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  • FGF Podcast 496 | The one with bird song and Nick Craig’s guide to building a garden sauna
  • TooTall
    Free Member

    Is the air vent stuck on recirculate or the intakes blocked? I’m constantly amazed at the number of people I see driving along with all windows misted up. Also – are you just using it for short runs? I always find my cars have needed good long runs to really clear them out.

    Free Member

    Have a look at the new Slim Fit Windsor shirt that TM Lewin are doing. I’m 17.5 collar and 38″ sleeves and all their shirts were mahoosive around the waist. The Slim Windsor looks like it was made for me. At least worth a try in one of their branches.

    Free Member

    Were there any temperature differences? Snow fall at the same time? Previous conditions the same?

    Free Member

    some salt will lower the freezing point!

    😀 HTH

    Free Member

    We’ve had ’20 year storms’ back to back. You can’t predict that sort of weather happening. The worst November / December for what – 50 years? You simply cannot predict or plan for that with anything other than contingency plans. We are not a continental country therefore we do not get the same weather as N America, Canada and mainland Europe. They know, within a week, when snow will arrive, how long, how deep and when it will end. We can’t. To have millions of pounds of rsources ‘just in case’ would bankrupt the country and the companies far worse than anything at present. You have no idea of the cost or the effort to keep even one runway open.

    Free Member

    Unless, I guess, the airport operator has resolutely refused to invest in any equipment for cold weather, despite a succession of snowy winters.

    Your incisive points about business and the weather patterns have been, erm, something. Come back when you have understood what you have read elsewhere.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Why not look for one of the 10k training guides (some for beginners, some for improvers) and find an event to aim for? Mrs TT did her first 10k a month or so ago with her target now being a half marathon in March. Having a target event really helps her. Local running clubs good too.

    Free Member

    Living in Cambridgeshire at the time – test rode a bike in Little Rock, Arkansas. Went from Cambs to Missouri 6 months later to pick up the bike.

    First bike I’ve ever been able to test ride before buying!

    Free Member

    If your recycling is such an unclean midden, you probably deserve vermin at the door.

    Don’t feed it. Feed the birds if you are going to feed anything.

    Free Member

    It isn’t you that is middle class – it’s Bath! T1000 – I bet you don’t let the proles into the city once they have ridden the trails tho!

    ron – he has been told.

    Free Member

    Just curious as to where you are looking for you to say

    it looks abit thin on the ground for riding

    A map of Bath shows it surrounded by hills and well served with bridleways – all good for riding bikes. Yes – AnalogueAndy is a user on here, but you have to be frightfully middle class to ride a bike in Bath.

    Free Member

    otherwise your center of gravity is far too high

    If it is technical, you’re out of the saddle, so C of G is about the same regardless of frame size.

    Free Member

    I assumed he didn’t know what the word ‘fit’ meant.

    Free Member

    Andy – your bikes wouldn’t look so bad if you bought the right size!

    Free Member

    6’7″ here and ride an XL OnOne ScandAL and an XXL Turner Sultan (Sasquatch size). The Sultan is truly a superb fit and everyone who sees it marvels at how it doesn’t look like a 29er with a 23″ frame!

    Bristol based if your mate wants a ride out on them.

    Free Member

    Mr Tall – it is from another member of this very forum – a 20-odd year old Cannondale that was in a garage for most of it’s life. It fits lovely as well.
    I really like the Soma ES – 66cm, steel and (in the USA anyway) a good price.

    Free Member

    Depends what you want to do with it. I’ve had both over the years and both are very good – and I buy them in the USA for noext to nothing.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a 72cm road frame inbound, so no room at this inn – but thanks for the thought!

    Free Member

    Finally my son, you have become a man. Now a man’s bike is all that will do for you. Cast off the folly of youth and put the training wheel’d bikes behind you – leave them for the children and those of sub-standard stature.

    Free Member

    The MOD is like a stw constantly changing kit on the advice of others. Sad really.

    Dumbest post of the week award. Or are you willing to expand upon your point – if there is one.

    Free Member

    They tend to deal in bulk ie tanker in, storage tank, tanker delivery. I’d very much doubt them having pallets of packed stocks waiting for you to rock up and take away.

