Forum Replies Created

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    Hi @fatbrad.
    Can I ask you to send an email to us at containing the IP address of your OGI broadband line. I’ll check to see if it is in any of our banned IP addresses or if our web firewall is seeing you as malicous traffic.

    Thanks and hopefully we’ll get this resolved quickly.

    Full Member

    Hi all,

    So first of, from myself and the rest of the tech team I want to apologise for the issues you are all experiencing. I have read this thread and would like to go through the issues raised and explain things where I can.

    1) Cookie consent popup (CMP) – This is out of our control I’m afraid as it is our advertising provider that implements this. They sometimes make changes and that can cause issues. We are not aware or told when they make changes to the CMP so we couldn’t even provide a heads up to you saying that it will change. We only find out when someone tells us they are having issues and we report back to them. They may then tell us they have made changes. So the best thing to do is to let us know and we’ll pass on the message. Unfortunately, that’s the best we can do about this issue.

    2) Login cookie – We have looked at this many times over the past couple years. We do not do anything special with the login cookie nor does the plugin we use for our profile/account system. There are many different factors that could cause this from how different browsers handle cookies with regards to privacy to the device itself. To resolve this issue, we would have to start looking at building a custom login solution which could open a whole different lot of issues. And as with anything we build ourselves, we would have to maintain it. We are already stretched pretty thin with the issue we are having to deal with. This would be far from ideal.

    3) 502 responses – There have a been a few times where our server gets overloaded. 95% of the time this is caused by some script kiddies trying to bring the site down. Usually done in the form of DoS/DDoS. We update our protection every time this happens but then they find new ways. We have to update these rules every time in response to it. This was the cause for the 502 responses on Sunday evening.

    4) Search – We understand that the search is not quite up to scratch. This is because of 2 reasons. The first being that we have so many topics and replies that our system struggles when someone wants to search through it all. As such we had to implement and different method of search and it still needs refining to make the search better. Just like Google, we need to make search results better suited to what people are wanting. We have to tech it a bit. The second part is that the site is still a little bit fragmented which makes it hard to keep things consistent. We have plans to migrate the last little bit of fragmentation in the new year. This should help resolve a lot of issues and also allow us to develop better and faster. This fragmentation is not helping the search issue as everything we do for the forum search needs to be done for the rest of the site in separate steps.

    5) The caching issue was our fault and we resolved that last week. The issue being that there was a default rule in place that told your browser to cache the pages you visited. This should not have happened and we were able to remove this default rule. The issue should have gone for everyone now but if you are still running into this issue, get in touch at and we will be able to provide you instructions on how to force this issue to go away. It will require updating/removing the service worker on your browser.

    6) The “Subscribe | Favourite” at the top of topics caused some layout issues with the forum nav menu. We have been able to resolve this issue. There was a slight oversight in not looking at how it looks on mobile so we apologise for this.

    Full Member

    @appltn That is a really good idea. Thanks for the feedback. We’ll look at getting that implemented.

    Full Member

    @TrailriderJim I have made a change to the login page so please let us know if you still have troubles logging in. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Full Member

    @alanf, I am told that our advertising provider has made some changes to how the popup (CMP) is implemented. Let us know if you continue to experience any issues with the CMP and I’ll feedback to them. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

    Full Member

    The caching issues should be resolving themselves now. A patch has been applied and everyone’s browsers should be sorting themselves out after a few page visits/refreshes. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Full Member

    Just released a minor update:
    – Fixed link colour under replies in dark mode
    – Fixed the user profile icon not working when in a topic
    – Fixed images in the shop when hovering over them to stop them going “full disco” mode
    – Fixed various other non visual stuff
    – Added a logout button

    Right now we are monitoring the site and gathering feedback. We will review the feedback next week and incorporate that into our releases going forward.

    Full Member

    @the-muffin-man Good idea. I have created a new sticky thread for this so it is in both places.

