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  • TooTall
    Free Member

    Solo – I'm trying to extract more than a criticism or a question from you. Most all of your posts on this topic have questioned current design or thrown out questions to other posters. I have always been taught that criticism without a proposed alternative is nonconstructive and your posts have shown none of your suggested improvements over what we have. Nothing more.

    Free Member

    I'd not want to cycle any distance in any full length waterproofs. Treat yourself to some water resistant tights if you want that or the easier option is the shorts / cutoffs.

    Free Member

    Aero Press. Simple, makes great coffee, portable.

    My condolences at the loss of your free perk. Better you make your own coffee than find a new job, eh?

    Free Member

    Solo – your last on my comment confused me – I've got no idea what you're on about. LHS knows his onions and understands compromises and user requirements and performance balanced against the art of the possible – be that human or financial limitations.
    If people want the levels of protection linked to motorized sports, they are free to purchase and wear. If they want something that passes an international standard and gives a reasonable level of protection, they wear a bike helmet. Don't blame the manufacturers and don't blame the magazines for not testing to destruction. Don't pontificate that it could be better then offer no alternative – thats where people find you have no substance. Do your own risk assessment for your own life and take responsibility for your own purchases, actions and headwear.

    Free Member

    If you think we could benefit from a different approach to design, but can't say why, what the differences are or what is wrong now, then what benefits do you think might be realised?

    Free Member

    Inspiration for the dedicated men amongst you.

    Free Member

    I think we could benefit from a different approach to design.

    For example…………………………the floor is yours. What would you do different?

    Free Member


    People have the is evangelical belief in helmets – and a broken helmet is taken as proof of it preventing injury. They simply are not that good. If the helemt is cracked without being crushed then it has failed and not absorbed much energy

    I read your link. The 'Ten Principles' is quite a splendid piece of academic suggestion ie it works, in a vacuum. If someone presented those points as the 10 Key User Requirements and asked someone to build it, they wouldn't get very far. In the real world, most things are a compromise (insert Bontrager quote here) as the desired item is unattainable.

    Materials are designed to work to parameters so they can be used in the real world. The 'failure' as you see it is just the point at which compression is no longer possible. A crack still dissipates energy – this is normal and designed in to many things like vehicle armour etc. You are using science to argue your point – it may not be bad science, but it isn't always the most suitable, accurate or 'real world'.

    Solo – compromise – you can't have everything as it just won't work in the real world. See the 10 points in the link above.

    Free Member

    that helmet has failed – it provided little protection. A helmet that has worked has crushed not split

    Can you provide a reference for that you old waffler? If the helmet has absorbed and dissipated some of the energy rather than the skull, then it has worked.

    Free Member

    sitting down to tuck into a'catering pack' of anything on your own is soo wrong but oh soo right at the same time!!

    Hail! Well met fellow proper catering pack glutton! None of that 'family pack' nonsense with you.

    Oh – I once ate the entire McDonalds menu in a night about 20 years ago.

    Free Member

    Were you lurking in the bushes?

    No – driving past trying not to touch myself. We had been to the middle class delight that is baby swimming lessons. I recognized the bike then the thighs.

    Free Member

    jahwomble – Member
    hmmm, ryvita.

    You big girl! Ryvita have no known nutritional value. They are one down from carpet tiles and two down from shredded wheat! You can't bring ryvita into a gluttony fight!

    KINGTUT looks good on his dry roasted peanuts – especially if it was him I saw near Abbots Leigh all in black on Saturday afternoon.


    Free Member

    If it isn't by the case, you're in the little leagues!

    Free Member

    Doing the shopping for the works bar at a cash and carry. REALLY bad news especially if sharing the task with another stupid and childish glutton:

    1 x mahoosive box of 'flying saucer' sherbet sweets. 750 of them. I was begging people to take them from my office.

    1 x case of creme eggs. 48 of them gone in less than a week.

    1 x case of Tunnock's Tea Cakes. Quicker than the creme eggs.

    The above was not all in the same week and it was years ago.

    Free Member

    Do it on a conveyor belt. It works then.

    Free Member

    I spoke to the farmer – who we do get on with and he said he would look at it this afternoon. went back up tonight and it's just the same.

    OMFG!! SHOCKING! You asked someone to look into something ON A SUNDAY and it wasn't dealt with to your satisfaction THAT DAY?!? 🙄 Complain to the NFU!

    Man up, grow a pair and lift your dog over.

    Free Member

    I'll be hanging on for the new Rockshox one to come out later this year. Lets see what a big suspension company makes of a seatpost.

    Free Member

    kwik fit might be worthwhile if you are going to keep the car for a while:

    Once fitted we will replace worn out brake pads & shoes for free for as long as you own the vehicle.

    Free Member

    Bloke goes for a bit of a stroll most mornings, and becomes a local celebrity. No wonder yanks were the highest consumers of oil until last month, the lazy barstewards.

    Did you read all of the words in the article, or are you being glib to make a bit of a tedious point of your own? Just asking.

    Free Member

    toab – better known that your band then! heh

    Free Member

    I got some wheels made up on the Halo White Line rims – 24mm wide rims for £18 each – complete bargain and they are riding really well.

