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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • TooTall
    Free Member

    most women’s specific are the same as the men’s

    No they are not.

    The current Obsess has a great colour scheme.

    Free Member

    We took ours to lessons at 4 months old and have progressed in stits and farts since then. Once she was big enough, we used Monkey Swimmers. Progressive, comfortable on little arms etc. They were great.

    Free Member

    Buy ‘The Art of Software Testing’ by Glenford J Myers. Don’t worry about getting the latest edition. It breaks down all of the principles and they still stand today. I used the book when I was first managing testing and it set me up well. I was the outsider in a small organization of people who had been there a long time. Regardless of modern tools, management methodologies etc, the principles still stand.
    Automated testing is fantastic, IF the management of that testing and the systems used is tight. Good testers are not failed developers, but some people do drift into testing. Anyone who assumes testers are failed something-else should be shown the error of their ways (and code).

    Free Member

    There are many other countries who do not share our national compassion. I was deeply moved and saddened to see so many U.S. Forces veterans on the west coast beaches around LA, wheeling themselves on boards, no legs, some with no arms and all of them with no support or help from their administrators or public

    US Veterans have a far better system of support than the UK forces. The Veterans Administration has had some organizational issues in recent years, but what is provided to US veterans far surpasses that which is given to UK veterans. If people don’t want the help, they don’t have to have the help.

    Free Member

    No point just a natural reaction to inflict pain on someone who try to do the same to me.

    Which puts you on the same level as they are. Nasty.

    Free Member


    A good friend from my previous rugby team had his leg blown off on his first tour of Basra, 5 weeks into joining the army.

    I call bullshit on your ‘5 weeks’. Perhaps 5 weeks into his tour, but not 5 weeks into joining the army.

    The whole pervasive ‘anyone in uniform is a hero’ attitude that has developed is crap. That sort of nonsense started when Diana died.

    Until 2003 and going into Iraq, anyone in the Forces was largely a pariah in many places, yet now we have pubs being vilified for not letting groups of squaddies in? H4H has done a good job in promoting itself. I prefer to give to other charities doing related work. There are far more troops surviving with horrific injuries due to the improvements of battlefield medical support. So, we see it more and as a nation were not prepared for that influx. Charities were set up.

    That said, your logic is wrong. Those injured are injured because the politicians you voted for (If you didn’t vote, shame on you) or didn’t vote for decided that the military should be sent to do what it does. Regardless of your pacifist beliefs, you are allowed to support the individual who did a job you wouldn’t / couldn’t do (and that’s fine) and got hurt doing it. They were doing it on behalf of the society that you enjoy.
    I firmly believe that the world would be a much better place if there were no need for the military.

    Free Member

    Turner will get round to you. I got in touch a few months ago for some Sultan bushings that their site said were out of stock. They sorted me with a smaller set than I was going to buy because they told me which ones would be worn and which ones wouldn’t. Top people.

    Free Member

    Buy cheap / 2nd hand components, put slick tyres on it, build it up, ride it.

    Free Member

    I’ve been riding one since 2009. Despite attending training courses, lots of effort and some actual real improvement on my behalf, the bike is still better than I am at mountain biking.
    I’ve ridden it all over the place and it has never been out of it’s depth. Easy to service, tough as old boots and superlative customer support from Turner.

    Free Member

    Adidas bought 5.10 a while back so they now offer the same Stealth soles on some of their shoes. I have a pair of the Terrex Trails and they are much stiffer than the Tevas I used to ride in. You’ll not regret getting some good flat pedals and shoes and it will improve your riding if you bother to think about it, which seems to be the big failing of the haterz.

    Free Member

    You’d have to get a few hours of direct sunlight on the can to get it warm. If the bike rack is being used, then it will mostly be in the shade. If the van is parked up, then it might get a couple of hours of sunlight and then sit in the shade.
    If you can get water to flow uphill, then you could shower with it. So you need to get lower than the can or pump it to have a shower.

    Free Member

    You need a solar shower to be either pumped or above your head height to work. Solar showers in the UK are not going to give you much more than a cupful of lukewarm water.

    Free Member

    As Junkie said, a vocal minority believe that armed citizens are all that prevent ‘the government’ from running roughshod over them.
    The constant harking back to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is just nonsense and misdirection.

    The armed idiots aren’t doing anything illegal. Here in Virginia it is quite legal to open carry a weapon, it’s just that civilized people tend not to do it everywhere they go.

    Yes, it is messed up.

    Free Member

    Rectangular bales are bestest. Far easier for building houses.

    Free Member

    I’m 6’7″ but all in proportion (so I’m told – heh). I’m a big fan of Twin Six clothing and have both their XXL and XXXL tops. They have been long enough for me.

    Free Member

    Keep an eye on Gumtree and eBay for an old Classic. It’s how I got mine and many of them have been used a few times and then consigned to a cupboard.

    Free Member

    How many amps is the coolbox drawing? I know they are quite a lot and more than many mains to cig lighter adapters are designed for.

