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    Free Member

    I don’t think I can continue to express any support for Israel on this thread. I’ve been called a racist 3 times, received endless hostile “why do you support innocent children being killed” questions and had to watch the weird spectacle of people dance on the head of a pin to explain why it’s cool to bring up the Nazis in what is a very Jewish context

    I’ll say it again, my views are very much mainstream moderate western opinion. There is no space for that here.

    Free Member

    so you’re okay with the slaughter of innocents? You’re fine with that and the illegal bombing of civilian infrastructure including hospitals?

    Yes because anything other than outright hatred for Israel means I want children to be killed. Good grief it must be really easy when everything is black and white.

    Free Member

    Most Western governments are giving their tacit approval to the ethnic cleansing of Gaza.  Is that where you are?

    That’s a straw man you’ve constructed and you know it.

    Western governments recognise Israel is at war, but are urging restraint. The bigger picture is here is avoiding regional escalation and everyone is treading that line.

    Israel is at war. I’m not sure you get this. They lost control of their country last week and now everything has changed.

    Free Member

    No obvoius parallels?   Lets see.  Creation of a ghetto. Sytematic stripping of land and citzenship.  Extrajudicial killing.  Demonisation of one ethnic group.

    No.  No parallels there 

    Absolutely demented. Can you spot any differences, any at all? Like a table and giraffe have 4 legs and you get tables AND giraffes in Africa so they’re basically the same by your level of analysis.

    My position on Israel is basically middle of the road as in it aligns with where most western governments are at. But apparently too extreme for this place 

    Free Member

    @tomd – I don’t think you are capable of reflecting on the nature of what Israel IS. – a criminal apartheid state

    Respectfully, I have but we’ll need to disagree.

    I think I’ve been called a racist at least 3 times in the thread for daring to have views somewhere to the right if George Galloway, which is about par for single-track land. So spare me the tears of the (accused) antisemites.

    Free Member

    draw the obvious comparisons between the Nazis and the Isrteali government

    This is the problem…there are no obvious parallels. The parallels exist either if you’re too lazy to think about it twist things so much to link broadly the worst people in history to the Israelis, with the apparent aim of dehumanising them.

    I support Israel and hope they can achieve peace and security, and that a lasting peace is reached with the Palestinians. I don’t think that end will be helped by flattening Gaza so hopefully good sense and maximum restraint win through on all sides.

    I don’t need to or want to justify everything that Israel has done or will do. Just as none of you seem willing to reflect on the nature of what Israel is up against. They’re in a fight for their survival, having survived several near misses before.

    Free Member

    Alpin simply made the comparison of an ethnic group being horded into a ghetto in an occupied land rising up against their invaders, a perfectly valid comment.

    it’s wildly antisemitic. It’s not “an ethnic group” – it’s the Jews. The context was their extermination at the hands of the Nazis who believed that the Jews had to be wiped from the earth. Hamas are not “rising up” they are attempting to exterminate the Jews and this is key to their ideology. Thus comparing Hamas in 2023 with the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto is both wrong as a simple comparison but also grossly offensive to everyone. Even Hamas would find it wrong and offensive as it downplays their aims, capability and agency.

    Free Member

    a couple of the most egregious ones but tbh I think it’s normal sadly. 

    Free Member

    to question the actions of the Israeli government is not antisemitism, casual or otherwise. They attempt to hide behind it to excuse their actions.

    Agreed,  although if you’re trying to do it do you think it would be possible to find an analogy from 10,000+ years of human history that wasn’t that one?

    Given Russia has just levelled several cities in Ukraine, would that not seem like a better analogy? Or Syria over the past few years? Why go for that one?

    Free Member

    It’s outrageous tbh but I’m not surprised it’s fashionable and normal in certain groups, particularly up here.

    Free Member

    TJ you want me to explain to you why repeated and casual references to Nazism in this context are antisemitic? You’re having a laugh right? Nazism is such a loaded term that involves the systematic manufacturing of grievances against the Jews right through to the attempt at industrialised eradication. There are some attempts above to salami slice out particular elements and apply those to this situation but that’s a ridiculous thing to do with a term that’s so loaded in this context.

