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  • Tom_W1987
    Free Member

    TJ, awesome… Im going to go and smack one of my colleagues upside the head with a PCR machine and blame it on intermittent explosive disorder and his inability to cope with it.

    Free Member

    Now imagine the same experiernce, but checking six over your shoulder in an Me109 whilst doing a split S and whacking a Yakolev with a deflection shot during the merge… banking and watching him spin, ailerons flutteting through the air from cannon fire damage… into a forest spewing glycol somewhere over an icy cold Kursk.

    Ahem……. Daaaaangerzone

    Free Member

    Well TJ, does the OP know whether it’s good old fashioned anxiety or something more insidious like a personality disorder. Has she had a formal diagnosis from an actual doctor ot has she just been to a councillor?

    Free Member

    If you had posted this as a woman on mumsnet or even here, the term domestic violence would have been thrown around. “Controlling” would have been used instead of the term anxiety and you would have been told to walk.

    Which is probably what you should do.

    It’s as simple as this, do you want a crazy person bringing up your children? Unless she is willing to go into therapy, but that can take years…and may never work…. meanwhile your life is shit and each year is another year off being active with your children when they are older.

    Free Member

    Oh that would be why fighter jet designers are falling over themselves to improve situational awareness by replacing bubble canopies with shitty little low definition cameras whos screens you have to physically look down at and block a lot of your peripheral vision…

    Free Member

    @wobbliscott, indeed much scaremongering. My partner (we where not married at the time) lived in the US for 3 years with me and our kids, one born there and therefore a US citizen. Max visa stay was 3 months I recall.

    Last time I checked, US Immigration were not in charge at the Home Office.

    Did I somehow miss an American backed coup going down in London, or are you using poor anecdotes to justify your political stance?

    Free Member

    That’s in the EU’s court. If we all play nicely there is no need for anyone to have to go anywhere.

    So are British children with European mothers now second class citizens? Do they not have the automatic right to a stable family life?

    That is a callous attitude to have towards children.

    Free Member

    Yes, there is a very real risk he coukd lose his wife. Sponsoring Non EU spouses is dependant on having an income, which is at risk due to brexit. Your brother applied on the old system, the home office now breaks up families on a faily basis because of this.

    Free Member

    This is exactly the kind of poor service that you expect when you nationalise rail and infrastructure. The Japanese are obviously socialist politically correct libtards.

    Free Member

    using the chest straps or loose? Some armour is nit compatible with leatts though.

    Free Member

    Hahah what a bunch of ****, it was always goubg to be the north that would lose out from brexit. Londons too big too fail, Grimsby isn’t.

    Free Member

    @Mefty, another butthurt rightie eh?

    We weren’t going on about the evils of colonialism, more enfhts outrage over a few hundred farmers being killed as opposed to up to a 100k dying during the ndebele crackdown.

    It’s all so predictable, it’s not because he and a few others care, it’s that it’s an opportunity for them to have a go at the “pc leftie” brigade.

    Free Member

    So, does this make Ninfan a commie sympathiser? Wheres McArthy when you need him.

    Free Member

    No it isn’t, they were invited on a democratic mandate. Were the ones that moved during the 1960s? Were Asians invited here, specially to subdjugate the native majority? Conflating white settlers who used violence to hold onto their privileged positions, with immigrants in the UK is hilarious… is that how you see them? As bad a white zimabwean racists. Haha… you racist… you.

    People who are born in a country through no fault of their own are systematically butchered based on their ethnic origin and you don’t have a problem with that?

    Perhaps, just perhaps, they shouldn’t have tried to keep their hands on ill gotten gains in the first place. I’m not saying they deserved it, it’s just that zero **** are given by me.

    Free Member

    The white farmers are just as Zimbabwean as those doing the evicting. They are not “settlers”, they are native.

    Here’s where I disagree, a lot of them were invited there in the 60’s – specifically to swell the number of white people in the country, and that white government in power at the time was essentially illegitimate.

    How is the Filipinos kicking out an occupying force anyway related to dragging farmers, who by the way are providing employment and produce, out of their homes and killing them?

    The Filipino nationalists didn’t just kick out an occupying army, they kicked out a lot of the entrenched corrupt Spanish families who provided employment as well (although not all of them, as Mestizos and Spanish clans are still a source of wanton corruption in that country).

    Butchering people based on ethnicity is wrong. Invading and imposing your values is wrong.

    Which is exactly what White Zimbabweans did, so – I just can’t get worked up about it, what comes around goes around etc etc.