    New website look (theme) feedback

    Full Member

    Thank you @ta11pau1. I’ve never been great with words which is why I stick with tech and code 😅

    The forum index has changed to be multiline in preparation for future features to come. We will look into condensing it down more if possible.

    Full Member

    Hi all,
    Would people be happy in answering a few of these questions so we can see how people are using the site and just get a better understanding of how people are taking the new theme of the website.

    Full Member

    Hi everyone,
    We are aware of an issue with subscriptions at the moment that leads to it showing no subscriptions under your account when you do in fact have one. We can see where the error is and are working on a fix to correct it. We’re sorry for any inconvenience this is causing in the meantime but will hopefully get it sorted out soon.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Can I ask that the users that are having issues have checked that your payment details are up to date and valid for your subscriptions. If you have previously bought a subscription and the payment details are no longer valid, you will not be able to buy a new sub because your old subscription is waiting for new payment details. The subscription system makes sure you only have one subscription so will tell you that you cannot buy another one if there is one active or waiting for payment new valid payment details.

    If you are still having issues and this is not the case for you, please email

    Full Member

    @iainc I have added the forum icon to the sidebar again.

    Full Member

    How has it been for everyone now in the last 15-20 minutes? We had some bad bots this morning so I have blocked them now.

    Full Member

    Hey all,
    Update on where we are at with this issue. We have now put in place the solution our advertising provider has suggested. Our advertising provider is the one that controls the CMP (aka consent popup).

    Any feedback as of today to whether this is is still happening for users would be much appreciated.

    Once again, very sorry for any inconvenience caused by this.

    Full Member

    If people could feedback to say if they are still having issues this morning, that would be great.

    Full Member

    We have worked closely with our advertising provider that handles the CMP (the pop-up) and they have provided us with a solution to try. We will implementing this tomorrow morning.

    The cause could be from the previous CMP that we used with our last as provider and some of the settings still lingering and interfering with the current CMP.

    The reason our cookie killer isn’t sorting that issue out is because it removes the cookies for

    The cookie in question is registered to

    Notice the leading period on the later domain. We will implement a fix to remove this cookie on that specific domain. We will also be amending the cookie killer to do the same.

    If anyone wants to try this out for us and clear those cookies themselves and feedback to us if that works, that would be much appreciated.

    Once again, sorry for any inconvenience caused and we are working on getting this fixed as soon as possible.

    Full Member

    Ooo oo, if only there was a way to know in advance if a change works or not. Y’know, a bit like having a Test environment and doing a bit of testing…

    We do have a testing environment and use it for every release. However, not all errors and issues can be resolved within the testing environment. One thing the testing environment cannot test is you as users. We do our best to simulate how you would use the site but there are times when things just cannot be foreseen.

    Full Member

    @stumpy01 voucher code for £0.02 off your next subscription payment to compensate for your lost time on the site: OutageOutrage

    Full Member

    Genuine question. If the platform is not fit for purpose, why not migrate to one that is? Instead of customising, firefighting, bodging and applying sticking plasters all the time? I can see how incredibly frustrating it must be to work with what you’ve got, but why do you (and we) have to tolerate a systems that in your own words we’ve outgrown?

    It is a very good question. I myself have pondered about this and looked into alternatives. The short answer is if we were to go down this route, it would take at minimum 18 months to write a new site that would have about 60% the functionality it does now. Would you be happy with a site that did less than it did now?

    Please bear in mind we are 3 developers, some of which do not work a 5 days a week, and we try to give you the best experience we can while also providing solutions needed to the business of singletrack and editorial.

    If we were to go down the route of a custom solution and move away from WordPress, we wouldn’t work on the current version so it would most certainly seem like all progress and development on the site has stopped. We also have invested a lot into the WordPress ecosystem so there would be a lot of work to migrate to something other that could provide the same level of functionality, features and solutions required.

    But don’t get me wrong, I am still toying with this idea and if something suitable comes up, I will most certainly look into it.