    Casual antisemitism might be normal for you in your circle but I know it when I see it.

    Free Member

    Are you not outraged by Israeli forces committing war crimes such as hitting civilian targets and “collective punishment” (a nazi tactic in occupied territories)?

    it’s an absolute horror show and restraint is needed. But I’m under no ilusion that Israel faces an existential threat having had various other countries and regimes try and wipe them off the face of the earth several times. it’s beyond tragic the whole situation but I can’t join in the antisemitic group session that’s kicked off in here, it’s a disgrace. Feels like a Corbyn era labour branch meeting.

    Free Member

    The last dozen or so posts contains wildly antisemitic statements. Absolutely outrageous to invoke Nazism and concentration camps when criticising the recent actions. If the above is allowed to stand this place has lost the plot.

    Part of what has outraged Israelis so much is that the systematic house by house extermination of families and communities is, for them, a clear parallel with the atrocities in Europe. They truly believe they are fighting for their survival. Lots of people are going to die and it’s a tragedy.

    There is not a moral equivalence between Hamas’ need to exterminate Israel and the Jews and the tragedy  of what’s happening now 

    Free Member

    Anyone on here running an MG4? what’s the opinion?
    one or two second hand coming up at under £20k, which I might be able to afford. I like the idea of V2L

    We’ve put 8k miles on ours since April so given it a fair run in now.

    It’s a decent car- it’s had no issues in this time and drives well. It’s just a perfectly normal mid sized hatch that stacks up favourably to anything else.

    What version are you looking at? Mine is the LR version and the efficiency is not industry leading IME, especially for motorway driving. The nameplate range is 283miles but in reality for us that’s more 190 – 250miles depending on conditions and route. I expect nearer to 200miles if it’s motorway driving.

    Free Member

    Christian and Jewish extremism aren’t labelled in the same way Muslim/Islamic extremism is, certainly in Western media.

    Have you considered why that might be? Is anyone attacking the West in the name of Christ?

    Free Member

    I’d really like people to try not to use the term ‘Islamist’ when talking about extremist


    Nobody uses the terms ‘Christianism’ or ‘Jewism’ to describe extremism within those cultures.

    we’ve had people discuss Christian and Jewish extremism through this thread

    Free Member

    We had the bosses old car torched

    Christ where do you work and what had he done? 

    Free Member

     I guess they feel they have nothing left to lose at this point.

    Again, this is applying a kind of belief system and primacy of self preservation that they don’t follow. They would see it as having everything to gain (eternal paradise at best, killing lots of jews at worst) rather than nothing to lose.

    Free Member

    God knows what they’re trying to achieve

    1. Serve God – they believe they are in a holy war and this is God’s work

    2. Kill all the Jews and establish an Islamic state, or revel in the end of days either is fine because God will sort the Jews out then

    3. Their own deaths – because that gets you to paradise anyway

    Free Member

    So, what is the end game? One can only wonder if it was to launch an attack so heinous that it would elicit such a storm of violence against Gaza that it will trigger some sort of wider conflict which could lead to a significantly different political landscape.

    Hamas’ whole thing is bringing about the end of the world and annihilation of the Jews. You don’t have to wonder what their end game is they tell you at every opportunity.

    Free Member

    It’s not surprising the world breeds extremists seeking revenge.

    You are completely misunderstanding Hamas. They are Islamists first and foremost who believe God will take almighty vengeance on the Jews when the apocalypse comes. It’s not about revenge it’s about bringing about the end of days. If this starts a regional conflagration that’s job done for them regardless of how many die.

    I think it’s almost impossible for secular people to understand how religious extremists think. When they talk about all the righteous end of days stuff and martyrdom they really, really mean it.

    Free Member

    Falkirk Canada Woods is a tad narrow for a Croozer in places – wheels will be bumping along the trail edges.

    Yes the “trail centre” bits definitely but for a trailer ride I was meaning the main tracks. The path network around there is extensive and you can link up great rides taking in Canada Wood, Falkirk Wheel, Roman forts, Canal, Callendar Park, Helix etc.

