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  • TooTall
    Free Member

    Let her trade you in for two twenty year olds for the weekend.

    Free Member

    If you have to ask, you'll not be living or working in Bath.

    Analogue Andy smells divine!

    Free Member

    I thought everyone in Bath just smelled of Penhalligons or Crabtree and Evelyn – if you don't, you're not achingly lower upper class enough to work there. Sorry.

    Free Member

    Have you tried a vent off the centre line? The Joystick isn't heavy enough to pull your head over!

    Free Member

    I've ridden Swinley several times. My enjoyment didn't change from the first 'where does this go?' experience to the 'up here and around a bit is great' latter rides.

    I came to mountain biking after hill walking, climbing, sea and river canoing and surfing. I'd been taught navigation and preparation. I am constantly amazed by cyclists who head out with no concept of what might happen and even the basic ability to navigate back to their car or put a plaster on a cut. People appear to want responsibility to be removed and given to someone else – including where, exactly, to ride their bike. If you don't enjoy the countryside in its wild form, then stick to the trail centres and the signposts. I guess navigation, exploration and responsibility are old fashioned and not rad enough for teh kidz.

    Free Member

    So I've been up to Swinley 5 or 6 times now and sort of able to find my way round a bit (though got badly lost last time and had to ask helpful people the way back to the car)

    If you get lost in a few acres of woodland that has several obvious features, perhaps you need to sort a few basics out.

    Just wondering why a couple of routes haven't been waymarked out like you get at the welsh trail centres.

    Not everyone needs their hand holding whilst riding a bike.

    I'd certain appreciate it as a casual rider there

    (yes I bought a lovely laminated map but it wasn't that much help tbh)

    Awwww. The map isn't perfect but it is enough to find the trail area and get back.

    Trail centres breed trail centre riders. I guess thinking and riding isn't fun for some people.

    Free Member

    You don't say what your current diet is. Look at that before supplementing – they are suppose to supplement – the clue is in the name!

    Free Member

    Only on a Sunday morning.

    Free Member

    Wow – are you sure you're not a doctor or responsible for preventing infection in hospitals?
    Another 'king expert in someone else's AOR. I think the potential source of infection is your daughter – not the unwell people gathered together to try and get better. Not 'week' people? Give me strength.
    Can I register as one of your patients? :roll:

    Free Member

    From my local NHS Trust website:

    It is recommended that patients have no more than two visitors at any one time. Children under five years are advised not to visit the adult wards apart from in exceptional circumstances.

    In an effort to minimise the spread of Norovirus over the winter months, NBT is asking children under the age of 11 not to visit. These restrictions currently exclude children’s and maternity wards. Exceptions to these rules may be authorised by the ward sister or the nurse in charge in extraordinary circumstances. Please discuss with ward staff or phone ahead of your visit, if you have any questions.

    Seems so very reasonable – who could argue with that?

    Free Member

    From my local NHS Trust website:

    It is recommended that patients have no more than two visitors at any one time. Children under five years are advised not to visit the adult wards apart from in exceptional circumstances.

    In an effort to minimise the spread of Norovirus over the winter months, NBT is asking children under the age of 11 not to visit. These restrictions currently exclude children’s and maternity wards. Exceptions to these rules may be authorised by the ward sister or the nurse in charge in extraordinary circumstances. Please discuss with ward staff or phone ahead of your visit, if you have any questions.

    Seems so very reasonable – who could argue with that?

    Free Member

    Why not ask what the reason is? I'm happy that our local hospital is doing everything it can to reduce infection – hand washing, no kids etc. They are trying to make hospitals healthier and cleaner – try to reduce the emotion and be happy they are doing something to stop patients getting infections.

    As for the 'internet hospital hard men' – grow a pair you wet pants.

    Free Member

    "Smile for the megaphone"

    If you were riding at SITS in 2008, you may remember that cry :D

    Superb for raising the flagging morale of tired racers.

    Free Member

    Put some dog repellant down / build a wall / escalate this a la TJ stylee and call in a thermo-nuclear strike whilst you are at work.

    Free Member

    My grandparents had a solid fuel range for heat/water in their tied house. When they got it converted to oil the quality of their lives increased by several hundred percent. I'd see whether a conversion was possible and cost that in rather than perpetuate solid fuel and the burden that brings.

    Free Member

    Mr Agreeable – Member
    TooTall, I live about 5 miles east of Bristol at the moment – practically in Bath – and I can still ride to the trails in 40 minutes. I'ver also got two BMX tracks, a skatepark, a wood with some cheeky steeps and a plethora of natural riding within a mile or so. Not bad for a big sprawly city.

    If BMX tracks, skateparks and cheeky steeps are so satisfying, why do you put so much effort in to Ashton etc?
    I am just frustrated at the focus upon a small geographical area and the complete neglect of the rest of Bristol for trail development. I can't bring myself to drive through the heart of the 2nd worst city in England for congestion so I can ride the developed area – it defies logic. At my place of work I do my damndest to promote cycling as more than just a commute and a more rounded approach to trail development around Bristol would help that.

    Free Member

    MS Messenger would be my recommendation – largely because of the 'Remote Assistance' built into it.