    Free Member

    Also, genocidewatch doesn’t have Zimbabwe listed as goibg full blown genocidey yet.

    So Im not even sure it’s, “white genocide”.

    Free Member

    Not getting the hate for enfht here. Are we saying that genocide against white people is OK as some sort of retribution for crimes carried out by Europeans against the indigenous people who’s countries they invaded brought civilisation to?

    Should they be automatically be grateful that we brought them western style of civilisation? Why could they have not modernised by themselves, much like Japan? Quite often western powers colonised places that already had civilisation anyway.

    The Philippines, bloodily kicked out the Spanish and they had every right to. Was that genocide?

    But to answer your question, enfht only cares when its an opportunity to criticise politically correct lefties.

    Free Member

    Are you a psychiatrist?

    They’ve discovered us, quick – pull out the platters/hamsters from the STW server and burn them with thermite, from orbit preferably.

    Free Member

    They would have done if your investment period was 10-20 years, as monkeycanmonkeydo stated – it’s about the long game.

    Yes, 1k over a lifetime isn’t worth it – but IMO it starts becoming worth it at around 10k – and investing bit by bit earlier on is better than going and ploughing it in all at once.

    In regards to the “old rich” comment…again, don’t expect to get rich overnight – it should be about beating inflation in the medium-long term, to better the lives of your children or grandchildren…or having a bit more savings to fall back on….playing your hand the best you can.

    This guy, had the right idea…

    Free Member

    Again, if your dad had just put the money in a tracker fund – forgot about it and did nothing for 20 years, he’d have probably been better off than spending all that time wasting energy on penny stocks trying to make a fast gain.

    The old rich get this, the middle classes and working classes don’t.

    Free Member

    More apathy…there are a billion other things to get outraged about first.

    Go back to your hole in Stormfront.

    Free Member

    It disgusts me how the west have allowed white genocide to go unchallenged under the racist despot.

    How predictable. It disgusts me that it takes “white genocide”, to wind you up.

    10 quid says you’re a white south african.

    Free Member

    You sound like some shady door to door salesman guaranteeing returns that cant be guaranteed.

    No, you are conflating confidence with gambling. With continual gambling, you will lose in the long run. The returns in gambling are high for a reason, because in the long run the bookies usually win.

    The markets do have data behind them and we can produce projections with a level of confidence.

    Just because something with a low probability may happen, does not mean you should act on that potentiality. Nor can most things in life be guaranteed, however 1) You are losing money everyday keeping it in a standard savings account. 2) If the status quo continues like it has for the past 200 years, you won’t lose.

    If oil runs out tommorow or an asteroid hits and totals the world economy, you may do though – but you will have bigger things to worty about…. like how to butcher and cook your neighbours.

    Free Member

    No scientific vigour? Are you one of these types that dismisses all but the hard sciences?

    Free Member

    And where is the evidence for a flatlining of the economy for the rest of our lifetimes? What is the confidence in that data/evidence?

    Again, considering the developing worlds birthrates – this is also, pretty much a world ending scenario. Do you think, given the advances is robotics and space exploration, that humanity and all these FTSE 100 companies are going to allow their companies to flat line? No, when earth starts limiting our ability for economic growth – we will simply start exploiting the solar system.

    The data for global warming goes back a lot more than the stock market.

    It’s still a question of confidence isn’t it.

    Beside, given interest rates, you are losing from the start anyway – so you may as well play the game.

    Free Member

    It’s only a gamble if you think an event that is essentially world ending is going to happen during our lifetime – but you’re right, we may go into a period of economic decline on a scale unseen since the advent of written history, where billions starve to death. In which case, you’d be **** whether you invested or not, you’d have been better off invested in tinned foot and shotguns. In regards to timing, if you’d invested just before the 08 financial crash, based on that graph – you’d still be better off now. Unlike gambling where on a long enough timeline you lose, ALL historical data shows that if your investments are inline with growth – then over a long enough timeline you gain.

    You’re logic is essentially the same as “World temperatures have been rising historically, but that is not an indication of future global warming”.

    Free Member

    Not really surprising given the bull market we’re still in. However, at some point there will be another big dip….

    Of course there will, but look at the massive green general trend line, that’s the important bit.

    Free Member

    Investing isn’t a gamble in the long term, especially if you stick with tracker funds. The day these stop being a reliable long term investment, is the day when the planet has run out of resources to fund economic growth – if that ever actually happens.

    You are pissing money up the wall by not beating inflation.

    Free Member

    Its all the fault of Big Pharma! Belief in the flat earth theory cures aids, cancer and Lyme disease.

