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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • tjmoore
    Full Member

    Any business looks to the maximum audience possible and while Facebook isn’t everything it’s a huge audience.

    Facebook presence is important but so is twitter but that works more as a support option, even if you have to deal with a lot of garbage and abuse. Those companies that use twitter well provide better support through it than via phone and email. Facebook far less so, but a lack of FB presence can be negative.

    Ps IRC is for luddites 😏

    Full Member

    My existing system is Squeezebox based hooked up to my Synology Nas with all my ripped CDs. However the squeezeboxes are dying, it’s a discontinued product and the server stuff is old tech that doesn’t integrate well.

    Was looking at the Echo devices but they can’t stream music direct from a NAS, only via the cloud. As I understand it I can get something set up with Synology and Alexa that will stream to the cloud from my server and back but that’s crazy, plus screwed if the broadband drops. The stuff I looked at said there’s no way of doing local streaming.

    Plex is a similar solution. Your music can run in the cloud. Okay once up there, streams from Plex cloud. Similarly I can shove stuff on One Drive and there are tools to stream from that, but still would prefer local streaming. Other thing with Plex and others is you have to ask Alexa to ask Plex etc to play a track and it might not be too clever about it as it may lack the meta data that Amazon music has.

    Full Member

    Just unbelievable how much you’ve gone through. I’m lost for words. So sorry. 😞

    Full Member

    Just go with Larry. I’m sure he could do a better job than all of them combined.

    Larry the cat

    Full Member

    US would fear a Brit would bring them evil socialist things like the NHS. Can’t have citizens paying taxes that help everyone equally or help the poor. That’s practically communism!

    Full Member

    So, after playing a bit, yeah having to faff with the phone to turn on a light when entering a room even if just to talk to Alexa is a big faff. Likewise returning home etc. I can get an Echo for every room to talk to but that’s a lot more plugs taken up and bit annoying especially in the bathroom and still don’t like talking to the things.

    So, motion sensors in every room I think, plus a door sensor when entering the front door (and can be used for security also). Power is still an issue though unless these can run off battery. Especially hallway and door as there are no power sockets at all.

    p.s. IFTTT needs paying for to make proper use of it? The applets provided are okay but not always quite what I want, but creating my own it says I’ve only got 3 I can create. Or this is where I go with Home Assistant? I’ve got a Synology NAS which I think I can run it on, or some Pi’s.

    Though I’ve found Alexa routines are fairly good for stringing together actions. Just doesn’t have much of the ‘if this, then that’ logic.

    Like ideal would be, motion sensor on entering a room but only turn the light on if it’s dark enough. Light sensor needed as well (sunset isn’t enough as it can still be light enough, or on a dull day it’s dark middle of the day, like today!). Light sensor in each room even? !! Getting silly now 😄

    Full Member

    Just been dipping my feet into this stuff. Wasn’t keen on having loads of WiFi stuff but that’s what the majority of the stuff is and it’s easy to use.

    Went with Tp-link Kasa smart plugs for non-smart uplighters and a few Kasa smart bulbs for other rooms, mainly hallways to run on schedule.

    Key thing to look for with WiFi are those that run on the local network without Internet, even if they don’t use a hub. The Internet stuff comes in if you’re using Alexa and other cloud services, but can still have schedules running and I think use the app even with Internet or cloud services down.

    The next step I’m working on. I can turn stuff on/off with Alexa but I’m not keen on talking to gadgets. No Echo, I just use my phone or Fire TV remote to talk to it. Discovered neat thing that turning on the Fire TV turns on my TV and AV amp automatically (Fire TV is hooked to the amp which goes into the TV). Though if I tell Alexa to turn on living room lights it keeps turning on the TV.

    What I want though is lights coming on when I walk into a room, if it’s dark enough. Turn off if not in the room for a while. Turn stuff off leaving the house but ideally stick some lights onto a schedule or random actions while out, plus set the heating down (I have Hive for heating). Also nice would be turn light on low when it’s getting dark and increase to full brightness when proper dark.

    Went for the Kasa version of Tp-link as it supports IFTTT whereas the new Tapo ones they’ve released use a different app and doesn’t support it. I’ve not worked out how best to use IFTTT though.

    Unsure on kitchen. G10 spots and not doing all of those with WiFi versions so maybe get a smart switch. Non-smart under counter led units at the moment and could just put smart switches on them or could replace with smart led strips that come in a roll. They can have loads of colour control.

    Just playing about to see what I can do with it all though. It needs a change in behaviour to not want to turn lights on/off with a switch and a bit more smart to not need to tell Alexa or whatever to do likewise, which is the bit I’m working on.

    Full Member

    Pasta. So much can be done with pasta, and it usually involves a bottle of red wine which is really the important thing. In fact, stuff the pasta, just wine.

    Full Member

    not saying I support or disagree with this view

    In Twitter world on the particular issue referred to, having a view is hate, not having a view and not having expressed a view is hate. Having the wrong view is definitely hate, even if it’s based in facts not opinion.

    It’s unbelievable the amount of bullying and pile on on twitter and the cancel culture involved. It’s a very toxic platform. It spills out into the real world though and organisations and individuals side with whatever isn’t going to get them a load of abuse.

