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  • TooTall
    Free Member

    Of course you could always stop being so tightfisted and fly scheduled. Different airlines put different numbers of seats in the planes – easyjet and so on give you the legal minimum space, some scheduled airlines give you significantly more

    You think I haven’t researched the industry I’ve worked in? I’m also talking sched flights and not package rubbish. 31 – 32″ is the standard seat pitch – pitch being the distance between two like points on two seats – not the ‘leg room’. I’m in the 99th percentile – they will never design for my size, but I expect them to be able to seat me somewhere at no extra cost.

    Free Member

    If I am old and infirm, I can have a note from the doctor and sit at the front.

    If I pay extra, I can get an exit seat.

    If I am tall, I can pay extra for a seat that fits and doesn’t risk me DVT.

    I **** hates airlines I do – and Teejay – he’s on the list as well – Surrey Highlander that he is.

    Free Member

    it would appear bitterness is not reserved to the small in stature

    I always imagined you to be a wee man sfb – am I wrong?

    Free Member

    I started leading beginner rides to tempt out a particular woman I fancied By the time we were an item the idea had become a fixture – and I get a lot of fun from seeing riders progress

    Progress where – and at what? Dirty old man.

    *shudders at the mental images*
    *cries a bit*

    Free Member

    I’m with willard. Personally, my 6’7″ tall, 240lb frame isn’t exactly tubby. I can’t agree with the undernourished dwarf labrats posting on here about ‘gross weight’ combined with luggage – they are small, bitter people with squeaky little voices.

    The human race is getting taller with every generation. We are where you are genetically failing to get to, oh stumpy ones. Don’t go confusing people weighing more than you with people being unfit/unhealthy/fat.

    Free Member

    I didn’t like the funny paint Marin used to put on their bikes. I’ve never owned a Marin.

    Sorry – are we comparing dubious logic in this thread? A weld was in the way so they are poop. Gotcha.

    Free Member

    Butch Anglo-Celtic chicks.


    Free Member

    If you did, you’d not :

    have regressed to a 26 inch wheeled bike, or
    be so cuddly, or
    make your children go out and clean chimneys and other menial jobs

    So – which one do you claim to fulfil, little-bike-riding cuddly bad dad?

    Free Member

    Thanks peeps. We’ll be riding on the Sunday but, as it is part of a course, we’ll be going where we’re told / planned for in the classroom on the Saturday.

    Free Member

    the ideal solomon wearer should be long legged, very slim and quite wealthy.

    Not matt then ;o)

    Free Member

    We disagree on some things, but I’ll side with ton when it comes to researching bikes. Being taller and heavier than over 90% of the population, we can’t just walk in and buy any old tat.

    Free Member

    Trek 7.6 FX – plenty big enough for you, brilliant ride, wheels would need upgrading for you as I make them flex when out of the saddle.

    Free Member

    A fat lass in a chocolate factory

    A para in a spelling test

    Free Member

    Almost no difference in length wheel-to-wheel, fork angle etc. Stop being a jessy and ride it some more. Are 130mm forks a bit long for an Inbred?

    Free Member

    “I’ve done abit of research and I think I am (possibly) suffering from iron overload ontop of a sluggish liver not being able to store glycogen effectively ready for rides.”

    Nope – you are hung over. If you take alcohol out of the equation and you get the same symptoms, then there might be something to look at. However, hanging out of your hoop more often that not is more the problem. Change your routine and alter the bits that were for drinking.

    Free Member

    I’m not – but my lovely other half did work for one of the BIG companies and was trained by their head taster on the technical & taste side of coffee. I’ve turned into a coffee snob by association and slow education!
    Go and visit Italy – you’ll see coffee without the fannying about.

    Free Member

    I thought it was ‘microfoam’ – but there you go.

    Don’t ‘proper’ barristas do this stuff on the geet big machines rather than a wee Gaggia? You’ll have to start all over again young fella!

    Free Member

    Humvee Shorts, couple of years old = great – tough as old boots

    Humvee 3/4, bought last year = pish. Fabric pilling, belt won’t stay cinched, lighter fabric.

    Hope they get their poo in one sock.

    Free Member

    You then won’t be able to call them as their phone will be turned off whenever you try!

    I believe that would be the Spanish Archer there fella.


    Free Member

    Evolution will tell us whether you manage this or become roadkill. Good luck.

    Free Member

    Can you switch trolls off?

    They did, but Fred/RudeBoy came back.
    SFB is just the English TJ and will say that sh** is sugar to get a rise out of people – sort of trolling I guess. Trolling mixed with a little OCD.

    Free Member

    Leave him in the car with the window cracked open a bit? Saves buying expensive stuff he’ll grow out of!

    Free Member

    I know some veggies use stuff like pea protein instead of milk-based proteins – not sure on how that works but seems to be in fairly common use.

    Free Member

    Buy protein etc from somewhere like and you’ll save yourself a fortune – and you won’t pay for the additives and sugars either. I don’t work there – just buy their 80% protein cos it is cheap and good.

    Free Member

    There is a difference between ‘skill and expertise’ and ‘g33king and obsessing over it’. JE has just demonstrated one of the furthest reaches of that particular galaxy.

    Free Member

    Pilates – just had to do some as part of rehab and I will be seeking it out more in the future – really excellent for all that core strength.

