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  • Spanish Bikepacking Diary – Day Three Continued
  • tollah
    Free Member

    Sat Riding with phatknacker Stu to a lbs by the sounds of it. Will be a slow ride as Dan is coming! :-0

    Sunday, not riding got family stuff that needs attention.

    Free Member

    Ken, I’ve got a med short Roadrat you can have a go on if you find yourself over these parts again!

    Free Member

    Shoefiti, I’m supposed to be the idiot on this thread so please make sure you get your facts right before quoting something otherwise it makes you look stupid as me.

    Free Member

    I rode all of exept a 6th drop to flatish landing on my old Maverick 7/5. It’s steeper than everything I’ve ridden over here. Just a rough guide the reds in Canada are more like our Blacks. The helidrop is tough but well worth it. If you can tide blacks over here then you’ll have no issues I wouldn’t have thought.

    Free Member

    Dry lubes cost to much.

    Depends where you shop 😳

    Free Member

    Is this still going? Lol

    As far as I see it my missus was nearly charged IMO too much. If everyone else here thinks that’s acceptable then fair enough, I must be tighter than I thought.
    As far as people wishing they had AB as their local shop then use them, they’re great most of the time hence why I didn’t name them and had intention to. They were pointed out albeit not bt name from another unhappy customer which I didn’t confirm. I do know many people that haven’t had such a great service but that’s between them and AB. and for a lbs to discuss private purchase details on a forum is unprofessional even more so when they are wrong!

    Enough said I think. And KOS, food for thought, makes you think that there are certainly more important thing to talk about.

    Happy trails.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    We rode xc type ride most days. We spent 1 day in the bike park which was fun but we both prefer xc type stuff. We also did the float plane trip was by far the best days riding we’ve ever had or likely to have. I then went and dud the heli drop too which was a bit to techy for mrstollah. People think Whistler is all about the DH, where there are miles upon miles of xc Singletrack. You will not regret going with bearback I promise you.

    Free Member

    Myself and my good lady spent 2 weeks in Whistler with Bearback Biking for our honeymoon. I can’t recommend them highly enough. They will sort out the right riding for you and you’ll return home with more skills than you went with.

    Free Member

    They’ve been weakened socthey wont support my lardy arse!

    Free Member

    The waist is about right as the 36is loose. Their legs are slim though. You can return the stuff within 30days for swaps or refund.

    Free Member

    They are quite slim, I’m a 34 waist but have to buy 36 to fit my legs in. I do have chunky legs though.

    Free Member

    I’ve already been burnt down today! You can’t burn me twice in the same day, new forum rules duh!

    Free Member

    I’m happy Ton 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ll be bringing Glenlivet 12yr old and maybe a Balvenie rum cask.
    Thats about all I’ve decided so far oh and maybe gears!

    Free Member

    Poloding along so you knew which shop I was on about then? That’s strange as I use around 10 shops in this area so not to name the shop or to confirm anything was keeping their name safe in my opinion. The owner decided to name and shame his self.
    Giving an hours workshop time for free was appreciated and if the ctc were successful in their claim another £750 would have been spent in the shop, we both lost out there. I have no idea what you’re talking about keeping the workshop open at night? I think……. ah stuff it what’s it got to do with you anyway.

    I’ve since spoken with Ade and things are what they are.
    Thread closed.

    Free Member

    Wow this has got a little out if hand today hadn’t it?

    Just to put a couple of things straight.
    I was never going to mention the shops name in anyway shape or form as ive personally always been looked after. I was just really peeved about my good ladies visit yesterday and was letting off steam as I’m sure this was a one off. And in hindsight was a stupid thing to do.

    Yes the bike was crashed, what that has to do with anything us beyond me. The insurance (ctc) never came to anything anyway. The shifter failed a few months back and I was given a new one by a friend to keep her going over the next few months, her cables needed doing anyway despite the sit change. And just to defend her she did ask for Inners only thus getting a quote for £18 stung a little.
    As far as the other comments about defending the shop these are true but I’ve always been looked after that’s why I’ve defended it.

    Ade I’m sorry and I guess I should have spoken with you first, even though you ride a girls bike 😉

    Free Member

    1 waymarked trail in the FOD and to be fair not really worth the trip down for it. There’s funding for another trail at some point.
    If you want me to show you about one weekend I’m happy to do that however you probably won’t remember anything! And judging by past rides you may get lost!
    Although bestvthingvto do is park at Pedalabikeaway and just follow your nose.

    Free Member

    Doesn’t really matter now as she’s going to pick sone cables up tomorrow for me to fit later in the week.

    Thanks for the feedback ladies and gents, I wasn’t after sympathy just somewhere to rant for a few mins job done and good night!


    Free Member

    Free fitting when you buy new parts the deal is!

    Clubber, sadly yes the owner does know who I am or at least knows several people that do know me LOL

    Free Member

    All she wanted was inners. I would have done it for her if I had the inners at home yesterday when I fitted her new STI. I’m working today she had the day off to go get some miles in. She’s ended up doing no miles now today.

    I’m sorry but theres no way on this earth someone can keep a straight face and ask for £18 to fit two inner cables especially when the fitting should have been free.

    Free Member

    Psling, there are no good trails in the forest you know that!! And if you were to follow a ‘local’ you’ll only get lost anyhow!

    Free Member

    there’s nothing to ride or see in the FOD, move along……


    Free Member

    Big Ted, why are you asking us mere mortials! I thought you were Mr SS? 😉

    Free Member

    PP, maybe but if you pump 650b tyres up you’ll also get bigger wheels?

    Running 2 bikes with 650b and 2 with 26 there is a noticeable difference between the sizes.

    The easy way to understand what size 650b are is they are 27.5inch. Half way between 26 and 29. They handle like a 26er but roll better, just like a 29er but the drawback being we all have to share tyres as there aren’t that many out there. 🙂

    Free Member

    The Fountain Inn at Parkend has a bunkhouse and bnb
    The other end of the scale try Speech House Hotel.

    Free Member

    Indeed you have elf and I am thankful to you both 😉

    Free Member

    Just make sure you don’t play them at pool Michael 😉

    Free Member

    FFS can anyone round this manor start a thread without a bunch of niche mongering wannabes jumping on it and giving their invalid input???


    Free Member

    🙂 @Stu

    Free Member

    Thanks aa, if you want to try a set of 650b wheels I’ve got a couple of pairs! Where are you based?

    Free Member

    Yeah yeah yeah so I’ve spelt Merino wrong, I’m a dumbass!

    Welsh mud isn’t it!

    Thanks Tang.

    Free Member

    TD, hadn’t you better learn to stay on a bike without crashing and denting it before you think about fitness and all that crap?


    Free Member

    If it was only a SS 😉

    Free Member

    My dog prefers Mabie than Glentress as he doesnt like wearing body armour in order to go out and have fun.

    Free Member

    The Spot (HDR)[/url] by sheldonattwood[/url], on Flickr

    IF dusk riding[/url] by sheldonattwood[/url], on Flickr

    The Spork[/url] by sheldonattwood[/url], on Flickr

    Roadrat by sheldonattwood

    BBC Ride down under[/url] by sheldonattwood[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    No beef really, you’re just talking out of your backside as most people on here seem to when they talk about something they clearly know nothing about.

    Free Member

    Yup custom bikes are pointless and Stupid, A little like your post then.

    Free Member

    I lime the spoke mounted patio lamp, that’s a nice touch!

    Free Member

    The Swede isn’t normal no

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