    Full Member

    Doctor / dentist / hospitals etc bug me because you have to register with full name or that’s what’s on the medical record, so they use that when they call you. Feel like I’m being summoned into court, or the heads office at school.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    “Language Timothy” put an end to the long names, so Tim it is.

    “There are some who call me, Tim”

    Full Member

    +1 Highlander 2

    There are others technically worse but they’re so bad they’re kind of fun. Highlander 2 was nearest I came to walking out of a cinema and really wish I had.

    Full Member

    Quit Strava or stop following roadies or any fair weather rider that lives in a wet country so is likely to be in the garage all the time 😄

    Covid seems to have brought out a lot more, even though there’s a huge increase of people riding outside. Maybe it’s all those who are self isolating.

    Full Member

    A keen Tory cyclist

    Full Member

    Problem with England is so much is off limits. Large chunks of woodlands on steep hills and fenced off as part of a big estate. Fair amount like that in Devon outside of Dartmoor. When I moved to Surrey I was quite surprised how much is accessible.

    Getting bike parks and trail centres built though requires a lot of work and land owner willing to open up the land, and then is it open to general public or private park. Easier maybe where there is already public access but then you’ve got the battle with walking groups and conservationists.

    Full Member

    Swinley ?

    Martins Heron station, hire bikes at the Hub.

    Though half an hour or so walk maybe. There’s a fair number of places accessible by train but easier if you’re taking a bike with you.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    after Yettington got destroyed

    The DH and jump spot back end of Woodbury? How much destroyed and when did it happen? I don’t get down that way much and last there Christmas 2018. I’d heard at the time stuff had gone but was still bits and various trails about. Or had it been built up more since then and that’s gone now?

    Probably doesn’t help there’s a pin on Google Maps for it with photos.

    Full Member

    My annual insurance might cover it

    Replying to myself… no it won’t. Like most insurance companies, it’s classified as a known event now so that makes any claim due to Covid-19 invalid for bookings made after they classified it that way (back in March 2020).

    I doubt I can, but thinking I’ll cancel the insurance if I can because it’s going to be of no use as can’t risk booking a trip possibly for the next year.

    Anyway, be bloody grateful that you are in a position to afford a holiday that might need some insurance. Because hundreds and thousands of people won’t be so lucky when the economic impact of all this kicks in properly.

    It’s not all about holidays. I have a potential family trip related to loss of a relation abroad and parents haven’t been able to get out there. Bad enough they are struggling to get insurance due to a medical condition and worse Covid-19 risk blocks them from travel anyway, but even if I could help out as I’d hoped for, I wouldn’t be able to get insurance either, or at least risk losing all the money on bookings.

    Full Member

    Tricky now. Trying to plan ski trip next year but there’s a high risk things could go wrong if there’s a second wave or whatever. My annual insurance might cover it but renewal in in Feb so have to go before then as renewal certainly won’t.

    Not sure it’s worth the risk going anyway, especially as want to do US and things are just getting worse there.

    Full Member

    lots of great new benefits like volcano cover (I shit you not)

    Full Member

    Pissheads on a mega binge, Spoons and racists, add to that E-scooters legit so drunk pub crawls on scooters and carnage resulting.

    Yeah, no thanks.

    Full Member

    Long time ago, about £100 I think. However it was very easy and didn’t involve replacing locks. Gadget through letterbox with mirrors and pull the handle from inside.

    Somewhat shocked and I got myself a new door with a lot better security as a result!

    Full Member

    The big gel saddle doesn’t help anyone really. An ordinary saddle may be all you need.

    Though question is why he’s falling off so much on straight paths. Even with a rubbish saddle that doesn’t seem right.

    Full Member

    I’ve got the cheap type like these. Not sure I got them from Halfords. Might have come out of a Christmas cracker they’re so cheap feeling 😄

    They are seemingly cheap quality, but they work. The only issue is the interchangeable bits are a bit wobbly if used at the wrong angle. However it’s very useful to have the different bits as circlips vary or the access to them does. That would be my advice, to look for ones with many options even if they’re more pricey ones. The bent over ends for example won’t fit into some spaces (circlips in a Reverb or fork for example) and you need straight ends. External circlips are backwards and need opposite direction pliers.

    Full Member

    At some point HS2 will be found to be missing the key element of passengers. Those willing to pay the premium for a slightly quicker journey.

    Full Member

    It’s usually the plunger in the lever. This is an issue on earlier models of Guide and I guess same with Level.

    SRAM have fixed this but you need either the new model lever or get the updated service kit.

    OR, DIY option is to file down the plastic plunger (videos on YouTube for this) or get the alloy replacements. It’s such a common issue the Chinese have been knocking up loads of these.

    Pulling apart and reassembling the lever is the main tricky bit. I don’t know about Level brakes, but Guide has two types, RSC and the rest. The RSC needs a special tool to set the adjuster, although you can bodge it like I did.

    Full Member

    You can just go to Surrey Hills for free. Many are convinced it’s the British Whistler. Self entitlement, spade and a pimped up van required though.

