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  • Podcast Making Up The Numbers – Mid Season Review
  • Tom_W1987
    Free Member

    aannnnddd now you sound like you don’t know what you’re talking about. You can’t just park them all over the place, they all need supported and when you also bring in missile defence systems they become even more obvious.

    The US Marines operate them in deployments of 6 aircraft per LHA – I reckon they have planned for and are easily capable of supporting similar sized detachments on makeshift airstrips.

    Missile defence is a strategic mission that covers a massively wide area, you wouldn’t need those systems placed anywhere near your actual aircraft in the field.

    The point of dispersal isn’t just to hide, it’s to force opponents to have to attack multiple targets instead of one – or make the choice of attacking certain targets and not others. Your forces can’t then be completely degraded with one decisively well placed torpedo or anti ship missile.

    Free Member

    Well, the issue in the past has been actually identifying where the carrier is and then targeting/vectoring ICBMs/Cruise missiles onto the carrier – as they are constantly moving and given the lag time between identifying the carrier, shooting and the missile arriving – the carrier could be 10s if not hundreds of miles in either direction.

    I do suspect that carriers are now the 21st centuries equivalent of the Yamato battleship – cool as **** but their days are numbered.

    Free Member

    And the lift system creates a huge stress on your carefully prepared surface. It’s on of the reasons the runway at RAF Marham is currently having the be upgraded for the F35B.

    They only care about crap like this during peacetime, during a proper war they’d be burning through engines/pushing the limits of the maintenance schedules and using combat engineers to constantly repair the airfields. The US Marines have a long and proud history of doing that.

    They won’t bother with it’s (perhaps mediocre) ability to do operate from makeshift airstrips unless they actually have a pressing need to do so.

    IMO, still nice to have though as an option.

    Free Member

    Why on earth would you want to disperse your aircraft from an aircraft carrier and onto land or even other aircraft carriers? There is no support, no spare parts, no mechanics that can fix those aircraft (and they need fixing…a lot…like all the time), the aircraft carriers capabilities will be severely reduced. The aircraft on an aircraft carrier are part of a combat system. They’re just one piece in a much larger and broader puzzle.

    Ask the US Marines that – and ask why they did it repeatedly in the Pacific war and why they still plan on doing it.

    Carriers aren’t offensive 1st day weapons anymore, they simply don’t have the survivability. Better to hide your 150 million pound jets in amongst hills, forests and population centres – and building survivability in with missile defence. Instead of gathering all your best pilots and billions of pounds worth of planes – on a giant floating bomb that everyone will be able to geolocate in 10 years when there are thousands of unmanned subs trawling the seas with sensor gear.

    Catapult systems are great for getting great numbers of aircraft in the air quickly…..but that is a redundant capability in today’s world.

    I gathered STOLV was actually better than this, as you can theoretically do rolling launches like this….

    Free Member

    Define rough airfield Rachel, if you mean soft WW2 turf strips – then no. Roads and compacted dirt are supposedly doable though.

    There’s various articles linked by google discussing US Marines buying the aircraft for just that purpose.

    If we ever get into a proper shooting match at sea again, it will probably be alongside the Americans in the Philippine Sea/South Chine Sea – where being able to cart 100 VTOL fighters in amongst the thousands of small islands that make up that archipelago – will be very very useful.

    Free Member

    Pretty much yes, apart from helicopters obviously. Fantastically short sighted move not to build them with catapults and wire. Although that would have meant higher build cost, aircraft would have been cheaper and better operationally. American and French planes could use the same deck, and vice versa.

    Although stolv carriers can achieve higher sortie rates and can chuck more aircraft into the air at short notice in the event of a scramble. The F18s dont have enough extra range to keep the carriers out of range of new chinese missiles, so we’d have to develop a new carrier based long range bomber to make the catobar range argument worth it.

    To be honest, I think a lot of people have forgotten how useful it is from a survivability point of view…. in being able to disperse your jets onto makeshift rough airfields/roads…. the B model was a good choice.

    Free Member

    What you need to do is sell the land in small parcels the size of a van, to your mates, and then get evicted from them one by one by the council.
    You will still get evicted though.


    Free Member

    Serious answer? Because if everybody in the world was an arse, the world would be a seriously shit place, and if you’re a well adjusted person with a decent level of empathy, being a decent human being makes you feel better even if all around are being selfish. I can’t speak for everybody, but I certainly get a certain amount of satisfaction out of being nice to other people even when there is no direct reward.

    Free Member

    On a serious note Junkyard, this report

    was loaded with gems like

    Stress fractures. The rate of hip and pelvic stress fractures in men during the Combat
    Infantryman’s Course (CIC) is 25.3 per 1000 trainees. The risk of hip and pelvic stress fractures to
    women should they undertake the CIC is estimated to be 250 per 1000 trainees (or 1 in 4 female
    Infantry trainees); this is an extrapolation and needs to be tested using modelling, based on a
    representative sample of the 4.5% of service women capable of passing GCC training.