    Free Member

    Beecraigs Country Park – not expansive exactly but nice mixture of paths, trails and varied woodland, very good playpark and a cafe

    Falkirk Canada Wood & Falkirk Wheel – loads of trails around there in mixed woodland and interesting places to explore, cafe options aplenty

    Falkland Estate – one of the most underrated placed in Scotland IME, lots of nice trees

    Aberfoyle but staying more south and west of Aberfoyle (you may wish to wait for water to recede)

    Tentsmuir near Dundee

    Free Member

    Hamas and the Israeli government as as bad as each other.  They have both committed atrocities in the last god knows how many years.  The fact our government supports what Israel is doing is the shocking thing.   No one seems to want to criticise what Israel is currently doing with Palestine in general or the fact they are bombing civilians in Gaza.

    This is absolute shite – folk always fail to understand that as well being pro liberation of Palestine, Hamas are first and foremost hard-line Islamists who seek the entire destruction of Israel and the Jews. It’s their stated reason to exist. There is no agreement that could ever be reached on earth that would satisfy their aims.

    Free Member

    I’ve never got on with Goretex trail running shoes that’ll be used in the hills, because:

    1. You will end up with 2 shoes full of bog water which doesn’t drain. Proper train running shoes are designed to drain well and not hold water.

    2. The liners don’t last well when used in a trail running shoe exposed to the stresses of running, grit and mud

    3. They will end up stinking

    I like them for general walking shoes and “parkrun” kind of shoes but just never got on with them for trail running. Waterproof socks if you must.

    Free Member

    The best time to start a pension was whenever you started working. The 2nd best time is now*.

    Understandably there’s a lot of people in a tough spot but hoping you’ll die before it becomes a problem is a hopeful strategy. I think at the moment the average life expectancy in retirement is 20+ years and the vast majority of us will reach retirement age, with a fairly decent chance that a sizable minority of us will live to 100.

    *Caveats being you earn enough to benefit from 20 or 40% tax benefit and an employer contribution, and don’t have any immediate financial crises to deal with

    Free Member

    Generally the condenser one should be a bit less energy hungry at drying clothes than the vented but it’s fairly marginal. It’ll also depend on how good each machine is – a crap condenser one that takes ages might be worse than a good quality vented machine for your use.

    The big issue in winter is the vented one is basically blowing warm air out of your house. So if you want to keep your house warm then it’s a no brainer – all of the energy that goes into the condenser unit stays in your house. That caveat is that if it’s a rubbish condenser unit and introduces at lot of moisture to your house.

    The energy use between a good heat pump dryer and condenser or vented is night and day though. We chopped our old vented machine in for the most efficient Miele heat pump drier and it’s just amazing how little energy it uses. The old one used to cost £1-£2 to run a load and we’re now way less than 50p.

    Free Member

    Don’t confuse looking muscley for being really strong.

    Look at the Olympic 56kg weight lifters. Immensely strong (world record clean and jerk is over 170kg) but don’t really fit with the media image. See also Lasha Talakhadze – one the greatest weightlifters but looks like a fat bloke from the pub.

    Free Member

    If they have money to spaff on Samuel L Jackson they have money to reduce the price of their (nasty) bread.

    Free Member

    I started doing regular strength stuff a few years ago and have kept it since then – I can definitely relate to your frustration at lack of progress in the beginning. My training has evolved quite a bit in that time, for what it’s worth…

    – After a decent strength workout it’s surprising how long recovery can take. I’m no power lifter but if I do a solid 45mins in the gym on Thursday it’s not unusual for me to still feel that the next week. I think if you come from a cardio background in running, cycling etc it can be a bit of a mind set switch to realise the volume doesn’t do as much as the quality + recovery. Everyone is different though but you definitely have to listen to your body – if you’re training but not feeling it then train harder to improve. If your starting the next session with aches and fatigue then train less.

    – I’m more enthusiastic about the strength training than I was when I started 3 years ago. I think it’s a game changer for all round and long term health and when life gets hectic I sacrifice the cycling and running and focus on the strength stuff. Stick with it and the improvements will come.

