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  • 2019 DVO D1 Fork Range Announced Along with Topaz And Garnett Updates
  • TooTall
    Free Member

    Had 2 from them myself, colleagues also had them and my folks are on their 2nd from Mesh. As good as the other top manufacturers and, despite what they say up there, I’ve had great after-sales on the very rare occasion (once) I needed it. Go and buy Computer Shopper magazine and follow their buying guide.

    Free Member

    I am a fan of porridge once at work. Get some unflavoured whey protein (just like powdered milk with the bad bits taken out and protein left in) and once you add hot water, splendid healthy breakfast is yours.

    Free Member

    Overall, I am mostly glad I have my own mental image of what you lot look like. It is far more soothing than reality.

    Free Member

    f he never did a sin, that means he went 33 years without knocking one out.

    I think that tells us a lot about how you view such things – which is a worrying insight indeed.

    Free Member

    Anglian won’t be a good price.

    Ask around your neighbours and find a local firm – someone who doesn’t employ salesmen. I got a MUCH lower price that was fixed, not a timed offer, from local fellas – all warrantied with FENSA or whoever does it. The company owner came out to do the quote, his brother in law led the fitting team. Happy.

    Free Member

    I was expecting a serious reply instead of jokes to be honest!

    Yes – yes you were

    But it’s still huge topic of debate.

    Not, perhaps, in a place where people can’t agree on what pedal or brake hose is best.

    Free Member

    Many thanks for the clear image you have presented us with druidh – I really needed my understanding of badger baiting reinforced before the first brew of the day.

    Free Member

    I remember doing it as a kid – linked to a famine relief awareness sponsorship thing. It was very good and put something alien to Western children into some sort of context. No harm in the fasting – just depends what the context is.

    Free Member

    bonty jones acx all year round no worries – fine in the Chilterns too.

    Stop fretting, ride one set of tyres, get it frikkin dirty.

    Free Member

    So – to quantify solar powered watches:

    If you are not a frikkin nightstalker and you are the sort of person who wears short sleeves occasionally, you’ll be fine. If you are a nightstalker or you have short arms / 24 hr a day sleeve-wearing sort, then you might not like the idea. I’ve worn the solar one for almost 2 yrs non stop and never had it anything other than fully charged.

    Free Member

    I love the way you know whats best for a dog and where they sleep, yet ask for a book on training. hmmmm.

    Stick with the Dog Whisperer – it all works. Find local training classes and enrol – great fo training (better than a book) and great socialization for the little one.

    Don’t buy a harness for the dog – it gives them something to pull against and does not cure anything.

    Free Member

    High Wycombe based club[/url]

    Some rides on there in the area you want – I rode with them a couple of times – mostly good types.

    Free Member

    Nutt – shuddup!

    *you ain’t seen me right?*

    *leaves thread quickly*

    Free Member

    Get a solar powered one – the lack of battery is great. G Shock are the only watch I’ve not busted beyond use.

    Free Member

    Don’t let people tell you that its only for basketball player size people

    They can be forced to fit most any dwarf really – but it makes more sense the taller you are.

    Free Member

    Oh – working dogs live outside, pets inside. If you are keeping a pack animal outside alone, you are risking it going proper nuts and it not being a pet.

    Free Member

    With any cross, you are risking getting the worst of each of the breeds in there – and the chance of getting all of them good isn’t great.

    Free Member

    Give details to police – illegal to leave the scene of an accident IIRC. You need police input.

    Free Member>SLOW+COOKER.htm

    Get that size – anything smaller isn’t worth it. They are brilliant – you can make great meals out of the cheapest cuts of meat and almost no effort to cook. Mixed root veg + stock + herbs & spices, leave all day, veg soup for a week by evening.

    Free Member

    I’d say that if you did nothing about it but went to an internet forum to bleat about the event, you might be an attention-seeking insecure wetpants. There is nothing worse than apathy and standing watching whilst society crumbles, then posting about how bad it is on a bike forum. Do something, or don’t. Just don’t bang on about it.

    Free Member

    Compeed is no substitute for well broken in boots and good socks.

    My mate who is doing Nijmegen (that’ll be 50km a day for 4 days – in July) again this year was out on his first 10 miler today. Gives you an idea of how early he starts his preperation and he does it every year.

    Free Member

    Endurance needs build up. I have a few mates who do Ninjmegen Marches and other road marches – they claim there is no substitute for the miles under your feet.

    Free Member

    I’ll do the usual and not buy Howies. £160! Do they think they are Rapha?

    Free Member

    coffeeking won’t use LBS’s but needs STW to advise him on where to live.

    I guess that is the duality of man.

    Free Member

    You need to get the source of it – sciatica can be caused from a plethora of issues, from disc issues all the way to piriformis issues (like what I have). Once that is pinpointed, then the rehab can commence – I’d not be recommending exercise / core strengthening until that is discovered – more damage could be done. I was on a mix of Diclofenac and Co-codomol – interesting at times.

    Free Member

    Boot out the formerly banned idiots – I can’t be aersed to wait for their eventual demise in this forum too. Cull them young.

    Free Member

    A shame that paddedfred got in here – the internet was a much easier place to read without his angryman ramblings.

    Free Member

    sodafarls – you are evidently more orientated to the needs of yourself and possibly mechanical issues. I suggest you steer clear of other human beings.

    Were you bullied by a CND-supporting rainbow-wearing educated saved whale when you were a child?

    Free Member

    look up Podrunner – they work for me on treadmills and cross trainers.

    Free Member

    I really wonder how some people get through life – with challenges like being a sex addict and being unable to to find bacon.

    Free Member

    kev – don’t be a chod. You are speculating over something that is now public knowledge and we know the ages and names. Telling us about your time flying doesn’t exactly add to anything either.

    richc – dumb people will always post when they should have got the point – its the internet law.

    Free Member

    I’d say a fluffy 4WD would do a safer better job than a set of snow tyres on an S Max.

    Free Member

    What sootyandjim said – please – no more ramblings and guessing – some people put a lot of effort into providing the truth about this in good time.

    Free Member


    Men with body armour and 40lb bikes are always right. Anyone else is wrong.

    Anything wrong with that synopsis?

    Free Member

    Ask around for your local tree surgeon – you will have to store / season most of it yourself, but probably cheap and local – you may well get ome ‘interesting’ wood that does smell lovely when burned!

    Free Member

    I think the lesson we can all take from this is:

    Brant drives a niche car.

    Free Member

    why you summoned moi ?

    probably a trolling thing. I don’t understand either.

    Free Member

    I’m just glad Turner make an alternative. That is still one fugly frame. Still – means you can change all your user names to ‘el cap’ now.

    Free Member

    Is this a ‘how quickly can you get hora to post’ contest?

    Free Member

    Hi Tec?

    What is the world coming to?!?

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