    Free Member

    I prefer to keep just water in my Camelbak and carry a 500ml water bottle with sports drink in it – you can then top it up and mix drinking it with water until you find what works for you. Stops nasties in the Camelbak and gives you more flexibility.

    Free Member

    Arnette for the cool and not Oakley win

    Free Member

    Girls like boys, women like men. Start dating women instead of girls. Or just be like another poster on here and be subserviant to his woman and a Yorkshire Terrier. He probably waxes too. At her request.

    Free Member

    Don’t bother doing anything. You have lived for 12 years with this and not solved it yet. I don’t think the dog wants you to change anything – you won’t obviously grow a pair and both your wife and the dog are above you in the pack. Tuck your winkie between your legs and accept the fact – as you have done for 12 years.

    Hope that helps :D

    Free Member

    The Crown at Shillington

    The Engineers Arms in Henlow does GREAT beer.

    The Black Horse at Ireland

    Free Member

    You can shove your desire for an apology where the sun does not shine. The Armed Forces has worked to an Enthnic Diversity Recruiting Programme for some years now and it does not and never has excluded any applicant from any part of the recruiting process. To do so would be illegal and open to criticism and abuse. You would have been eligible to apply to go into officer training – you would not have been given automatic passes or fast tracks to anything. Your comments here do nothing to further the cause of those from other ethnic backgrounds who have entered the Armed Forces on equal terms and done well in their own right.
    I still think you should have remained banned from this forum.

    Free Member

    When I left Uni, I did toy with the idea of joining the RAF. Being the most ethnically under-represented of the armed forces, and indeed of just about any public sector employer, they were desperate to sing up a healthy young brown person, with qualifications. The package they offered me was ridiculous at the time (£36k after the training, in 1998!), and they were really inertested in having me as a sort of PR spokesperson, to try and recruit more people from ethnic minorities. I had 2 initial interviews, and at the second, they revealed that it was pretty much a formality, as they were desperate to get someone like me, and that the entry process would be little more than a formality. Obviously, I wooduv had to pass the physical stuff, mental suitability etc etc, but they basically hinted that it would be a lot easier than if I were White.

    Very tempting.

    But, I coon’t ignore the poor record regarding the experiences of people like myself, in the armed forces, and had been very critical of the first Gulf War. I weighed things up, and considered it weren’t for me. The 9 years minimum contract put me off a lot, too.

    By now, I cooduv risen through the ranks, and possibly be pretty comfortable.

    Bull. Utter bull. Complete and fabricated rubbish of the highest order. I’m sure your selective memory is clear, or you are stirring, but that is the biggest load of rot you’ve tried to pass off as fact on here yet. Yes – I’m calling you out on that utter tosh – you should still be banned.

    Free Member

    Not really what I’d see as the right motivation for the Armed Forces especially given the current high operational tempo, but…

    Go and read the RAF Careers website and use the tools on there to search the career openings. Perhaps pop down to your local Armed Forces Careers Office and have a quick chat – nothing formal required – they are there to help potential applicants.

    There are no specific positions for architects in the Armed Forces. Within the RAF Personnel Admin Officer Branch there is an infrastructure specialization, but only as part of the Branch.

    Free Member

    Winding you up enough to have to attempt to tear me apart: Back of the net…..

    That wasn’t ‘a go’ as I know you would weasel out of anything erudite or factually accurate I came up with to counter you. You are selective in all that you read and reply to.
    Yes – I’m afraid that your education hasn’t helped you. You see, there is a gulf of difference between knowledge and the application of knowledge. Education can’t always help with that – you are proof of this. I’m sorry that you see fit to return to a site you were banned from and carry on trolling. STW certainly went down in my estimation when they did that.

    Free Member

    Yes, that’s the truth. If you look hard enough, you might see it too.

    You egotistical, low-brow, short-sighted, ill-educated, reactionist quarterwit. You are wrong on so many levels and your understading of recent conflicts, politics and the state system are not worth mentioning.

    If the armed forces want to hold any ceremonies, then perhaps they should have them in private, in military establishments, with only the families of service personnel attending. Then, they could give out their medals and stuff, without the risk of anyone ‘disrespecting’ the ‘heroes’.

    They represent a faith which preaches peace and tolerance, no more than the extreme-right do.

    The soldiers and sailors and airmen do what is required. They did it before parades. They don’t really care for parades, but the overwhelming public opinion means there are parades – and most are very happy with that. The troops do not represent a faith – you dullard – they represent a state in which you have a voting part to play. Shut up or put up – high-horsing it on here just does nothing.

    Free Member

    Crack on then fella – ignore safety and training advice and slice and dice yourself and the trees. My brother is a tree surgeon and pays stupid big money for insurance and safety kit. It costs for a reason – but you came to a bike site for advice you can ignore – NHS will be there for you.

    Free Member

    650 worked great for mine

    Free Member

    I watch films like that (300) for the violence. For the emotional payback. It gets my blood pumping – I want to feel like I am fighting, vicariously of course. For me, when something is overly choreographed or over stylised/laboured it looses the impact.

    Confirmed my thoughts right there. Thoughts about the poster and not about any film.

    Free Member

    St Albans is ‘king expensive. My mate was asked to relocate there by his company – they would have had to give him 5x his salary to have the same size house and disposable income. Depends where you are moving from I guess.

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