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  • Les Gets World Cup DH results, report and highlights vids
  • TooTall
    Free Member

    Roku 2 still seems to do very well in all the tests. I’ve had one for over a year and it’s been faultless.
    It has a faster processor than the stick version and it’s not tied to any particular system (unlike the Apple / Amazon versions). If you’re on the road then the stick version is probably fine.

    Free Member

    He sounds American – bucks – so just buy a load of Seagrams and mix it with orange juice.

    Free Member

    Tanqueray, Sapphire, Beefeater in that order.

    And that’s a VERY odd 1st post on a mountain biking forum in the UK.

    Free Member

    I do hope they have cut a viewing portal in it…

    So people can watch you poo?

    Weird :?

    Free Member

    People alarmed by someone having a dooby outside should read the stories on Vice about families where the parents take so much ketamine their kids are getting to primary age without having learnt to speak.

    This is not a great argument for parents wanting to do well by their kids. You get that, right?

    Free Member

    TooTall – Are you referring to the same course i’m doing? Or was this pre-employment?

    Duffer – I did my A Levels and, other than work-based education, didn’t step back into academia until I did a Masters which I started aged 39, still working full time (military), dad of a 1 year old.
    Most of my classmates were very comfortable with the academic side of things. I had a great tutor who told me I might ‘have trouble’ because I was there to learn rather than just to do the minimum and get the pass.
    She was right. I loved the learning and read lots. It was then tough to wind myself back in and get a focused-enough essay. I did learn a huge amount tho!
    The 1st essay was the benchmark. The feedback was solid, it pointed to where I wasn’t detailed enough, showed me where I was hitting the target. I refined it next time, got better marks having taken the guidance provided. Asking my tutor for further guidance as the course progressed was also helpful.
    I did nearly 18 years in Logs but felt a MSc was better value for me in the end.

    Free Member

    See what your first set of marks tells you! Your marks and your tutor will guide you.
    Saying that, I did my course to learn, and learn I did. I read voraciously and, at times, did find it hard to re-focus on writing the essays. But I learned and I’m happy with what I learned.

    Free Member

    Aeropress. A very good, easy to use and clean and maintain piece of coffee kit. Even achingly cool hipster coffee places are using them now.

    Disclaimer. I’ve been taken to such establishments by hip friends in the know. I’m just a coffee snob.

    Free Member

    I taught myself to use a sewing machine. Never really got any good with it but I can knock up some useful little bags / repairs etc.

    This website may well be the end of you. I got some of their end of roll odds and sods bags and learned to sew different materials like fleece, pertex etc.

    Free Member

    They’re are only medium compared to your xxxxl’s!

    After the one time of riding your bike I vowed to never again ride bmx!

    Free Member


    This isn’t a ‘post a pic of your Medium sized bike’ thread you know!

    Free Member

    A sandwich without an additional layer of fat (butter, mayo etc) to offer sufficient protection to the bread is simply not proper.

    Free Member

    Go to the Centre for Alternative Technology near Machynlleth. It’s well worth a visit and the cafe there does great food.

    It happens to be a couple of miles from the ClimachX trail.

    There’s a few trails out of Mach as well – details on that link.

    Free Member

    they can’t stop CRC selling at what ever price they choose.

    You’re right. Shimano USA had their business model disrupted by tax-free purchases from outside the US. It’s happening more and more and the US is slowly becoming less of the captive market it always was. I’m not saying that Shimano USA was right in how it was running, but they are in it to make profit.
    It looks like CRC were cutting their margins so fine that it left them open to Wiggle buying them.
    It looks a lot like Amazon and the decline of book shops. Unfortunately, many of us like LBS’s but we’ve only got so much money.

    Free Member

    Well my US bike industry friends reckon it’s Shimano USA trying to protect it’s business when Shimano Japan won’t listen to protests about the likes of CRC nacking business – selling cheaper than shops can buy trade. They also cut some companies for constant discounting.
    They took their distribution in house last yr to streamline, but that wasn’t enough, so they are cutting their profits to try and improve the situation.

    Free Member

    I love the image of skinny wee weight weenies shaking their tiny fists in anger at uncooperative bike companies.

    Free Member

    Shimano buy Fox?

    You do know that Fox don’t just make mountain bike forks, right? I know Shimano don’t just make bike components, but they aren’t going to go in to specialist automotive components!

    Free Member

    i don’t own a suit and seriously at 42, cant tie a tie.

    But I bet you know where all the artisan coffee shops are near your office AND can order from them without feeling self-conscious!

    Free Member

    I was throwing some shapes to that one back in the day.

    Lino and cardboard for the win.

    Free Member

    That Korean one will be dead convenient down my road. We’ll just lose the pavements and front gardens to fit it in and then I’ll go five miles up the road for the next gap.

