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  • Freight Worse Than Death? Slopestyle on a Train!
  • Tom_W1987
    Free Member

    What Sbob said, I know a lot of people kill themselves over financial reasons. I’d hate to think that anyone on here would do so without asking for help first, eg a place to crash for a bit.

    All the best OP.

    Free Member

    Yes, I know that.

    You shouldn’t really be shooting elk in the USA with. 223 though. The minimum is.. 243 or 6mm.

    .308 seems to be the go to calibre for largish game in the US if you want one gun to cover most uses.

    Free Member


    Europe 0.027 deaths per 100 000 due to terror

    US 10.54 gun deaths per 100 000

    Not even comparable, Yanks really do have their heads in cloud cuckoo land if they are scared of UK terror risk.

    Free Member

    Junkyard, by the time we consider eating meat akin to slavery we will have nuclear holocausted ourselves or robots will be killing us for sports.

    If eating meat is so bad though, shouldn’t we be killing off all predators in the name of reducing suffering over the long term.

    Free Member

    And they have long barrels, weigh 10lb and fire 7.62 and will pretty much make an utter mess of your house and anyone behind a light wall.

    Brilliant idea.

    Whyyyyy. The whole idea is bonkers.

    Free Member

    the reality is we do many things to animals not even the nazis did to humans

    Hitler woz a veggie.

    Makes you think.

    Free Member

    lol wut.

    Would you use a pump action shotgun, glock or an AR15 for hunting elk?

    Or are you going to swing a great big **** deer rifle around in your house, when being burgled?

    Free Member

    Again, if that genuinely worried you – you would be better off just armouring your house.

    Free Member


    Tell people it identifies as a male.

    Free Member

    You said you’d own one if you moved to the states, why not here? The only added excuse stateside is defence.

    Unfortunately the forum doesn’t have karma/prestige points like reddit…that’d be quite fun.

    Free Member

    The idea of being helpless and at the mercy of someone because they have a gun and I don’t does not appeal to me

    O RLY? Jimjam…. above quote begs to differ… you essentially addmited there that you would own a gun for defence.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Why not, but we are talking about ownership for defence…. presumably you’re reason for doing so based on your past posts.

    Owning a firearm for hunting purposes is a totally different ballgame.

    Free Member

    Why would you only own one in the states?

    Free Member

    That’s not a need for protection, it’s for pleasure. I would, but a bolt action – locked away in an armoured guncase… like a civilised person.

    Like you can here.

    Free Member

    I find them more benign than the yanks.

    Free Member

    So with all of your firearms experience you know that there’s almost no way anyone can legally own an AK-47 in the states? In most states they can own generic semi automatic AK lookalike variants but almost no one can legally own a full auto 7.62 AK-47 without extensive FBI and ATF background

    Modifying a trigger group isn’t hard….but I didn’t say full auto did I.

    Free Member

    the rising threat of our Chinese Lizard Overlords.

    Who have yet to engage in anywhere near the same kind of violence towards neighbours that americans have. Even with Tibet.

    But yes, the Chinese are totes evil for wanting to boot out western imperialism from Asia.

    Free Member

    Gang members suspected of 5,000 burglaries arrested in Torrance-led police raids

    Im guessing US buglarys are more violent though….. unless you think thousands dying are worth a decrease in burglary rates.

    Free Member

    Not sure I’d entrust my life to a biometric scanner either lol.

    Free Member

    Depends on how rich you are, like in SA… the big houses in rich areas tend to get hit by organised gangs…. poorer people tend to get hit by roving smackheads…..

    this is stw…. so going with the former scenario

    either way, fortifying your house gives the cops time to show up in scenario 1 and will likely totally deter junkies in scenario 2.

    Free Member

    Not to mention the fact that any intruders in the US are likely to be a wearing kevlar and carrying out robberies in groups. Unless its just a smackhead with a pistol.

    Fancy defending your kids with pistol rounds that don’t go through armour… in the dark…. whilst high calibre rounds tear through the plasterboard into your kids rooms….

    Free Member

    Put it this way Jimjam, if a hardened Mexican criminal broke into your house with an AK47 – I doubt you’d have time to get a shot off. Youd be had, within seconds before you knew what was happening.

    Ontop of that, for the weapon not to pose a greater statistical threat to your children and wife – through accidental discharge or you going wife beatery…. it would have to be locked in a cabinet… unloaded… unopenable unless both you and your wifes key are used.

    If I was living somewhere I needed a gun, Id have steel armoured doors, laminated armoured windows, a panic room and an armoured car.

    I’m saying that, having won a few competitions target shooting and having two snipers in the family.

    Free Member

    I think U.S gun laws are absolutely insane, but if I moved there I would certainly own a gun.