    Free Member

    On one occasion, a Parachute Regiment major commanding an isolated outpost described the Harrier’s gun-less air support as “utterly, utterly useless”…

    Unfortunately, he didn’t really know what he was talking about, understand Air Power and his views have been largely dismissed by sensible people since then. He was one man in one place at one time.

    Ernie – your views on the Falklands are, erm, interesting – selective, partial and a little paranoid, but interesting nonetheless.

    Free Member

    ernie – you really do think far too much about the wrong stuff some times.

    So whilst there might not be any existing plans, the threat is still real.

    Yes – of course it is dear. 🙄

    Free Member

    davy – if you don’t wear the disposables every day, you build up a stock of them. Then you find a years supply will last 18 months or longer, so not as expensive as first appears. I’ve worn lenses for 18 years inc snowboarding, cycling, rugby and surfing. No problems at all.

    Free Member

    Why/How isnt the Typhoon Aircraft carrier suitable?

    If you’ve not got the ability to take off from a very short runway, the aircraft needs to be catapulted off and into the air. Typhoon wasn’t designed to be taken by the wheels and chucked at the sky.

    Free Member

    it’s why they had the halon extinguisher in the first place since they’ve been all but outlawed and for good reasons

    ‘all but outlawed’ – yes – and the police are allowed to have and use them, along with a few other people / places.

    Free Member

    clearly it has an incapacitating effect

    Not outside a confined space. It scares and disorientates, as a CO2 extinguisher would. Police carry halon because it is the most effective at putting out fires like petrol on clothing.

    Free Member

    What does it mean ?

    I haven’t got the time or the inclination old fella. 😐

    plus they was firing this halon in peoples faces

    Any evidence of that? I have seen a pic of one being discharged over a head.

    Free Member

    Only ever pops up on threads where he can take sides in order to demonstrate that right left wing persona he seems so proud of. Just boring, ultimately. There’s no ‘winning’ an argument with him; even when he’s wrong (as is quite often the case really), he’ll bang on and bang on until everyone else gets fed up, then he can claim the ‘victory’.

    Just agree with him, tell him he’s right, and then ignore him. For your own sake. It’s simpler.

    Can anyone see what I did there? 🙄

    Free Member

    Some of the real victims in situations like this are the decent police officers who are genuinely trying to improve and help people and society. It would appear they have been given yet another backward step because of some vulgar thugs in uniform.

    Some other real victims are the peaceful protesters who had their demonstration hijacked by subversives, fringe groups and idiots who got swept up by the mob mentality (many arrested had no previous).

    Free Member

    People working in motorway services in ‘not-as-sharp-as-you’ shocker.

    Bless you all and your special cotton socks.

    Free Member

    spooky_b329 – Member

    when you order a Cappuccino, obviously they froth the milk, but is it normal for the froth to take up a third of the cup.

    Yup. 1/3 coffee, 1/3 milk, 1/3 foam. Standard cappuccino.

    Free Member

    are you going to Newport velodrome? If so can you link me to how to go as a turn-up novice? I can’t seem to find anything on web if your not a Child!

    They do like to make it difficult there. There are beginners courses run over 4 weeks – 6 til 8 on a Monday night. I called yesterday and was told ‘they are in the middle of changes / manning moves so nothing is sorted for 2011’ and ‘call back in the new year’. FFS – council-run facility in poor service provider shocker.

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety – Member

    ‘Ve vas only following orders….’

    I believe, in internet terms, you lose. Any further comment from you is null and void on this topic.

    Free Member

    Not much between them TBH – flown Conti, United etc and all much of a muchness. No more or less issues with any. Loyalty to an airline rarely pays back. You’ll be trying to sleep for most of the trip anyway!

    Free Member

    On One ScandAL – light, racy, works well with 100mm forks. Taller and heavier than you and mine has survived 4 years. If you are passing Bristol, more than welcome to try it.

    Free Member

    My large swede fits rather well into a Uvex helmet – my Giro Xen doesn’t look bad, but my Uvex looks great.

    Free Member

    Results and, unfortunately, photos are now on line. I aged 30 years on that hideous thing!


    Free Member

    freshtripe have some lovely ones in brass and chrome.

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