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  • Issue 150: Limestone Cowboys
  • TooTall
    Free Member

    So I’d have to buy the combination of the jersey plus protection every time I wanted another top? People tend to have more than one top and if they use protection, they wear it with many different tops.

    Free Member

    Most stw users will be stumped on the ‘female’ part of the question :wink:

    As a tall bloke I feel your pain in clothing that doesn’t fit. You just have to try the different brands in every shop you pass.

    Free Member

    Signed away the EU nonsense right from the start. No reason to have them tell me how long I can or cannot work.

    That might work for the minority, but it isn’t something to give up lightly.
    My recent move to the USA has demonstrated that quite clearly. There is no legal minimum paid leave here. When you start with a company, even at pretty senior levels, you start on 2 weeks leave per year. I have never seen a place where people, on the whole, place so little value on their personal and family time. I place more value on my time than nearly anything else, especially as a dad.

    Free Member

    I thought they were 650b?

    You’re just a big bully :cry:

    Free Member

    Bolle anything. Buy a couple of different pairs, see what fits your face best. Cheep like the budgie.

    Free Member

    I want 32 or 36 on a road bike. It would stop people asking if I had 650s on mine :cry:

    Free Member

    So. The original system was probably built on a small capacity as it was built as a holiday home ie not 52 week occupancy. You’ve now got full time occupancy and probably more water used than when built. I’d say you would need to size up, and the comments above with regard to surface area support that anyway.

    Free Member

    Didn’t own a comb for 20 years. I’m now experimenting with long (longer than a No 4) hair so I went wild and bought one.
    At my age I’m enjoying a full head of hair!

    Free Member

    Well you did only miss out a VERY important detail in your original post.

    The Environment Agency should be involved in the design of any soakaway to ensure the soil is permeable enough. If it isn’t, you might make it worse and no number of plastic crates will help with that.
    I know you don’t want that answer, but the fines can be pretty big.

    Free Member

    Dahab is more chilled. We went there and the diving is great too. But it isn’t much of a resort and the beaches are limited and it is still in Egypt and that would be the biggest off-putter for me. Don’t you want a family holiday to be relaxing?

    Free Member

    What top are you wearing to ride in? I find that ‘proper’ cycling tops don’t feel sweaty no matter which bag I’m wearing.

    Free Member

    Are you utterly and totally sure about black and grey in a soakaway? Sounds unpleasant and downright illegal.
    What you have pictured is in no way suitable for black or grey water without upstream treatment.

    Free Member

    A few years ago with Mr Stir of this parish.
    Met at the Le De Spencer Arms, had a pint. A night ride of about an hour around the woods and trails of Bucks. Hot and sweaty, we arrived at the Whip where a split-location beer festival was being held. We found some friends, turned down offers of food and drank what was ‘more than several’ beers. Eleventeen is a number I remember.
    We then got back on the bikes and chainganged it down the road for a couple of miles to The Wheel, where the other half of the beer festival was being held. By this time the alcohol was supercharging it’s way around my body.
    More beer was consumed.
    We then thought it was a good idea to get back to the pub we started at for a last cheeky pint, so a mix of road and trails were followed.
    We then had several beers there.
    Somehow, I managed to use The Force to get home from there unscathed. I have little memory that is accurate of that night.

    Free Member

    I am a little concerned over the floorboards being cold but I think some insulating filler stuff will help.

    Do you mean bare floorboards over joists with earth beneath?

    Free Member

    part of the initial work is to get business users how to plan and operate stuff at the right time

    It’s amazing when you show people that good planning and processes will save them the most.
    I’m currently working with a guy who is doing off-grid CNC wood machining. His approach and methodology is the closest to perfect I’ve ever seen. Quite inspiring.

    Free Member

    you only need a hill near a river

    and a site with 2 reservoirs, which most hydro schemes I’ve seen don’t appear to be equipped with.

    Free Member

    It isn’t a very good article. It’s a g33k showing off his ability to do some nalysis on his very rare off-grid system (which isn’t a very good design TBH). If he were really interested in making it more efficient there are a lot of things he could do that go beyond plotting scatter graphs. Lead acid is a good battery tech because it is cheap and easily recycled. There are better technologies coming that will answer grid storage way better.

    What I really want to know is how long a solar panel takes to produce enough energy to pay back the energy needed to make it.

    Probably less than 7 years in the UK – much less elsewhere:

    Free Member

    I wish I lived in Melrose. Best butchers shop for miles!

    Free Member

    You know those really annoying kids who have to have some crap music playing on their mobile phone speaker just to walk around with?

    That’s you. On a bike.

    Free Member

    There’s some pricks on here.

    Some of them start threads about putting speakers on their bikes and get huffy about it when people point out how daft it is.

    If you are 5 or 65, you might get away with it. In between those numbers? Go and have a strong word with yourself.

    Free Member

    What they said. It isn’t ‘the valley’. People live in Seathwaite and don’t have damp problems. It is not a damp climate. It is the house and either it’s construction, a fault, or how it is being used.

    Free Member

    Get a blender. Unless you want to spend more time cleaning than drinking. I gave a juicer away because it was so much hassle.