    If your parents are being techno-biffs, talking them through every wrong mouse click will send you nuts. Having them let you drive their computer from your end and doing it yourself will save you hours and days of frustrating 'no, right click' conversations.

    *remote tech support to parents for years through this medium*

    Free Member

    they got the ball rolling for the 1SW project in Bristol by funding the preliminary study.

    Which is just totally splendid and super if you live in the centre, South or West of the city. If you live in the fairly well populated North and East of the city, erm, sorry mate – 1SW appears to only be the South and West of Bristol.

    Free Member

    I use the Miller Oils stuff you can get for diesels. Put a double dose of that in to a full tank (and if the diesel is BP Ultimate or Shell Performance all the better) and run that through. I promise you will notice the difference.

    Free Member


    The OP has had a dog, with issues, for 3.5 years. The dog isn't anything close to demonstrating what any responsible owner would call reasonable. The dog won't walk to heel, urinates without control, demonstrates agressive behaviour, won't respond to commands and won't be walked by 'anyone she doesn't like'. The OP then has to leave the dog alone, in a caravan, for some 40 hours a week. Perpetuating that situation isn't good for either party – it is downright dangerous for both if this continues. I own a rescue dog and I'd not be without him – but this thread is about something that, frankly, isn't going to get better. If the OP hasn't even got the dog walking to heel after 3.5 years, this is not going to end well.

    Free Member

    I read your post – you are not in a position to give the right dedication to a dog now, regardless of what went before. Even 3 x days alone is far too much. If the dog only goes with a dog walker 'who Missy likes' then the dog isn't trained enough for your lifestyle.
    It doesn't matter whether you think the dog has bonded – it has so many issues (as do you with the dog) that you are physically degrading. That isn't right no matter how anyone looks at it. She is a 5 yr old dog with issues unresolved since you got her – thats going to be near impossible if you've not dealt with them properly yet.

    Free Member

    They could have given him a head light as well. Seems a bit gash to tell him how they help when you turn the bars and then not ride with one.

    Free Member

    You can't leave any dog lone for that long. There will be some smart erse along in a bit to say you can, but you can't. Especially a dog that has issues.

    I'm sorry to say but (IMHO) you are not in a position to have a dog. I wanted a dog since I left home but didn't get one until I was in a position to really have a dog ie 2 of us, with the time and space. You've not got the dog trained either – and that makes things worse for both of you. Sorry – but thats how I see it.

    Free Member

    "STW forum poster confused about women" shocker!

    Free Member

    stevo – you missed out the bit where he confirmed 175mm cranks were the right ones for him as well.

    You don't want to make this sound like a snake oil transaction do you? :D

    Free Member

    Re-reading 'A short walk in the Hindu Kush' by Eric Newby. A gentleman adventurer of his time.

    Free Member

    The single speed rigid of shaving.

    I'll stick with modern technology. Even my dad, him of shaving mug, brush and Trumpers soap, uses modern razors now.

    Free Member

    If you had to ask how to wear clothes on a mountain biking forum, they were probably gossiping because you managed to dress yourself! :D

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    FFS – what do people get taught these days!

    As long as they learn 'not to dress like uncle TJ' they will probably get by. I've never seen you in a photo in anything other than 'no dad' clothing.

    Free Member

    Only on STW.

    I wasn't even aware that the etiquette of changing tyres every ride existed. Hardly an essential life skill is it?


    Free Member

    I don't know and don't have the time or inclination to research the answers

    ..but feel more than comfortable throwing the poo around like a hormonal chimpanzee. Fair enough then. :|

    Free Member

    Egg – great card with the Visa verification to help prevent fraud. Never had an issue in many years of international transactions.

    Free Member

    backhander speaks truth. The concept was sound (same stuff in same pockets of jacket – field dressing etc, jacket over top so you didn't have to move everything to waterproof, noise reduction etc) – but good ideas are only usually good in a vacuum. Nobody in their right mind was going to wear a waterproof underneath. Hence why the pocketless and rank slide-less jackets didn't last long before they were replaced.

    Free Member

    There are lots of agents & a few specialist removal firms who do this sort of thing. See if you can find an ex-pat website for Canada and ask there – you'll do better.

    Free Member

    Skinny runt.

    SDG Bel Air FTW.

    Free Member

    what you describe sounds more to me like you are making her nervous.

    You do realise thats as close to foreplay as most STW regulars would get?

    Free Member

    Webbs of Warmley recently built me up some 29er/hybrid wheels from my choice of rims and hubs. They are an excellent build. They could order in the rim and build up whatever you wanted. There are few 29er wheel specialists in the UK – any good wheel builder should be able to do the job.

    Free Member

    Heather – you've been beaten up by someone on a Turner then? Or do you only ride other full sus bikes that perform better?
    I'm not saying they cure all known diseases, but they make a good bike.

    Free Member

    Bin-ninja-ing has to be the way forward. The portrait in blood would just be playing an ace too early. Bide your time and concentrate on capturing video footage of those bowel movements.

    Free Member

    Stalk her for a while. It gives you a bit of background, something to do of an evening and will really prove you like her when you show her the detailed-to-the-minute diary you have kept on her movements.

    Or tell her you'd like to try sex with someone else in the room for a change.

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