    Free Member

    Revs uplift is faster, but they neatly stoved my new forks in by having me put my bike into a position for a 26 inch bike. Be warned, make sure there is not a bolt at the top of the position where the front wheel drops into.

    BPW were way more professional in that regard. You partly get more runs in at Revs because the runs are quicker and they are using landies with less capacity but more of them, Antur is quicker because they dont hand around to fill the bus and have a tarmacced road.

    Another thing I found at Revs is because they dont seem to do as much trail maintenance as BPW, preffering to keep it more natural… some of the reds are harder than some of the blacks as a result… as the runs are more blown out, have more braking bumps and are muddier. The reds and blacks are more memorable than BPWs, but thats partly because some of the sections were hairy as **** in the wet for what people expect to be a trail centre….. it felt much more like a race day at a DH track than a trail centre. BPW was definitely more fun, whilst Revs felt more serious and took more mental concentration – more so than Antur.

    If youre a trail centre warrior and have never a DH race, revs in the wet will up your game.

    Free Member

    Junkyard, TJ – 12th century diets were shit, a diet of turnips meant that they grew into 5 foot midgets with scurvy and microcephaly by todays standards.

    Shouldn’t be taking anything without testing first.


    Free Member

    Hah! I think he was riding there when I was – to be fair on him – it was slippy as hell on Sat.

    Free Member

    Will prob take it off once iv hit the stuff and confident with it

    When you take it off is when you need it.

    Use them on a risk based approach – ie am I going fast? Am I going fast through stuff with big features? Am I going fast through stuff with big features, that is surrounded by trees to crash into?” – it could even be “Am I a novice rider that is coming off a lot at the moment”. Etc – then choose the amount of risk you are willing to take before wearing one – and stick to it.

    On the trails, MX types seem to just keep them on whatever they are riding – especially on uplifted days.

    Free Member

    Reindeer with Lingonberries and goats cheese
    Tamarind, Cucumber and Locust
    Filigreed Oats, Pale ale and Nettle

    *Slinks away and sets up sourdough Pizza parlour aimed at hipsters with these on the menu*

    Free Member

    There’s a film about a pro MTBer who had this. In order to manifest it he raced at threshold and beyond for 24hrs, collapsed and was VERY unwell & taken unconscious into hospital by ambulance. So, Did you pedal up at Revolution Bike Park or get the uplift?


    True, then again there are plenty of stories where people have taken a break for a while and then pushed a bit too quickly… and ended up on saline drips for days.

    I agree, it likely is rhabdo… but 1.2g of ibuprofen has failed to reduce the swelling overnight…never had this before.

    Free Member

    They offer more impact protection in a crash and won’t get ripped off your face so easily.

    Perhaps it’s working in labs where I need goggles, but I wear them everywhere and simply put them on at the top of descents.

    Also, I’m more of a winch and launch kind of rider, I don’t do many flowy XC rides that are up and down. I stick to riding that is straight down the hill and back up again.

    Free Member

    I’m 181cm, I ride a large – I highly recommend you do as well. Do yourself a favour and purchase the 2018 Aluminium one for the same price – in the right size.

    The aluminium one rides really nicely and isn’t much heavier than the carbon one – Giant make the lightest aluminium enduro frames – and they don’t feel like coke cans whilst they are also pretty stiff.

    The older ones are 200×57, the newer ones are metric.

    Free Member


    As it turned out the accused was guilty as sin but the comment was made over lunch on day one.

    Oh too right, give me magistrates anyday. Ahem. Haha. *nervous looks*

    Anyhow, it was mostly meant in jest…. but…. being bald is fine…. a goatee is kind of fine….. mixing the two…. screams deviant pervert. Only a deviant would believe that rocking a goatee whilst fat and bald was socially acceptable, of course such a person would be capable of copping one off in front of horrified women for teh lolz….for this is a man who flaunts gratuitous goatee to the world and doesnt give a ****.

    Free Member

    nahhhh… cold…. plus crap with smartphones…. heheh

    The coil 36s are smoother than Zocchis of yore.

    Free Member

    So, added extra bath oil to my coil 2018 36s…I dont know why people are complaining about the damoer. My dads recently serviced Lyrik has LOADS more stiction in it. Its more comfortable and smoother than my coil Pikes as well.

    Tge 2018 36 with a coil is simply sublime. It doesnt feel as overdamped as Lyriks either, I really dont think the harshness is damper side.

    Personally, I thougt Avy forks felt juat like BOS forks… ie not as good as my current 36 build.

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