    Full Member

    Street party that turned on the Police when they tried to break it up. Not seeing any burning, looting or attacks other than on the Police, or anyone trying to claim any political purpose to it?

    It’s been enough for Farage to stir up the racists on twitter without any evidence of who was involved or how it started. Just Brixton, riots, therefore must be dirty foreigners. Calls from his followers for army to get involved, deportation etc.

    Meanwhile, why isn’t he in quarantine after bogging off to his best mate in US? He’s at the seaside again looking at dinghies.

    Full Member

    Similar maybe or not, but then could be anything. Got non specific bowel grumbles, trapped wind, bloating, groin aches, shifts about, goes away for weeks or months, comes back. Various aches on all kinds of places. The bloating in particular is getting really uncomfortable, but then I’m not sure it’s just I’ve got a fat belly and it’s normal to feel discomfort.

    Passing wind, bowel movements etc are fine (no blockage) and feel better briefly. Eating and feel better.

    Bike rides and feel loads better though. Been getting worse recently and I’m feeling the work from home in current situation meaning I’m less active at home maybe is connected.

    I’ve read about digestive system not being able to cope with certain stuff after mid 40s. What I don’t know. I’ve tried cutting down wheat, dairy and even fibre (good in some ways but could contribute to the gas), but no difference. I’ve not done full stop on something for a long period though.

    General aches and fatigue make me think of other things. Bit of back or side ache at times but can be leg ache. Even wonder about Lyme disease given the amount I’ve been in undergrowth where ticks are common, friends get them often, but never noticed a tick. Plenty of bite marks from don’t know what.

    Some years back had a general check of bloods etc. Usual no word back and calling them they said they don’t say anything unless there’s a concern. Though I do now have access to my records and the results but no idea what they mean.

    Other thing is back when we could go on holiday, times I’ve been away I’ve felt better. Different activities, diet perhaps. Less anxiety even.

    Is this just how it is after a certain age, no idea? 🤷‍♂️

    Full Member

    If it wasn’t for this situation a big social ride may be in order. Not a solution but a break from things.

    Full Member

    Soylent Green is People
    Bacon is Pigs


    Full Member

    Space X

    New stuff is interesting and is going over UK following the ISS. However I’m conflicted with Space X stuff as I can’t stand Musk.

    Full Member

    One thing as I understand it from SARS-CoV-2, the actual virus that causes Covid-19 (the condition), is it’s not a true airborne virus. In the air it is spread by water droplets and these fall to the ground rapidly. Hence the distance and that’s to cover coughs and sneezes. Just being in the airstream of someone in front breathing doesn’t mean you’re exposed to water droplets containing the virus, not in sufficient quantities at least. Stood next to them chatting with spit and saliva coming out of their mouth for a few minutes and yes the risk is greatly increased.

    Outdoors, sunlight, fresh air, can disperse and break up the virus as I understand it. In virus particle form it’s quite vulnerable. The problem is once it hooks onto cells on the body.

    Combine the outdoors risk with knowing who your riding buddies are and their activities. People you know who have basically been self isolating and solo riding for weeks. Chance of them being infected and actually infectious at the point of a ride is very low. Okay maybe they went to a shop the day before so risk there but still low chance with precautions.

    If schools go back I’d be very wary about riding with anyone with kids though. Also those going back into offices. Schools and offices I still believe are the prime spread environments even if not everyone in them shows symptoms. That and airports and planes.

    Of course if we could have an on demand test before a ride then we’d be clear to ride no worries. I’d be happy to pay for a test per ride if it wasn’t stupid money.

    Full Member

    No one else gives a shit now, walkers, families, etc.

    I may bend the rules now but still very small group and we’ve all been self isolating or solo riding for months and don’t come into contact with others. We don’t interact with others on rides, although have to make some effort to avoid other people walking who don’t care.

    Common sense used. CumGate has told us we can just apply our own logic and common sense apparently and should have all along.

    Full Member

    I would train to be an expert; gov needs lots of them.

    Don’t know about government but a TV news channel expert is fairly simple. Just need a web cam and suitable professorial office type background and waffle on about any old crap, and you’re an expert.

    I think government experts might be similar though.

    Full Member

    Both iOS and Android have defaulted to encrypted storage on the device for ages, haven’t they?

    For Android some low end devices lack the hardware and power to do encryption other than in software so some manufacturers disable it out of the box. Especially ones a few years old.

    There are also still 4.4 devices out there. Particularly used by old folk or as hand-me-downs to kids. Though likely the app won’t run on them anyway.

    Full Member

    Babymaker today. Rubbish truck brought in to keep clearing it.

    Babymaker Rubbish

    Full Member

    for many of us it is the segments that make strava, this is what other platforms don’t have,

    Garmin Connect does, as does Trailforks (and is better focused to mtb plus has management of segments, dealing with sensitive tasks etc).

    It’s users that make it. Strava has a huge amount. Garmin, while loads use the devices, few bother with Garmin Connect particularly creating segments and adding friends, but it’s all there. Trailforks has ride tracking and can sync from other services, and obviously the segments from the trails on there. Very few user it. Though their site needs a lot of work.

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