    Free Member

    What are you using it for?

    Free Member

    From a 2013 article:

    Giove talks about how she’d love to race one more season despite orders from neurologists that she remain retired from the sport, probation terms that prohibit her from leaving the state, and the fact that she still suffers from chronic headaches and the occasional seizure. She admits that it’s an imperfect ambition and knows the sport is dominated by youth – last year’s female world champ was 22. Even though she is not actively training for a comeback, Giove insists that on the right course on the right day, she’d be a serious contender. “I have the speed,” she says. “They say I shouldn’t hit my head ever again, but I’m gonna have to live my life.”

    There’s a point at which you really should listen to doctors.

    Free Member

    You’re all WRONG.

    Thomas and the Magic Railroad is the worst.

    It is a chopped-up, disjointed mess of a turd with a baffling cast all acting way below their abilities.

    Free Member

    Only because of lax manufacturing tolerances, they bloody well should be!

    No. This is the best article explaining the differences.
    (I wish I’d read it before I nearly killed myself putting a WTB tyre on a Flow rim)

    Free Member

    I’m a big fan of using tortilla wraps for sarnies. Cream cheese + something and either rolled up or flat and cut up then in a plastic bag.
    Other fillings are available.
    Have you looked at other bars perhaps designed for sports?

    Free Member

    You do know that not all rims and tyres are compatible don’t you?

    Free Member

    I’m riding a 1987 Cannondale touring frame and forks with 100% modern everything else. A quill adapter and the rest of it just works fine (9 speed Sora).

    Free Member

    Treat yourself. Buy both. There you go. You deserve it.

    Free Member

    Ah. It’s your understanding of project management that’s at fault. Now I understand.

    Free Member

    that kind of Gant chart is only suitable for some projects, not ALL of them

    Last time I checked, IT projects used ‘time’ and ‘start date’ and ‘end date’ and ‘dependencies’ and ‘resources’ in their lexicon.

    I’ve seen Project used brilliantly with regard to IT projects. I’ve also seen it used incredibly badly in any number of different projects.

    Just to add – it’s GANTT, not GANT!

    Free Member

    Proper maps first. Get a map of the area, look at it, get a feel for it. Look at bridleways and RUPPs etc. Then, with map and compass, go explore. Being reliant on electronics will lead to failure and a lack of appreciation of what’s nearby.

    Free Member

    eskay – given the vinegar in there it’s probably closer to biltong than it is to jerky (dried meat geek, sorry). I doubt the salt would do much preserving so best to eat it quite quickly. I sometimes keep my home made stuff in the freezer and defrost as required just in case.

    Free Member

    He deserves a stottie and a cheese and onion pastie. Proper Greggs delights.

    Free Member

    There’s plenty bikes out there big enough, and too big, for the OP. He’s a serial shopper and complainer.
    The choice is limited at the bigger end of the bike market, but there’s bikes out there. When living in the UK I let a few fellas my size and bigger test ride my big bikes and they were all comfortable (or didn’t actually need something as big as they thought).

    Free Member

    Forget the solar (esp in the UK) and get a battery that has a big charge. There’s been a couple of threads on here recently with good recommendations, but this is silly cheap right now:

    Free Member

    It’s because I found the bike I thought would work for me, managed to test ride it, bought it and rode it. Still riding it.
    Given you’ve mostly lived in the same town, eaten chips and drank beer for 40+ years, you’re a fine one to talk about boring and habits. Your perpetual bike-buying does amuse me tho.

    Free Member

    It’s amazing. In the time I’ve had one fantastic big, off the peg bike that fits me brilliantly and rides better than anything else I’ve been on, ton has been through half the bikes on the market, bought and sold them and still isn’t happy.
    If you want something specific that’s different to what’s sold, have the balls to get it made and enjoy it.

    Free Member

    I use my laptop with a full size screen on a stand behind it. Having 2 screens to work with was a revelation when writing a thesis. Easy to have a document open to read from and one open to write in.

    Free Member

    Nothing wrong with Tiagra if you want a bargain. I put a lot of miles on my Tiagra-equipped bike and the crank is a crank is a crank. (CRC cheaper than that Merlin one as well)

    Free Member

    Whahey, I am a hipster, not a slightly chubby dad type…

    When that comes from another slightly chubby dad type, it is not a term of respect or endearment.

    Free Member

    If I’m carrying it and it’s a day or less, a flask.

    Since when did you become a hipster outdoors type? Do you now carry a hand-crafted axe on your belt? :(

    Free Member

    NBCSN is where it’s at. They have the US coverage and the NBC Sport apps give live coverage. $20 for the whole tour. We have the channel in the package we pay for so I have it live plus the 8pm prime time show as well. It’s a 3 hr show so not as packaged as you want.
    Failing that, a VPN so you can view UK TV and accept the time difference.

    Free Member

    They also buy up property near/around their locations and then block anyone opening anything remotely like competition

    So. Much the same as most any other supermarket chain in the UK.

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