    Free Member

    you mean The Mekons who are playing Bristol tonight? Yes – I know their work. Is this a poor spam for their tour??

    Free Member

    Scotland will forever remember the crime that has been perpetrated against our people and those from many other lands. The pain and suffering will remain forever. Some hurt can never heal. Some scars can never fade.

    Those who have been bereaved cannot be expected to forget, let alone forgive. Their pain runs deep and the wounds remain.

    Oh purleeeeeeeeease

    Just paint yourself in woad and queue up to follow Mel Gibson will you? Utter and complete starry-eyed bolleaux.

    Free Member

    Scottish politicians – parochial doesn't begin to describe their corner shop view of the world.

    Free Member

    MY uncle, some 60 years ago, used to ride from Newcastle to Edinburgh on a Saturday, yoof hostel overnight and back again on the Sunday – on cane rimmed wheels.

    Why should older folks not have had long distance adventures?

    Free Member

    Black is a fashion thing and so, for a suit, should be avoided if you want to wear the suit for more than one event.

    Single breasted – double breasted is for old tubby men to get around the girth. Two or three buttons – no more. NO TURNUPS on the trousers. No more than a single pleat on the front of the trousers. Make sure the trousers are long enough but not too long. Cheap shoes will make a cheap suit look even cheaper.

    Nothing wrong with a classic single-breasted suit – a well-fitting suit of any price will look better than anything that doesn't fit, regardless of price. Oh – cotton shirt with no pocket on it, proper collar, long sleeves and a tie that doesn't look like a footballer tied it for you.

    Free Member

    Black isn't a good idea – darker grey or darker blue would be more suitable.

    M&S are fine for joe average size/build and won't break the bank. Designer names are just that – names. Ensure you take a shirt & decent shoes along when trying on the suit – and someone else to look objectively at you – so many people get them too tight and usually not enough room across the shoulders.

    Free Member

    They are all fine – I actually like the cola flavour a lot.

    Free Member

    You need to understand your new manager. You need to understand what about you they think they are managing, what you think they need to manage and the external pressures put upon them to be the way they are. Managing your manager is quite a skill and sounds like you need to do this more now than before.
    It sounds like you weren't managed before – it can be good for both of you if done properly – but you need to drive that really.

    Free Member

    Best thing is to have the kid first, then decide what you need and go and get it then. Saves a lot of money that does.

    Yeah right – and we're all reasonable and rational and brave when we're out of earshot of the wife! We have no choice in these matters – she decides and anyone that says otherwise is a damned liar!

    Free Member

    I use mine so the little one can sleep in her seat in the living room and I can fettle bikes in the garage. I am but 15 feet from her, but closed doors and walls mean I'd not hear anything. I'm not a bad parent, I'm not substituting my attentions with electronice – I'm just using technology to improve quality of life.

    All the regressing primates can smash the spinning jenny and live in caves – I like technology.

    Free Member

    Bulkheads are sometimes intrinsic to the strength of the vehicle – think load bearing wall rather than stud partition. Not sure about these models tho.

    Free Member

    We got the BT best buy one from E Bay for not a lot – excellent and does more than we've needed. Even the wife was happy with this and she had wanted video.

    Free Member

    No. I won't. If you've not got it, try riding them. If you still don't get it, fair enough. However, riding a bike tends to be the real test of a bike.

    Or the STW Test Ride, being 'looking at a picture on the internet, sucking your teeth and slagging it to kingdom come' – which may not really be as effective.

    Free Member

    Go to the islands of Iscia and Procida. Naples is worth seeing (as long as you're cool about possible mugging, piles of domestic waste and REALLY mental traffic) – honestly. Pompeii and Herculaneun are great if you like old things – Vesuvius is an interesting smouldering mountain. Solfatara is a proper crazy thing to see.

    I don't know how many of these would be possible as organized trips from a hotel. It depends how old the kids are and their interests too – not a lot for young kids around there really – beaches are not worth talking about.

    Free Member

    I hate to be reasonable and sensible, but which one has the lowest emissions and therefore the (quite a bit) lower road tax? I'd take that one for 15hp.

    Free Member

    It looks as good as you said it would be – well done on riding it alone!

    Free Member

    I'd not go somewhere warm to learn to surf – the shock and differences to surfing in the North Sea might kill you upon your return!

    Save your money and learn somewhere in the UK – as close to home as possible. Then spend your money as an improver on a nice trip – you'll get so much more out of the travel etc with the basics tucked away first. You'll need a different wetsuit plus boots and gloves (and possibly hood if surfing winter)for Scottish surfing.

    Free Member

    Last week one of your fellow british with a super-wide bar got a massive crash because he clipped a tree. And I can think about a few ride where I struggle to get a 660 wide bar through…

    Our British trees are not so close together. Or are all wide bars crash-inducing and DANGEROUS?!?!?!?

    Free Member

    Seeing as most of what you're looking for are made in or around Northampton, stop off there some time. Most of them have factory shops and, if you are lucky, you'll score for some splendid shoes. My main work shoes were from the Cheaney factory shop at a bargain price.

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