    And do what with it, most people don’t have the stomach to actually use one – and in that time you froze you get shot. It takes months and months of training to desensitise soldiers enough to do it and even some of those will hesitate the first time it gets close and personal. Better to just avoid bad areas.

    Free Member

    It’s just that it’s a different problem and a weak argument for gun control. Indeed many liberals argue for making suicide more accessible not less.

    Total bollocks, from a public health perspective – this is patently untrue.

    Also, “liberals” argue for making suicide easier through the use of doctors for those making objective decisions to end their lives – not emotional ones. Messy suicides usually indicate a lot of anger, using a gun in a suicide is about making a statement not ease of access or use.

    Free Member

    I don’t talk to Americans about gun ownership unless I know them and their gun ownership views well since British views are so far apart from the views of many Americans. The views of gun ownership aren’t going to change so why get het up about it?

    Because they like to pretend that they’re the best country on the planet, when it is demonstrably and objectively untrue.

    And because they’re **** up their smaller neighbour Mexico, by buying drugs off their gangs, then legally sell their own guns back to those gangs who use the money they gained from selling the drugs – those guns then get smuggled back into Mexico which are then used in gang wars that resemble Basra during the height of its shootyness. If Mexico was selling bombs that were killing the same amount of Americans, they’d declare Mexico a pariah state and invade it.

    Free Member

    Easy access, machismo culture, wealth disparity, hyper competitive culture, state sponsored violence (death penalty and wars) encourage population to solve issues with violence… and poor access to mental healthcare.

    Free Member


    I just don’t get, a few thousand die from drug over doses…. declare war on drugs…. tens of thousands die from guns….. lets buy more guns to protect ourselves and tool our police up like special forces…. but no war on guns.

    Boggles my **** mind. It’s a special kind of stupid, that I swear I’ve never seen outside of the US… even with Brexit.

    Free Member

    sweeping generalisations

    I make an exemption for the Americans because of their rampant exceptionalism. Most other countries on the planet recognise their problems, even corrupt narco states – whilst “Dope” perfectly highlights the way in which the Americans take pride in the way they do things – in the behaviour and policies that are undermining their own society.

    And they think that they are the greatest country in the world.

    Free Member

    Watch Dope on netflix to see how truly **** up the US is, its like Mexico. Poverty that looks third world, rampant drug crime and Police Officers who think they are still over in Iraq.

    Free Member

    Like the film, don’t like the film, but stop turning everything into a complaint on society, or how stormtroopers are inherently racist. It’s a film where a talking bin and a wizard are best pals.

    Then don’t make the message so overt and hackneyed in the film in the first place – and then congratulate it for it’s daft attempt at social relevance!

    Free Member

    That’s why I disagree with a lot of them. A lot of those critics are self congratulating white men/women, who seem out of touch with feminism outside of the west.

    It just **** bored me, that’s it. Everything about it was predictably trite Californian Hippy Dippy crap.

    Free Member

    The critics seem to think so…. I’d agree.

    Free Member

    Drac, it’s just that it was a clunky piss poor movie, with a clunky piss poor political message. Had either one of the two aspects been better or genuinely subversive, the movie would have been easier to enjoy. They weren’t and unlike the rather unoriginal TFA, the combination of poor story telling and lazy political tropes amounted to a galling assault on credulity.

    Free Member

    One! And what effect did she have on the primary plotline? None! :D

    Free Member

    Never mind Rose, her sister and the A Wing pilot, eh? Also weren’t there a few women on the First Order bridges?

    All the main characters who influenced the primary plotline were white women, Rose and Finns character felt tokenistic to me.

    If there were female bridge staff with lines, on the first order side… I don’t remember them.

    Free Member

    How did the girl who got dumped by her parents and scraped a living selling scrap become middle-class? Does she have an Audi on PCP that’s still to be revealed?

    Because judging by her accent, she obviously got adopted by poshos and sent to Jaku boarding school. That or they are culturally appropriating working class hardship by having some posho with no idea what it’s like to be a bit working class, play one. :D

    See, Star Wars EP8 is problematic.

    Free Member


    They should have kept it more subtle and upped the intelligence if they didn’t want their points to attract critique.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t be complaining if it wasn’t a supernova of a cliche, that treats it’s audience as if they were mouth breathing imbeciles. Strong female leads great, tokenism and patronising plattitudes from white hollywood hippies that know better than you = irritating.

    Free Member

    It doesn’t grate with me, but then I’m not looking for things to be annoyed about.

    Well it grated with my wife, a 5 foot nothing Filipino female investment banker who earns more than I do and deals white rugby playing types on a daily basis.

    Apparently, feminist and or religious (eg Jedi) women of colour aren’t important. Just secular middle/upper class white women who are going to lead all the other species and races to their emancipation from tyranny. Much like how the likes of Madonna and Angelina see themselves. Whilst Boyega etc got tokenistic roles.

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