    You do know that everywhere in the world is not suitable for solar PV, right? Perhaps not your road, but other places are suitable.

    Free Member

    LHS – you evidently don’t see much. The inequality in the US is far greater and wide-reaching. The disparity in medical services between the wealthy and the poor is vast and one of the huge problems.
    Saying that you have a better level of service at a US doctor is because you are privileged and paying a lot of money for the pleasure.
    Your figures so far don’t mention copay or anything else related to additional costs.
    Your figures didn’t mention the inability of people to get healthcare cover (before the ACA) with pre-existing medical conditions.
    You’ve not mentioned an infant mortality rate that reflects poorer babies dying more often.
    “A recent Harvard University study showed that medical expenses account for approximately 62 percent of personal bankruptcies in the US. Interestingly, the study also showed that 72 percent of those who filed for bankruptcy due to medical expenses had some type of health insurance, thus debunking the myth that only the uninsured face financial catastrophes due to medical-related expenses.”

    The American healthcare system is terrible. Most Americans think it is normal and are not angry about it. The most vocal can afford it so they don’t really care. There is no real safety net. Medicare and Medicaid are not there for all.

    Free Member

    Awful idea. With current tech, ALL solar frikkin roads are a terrible idea.

    Free Member

    There’s also the option you might have of replacing the optical drive with an SSD and replacing the knackered HD with a new HD. It might be cheaper if you can find deals on separate components.

    Free Member

    I’m in the US now and just about to press the buy button on a Samsung EVO 500gb SSD for $150 which is silly cheap!

    Free Member

    Our club out here in the US has had to have most of it’s tools repaired after a year of use. Even ‘proper’ tools are hard-pushed to take the beating. I don’t know of anyone who has had any satisfaction with tools less than the proper thing.

    Free Member

    I best get on with making a list of companies I want to work for and

    digging through LinkedIn to see if I have any connections to people in those companies.

    Free Member

    Some of you lot really need to try a bike that actually fits you!

    Free Member

    Network, network, network. If you’re not on LinkedIn, get on it. If you are, start mining it and talking to contacts in the fields you work. If you’re in a professional org, go to their events. If there are socials and networking events relevant, go to them. A lot of vacancies are still not the ones that recruiters end up with on their desks.

    Free Member

    I can’t have my road bike as the only picture on here (bullying by trickydisco)

    23″ Turner Sultan.

    Free Member

    there are some very obvious differences between those two countries

    So obvious, in fact, that most non-Canadians wouldn’t have any idea about them or their impact upon the nation. Most Americans wouldn’t have any idea about that, but that’s to be expected.

    Free Member

    three and four hundred pounds

    Oh well. You’ll not get a lot for that.

    Free Member

    Suede. Wool socks and some foot talc will also help. I’m a huge fan of Smartwool socks. They did me well from cold to hot, wet to arid.

    Free Member

    Seek professional help.
    Having to live in a world full of little people saw me having to get a specialist to help with desk chair selection. It took a lot of work but it is well worth it. Mine has the ability to tilt slightly forward for working in the proper position, but tilt back slightly if doing a lot of reading etc. It also fits me and my needs, which will be different to yours.
    Your employer should at least be able to access someone to do HSE Workplace assessments.

    Free Member

    Depends on the terrain. If you’re on rocky stuff, something tougher will give you more protection. It’s going to be as much about your socks as it is the boots.

    Free Member

    3 kids, a wife and an RV for some of it? If you’ve got enough arms to take a bike you’re more octopus than I.

    Rent if you feel the need / have the time. You’re looking at a LOT of driving, especially with 3 kids across a wide spread of age.
    If you go to Moab, Magpie Adventures do some great guiding and have local knowledge beyond compare.

    I’ve driven around that part of the world and you are talking a lot of driving time, especially with kids to entertain as well. I’d try to plan the route to drive less and spend longer at nice places.

    Free Member

    I do think that transport for the kid(s) is a huge factor and I say that with a daughter who turns 6 on Tuesday.
    We moved to the US and Mrs TT wanted a house ‘where we couldn’t see the neighbours from the kitchen window’. I pointed out how far we were driving to shuttle her to activities and what that would look like if we went rural, every year, until she could drive.
    We didn’t buy rural.
    With kids, you value your time more. Spending that time commuting is utterly dead time when you add it all up. I’ve never met a dad who says he spent too much time with his kids growing up.

    Free Member

    I’d look for a thermostat that holds it’s settings locally and has remote access. Nest has had a few problems with a software update and houses have lost heating. But I’m old fashioned and like to have control of some things:

    Free Member

    You keep bullying me with that picture!

    Free Member

    I’ve lived in a few different countries, worked in 17, visited more, and Bristol was the very best place I’ve lived. Where you might live will depend on where you’ll work.

    Free Member

    Have you heard James Brown is Dead?

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