    Free Member

    Direct line wouldn’t quote me for a BMW iX or the model Y.  Quote that I did get for the iX was just shy of a grand.  For reference, currently paying £250ish for a Mondeo.  Value of the car obvioulsy a factor but still extreme.  Cheapest that I could get for the Y was £1300 with a large (£750) excess.  Full NCD; mid 50s; no points on licence

    It’s not really just about the value of the car – not sure exactly what models you’re looking at but aren’t a lot of the iXs and Ys sort of sub 5s 0-60s big heavy cars? The damage you can cause to the car is limited to the value of the car but if you injure 4 occupants in another car that’s potentially millions and millions.

    For a more like for like comparison with an ICE car compare insurance with Audi S5s and BMW M5s rather than a mondeo.

    Free Member

    Please please please buy an Ebac one.

    Surely a dehumidifier is one of the few purchases of this type where it’s possible for us all to put our money where our mouth is, and actually buy something that’s 100% manufactured in Britain.

    2 reasons why not:

    – For a student house, where presumably budget matters, why on earth would you spend more than double what you need to go get a decent functional dehumidifier? None of the ebac ones are well rated by Which either when I looked last year.

    – Company owner is a Brexit Ultra. There’s nothing patriotic about throwing your money at average yet expensive UK made goods. If a UK company can make a good product at a competitive price then great. Otherwise you’re just subsidising mediocrity with a union jack on it.

    As long as they’re using the heating and taking basic measures to reduce humdity then either the desiccant or fridge type will work. We have a basic screwfix fridge type for when we get a wet / damp spell in winter and it does the job fine.

    Free Member

    Isla bike Beinn 20 is 47cm inside leg. Widely available 2nd hand also.

    Free Member

    Take your time prepping the room and filling / sanding everything ready to paint – you can’t get a good finish on a rough surface and if there’s any dust or film on the walls the paint won’t stick. Get all the furniture out of the way. Mask or loosen off all the fittings in the room. Cover anything you don’t want paint on. It speeds up the actual painting.

    The last few rooms I’ve done the time spent was probably:

    8 hours cleaning, prepping, sanding, masking etc

    1 hour first coat

    wait a bit, lightly sand

    1 hour second coat

    2 hours cleaning up and putting the room back together. The painting is easy bit.

    Free Member

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>I’ll think about while I’m cleaning dug shite off my kids running shoes this evening. Which is apparently a normal thing to do in this country.</p>

    Free Member

    These Bully XLs are just the sort extreme end point of the UK dog obsession. The posters above that say “ban dogs” kind of have a point that you can’t solve the Bully XL problem without fixing the culture that says it’s OK to shit up every park, for it to be OK to have every walk / picnic / playpark / school drop-off affected by out of control dogs or one kind or another.

    It’s like deciding road deaths have got out of hand and banning luminous green Ford Focus RSs (because the old list that had orange XR2s and Red Sierra Cosworths is out of date).

    But we have an incompetent government who’re focused on getting through the next media cycle rather than doing anything effective or sustainable.

    Free Member

    It’s the old squash problem isn’t it? Great sport to participate in, loads of potential for increased participation. Absolute balls to watch on TV let alone online.

    The opposite of, say, cliff diving. Dangerous to take part with a participant base in the hundreds, but makes great online 1 minute footage with stunning settings and athletes in swim suits. Appeals to anyone who likes stunning views, athleticism and swimsuits. Which is a much bigger pool of people than like watching what is essentially a very drawn out time trial.

    Free Member

    No less accurate than the rainfall forecast on the BBC

    Free Member

    Local Income tax: At least that is linked to ability to pay & can be as progressive as you like.

    Get that to ****. Wealth tax is what we need not taxing the ever shrinking pool of working age folk more.

    On my street of 15 family size houses there are only 2 of us who work. The rest are retired on comfy DB pensions or unearned property wealth. The wealth is no longer in the working age population.

    Free Member

    Only one in our village is owned by the King Ned / Alpha Scrote.

    Deemed unfit to have unsupervised access to their kids, but apparently competent to own a hell hound.

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