    Full Member

    @bruneep We are essentially a small dev team that is working on a framework where we have outgrown its capabilities. We use WordPress to which the level and size of this forum has outgrown the design capabilities of this software. What we do on a daily basis is work with the framework and customize it in ways it was never intended to used due to the vast scale of this forum. We do our very best to keep it running as best as we can.

    Also, sometimes we need to crack a few eggs to make an omelette. We have to break a few things to make things better. We currently have a list of issues to fix so long that it will take us about 3 years to sort. We are working through these issues as quickly as we can but we have to prioritise issues over other ones. Some of these are things that go on behind the scenes that you will not see. But at the end of the day will make the site more reliable.

    The tech departments plan for this year is site performance (mainly speed) and added level of interactivity for the forum. Should there be anything that involves you as the users, we will let you know. Otherwise, we will keep working on the site as usual.

    Full Member

    The downtime was due to upgrading of the software stack yesterday and in which it caused a fatal error to occur while all us devs were asleep at midnight. This was quickly fixed and the site is now back up and running. We expect similar issues may appear over the coming days but we cannot know or expect what they will be before they happen. We will keep a close eye on the site and resolve the issues as quickly as we can and avoid downtime of the site to an absolute minimum.

    Sorry for any inconvenience and we hope you forgive these outages. Back to your usual shenanigans

    Full Member

    Nerdle 13 3/6

    🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 #nerdle

    Full Member

    Sorry to hear a few of you are having issues with YouTube embeds.

    Can I ask that you report which device and browser you are using for further investigation. When things do not work from third party services like YouTube, it’s more likely a browser/OS compatibility issue so knowing the device and browser (preferably with version of known) would be of much help.

    Once again, sorry for any inconvenience.

    Full Member

    The login issues have been identified and are being addressed. Users should be able to log into the site again.

    If the issue persists, please contact

    Full Member

    We are aware of issues with logging into the site right now. We are narrowing in on the problem and are in communcation with teams to help resolve the issue.

    We are sorry for any inconvenience and hope to get you back up, logged-in and online shortly.

    Full Member

    I have the Nest outdoor camera (battery) and you are able to define motion zones. As for the rewind on live feed, I don’t pay for subscription that allows the 7 days of continuous recording so couldn’t tell you about that.

    The instructions tell you to set some cameras up using the Google home app and others with the Nest app. But I think there is a way of getting the cameras set up in the home app onto the Nest app by scanning the QR code on the cameras. I’ve not tried this though.

    Full Member

    You can find all the topics or forums you are subscribed to here:
    From there you can unsubscribe to them as well. If you have any troubles or still get emails after changing which topics/forums you are subscribed to, contact us at

    Full Member

    Hey all,

    Tom from the tech team here. We have had issues with some users fans spinning up and have found that this can be because of some extensions they may have installed. The biggest culprit making the fan spin up for some users was Adblock Plus.

    So my suggestion would be to turn any extensions off one by one and see if that has any effect. Give it 5 minutes of browsing the site with every extension you turn off to allow the device to cool down and the fans to settle.

    If you still continue to have troubles with the fan spinning up and can confirm it is not due to any extensions, please follow the instructions below to create a performance profile to send to us.

    1) Record and save a performance profile
    2) Submit the recorded performance profile to
    3) We will be in touch afterwards after reviewing and analysing the profile to help figure out why the fan maybe spinning up on the site

    Full Member

    I’d bet that, if there were a league table of the most prolific posters based, I wouldn’t make the top 50.

    …you’d be wrong

    Full Member

    @kelvin iOS incorporates iPadOS. Chrome is for any platform unless stated otherwise so on that list, that is Chrome 34+ for all platforms. And Safari is for Safari on desktop, not iOS. iOS is Safari on iOS.

    If you want to know more, look at browserlist and autoprefixer as that is where we start for browser support.

    Full Member

    As promised yesterday, here is the list of browsers and versions we aim to support. This is constantly changing and not fixed.

