good work.

    Free Member

    wot dave and tj said, don't be tempted to use ptfe tape or loctite as you need to earth the plug through the engine block otherwise it wont spark!

    Free Member

    I had hope qr and thomson post on my 08 P7 Pro, never slipped and I'm a fat barsteward

    Free Member

    My Dad went to uni with a german called Everard Koch.

    I knew a bloke called Peter Nurse and his wife was Anne (P.Nurse and A.Nurse).

    Went to school with Theresa Green, her Dad was a very well educated man and he thought this was hilarious.

    Two brothers Eric and Isaac Hunt (not true but funny)

    Free Member

    most of mine are trail fruit..

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