    Free Member

    We have thousands of **** speed cameras in this country and rarely does anyone have the nouse to put them outside a sodding primary school.

    There are pretty strict guidelines as to where cameras can be placed. Accident blackspots being the main criteria. If there are not the accidents at a location, they can’t put the cameras there. Look it up. Each county is very open about the whole process.

    Free Member

    It’s the seat tube angle, plus the smaller frame size, that is putting your weight so far back. I used to have a Scott RC that did that as well. I used to think it was OK and it fitted me as well. Then I got my Scandal and realised that the bike had been wrong and I’d just convinced myself it was OK.
    29er wheel weight on a bike that was too small for you anyway? If you have the arms of a 90lb ladyboy I could see your ‘problem’. Regardless whether you try 29er (and a good 29er is a very good thing), you’d likely be much happier on something with geometry that fitted you better.

    Free Member

    There’s not a huge number of xxl full suspensin frames about. Got any recommendations?

    Turner Sultan. I’ve been riding one for 5 years and it is better at mountain biking than I am.

    I doubt you’d see a 23″ mountain bike in a shop. I never have. You just need to talk to people and do your homework. When I lived in Bristol I happily let other tall chaps try the Sultan and the 21″ Scandal for size.

    Free Member

    It does mean that you can no longer keep the front wheel down on anything we might call ‘up’.
    I hope you some day ride a bike that has the fit and geometry for you.

    Free Member

    ps – I don’t know the answer to your Q, Mr Tall, do you?

    No – which is why I asked. If it’s just the male affliction of ‘shiny things’ then that is an end in itself. If it is actually to achieve something that is performance-related, then that is something different.

    It usually seems to be the former.

    Free Member

    If you spent the time on the bike instead of weight-weenying on the internet, would that give better results than the time and money invested in dropping the bike weight?

    Free Member

    Amazingly, different people are different.

    However, some of you lot are incredibly prissy and must lash the Lynx on like there is no tomorrow. Do you tke 2 hours to get ready for a night out?

    Free Member

    GSHP is not a good answer for this problem. As said above, the above ground costs are a big part of it and I’ve never heard of one that small before.

    Free Member

    If we really wanted to collect environmentally helpful ‘stuff’ from our roofs, we’d be collecting rainwater for toilet flushing, showers, washing machine etc.

    Not quite right. The systems you’d have to put into the house to ensure that water is and remains clean enough for the job, storage tank etc creates a larger ‘footprint’ than the water being treated and managed on a mass basis as it is now. Some things work out cheaper and better when you do them communally.

    Free Member

    Is the house as well insulated, airtight and generally tippety top? If not, putting money into the house could well reduce the energy consumed by more than a deal like this could bring them. Get the house itself sorted, then think about the bling for the roof.

    Free Member

    Leigh Woods and Ashton Court are, IMHO, a fine example of what happens when trails get trashed, and a fine example of what can be done to resolve the problem.
    Years of abuse with few (stand up Bristol Trails Group) maintaining them – and they do need maintaining. Rider numbers ever increasing, trails encroaching on SSSI’s and generally getting v ugly all year round.
    A few miles (not all of it) turned into superb pro-built trails that everyone can get something out of. Better than that, they can take a year-round battering with minimal maintenance. They keep the focus off the natural trails over the winter, ensuring they don’t get so beaten up.
    Last figure I saw was 140,000 riders last year. That is a HUGE figure, even the IMBA crew here in the USA were quoting 40,000 a year as a big number of riders.
    I think the hybrid solution is a model for the future. Same area all year, but some trails that can take the abuse and draw the traffic in the worst of the weather.

    Free Member

    Mixed metaphors are for winners. If you drop them, you need to do it without a flicker and keep on going. They work very well if you are in meetings with numpties who insist in using the latest buzzwords.

    Free Member

    Is “covering your head” not specific enough?

    You only have one pair of shoes – right?

    Free Member

    Don’t ever give cancer a capital letter – it isn’t the most important thing in your lives. It is something that you have to face up to, deal with and get on with living. It is crappy, but it is not where your focus is – that has to be the horizon and adventures and life and living that are to come.

    Beware of measuring yourself against her. I nearly broke myself by thinking ‘if she can do that then I should be doing more’. It doesn’t work like that. Just be you and try to keep things normal as much as possible.

    Free Member

    You do know that the ‘big to big’ sizing is done with the chain not running through the rear mech don’t you?

    If you do, then what he said about a longer cage mech.

    Free Member

    This strategy hasn’t done Starbucks any harm.

    Are you actually a coffee snob or are you just making a really worn point that isn’t that valid?

    Free Member

    Wearing 2 pairs of lycra shorts under some baggies is a dead cert for rubbing in wrong areas.

    One pair of decent bib shorts will see you right, no baggies.

    Free Member

    You’ll be amazed at how much they get thrown about in the back of a trailer – it isn’t a comfy ride at all. So remember that the little one needs to be able to do more than just hold their head up – they need to have pretty well developed neck and head control for more than tarmac. Your call, but look at their development on that front.

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