      Chrome for Android: 79
      Firefox for Android: 68
      And_qq: 1.2
      UC for Android: 12.12
      Android: 76, 4.4.3-4.4.4, 4.4
      Baidu: 7.12
      Bb: 10, 7
      Chrome: 80, 79, 78, 77, 76, 75, 74, 73, 72, 71, 70, 69, 68, 67, 66, 65, 64, 63, 62, 61, 60, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 51, 50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34
      Edge: 80, 79, 18
      Firefox: 72, 71, 70, 69, 68, 67, 66, 65, 64, 63, 62, 61, 60, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 51, 50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 31, 30
      IE: 11, 10
      IE Mobile: 11, 10
      iOS: 13.3, 13.2, 13.0-13.1, 12.2-12.4, 12.0-12.1, 11.3-11.4, 11.0-11.2, 10.3
      Kaios: 2.5
      Opera Mobile: 46, 12.1
      Opera: 66, 65, 64, 63, 62, 60, 58, 57, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 51, 50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44
      Safari: 13, 12.1, 12, 11.1, 11, 10.1
      Samsung: 10.1, 9.2
    These browsers account for 94.69% of all users globally
    Full Member

    Hey everyone,
    I just want to say thank you for all the kind feedback on the new look especially since I started implementing this at 4am (I am definitely not a morning person!).

    So this was release v2.7.0. This release was mainly focusing on two things. The first being a revamp of the looks and feel of the site to bring the site up to date with modern web design and principles. The second was removing a legacy (not so supported) part of the site responsible for the profiles and social functionality for user. This allows us to provide more features and do more going forward in the future instead of having one hand tied behind our backs.

    As some of you may know, there are only two of us in the tech department. We can only do so much with the resources we have to make sure that anything we implement has as few bugs as possible. With a release as big as this there were bound to be more than a few bugs that went under the radar. We will be working on these over the next few days but please be patient with us as we’ll try and squash these bugs as soon as we can.

    As for the users that are reporting that it’s working on some browsers and not on others, I will post tomorrow a list of browser compatibility we test against. If your browser is in the support browsers we test against then that would definitely be an issue and we’ll fix it again as soon as we can.

    There are a few bugs that were present before this launch that are still present like the ‘go to last page’ button not actually taking you to the last page. This is because the release was very much cosmetic than bug fixing. We are aware of these and will now be able to start work on fixing them.

    There will be a lot of discussion and feedback tomorrow about the new release at the STW HQ and we will try to keep you up to date and in the loop the best we can.

    Now I certainly know I’m going to catch up on some sleep now. I’ll post back on here tomorrow with any updates.

    Once again, thanks everyone for the positive feedback.

    Full Member

    Hey @snaps

    Sorry we in tech haven’t been able to address this for you. As @Drac said we’ve just been a bit busy lately being the run up to Christmas now.

    I can’t sort this out right this moment but I’ll see to it first thing tomorrow for you as it Christmas and stuff 👍 I’ll email you tomorrow to confirm the changes.

    And @jam-bo, if you want I can look into your issue as well if you want? Just drop us an email to tech@ with the details and I’ll see what’s going on.

    Happy Holidays everyone! 🍻

    Full Member

    Thanks to the information you guys have provided I may have honed in to what has gone wrong. Listing pages that have this issue is also good for me to know.

    Full Member

    Could you please list a few things for me so I can try and debug this issue.

    – Which pages this happened on
    – Logged in or logged out
    – Are you a subscriber
    – What was the name of the file downloaded
    – Was it the same file every time
    – Desktop or mobile
    – Which browser are you using
    – Which operating system ( and version if you know it )

    This would be much appreciated.

    Sorry for any inconvenience and I’ll try and get this sorted out as soon as I can

    Full Member

    More changes made this morning in to feedback from people on this thread. Please tell me if the problem continues or has stopped. Note that the issue will only occur when logged out.


    Full Member

    Hey guys,

    The problem lies with compression from the server (gzip) and level of support can be found here:

    I have made a few tweaks in the past couple minutes so would much appreciate to know if this is still happening.


    Full Member

    Is this still happening?

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