    On operations, British female military personnel have a higher
    rate of Disease Non-Battle Injury (DNBI) (tri-Service data: 72 per 1000 vs 52 per 1000), than men.
    US female soldiers present with more ‘all cause injuries’ on operations than men, in spite of
    performing less physical roles. Aerobic fitness decreases more rapidly on operations in US female
    soldiers than in men. Women also present post-operationally with more injuries. More women
    present to the medical services with mental health conditions, and British female military personnel
    are more likely to be admitted for in-patient psychiatric care than men, reflecting the severity of
    illness. The graph presents the rate of surviving UK Service Personnel DNBI casualties on Op
    HERRICK by gender between 15 April 2007 (the start of HERRICK 6) and 10 June 2014 (the end
    of HERRICK 19). The average rate of DNBI casualties on Op HERRICK was 72 per 1,000 females
    compared to 52 per 1,000 males. With the exception of HERRICK 10, the rate of DNBI casualties
    is higher in females than males for all other roulemont

    On recent operations, British female personnel have approximately a
    15-20% higher rate of disease non battle injury (DNBI) than their male counterparts.
    These higher DNBI rates will be further exacerbated by findings from work on
    survivability, that women may sustain a higher combat casualty rate than males, due
    the a lower ratio of explosive power in relation to the combat load carried.

    I’d love to know how much the army actually really wanted women in front line combat roles and how much of it was politically motivated.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Sod your Lambo toys. Lambos were when fast cars stopped being racing derived and started to become gaudy baubles for idiots.

    Now THIS is a car. Peasants.

    Road legal 962

    Free Member

    Here’s a song for you OP.

    Free Member

    Don’t point guns at something you’re not willing to put a hole in. (that was my grandfather actually – the late and great lunatic still had his supposedly deactivated issue Webley until Dumblane, when it mysteriously disappeared, I suspect he handed it in during an amnesty if it wasn’t deactivated – if it was he may have destroyed it out of shame anyway).

    Don’t leave your homework until the last minute. :lol:

    Be methodical and take your time when repairing things, has been a good one.

    Free Member

    What’s the next target and where is the line? It seems to be that everything and every subject is under the microscope ….. and who’s making money out of all this?

    Pregnant asthmatic fatties joining the Parachute Regiment, because….everyone should be given the right to kill brown people! :D

    Her majesties finest in 10 years time.

    Free Member

    Give TFTuned a call, there are TTX shocks that are specific to the Enduros – TF will know which model you need.

    Free Member

    Women dont have an inherent G advantage over men, short people do and on average women are shorter. Still plenty of tall fast jet drivers though, because the ability to pull sustained G isn’t that relevant as it bleeds energy.

    F1 cars pull a different type of g anyway, lateral side to side loads… not the kind that pulls blood in your brain or legs.

    Free Member

    Because Christianity is almost as bad, but when those of us who are sane or the media state that – we get patriotic right thinking bellends getting offended who go on to claim that it’s only Christians who are persecuted for their beliefs. It’s not fair to criticise one and not the other.

    Free Member

    Trump hasn’t done or said anything remotely racist

    Hah…. oh wait…. you were being serious…. let me laugh even harder….


    Free Member

    Trump will sign a trade deal with the the UK as that’s good business and a few Tweets aren’t going to change that


    Free Member

    I’m going to go ahead and get an obligatory “That escalated quickly” and “I have no useful contribution to make” – before this thread inevitably goes full hilarious.

    EDIT: It would seem that his forum replaces the full length non abbreviated version of “I B T L” with “I have no useful contribution to make” – HAH! :D

    What is the story behind that?

    Free Member

    So much for them trade agreements. :D

    Free Member

    You were doing so well SaxonRider – going for the rugged outdoorsman look, until the second picture with the trimmed beard and Rapha selfie.

    You disgust me, sir.

    Free Member

    Oh well, the fact that all the pharma companies are shitting themselves and scrambling to setup QC labs in mainland Europe is proving to be a boon to me…. I’m getting some nuts… completely and utterly bonkers money… more than double what I am on now… offers for roles that require me to spend half my time in the eurozone.

    Free Member

    coke and cigarettes.

    Free Member

    She earns well over the amount needed so she is not a burden to the taxpayer….. where as the royal family? Who is footing the bill for the security at the wedding etc?

    And if you do have millions in the bank, you still have to wait 5 years.

    It is nothing but tinpot corruption that sends the wrong message about the rule of law to the rest of us.

    Free Member

    Oakhams got more bases near it…. squaddies aren’t the issue, I just remember getting in a lot more scraps in Stamford than Oakham…. it definitely gets rowdier. Despite how pretty it is, it definitely has or had an edge to it on a Friday or Saturday night.

    Free Member

    I see they are bypassing the immigration and citizenship rulea for Meghan…. that my wife had to abide by.


    Free Member

    I don’t want to derail this well meaning positive thread so I’ll not engage any further.

    It’s not a troll, I’ve had a tour – they are genuinely looking at trying to do it, or at the least reduce the need for GPs. We’re not talking about some automated flow chart – eg NHS 111, but deep machine learning. In 20 to 30 years I think you are going to need to be able to carry out creative research that a bot cannot do, alongside your job in order to be able to survive in medicine.

    But yeah, I don’t want to derail the thread – but it would make quite a good topic for another thread.

    Free Member

    Oakham mate, since I was about 4!

    Free Member

    Docrobster…. a mate of mine is an AI researcher for a company looking to put GPs out of a job…

    I reckon specialising heavily is the way to go….

    Free Member

    Meh, used to work with the head chef of the George… if you are posh enough to go to the horse trials…. stay in Hambleton Hall Hotel instead.

    Free Member

    The grainy used to be my local, go if you fancy a vibe similar to the deep south of the united states. Because the only thing it is missing is the guns and accents….

    This sums up the grainy….

    I still love it though, as I’m a country bumpkin at heart.

    The Nelson is great and the Indian style burger they do is amazeballs…

    I reckon Oakham is a better shout than Stamford for country pubs tbh…. I’d do the Grainy, then the Wheatsheaf and the Nelson for food. Stamford has a nasty edge to it on a night out that Oakham just doesn’t, even with the influx of squaddies.

    I miss the place really…on a brisk December evening the walk between the pubs in between the Church and Oakham Schools chapel and the stocks is really quite beautiful and spooky when you’re smashed.

    Lots of fond memories..

    Free Member

    automation has taken place in other industries where there was a direct job loss but that was more than offset by other job creation

    Not going to happen this time, how many of those taxi drivers are goibg to go on to become coders or technicians.

    Very few, we are rapidly heading to a two tier economy – those on a state wage and those of us who aren’t.

    Free Member

    Last time I looked into it (admittedly over a decade ago) – going and cleaning up shit in nursing homes was what was recommended – as opposed to doing relatively nice and clean experience days in hospitals, as the above poster mentioned – every wannabe applicant does them, still worth having though.

    However, I could easily be remembering that advice incorrectly. But your daughter needs to be able to show real grit as well as academic ability, clinical staff have a tough life.

    Free Member

    No, more seals to go wrong and it’s even more expensive than the PUSH ACS-3. If you’re happy to spend that kind of money on getting the best out of your fork, then the ACS-3 kit would be the best thing you could do for your fork. More so than the FAST damper kit that gives you separate HSC/LSC adjustments. Not only does it reduce friction considerably, improve midstroke support, the spring rate for the ending third of travel is totally independent of your main spring rate – you just can’t do that with tokens – either you get an increased springrate throughout the entire stroke or you drop pressures and reduce midstroke support.

    If you’re going to **** about and spend good money on a fork – just do it properly and go with the PUSH coil kit – it’s going to give you the most instantly noticeable improvement and least amount of buyers remorse considering that and how well made it is.

    Personally, I’d look at running the non oem blue SKF seals and….. if you can in a Lyrik…. overfilling Fox Gold oil in your lowers as well like Porter does with his 36’s, the stuff seems amazing.

    Free Member

    Not worth it unless you have a specific issue in mind that you can rectify with an off the shelf fork, with that said there are plenty of good damper tunes like FAST and Push are currently working on the Lyrik version of the ACS3.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t bother with the Ohlins unless you are going with the RXF 36 coil, they really aren’t as sensitive as Lyriks or 36s – no matter how much you play around with the twin positive air chambers.

    The 2018 36 is awesome even without the PUSH ACS-3 coil, anyone who tells you they are overdamped even when fully open is talking a massive load of steaming bollocks.

    They have masses of chassis stability topped with great sensitivity, when you run the rebound fast they don’t feel bouncey in the deep stroke and stay high up in the travel in the sweet zone over braking bumps.

    Best **** fork I’ve ever owned, I’m in agreement with MBR when they did the Lyrik vs 36 test – in that the RS forks bang through their travel quickly and whilst they feel plusher on individual or initial hits, they stiffen more during repeated square edged hits or braking bumps.

    You should run them as an intermediate rider as well, if given the choice. You may be able to get the Lyriks feeling more open on the first few hits by running them wide open, but the chassis stability of the 36 simply adds more safety. Instead – get fitter and stronger.

    I wouldn’t recommend spending 1400 quid on a fork, but my ACS-3 36’s have a LOT less stiction than my old mans air Lyriks – unless you want to get the most out of a set of 36s that you already own…then go for the coil upgrade. Thus I’d wager an MRP Coil Ribbon would be a good shout, if you want coil but don’t want the expense of a two stage spring (the MRP uses the ramp up of the natural pressure build up found in the stanchions, which isn’t much…doesn’t it – it doesn’t have a seperate closed air spring like the PUSH mod) and the 36 chassis and damper.

    Free Member

    Actually I think shes taking after the Mexicans….

    Free Member

    Marriage visa includes a stipulatiion that neither parties (applicant and sponsor) are allowed recourse to public funds….. :lol:

    Free Member

    So you belong to the “Ironic racist hipster” subclass of racists ninfan?

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